Kelompok Keahlian | KK Rekayasa Katalisis dan Sistem Pemroses |
Sekolah/Fakultas | Fakultas Teknologi Industri |
Jabatan Fungsional | LEKTOR KEPALA |
- S1
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S3
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S3
Rijks Universiteit, Groningen – Belanda
- Google Scholar
- h-index : 17
- i10-index : 24
- Scopus
- h-index : 14
- Sinta
- SINTA Score Overall : 2.430
- SINTA Score 3 Years : 294
Jasa Studi Penelitian Pengembangan Proses Produksi Metanol pada Suhu dan Tekanan Rendah dari Gas Sintesa (2020)
Kerjasama Swakelola Pengadaan Jasa Konsultan Penyusunan Master Plan Politeknik Energi Dan Pertambangan (Pep) Akamigas Prabumulih (Arsitektur Dan Laboratorium) (2019)
Pengembangan Lanjut Teknologi Produksi Bio-Aromatik dan Bio-Btx Berbahan Mentah Tandan Kosong Sawit (2018)
Research and development activity on CCS in Indonesia (2017)
Pengembangan Teknologi Produksi Bio-Aromatik dan Bio-BTX Berbahan Mentah Tandan Kosong Sawit (2016)
Kajian Teknologi Penangkapan CO2 (Carbon Capture) pada Operasi Pembangkit Listrik Berbahan Bakar Fosil (2015)
Penentuan CO2-Storage dan Pengembangan Metode Geofisika Terpadu untuk Monitoring Injeksi CO2 di Lapangan Gundih, Jawa Tengah (2015)
Pengembangan Proses dan Produksi Biomaterial dari TKS untuk Bahan Pembungkus yang Ramah Lingkungan (2015)
Pengembangan Teknologi Produksi Minyak Mentah Nabati Pirolisis (Bio-Crude Oil) Berbahan Baku Biomassa Tandan Kosong dan Pelepah Sawit (2015)
Pengembangan Proses Konversi Kimia Katalitik TKS Menjadi Platform Chemical dan Konversinya Menjadi Biodegradable Plastic (2014)
Produksi Bio-butanol dari Glukosa sebagai Bahan Bakar Nabati Alternatif yang Terbarukan dengan Menggunakan Bioreaktor Fedbatch (2014)
Pengembangan Proses Konversi Katalitik TKS Menjadi Platform Chemical dan Konversinya Menjadi Biodegradable Plastic (2013)
- Bifunctional NiMo/HY-γ-Al2O3 catalysts for an effective production of ultra-low sulfur diesel
Carolus B Rasrendra, Ellen G Maulidanti, Sarah EP Darlismawantyani, Nadya Nurdini, Wawan Rustyawan, Grandprix TM KadjaCase Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering 8, 100427 (2023)
- Low-temperature synthesis of three-pore system hierarchical ZSM-5 zeolite for converting palm oil to high octane green gasoline
GTM Kadja, NJ Azhari, F Apriadi, TH Novita, IR Safira, CB RasrendraMicroporous and Mesoporous Materials 360, 112731 (2023)
- Palm-oil transformation into green and clean biofuels: Recent advances in the zeolite-based catalytic technologies
Melia L Gunawan, Tria H Novita, Faisal Aprialdi, Deaul Aulia, Arxhel SF Nanda, Carolus B Rasrendra, Zaqiyah Addarojah, Didin Mujahidin, Grandprix TM KadjaBioresource Technology Reports, 101546 (2023)
- Glycerol valorization for the generation of acrylic acid via oxidehydration over nanoporous catalyst: Current status and the way forward
CB Rasrendra, NTU Culsum, A Rafiani, GTM KadjaBioresource Technology Reports, 101533 (2023)
- Nanocasting nanoporous nickel oxides from mesoporous silicas and their comparative catalytic applications for the reduction of p-nitrophenol
D Erika, S Mardiana, CB Rasrendra, M Khalil, GTM KadjaChemical Physics Letters, 139809 (2022)
- Recent advances on the nanoporous catalysts for the generation of renewable fuels
Grandprix TM Kadja, Moh Mualliful Ilmi, Noerma J Azhari, Munawar Khalil, Adroid TN Fajar, IGBN Makertihartha, Melia L Gunawan, Carolus B Rasrendra, IG Wenten.Journal of Materials Research and Technology (2022)
- Chemicals component yield prediction and kinetic parameters determination of oil palm shell pyrolysis through volatile state approach and experimental study
Pandit Hernowo, Soen Steven, Elvi Restiawaty, Anton Irawan, Carolus Borromeus Rasrendra, Septhian Marno, Yana Meliana, Yazid Bindar.Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 161, 105399 (2022)
- Volatile State Mathematical Models for Predicting Components in Biomass Pyrolysis Products.
Pandit Hernowo, Carolus B Rasrendra, Yogi W Budhi, Jenny Rizkiana, Anton Irawan, Septhian Marno, Yana Meliana, Oki Muraza, Yazid BindarJournal of Engineering & Technological Sciences 54 (1) (2022)
- Thermodynamics simulation performance of rice husk combustion with a realistic decomposition approach on the devolatilization stage
Soen Steven, Pandit Hernowo, Elvi Restiawaty, Anton Irawan, Carolus Borromeus Rasrendra, Abrar Riza, Yazid BindarWaste and Biomass Valorization, 1-13 (2022)
- Catalytic Process Development of Bio-BTX from Lignocellulose Derived Product: Preliminary Study Using Transition Metal Catalysts
HP Winoto, CB Rasrendra, J Rizkiana, JK Leo, A CitawijayaIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1143 (1), 012021 (2021)
- Proses Fraksionasi Biomassa dari Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit melalui Metode Organosolv Etanol dengan Penambahan Katalis
HA Darojati, R Purwadi, CB RasrendraJurnal Selulosa 10 (02), 73-80 (2020)
- Synergistic effect of dealumination and ceria impregnation to the catalytic properties of MOR zeolite
ATN Fajar, FA Nurdin, RR Mukti, CB Rasrendra, GTM KadjaMaterials Today Chemistry 17, 100313 (2020)
- Bio-hydrocarbon Production from Sorbitol using FeI2 to accelerate HI regeneration reaction
R Krisnayana, CB Rasrendra, TH SoerawidjajaIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 778 (1), 012049 (2020)
- A Systematic Study on the Utilization of Inorganic Salts as Catalyst for the Conversion of Xylose to Furfural
JNM Soetedjo, CB Rasrendra, HJ HeeresIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 742 (1), 012049 (2020)
- Soetedjo J.N.M., Rasrendra C.B., Heeres H.J.
A Systematic Study on the Utilization of Inorganic Salts as Catalyst for the Conversion of Xylose to(2020) - Krisnayana R., Subagjo, Rasrendra C.B., Hernas Soerawidjaja T.
Bio-hydrocarbon Production from Sorbitol using FeI2 to accelerate HI regeneration reactio(2020) - Adisasmito S., Rasrendra C.B., Alfadhli M.Q., Al Ghifary M.F.
Hydrogen sulfide separation from biogas using laterite soil adsorbent(2020) - Synergistic effect of dealumination and ceria impregnation to the catalytic properties of MOR zeolit(2020)
- Conversion of levoglucosan to glucose using an acidic heterogeneous Amberlyst 16 catalyst: Kinetics and packed bed measurements
RM Abdilla-Santes, CB Rasrendra, JGM Winkelman, HJ HeeresChemical Engineering Research and Design 152, 193-200 (2019)
- Hydrothermal treatment, pelletization and characterization of oil palm empty fruit bunches as solid fuel
Y Ahda, T Prakoso, CB Rasrendra, H SusantoIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 543 (1), 012061 (2019)
- Ana Kemala Putri Jauhari
CB Rasrendra, Y Calimanto, GG GumilarUniversitas
- Krisnayana R., Rasrendra C.B., Subagjo, Soerawidjaja T.H.
Bio-hydrocarbon production from sorbitol(2019) - Abdilla-Santes R.M., Rasrendra C.B., Winkelman J.G.M., Heeres H.J.
Conversion of levoglucosan to glucose using an acidic heterogeneous Amberlyst 16 catalyst: Kinetics (2019) - Ahda Y., Prakoso T., Rasrendra C.B., Susanto H.
Hydrothermal treatment, pelletization and characterization of oil palm empty fruit bunches as solid (2019) - Anaerobic reactor for Indonesian tofu wastewater treatment(2018)
- Adisasmito S., Rasrendra C.B., Chandra H., Gunartono M.A.
Anaerobic reactor for Indonesian tofu wastewater treatment(2018) - Sasongko D., Rasrendra C.B., Indarto A.
Fragmentation model of coal devolatilisation in fluidised bed combustion(2018) - Abdilla R.M., Rasrendra C.B., Heeres H.J.
Kinetic Studies on the Conversion of Levoglucosan to Glucose in Water Using Brnsted Acids as the C(2018) - Puspita Aini A., Lee H.W., Parningotan Sitompul J., Rasrendra C.B.
Production of Lactic Acid from Empty Fruit Bunch of Palm Oil Using Catalyst of Barium Hydroxide(2018) - Sasongko D., Nugraha N.B., Rasrendra C.B., Indarto A.
Simulation of temperature and reaction time prediction of the torrefaction process: case of hard-woo(2018) - Rasrendra C.B., Luthfi M., Asriani V., Rizkiana J., Kariem M.A., Sasongko D.
The Effect of Metal Loading and Alkaline Treatment on the Zeolites Toward Catalytic Pyrolysis of -(2018) - Tan-Soetedjo J.N.M., Van De Bovenkamp H.H., Abdilla R.M., Rasrendra C.B., Van Ginkel J., Heeres H.J.
Experimental and Kinetic Modeling Studies on the Conversion of Sucrose to Levulinic Acid and 5-Hydro(2017) - Fachri B.A., Abdilla R.M., Rasrendra C.B., Heeres H.J.
Experimental and modeling studies on the acid-catalyzed conversion of inulin to 5-hydroxymethylfurfu(2016) - Abduh M.Y., Rasrendra C.B., Subroto E., Manurung R., Heeres H.J.
Experimental and modelling studies on the solvent assisted hydraulic pressing of dehulled rubber see(2016) - Piskun A.S., van de Bovenkamp H.H., Rasrendra C.B., Winkelman J.G.M., Heeres H.J.
Kinetic modeling of levulinic acid hydrogenation to -valerolactone in water using a carbon support(2016) - Sasongko D., Arifpin N.Y., Rasrendra C.B., Indarto A.
Numerical simulation of coal pyrolysis with Tar and Gas products prediction(2016) - Fachri B.A., Abdilla R.M., Bovenkamp H.H.V.D., Rasrendra C.B., Heeres H.J.
Experimental and Kinetic Modeling Studies on the Sulfuric Acid Catalyzed Conversion of d -Fructose t(2015) - Fachri B.A., Rasrendra C.B., Heeres H.J.
Experimental and modeling studies on the conversion of inulin to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural using metal(2015) - Daniel L., Rasrendra C.B., Kloekhorst A., Broekhuis A.A., Manurung R., Heeres H.J.
Application of metal triflate catalysts for the trans-esterification of Jatropha curcas L. oil with (2014) - Rasrendra C.B., Windt M., Wang Y., Adisasmito S., Makertihartha I.G.B.N., Van Eck E.R.H., Meier D., Heeres H.J.
Experimental studies on the pyrolysis of humins from the acid-catalysed dehydration of C6-sugars(2013) - Formation, molecular structure, and morphology of humins in biomass conversion: Influence of feedsto(2013) Van Putten R.-J., Van Der Waal J.C., De Jong E., Rasrendra C.B., Heeres H.J., De Vries J.G.
Hydroxymethylfurfural, a versatile platform chemical made from renewable resources(2013) - Rasrendra C.B., Soetedjo J.N.M., Makertihartha I.G.B.N., Adisasmito S., Heeres H.J.
The catalytic conversion of D-glucose to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in DMSO using metal salts(2012) - Rasrendra C.B., Fachri B.A., Makertihartha I.G.B.N., Adisasmito S., Heeres H.J.
Catalytic conversion of dihydroxyacetone to lactic acid using metal salts in water(2011) - Recovery of acetic acid from an aqueous pyrolysis oil phase by reactive extraction using tri-n-octyl(2011)
- Rasrendra C.B., Makertihartha I.G.B.N., Adisasmito S., Heeres H.J.
Green chemicals from D-glucose: Systematic studies on catalytic effects of inorganic salts on the ch(2010) - Catalytic hydrotreatment of fast pyrolysis oil: Model studies on reaction pathways for the carbohydr(2009)
- Combined dehydration/(transfer)-hydrogenation of C6-sugars (D-glucose and D-fructose) to -valerola(2009)
Alat Uji Produksi dan Analisa Pirolisis Biomassa Gravimetri Termal (AUPA-PBGT)
Rekayasa Transportasi & Energi
Rekayasa Transportasi & Energi
PATENT , Pemeriksaan Formalitas oleh DJKI (2021)