Kelompok Keahlian | KK Sistem Manufaktur |
Sekolah/Fakultas | Fakultas Teknologi Industri |
Jabatan Fungsional | GURU BESAR |
- S1
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S2
Keio University, Tokyo – Jepang
- S3
University of Twente, Enchede – Belanda
- Google Scholar
- h-index : 12
- i10-index : 14
- Scopus
- h-index : 6
- Sinta
- SINTA Score Overall : 683
- SINTA Score 3 Years : 58
Development of Generalized Technology Transfer Model and Its Application and Verification to Indonesia (2017)
Penyelenggaraan Program Pendidikan Magister Teknik dan Manajemen Industri Jalur pilihan Sistem Manufaktur konsentrasi Rekayasa Kualitas dan Standardisasi Bagi Pegawai Kementrian Perindustrian (2017)
Kegiatan Swakelola Enterprise Architecture (EA), Enterprise PSC Data Architecture And Integration Berbasis Sevice Oriented Architecture (SOA) (2016)
Pengembangan Framework Pengelolaan Offshore IT Outsourcing (The Development of Framework for Offshore IT Outsourcing Governance) (2016)
Penyelenggaraan Program Pendidikan Magister Teknik dan Manajemen Industri Jalur PIlihan SIstem Manufaktur Konsentrasi Rekayasa Kualitas dan Standardisasi Bagi Pegawai Kementerian Perindusterian (2016)
Penyelenggaraan Program Pendidikan Magister Teknik dan Manajemen Industri Jalur PIlihan SIstem Manufaktur Konsentrasi Rekayasa Kualitas dan Standardisasi Bagi Pegawai Kementerian Perindusterian (2016)
Penyelenggaraan Program Pendidikan Magister Teknik dan Manajemen Industri Jalur pilihan Sistem Manufaktur konsentrasi Rekayasa Kualitas dan Standardisasi Bagi Pegawai Kementrian Perindustrian (2016)
Kolaborasi Tahap Rekayasa Manufaktur IKM (2015)
Pemberian Bantuan Dana Riset Mobil Listrik Nasional (2014)
Kajian Rencana Program Akademik dalam rangka Pendidikan Institut Teknologi di Sumatera (2011)
Materi Program Pelatihan (2011)
Pemberian Subsidi Dana Bantuan Langsung (Blockgrant) Pilot Project Program Penyelarasan Pendidikan dengan Dunia Kerja Tahun 2011 (2011)
Penyelenggaraan Program Hibah Kerja Sama Internasional Double Degree (Gelar Ganda) Institut Teknologi Bandung (2011)
Program Toyota Eco Youth 6 (2011)
Bantuan Penyelenggaraan Tracer Study dan Survei Kepuasan Pengguna (2010)
- Perbaikan Kualitas Baterai pada Line Assembly dengan Metodologi DMAIC
FM Hasby, D Irianto, A LavinioProsiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Industri 1, 235-242 (2023)
- Usulan Sistem Penilaian Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK) dalam Menunjang Penilaian Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan (CPL) Program Studi
M Akbar, D IriantoProsiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Industri 1, 974-984 (2023)
- Six Sigma Application on Software Improvement Process Check for updates
TAR Amalia, MM Isnaini, D IriantoProceedings of the 6th Asia Pacific Conference on Manufacturing Systems and … (2022)
- Binary coding enumeration for multi-dimensional problem in sculptured dies cavity roughing optimization
I Widaningsih, A Ma'ruf, S Suprayogi, D IriantoAIP Conference Proceedings 2485 (1) (2023)
- Karla: A Simple and Affordable 3-D Printed Body-Powered Prosthetic Hand with Versatile Gripping Technology
A Satriawan, W Trusaji, D Irianto, I Anshori, C Setianingsih, E Nurtriandari, ...Designs 7 (2), 37 (2023)
- Genetic Algorithm For Multi-Objective Optimization in Sculptured Dies-Cavity Roughing
I Widaningsih, S Suprayogi, A Ma’ruf, D IriantoProceeding of International Conference on Sustainable Engineering and …(2022)
- Cost Minimization Model for Raw Materials Procurement Planning at an Indonesian Aluminium Producer
A Hutami, P Ajidarma, D IriantoProceedings of the International Manufacturing Engineering Conference & The … (2022)
- Six Sigma Application on Software Improvement Process
TAR Amalia, MM Isnaini, D IriantoProceedings of the International Manufacturing Engineering Conference & The … (2022)
- Design of Halal Traceability System Model for Edge Sewing Rectangular Veil Products at PT. YKI and PT. KPS Bandung
GR Wardiani, MM Isnaini, D IriantoProceedings of the International Manufacturing Engineering Conference & TheAsia Pacific Conference on Manufacturing SystemsHalaman 139-149
- Design Process of Whippletree-Like Mechanism for Versatile Gripping in Arm Prosthesis
W Trusaji, D Irianto, A Satriawan, C Setianingsih, E Nurtriandari, ...Proceedings of the International Manufacturing Engineering Conference & The … (2022)
- Co-evolution Theory-Based Collaborative Conceptual-Embodiment CAD System
FM Hasby, D IriantoIntelligent Engineering and Management for Industry 4.0, 169-179 (2022)
- Sustainability-Oriented Open Innovation: A Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Perspective
A Kurniawati, I Sunaryo, II Wiratmadja, D IriantoJournal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity 8 (2), 69 (2022)
- Co-evolution Theory-Based Collaborative Conceptual-Embodiment CAD System
FM Hasby, D IriantoIntelligent Engineering and Management for Industry 4.0, 169-179 (2022)
- Parallel Session Schedule
RR ROOM, GBS Assessment, W Trusaji, P Ajidarma, D Irianto, ...Learning 12 (1.00), 87 (2021)
- Optimal Design of a Revised Double Sampling X ̅ Chart Based on Median Run Length
F Rozi, US Pasaribu, U Mukhaiyar, D IriantoJournal of Hunan University Natural Sciences 48 (7) (2021)
- Multi-Objectives Optimization on Cutting Layers and Cutting Tools Selection for Sculptured-Dies Cavity Rough Machining: A State-of-the-Art Review
I Widaningsih, A Ma’ruf, D IriantoInternational Conference on Business and Engineering Management (ICONBEM … (2021)
- Multi-Objectives Optimization on Cutting Layers and Cutting Tools Selection for Sculptured-Dies Cavity Rough Machining: A State-of-the-Art Review
I Widaningsih, A Ma’ruf, D IriantoInternational Conference on Business and Engineering Management (ICONBEM … (2021)
- Rumanti A.A.,Sunaryo I.,Wiratmadja I.I.,Irianto D. "Cleaner production through open innovation in Indonesian batik small and medium enterprises (SME)". (2020)
- Analysis of humanware readiness level for a technology transfer process: Case study in arms manufacturing industry
Apriandi, L., Ajidarma, P., Hasby, F.M., Irianto, D.
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineeringthis link is disabled, 2020, pp. 60–66 (2020) - Six sigma implementation to reduce rejection rate in textile mills
Angelia, Trusaji, W., Aribowo, W., Irianto, D.
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineeringthis link is disabled, 2020, pp. 211–216 (2020) - Measurement of technoware and humanware readiness to fulfill sni 07-2052-2002 in a steel manufacturing company
Tania, V., Ajidarma, P., Isnaini, M.M., Irianto, D.
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineeringthis link is disabled, 2020, pp. 48–53 (2020) - Ajidarma P., Irianto D.
Application of Bayesian Additive Regression Trees to Analyze the Growth of United States Electric Au(2019) - Wibisono Y.Y., Govindaraju R., Irianto D., Sudirman I.
Capabilities in managing offshore it outsourcing challenges and the influence on outsourcing success(2019) - Amaranti R., Govindaraju R., Irianto D.
Green dynamic capability for enhancing green innovations performance in a manufacturing company: A c(2019) - Wibisono Y.Y., Govindaraju R., Irianto D., Sudirman I.
Managing differences, interaction, and partnership quality in global inter-firm relationships: An em(2019) - Rozi F., Pasaribu U.S., Mukhaiyar U., Irianto D.
Modified Double Sampling Control Chart for Monitoring the Coefficient of Variation(2019) - Trusaji W., Rafsanjani M.A.A., Irhamna A.R., Irianto D.
Muslim Ablution Eco Water Tap: From First Design Alpha Prototype to Second Design(2019) - Amaranti R., Irianto D., Govindaraju R.
The Relationship between Absorptive Capacity, Knowledge Sharing Capability, and Green Dynamic Capabi(2019) - Wijaya E.R., Irianto D.
Analysis Influence of Managerial Competence, Technical Competence, and Strategic Competence on Firm (2018) - Trusaji W., Akbar M., Sukoyo, Irianto D.
Bearing Procurement Analysis Method by Total Cost of Ownership Analysis and Reliability Prediction(2018) - Fauzi I., Hasby F.M., Irianto D.
Design of Measurements for Evaluating Readiness of Technoware Components to Meet the Required Standa(2018) - Wijaya A.J., Trusaji W., Akbar M., Ma\'Ruf A., Irianto D.
Improving Quality of Shoe Soles Product using Six Sigma(2018) - Wibisono Y.Y., Govindaraju R., Irianto D., Sudirman I.
Interaction quality and the influence on offshore IT outsourcing success(2018) - Ajidarma P., Rahmadini A., Trusaji W., Irianto D.
ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental management system design in a milk industry(2018) - Trusaji W., Ajidarma P., Irianto D.
SME s Technological readiness to fulfill the tofu product standard (SNI 01-3142-1998)(2018) - Jerusalem M.A., Lin S.-W., Irianto D.
A comprehensive model for process selection by considering offline and online quality control(2016) - Wibisono Y.Y., Govindaraju R., Irianto D., Sudirman I.
A framework for offshore vendor capability development(2016) - Irianto D.
Collaborative Manufacturing for Small-Medium Enterprises(2016) - Putri N.T., Sha\'Ri Mohd Y., Irianto D.
Comparison of Quality Engineering Practices in Malaysian and Indonesian Automotive Related Companies(2016) - Andriani G.P., Akbar M., Irianto D.
Dry Machining Process of Milling Machine using Axiomatic Green Methodology(2016) - Malik A.L., Akbar M., Irianto D.
Improving Quality of Seal Leak Test Product using Six Sigma(2016) - Wibisono Y.W., Govindaraju R., Irianto D., Sudirman I.
Interaction capability, process quality, and outsourcing success: A vendor perspective in offshore I(2016) - Akbar J., Akbar M., Irianto D.
Measurement and Development of Humanware and Technoware Competencies in Order to Meet Pintle Chain P(2016) - Wibisono Y.Y., Govindaraju R., Sudirman I., Irianto D.
The capabilities of offshore information technology vendor(2015) - Rosyidi C.N., Irianto D., Cakravastia A., Toha I.S., Hamada K.
Optimization models for deriving optimum target of key characteristics(2014) - The Delphi hierarchy process-based study of quality engineering in Malaysia and Indonesia automotive(2014)
- Makmoen M., Cakravastia A., Irianto D., Iskandar B.P.
Servicing strategy and preventive maintenance for products sold with one-dimensional warranties(2012) - Irianto D., Juliani A.
A two control limits double sampling control chart by optimizing producer and customer risks(2010) - Mustajib M.I., Irianto D.
An integrated model for process selection and quality improvement in multi-stage processes(2010) - Rosyidi C.N., Irianto D., Toha I.S.
Prioritizing key characteristics(2009) - Irianto D., Shinozaki N.
An optimal double sampling X control chart(1998) - Irianto D.
Loss of society derived from utility and cost function(1998) - Irianto D.
Inspection and correction policies in setting economic product tolerance(1996) - In-process inspection and correction facilities subject to errors(1994)
Energi dan Lingkungan
PATENT , Pemeriksaan Formalitas oleh DJKI (2019) -
Energi dan Lingkungan
PATENT , Pemeriksaan Formalitas oleh DJKI (2019)