Kelompok Keahlian | KK Energi dan Sistem Pemroses Teknik Kimia |
Sekolah/Fakultas | Fakultas Teknologi Industri |
Jabatan Fungsional | GURU BESAR |
- S1
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S2
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S3
The University of New South Wales, New South Wales – Australia
- Google Scholar
- h-index : 7
- i10-index : 4
- Scopus
- h-index : 5
- Sinta
- SINTA Score Overall : 733
- SINTA Score 3 Years : 310
Pegembangan katalis berbasis zeolit untuk pengolahan limbah dengan teknologi ozonasi katalitik (2020)
Pemanfaatan Glycerine Pitch Limbah Industri Oleokimia Menjadi Produk Bernilai Jual Tinggi (2020)
Riset Unggulan 2019 : PPEBT (2019)
Pembuatan Batubara Hibrida Melalui Proses Kotorefaksi Batubara Peringkat Rendah dan Biomassa (2018)
Pengembangan Lanjut Teknologi Produksi Bio-Aromatik dan Bio-Btx Berbahan Mentah Tandan Kosong Sawit (2018)
Pengembangan Teknologi Produksi Bio-Aromatik dan Bio-BTX Berbahan Mentah Tandan Kosong Sawit (2016)
Program Riset Unggulan ITB 2016 Pusat Penelitian Energi Baru dan Terbarukan (2016)
Kajian Pemakaian Batubara Low Rank dan Medium Rank Terhadap Pabrik Boiler Batubara (2015)
Pencairan Batubara dengan Memanfaatkan Kapang Indigenos tahap II : Konsorsium Kapang Terseleksi dengan Mikroba Indigenos Batubara (2012)
Pencairan Batubara dengan Memanfaatkan Kapang Indigenous (2010)
Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Program Magister Teknik dan Manajemen Industri (TMI) bagi Pegawai Departemen Perindustrian untuk Kwartal III & IV (2007)
Penyempurnaan Teknologi Gasifikasi Biomassa sebagai Sumber Energi Alternatif yang Ramah Lingkungan (2007)
- Improvement of borehole and casing assessment of CO2-EOR/CCUS injection and production well candidates in Sukowati Field, Indonesia in a well-based scale
BTH Marbun, D Santoso, WGA Kadir, A Wibowo, P Suardana, H Prabowo, D Susilo, D Sasongko, SZ Sinaga, BA Purbantanu, JM Palilu, R Sule.Energy Reports 7, 1598-1615 (2021)
- Technology advances in phenol removals: Current progress and future perspectives
WH Saputera, AS Putrie, AA Esmailpour, D Sasongko, V Suendo, ...Catalysts 11 (8), 998 (2021)
- Biochar‐based Water Treatment Systems for Clean Water Provision
D Sasongko, D Gunawan, A IndartoHandbook of Assisted and Amendment: Enhanced Sustainable Remediation … (2021)
- Pengaruh Radiasi Microwave dan Perlakuan Asam pada Batubara Peringkat Rendah terhadap Perolehan Biosolubilisasi Menggunakan Neurospora intermedia
NN Solihah, D Sasongko, E RestiawatyJurnal Teknik Kimia Indonesia 19 (1), 13-19 (2021)
- Novel Approach of Biodiesel Production Waste Utilization to Support Circular Economy in Biodiesel Industry
Aghietyas Choirun Az Zahra, Ilya Arina Rusyda, Andini Hizbiyati, Felix Giovani, Nabila Zahara, Bramantha Jiwandaru, David Gunawan, Giovani Andre Halim, Meiti Pratiwi, Astri Nur Istyami, Atmy Verani Rouly Sihombing, Ardiyan Harimawan, Dwiwahju Sasongko, Jenny Rizkiana.IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1143 (1), 012030 (2021)
- Titania Modified Silica from Sugarcane Bagasse Waste for Photocatalytic Wastewater Treatment
WH Saputera, C Egiyawati, AS Putrie, AF Amri, J Rizkiana, D SasongkoIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1143 (1), 012073 (2021)
- Cogasification performance of deashed coal with various biomass
Jenny Rizkiana, Sandy Fajar Maulana, Ghiffary Azka Nur Aulia, Nasywa Kamilah, Reyhan Fitri Ananda, Naafi Fauzan Mahendraputra Sastrohutomo, Edo Muhammad Nashirudin Latif, Winny Wulandari, Dwiwahju SasongkoIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1143 (1), 012026 (2021)
- Biosolubilization of Indonesia’s Subbituminous Coal Using Neurospora intermedia
E Restiawaty, D Sasongko, AF Hala, RFS Fauzan, NN Solihah, ...Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1772 (1), 012020 (2021)
- Photocatalytic Degradation of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) Waste Using BiVO4 Based Catalysts
WH Saputera, AF Amri, RR Mukti, V Suendo, H Devianto, D SasongkoMolecules 26 (20), 6225 (2021)
- Photocatalytic technology for palm oil mill effluent (POME) wastewater treatment: Current progress and future perspective
WH Saputera, AF Amri, R Daiyan, D SasongkoMaterials 14 (11), 2846 (2021)
- The effect of demineralization towards gasification performance of low-rank coal
Jenny Rizkiana, Reyhan Fitri Ananda, Nasywa Kamilah, Ghiffary Azka Nur Aulia, Sandy Fajar Maulana, Aghietyas Choirun Az Zahra, Winny Wulandari, Dwiwahju SasongkoIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 823 (1), 012023
- Effects of coal and biomass types towards the quality of hybrid coal produced via co-torrefaction
J Rizkiana, ACA Zahra, W Wulandari, WH Saputra, R Andrayukti, AM Sianipar, D SasongkoIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 823 (1), 012028 (2020)
- Torrefaction of Rubberwood Waste: The Effects of Particle Size, Temperature & Residence Time.
Winny Wulandari, Nursayyidah Ainun Jahsy, Adrian Hartanto Tandias, Jenny Rizkiana, Inga Shaffira Rubani, Wibawa Hendra Saputera, Dwiwahju SasongkoJournal of Engineering & Technological Sciences 52 (2) (2020)
- Role of defects on TiO₂/SiO₂ composites for boosting photocatalytic water splitting
WH Saputera, J Rizkiana, W Wulandari, D Sasongko (2020)
- Role of defects on TiO 2/SiO 2 composites for boosting photocatalytic water splitting
WH Saputera, J Rizkiana, W Wulandari, D SasongkoRSC Advances 10 (46), 27713-27719 (2020)
- Wulandari W., Paramitha T., Rizkiana J., Sasongko D.
Characterization of Zeolite A from Coal Fly Ash Via Fusion-Hydrothermal Synthesis Method(2019) - Handoko S., Wulandari W., Rizkiana J., Ridha M.A., Prasetyo H.A., Sasongko D.
Effect of Biomass Composition and Co-pyrolysis Retention Time on Reduction of Non-neutral CO2 - Nurdiawati A., Zaini I.N., Amin M., Sasongko D., Aziz M.
Microalgae-based coproduction of ammonia and power employing chemical looping process(2019) - Wulandari W., Sasongko D., Rizkiana J., Anggayana K., Widayat A.H., Zahra A.C.A., Azhari M.A.
Non-isothermal kinetics analysis of various Indonesian coal thermal characteristics for underground (2019) - Nurdiawati A., Zaini I.N., Irhamna A.R., Sasongko D., Aziz M.
Novel configuration of supercritical water gasification and chemical looping for highly-efficient hy(2019) - Paramitha T., Wulandari W., Rizkiana J., Sasongko D.
Performance Evaluation of Coal Fly Ash Based Zeolite A for Heavy Metal Ions Adsorption of Wastewater(2019) - Rizkiana J., Firdausi H.N., Pranata R., Aulia G.A.N., Maulana S.F., Wulandari W., Sasongko D.
Pretreatment of Coal by Acid Leaching As Feedstock Preparation for Co-Gasification with Biomass(2019) - Sasongko D., Rasrendra C.B., Indarto A.
Fragmentation model of coal devolatilisation in fluidised bed combustion(2018) - Rizkiana J., Handoko S., Wulandari W., Ridha M.A., Prasetyo H.A., Sasongko D.
Hybrid coal: Effects of composition and co-pyrolysis retention time in low rank coal and biomass was(2018) - Rizkiana J., Pranata R., Fauzi H.N., Wulandari W., Sasongko D.
Low Rank Coal Pre-treatment to Increase Its Reactivity Towards Gasification with Biomass(2018) - Sasongko D., Nugraha N.B., Rasrendra C.B., Indarto A.
Simulation of temperature and reaction time prediction of the torrefaction process: case of hard-woo(2018) - Rasrendra C.B., Luthfi M., Asriani V., Rizkiana J., Kariem M.A., Sasongko D.
The Effect of Metal Loading and Alkaline Treatment on the Zeolites Toward Catalytic Pyrolysis of -(2018) - Sasongko D., Wulandari W., Rubani I.S., Rusydiansyah R.
Effects of biomass type, blend composition, and co-pyrolysis temperature on hybrid coal quality(2017) - Wulandari W., Sasongko D.
Teaching elective subjects for junior students in chemical engineering: A case for chemistry and tec(2017) - Devianto H., Sasongko D., Sempurna F.I., Nurdin I., Widiatmoko P.
Effect of gas composition produced by gasification, on the performance and durability of molten carb(2016) - Sasongko D., Luthan A.F.H., Wulandari W.
Modified two-step dimethyl ether (DME) synthesis simulation from Indonesian brown coal(2016) - Sasongko D., Arifpin N.Y., Rasrendra C.B., Indarto A.
Numerical simulation of coal pyrolysis with Tar and Gas products prediction(2016) - On the heating rate and volatile yield for coal particles injected into fluidised bed combustors(1998)
- Significant factors affecting devolatilization of fragmenting, non-swelling coals in fluidized bed c(1996)