Daftar Ulang Mahasiswa Baru Jalur IUP Periode 1 & SNBP 2025
Sudah keterima jangan terlewat daftar ulang mahasiswa baru ya ☺️
Jika ada pertanyaan terkait informasi daftar ulang bisa langsung diskusi di kolom komentar, berikan ❤️ jika pertanyaan serupa atau reply komen di pertanyaan yg sama supaya menjadi prioritas kami untuk menjawab.
Informasi layanan akademik dapat melalui layanan whatsapp pada nomor 0811-210-1920
Atau bisa melalui ITB Information Center di Kampus Ganesa
You’ve been accepted, so don’t forget to register as a new student! ☺️
If you have any questions about the registration process, feel free to discuss them in the comments. Give a ❤️ if you have a similar question, or reply to the same comment so we can prioritize answering it.
You can get info about academic services on WhatsApp at 0811-210-1920.
Or, you can visit ITB Information Center at the Ganesa Campus!