Kelompok Keahlian | KK Energi dan Teknologi Berkelanjutan |
Sekolah/Fakultas | Fakultas Teknologi Industri |
Jabatan Fungsional | LEKTOR KEPALA |
- S1
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S2
Asian Institute Of Technology, Bangkok – Thailand
- S3
Seoul National University, Seoul – Korea
- Google Scholar
- h-index : 14
- i10-index : 21
- Scopus
- h-index : 12
- Sinta
- SINTA Score Overall : 2.513
- SINTA Score 3 Years : 615
Pengembangan material katalis berbasis ZnO untuk pengolahan limbah palm oil mill effluent (POME) dengan teknologi fotokatalitik (2021)
Pengembangan Material Katalis Berbasis TiO2 untuk Konversi Gas Emisi CO2 menjadi Metanol dengan Teknologi Fotokatalitik (2021)
Pekerjaan Penyusunan KAjian Baku Mutu Air Limbah Industri Baterai Lithium (2020)
Pembuatan dan Karakterisasi Intermediate Temperature-Solid Oxid Fuel Cell (IT-SOFC) Stack Berbahan Bakar Hidrokarbon Ringan (2020)
Pembuatan Purwarupa Superkapasitor dari Limbah Kelapa Sawit (2020)
Pre-Feasibility Study of Fuel Ammonia Utilization In Indonesia (2020)
7th International Conference on Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Technology (2019)
Pendampingan Ahli Teknis Kejadian Tumpahan Minyak Teluk Balikpapan (2019)
International Seminar on Chemical Engineering in conjunction with Seminar Teknik Kimia Soehadi Reksowardojo (STKSR - 2017) (2017)
Perjanjian Kerjasama Penelitian atas Peninjauan Kembali PT. Iwatani Industrial Gas Indonesia (2017)
Pembuatan Nanokarbon Aktif untuk Super Kapasitor dari Limbah Kelapa Sawit (2015)
Riset Pembangunan Indonesia terkait Pengembangan Purwarupa Sistem Penyedia Energi Listrik pada Mobil Listrik Nasional (2014)
- Recent advances in the development of photocatalytic technology for nitrate reduction to ammonia
F Wahyudi, WH Saputera, D Sasongko, H DeviantoCase Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 100478 (2023)
- Tobacco Extract for Inhibition of Carbon Steel Corrosion in H 2 S-contained NaCl Solution.
H Devianto, I Nurdin, P Widiatmoko, D Silvia, C PrakarsaInternational Journal of Technology 14 (5) (2023)
- Parameter study in preparation of nitrogen-rich-activated carbon for supercapacitors' application using multilevel factorial design
H Rustamaji, T Prakoso, H Devianto, P WidiatmokoMaterials Today: Proceedings (2023)
- Facile synthesis of N, S-modified activated carbon from biomass residue for promising supercapacitor electrode applications
H Rustamaji, T Prakoso, H Devianto, P Widiatmoko, KA KurniaBioresource Technology Reports 21, 101301 (2023)
- Microbiologically influenced corrosion of the ST-37 carbon steel tank by Bacillus licheniformis present in biodiesel blends
Yustina M Pusparizkita, Christian Aslan, Wolfgang W Schmahl, Hary Devianto, Ardiyan Harimawan, Tjandra Setiadi, Yan Jer Ng, Athanasius P Bayuseno, Pau Loke ShowBiomass and Bioenergy 168, 106653 (2023)
- Urea nitrogenated mesoporous activated carbon derived from oil palm empty fruit bunch for high-performance supercapacitor
H Rustamaji, T Prakoso, H Devianto, P Widiatmoko, WH SaputeraJournal of Energy Storage 52, 104724 (2022)
- Design, Fabrication, and Testing of Supercapacitor Based on Nanocarbon Composite Material
H rustamaji Rustamaji, T Prakoso, H Devianto, P Widiatmoko, I NurdinASEAN Journal of Chemical Engineering 22 (1), 19-32 (2022)
- Coke-Resistant Ni/CeZrO2 Catalysts for Dry Reforming of Methane to Produce Hydrogen-Rich Syngas. Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 1556
IC Sophiana, F Iskandar, H Devianto, N Nishiyama, YW Budhis Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published … (2022)
- Influence of axenic culture of Bacillus clausii and mixed culture on biofilm formation, carbon steel corrosion, and methyl ester degradation in B30 storage tank system
C Aslan, NI Aulia, H Devianto, A HarimawanJournal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 108013 (2022)
- Coke-Resistant Ni/CeZrO2 Catalysts for Dry Reforming of Methane to Produce Hydrogen-Rich Syngas
IC Sophiana, F Iskandar, H Devianto, N Nishiyama, YW BudhiNanomaterials 12 (9), 1556 (2022)
- Synthesis and Characterization of Hydrochar and Bio-oil from Hydrothermal Carbonization of Sargassum sp. using Choline Chloride (ChCl) Catalyst.
H Rustamaji, T Prakoso, J Rizkiana, H Devianto, P Widiatmoko, G GuanInternational Journal of Renewable Energy Development 11 (2) (2022)
- Influence of Hydrocarbon Concentration on Biocorrosion of Carbon Steel by Bacillus megaterium in Produced Water System
A Harimawan, H Devianto, C Aslan, E HanselJournal of Bio-and Tribo-Corrosion 8 (1), 1-11 (2022)
- Sustainable Diesel from Pyrolysis of Unsaturated Fatty Acid Basic Soaps: The Effect of Temperature on Yield and Product Composition
E Puspawiningtiyas, O Muraza, H Devianto, M Pratiwi, T Prakoso, U Zaki, ...Molecules 27 (3), 667 (2022)
- Effects of (Li-Na) 2CO3 on The Electrical Properties of Calcia-Stabilized Zirconia/Carbonate Composite Electrolytes
A Iqbal, P Widiatmoko, H DeviantoE3S Web of Conferences 334, 04014 (2022)
- Effect of Bubble Size on Electrochemical Reduction of Carbon dioxide to Formic Acid
P Widiatmoko, WH Saputera, H Devianto, I Nurdin, E Rivana, A AngkasaIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1143 (1), 012001 (2021)
- Production of activated carbon from palm empty fruit bunch as supercapacitor electrode material
NN Wulandari, H Rustamaji, WU Fibarzy, T Prakoso, J Rizkiana, H Devianto, P Widiatmoko, I NurdinIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1143 (1), 012004 (2021)
- Wettability improvement of carbon nanotube for supercapacitor electrode
H Devianto, N Luthfiana, P Widiatmoko, I Nurdin, T PrakosoIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1143 (1), 012005 (2021)
- Simulation of CO2 Capture Process for Coal based Power Plant in South Sumatra Indonesia
M Eviani, H Devianto, P Widiatmoko, IF Sukmana, HR Fitri, F YusupandiIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1143 (1), 012047 (2021)
- Effects of Fe-Doped Electrolyte and Feed Flow Rate Evaluation in Home Made Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
H Devianto, I Nurdin, P Widiatmoko, KA Prasetya, B PradiptaIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1143 (1), 012007 (2021)
- Effect of Bacillus megaterium Biofilm and its Metabolites at Various Concentration Biodiesel on the Corrosion of Carbon Steel Storage Tank
YM Pusparizkita, A Harimawan, H Devianto, T Setiadi (2021)
- Photocatalytic Degradation of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) Waste Using BiVO4 Based Catalysts
WH Saputera, AF Amri, RR Mukti, V Suendo, H Devianto, D SasongkoMolecules 26 (20), 6225 (2021)
- Synthesis of activated carbon from salacca peel with hydrothermal carbonization for supercapacitor application
AS Winata, H Devianto, RF SusantiMaterials Today: Proceedings 44, 3268-3272 (2021)
- Mutiari A., Ananda W., Widiatmoko P., Devianto H., Nurdin I., Adriaan, Utomo M.R., Koto H.Z.
Development of electrode deposition methods for scale-up of dye sensitized solar cells(2020) - Ondy F.C., Chrismanto C., Susanti R.F., Kristianto H., Devianto H.
Preparation of Salacca Peel Based Activated Carbon using CeCl3 Catalyzed Hydrothermal Car(2020) - Dwi Rachmawati I., Nurdin I., Widiatmoko P., Devianto H., Irmayanti F., Saptohadi S.
The Effect of Flow Rate and NaCl Concentration on the Corrosion Behavior of Carbon Steel in NaCl Sol(2020) - Susanti R.F., Arie A.A., Kristianto H., Erico M., Kevin G., Devianto H.
Activated carbon from citric acid catalyzed hydrothermal carbonization and chemical activation of sa(2019) - Nurdin I., Devianto H., Widiatmoko P., Prakoso T., Nugraha N.F., Srimurti S.
CNT Synthesis from POME by Pyrolysis using Tubular Furnace(2019) - Widiatmoko P., Devianto H., Nurdin I., Yusupandi F., Kevino, Ovani E.N.
Fabrication and characterization of Intermediate-Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (IT-SOFC) single (2019) - Widiatmoko P., Sukmana I.F., Nurdin I., Prakoso T., Devianto H.
Increasing yield of graphene synthesis from oil palm empty fruit bunch via two-stages pyrolysis(2019) - Larasati T.D., Prakoso T., Rizkiana J., Devianto H., Widiatmoko P., Nurdin I.
Nano Carbon Produced by Advanced Mild Hydrothermal Process of Oil Palm Biomass for Supercapacitor Ma(2019) - Devianto H., Eviani M., Rahardi R.A., Yusupandi F.
The Effect of Total Sulfur Content and Total Acid Number (TAN) on Small Scale Oil Refinery(2019) - Rahardi R.A., Maharsi R., Iskandar F., Devianto H., Budhi Y.W.
Catalytic oxidation of benzene using nano-CuO/-Al2O3and commercial catalysts(2018) - Harimawan A., Devianto H., Al-Aziz R.H.R.M.T., Shofinita D., Setiadi T.
Influence of electrode distance on electrical energy production of microbial fuel cell using tapioca(2018) - Hendriansyah R., Prakoso T., Widiatmoko P., Nurdin I., Devianto H.
Manufacturing Carbon Material by Carbonization of Cellulosic Palm Oil Waste for Supercapacitor Mater(2018) - Hendriansyah R., Devianto H., Prakoso T., Widiatmoko P., Nurdin I., Srimurti S., Kusuma K.R.
Nano carbon materials from palm oil wastes for supercapacitor applications(2018) - Melanie S., Winterburn J.B., Devianto H.
Production of biopolymer polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) by extreme halophilic marine archaea Haloferax (2018) - Ramadhani A.N., Harimawan A., Devianto H.
Water content effect on biofilm formation and bio-corrosion process in biodiesel-diesel storage tank(2018) - Devianto H., Eviani M., Nurdin I., Widiatmoko P.
Case study: Hazard assessment of ethylene and LNG loading-unloading process in cirebon port(2017) - Maharsi R., Septianto R.D., Rohman F., Iskandar F., Devianto H., Budhi Y.W.
Effect of temperature and precursor concentration on the morphology of Cu/-Al2O3 - Harimawan A., Devianto H., Kurniawan I.C., Utomo J.C.
Influence of incubation temperature on biofilm formation and corrosion of carbon steel by Serratia m(2017) - Arie A.A., Widjaja O., Susanti R.F., Devianto H., Halim M., Lee J.K.
Preparation of kerosene based carbon nanomaterials by nebulized spray pyrolysis(2017) - Arie A.A., Hadisaputra L., Susanti R.F., Devianto H., Halim M., Enggar R., Lee J.K.
Synthesis of Carbon Nano Materials Originated from Waste Cooking Oil Using a Nebulized Spray Pyrolys(2017) - Arie A.A., Hadisaputra L., Susanti R.F., Devianto H., Halim M., Lee J.K.
Synthesis of carbon nano materials originated from waste cooking oil using a nebulized spray pyrolys(2017) - Devianto H., Sasongko D., Sempurna F.I., Nurdin I., Widiatmoko P.
Effect of gas composition produced by gasification, on the performance and durability of molten carb(2016) - Sirliyani S., Devianto H., Nurdin I.
Effect of hydrogen temperature and current load on the performance of proton exchange membrane fuel (2016) - Devianto H., Nurdin I., Eviani M., Yudistira A.
Effect of start-stop cycle on Direct Ethanol Fuel Cell for transportation purpose(2016) - Irmawati Y., Indriyati, Chaldun E.R., Devianto H.
Polarization losses under dynamic load cycle using multiwall carbon nanotube supported Pt catalyst i(2016) - Budhi Y.W., Devianto H., Ignacia L., Mikhael H.A.
Process intensification of hydrogen production from Ethanol using microreactor(2016) - Arie A.A., Kristianto H., Susanti R.F., Devianto H., Halim M., Lee J.K.
Structural and preliminary electrochemical characteristics of palm oil based carbon nanospheres as a(2016) - Arie A.A., Konstantia I.D., Susanti R.F., Devianto H., Halim M., Lee J.K.
Synthesis of turpentine oil based carbon nanospheres by nebulized spray pyrolysis method(2016) - Widiatmoko P., Devianto H., Nurdin I., Yandra R.E.
The effect of carbon nanotube composite addition on biomass-based supercapacitor(2016) - Wikanswasto R.A., Bindar Y., Devianto H.
Maintaining higher efficiency of lpg butane boil-off gas re-liquefaction in LPG butane storage tanks(2015) - Arie A.A., Kristianto H., Susanti R.F., Devianto H., Halim M., Lee J.K.
Preparation and characterizations of carbon nanospheres derived from activated carbons and palm oil (2015) - Sempurna F.I., Sirliyani, Handoko Y.P., Nurdin I.M., Devianto H.
Effect of start-stop cycles and hydrogen temperature on the performance of Proton Exchange Membrane (2014) - Budhi Y.W., Devianto H., Mahardhika F., Ignacia L., Mikhael H.A.
Fluid dynamics and kinetic simulation for steam reforming of ethanol using a microchannel reactor(2014) - Eviani M., Devianto H., Nurdin I., Handoko Y.P., Cho E.-A., Yoon S.-P., Han J., Nam S.-W.
SOX and NOX impurities effect on the performance of proton exchange membrane f(2014) - Cigolotti V., Devianto H., McPhail S., Moreno A.
Direct bioethanol fuel cells(2013) - Devianto H., Simonetti E., McPhail S.J., Zaza F., Cigolotti V., Paoletti C., Moreno A., La Barbera A., Luisetto I.
Electrochemical impedance study of the poisoning behaviour of Ni-based anodes at low concentrations (2012) - Cigolotti V., Steinberger-Wilckens R., McPhail S.J., Devianto H.
High-temperature fuel cell plants and applications(2012) - Experimental and theoretical analysis of SO2 and NOx effects on MCFCs(2011)
- The effect of impurities on the performance of bioethanol-used internal reforming molten carbonate f(2011)
- Characteristics of alkali-resistant Ni/MgAl2O4 catalyst for direct internal reforming molten carbona(2010)
- Electrolyte effect on the catalytic performance of Ni-based catalysts for direct internal reforming (2010)
- The catalytic performance of Ni/MgSiO3 catalyst for methane steam reforming in operation of direct i(2010)
- The effect of Al addition on the prevention of Ni sintering in bio-ethanol steam reforming for molte(2010)
- The effect of electrolyte wettability on reforming catalyst in direct ethanol MCFC(2010)
- The effect of impurities in bio-ethanol for direct internal reforming molten carbonate fuel cell(2009)
- The effect of water on direct ethanol molten carbonate fuel cell(2009)
- Study on ceria coating effect on H2S tolerance in the anode of molten carbonate fuel cell(2006)
- The effect of a ceria coating on the H2S tolerance of a molten carbonate fuel cell(2006)
Energi dan Lingkungan
PATENT , Pemeriksaan Formalitas oleh DJKI (2019) -
Alat untuk Intensifikasi Proses Produksi Hidrogen Berbahan Baku Etanol dengan Microreformer
Energi dan Lingkungan
Energi dan Lingkungan
PATENT , Pemeriksaan Formalitas oleh DJKI (2019) -
Rekayasa Transportasi & Energi
PATENT , Pemeriksaan Formalitas oleh DJKI (2019) -
Energi dan Lingkungan
PATENT , Pemeriksaan Formalitas oleh DJKI (2019)