Kelompok Keahlian | KK Sistem Manufaktur |
Sekolah/Fakultas | Fakultas Teknologi Industri |
Jabatan Fungsional | GURU BESAR |
- S1
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S2
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S3
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- Google Scholar
- h-index : 7
- i10-index : 5
- Scopus
- h-index : 4
- Sinta
- SINTA Score Overall : 430
- SINTA Score 3 Years : 12
Bantuan Subsidi Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Layanan Khusus : Pengembangan Portable Braille Trainer / Display (2007)
Pengadaan Tenaga Pengajar / Instruktur dan Sewa Laboratorium dengan Pelengkapannya untuk Praktikum Peserta dalam Rangka Penyelenggaraan Sub.Kegiatan Bimtek Membaca Gambar Teknik di Bandung (2007)
Pengembangan Produk dan Proses Pembuatan Prostesa Tangan dan Prostesa Kaki (2007)
- Pengelolaan Rantai-Pasok Air Politeknik Industri Logam Morowali Berbasis Industri 4.0
J Justiadi, MI Rianto, IS TohaJurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen 21 (2), 93-102 (2023)
- Development of Internet of Things Cloud Shop Floor Machining Manufacturing System
AT Setiawan, J Sulistyo, KW Wirakusuma, IS TohaProceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Engineering andInformation Technology for Sustainable IndustryHalaman 1-6
TMA Ari Samadhi, A Ma’ruf, IS TohaInternational Journal of Technology 10 (2) (2019)
- Alfadhlani, Samadhi T.M.A.A., Ma'ruf A., Toha I.S.
Automatic precedence constraint generation for assembly sequence planning using a three-dimensional (2019) - Alfadhlani, Samadhi T.M.A.A., Ma\'Ruf A., Toha I.S.
A Framework for the Development of Automatic DFA Method to Minimize the Number of Components and Ass(2018) - Rosyidi C.N., Irianto D., Cakravastia A., Toha I.S., Hamada K.
Optimization models for deriving optimum target of key characteristics(2014) - Reconfigurable mixed model assembly line design in a dynamic production environment(2012)
- Susmartini S., Roeshadi D., Toha I.S., Tulaar A.B.M.
Utilization of Myo-Electric Signal on muscle contraction process as trigger for actuator motor movem(2012) - Alfadhlani, Ari Samadhi T.M.A., Ma\'Ruf A., Toha I.S.
Automatic collision detection for assembly sequence planning using a three-dimensional solid model(2011) - Damayanti D.D., Toha I.S.
Model of spine configuration assembly line design for a product family(2011) - Rosyidi C.N., Irianto D., Toha I.S.
Prioritizing key characteristics(2009) - Cakravastia A., Toha I.S., Nakamura N.
A two-stage model for the design of supply chain networks(2002)