Kelompok Keahlian | KK Manajemen Industri |
Sekolah/Fakultas | Fakultas Teknologi Industri |
Jabatan Fungsional | GURU BESAR |
- S1
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S2
Dalhouisie University, – Kanada
- S3
University of Twente, Twente – Belanda
- Google Scholar
- h-index : 10
- i10-index : 12
- Scopus
- h-index : 7
- Sinta
- SINTA Score Overall : 839
- SINTA Score 3 Years : 153
Kajian Kebijakan Pengaturan dan Pengawasan Pendistribusian BBM dengan Memanfaatkan Teknologi Revolusi Industri 4.0 untuk Masa Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru (The New Normal) dan Pasca Pandemi (Swakelola Tipe II) (2020)
Kajian Kelayakan Penerapan Bahan Bakar Minyak Jenis Bensin yang Ramah Lingkungan (Swakelola Tipe II) (2020)
Jasa Konsultasi Pendamping Penyusunan RJPP 2017-2021 PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) (2016)
Pengembangan Alat Ukur Tingkat Kematangan Proses Bisnis UMKM Industri Fashion (2016)
Model Sistem Usaha Untuk Pengembangan Industri Kreatif Jawa Barat (2015)
Implementasi Manajemen Keuangan Sederhana untuk UMKM (2014)
Management Proyek, Dana Kas Operasional Kantor Pengembangan ITB - JICA (DIPA) (2014)
Model Sistem Usaha untuk Pengembangan Industri Kreatif Jawa Barat (2014)
Strategi pengembangan UMKM Kota atau Kabupaten Bandung Berdasarkan Siklus Hidup Organis (2014)
Pelatihan dan Asistensi Pemetaan Proses Bisnis, Pengembangan Kamus Kompetensi, Penyusunan Kebutuhan Kompetensi Jabatan (2013)
Membangun Ekosistem Rural-Next Generation Network yang Mandiri dan Produktif (2010)
Pengembangan Desa Cerdas (2009)
Research on ICT : Desa Cerdas Berbasis Rural-ICT (2009)
Studi Efektivitas Eksibisi One Life Evolution World Vision Indonesia (2009)
Aplikasi Sistem Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Berbasis Kompetensi (MSDM-BK) (2008)
Implementasi Sistem Waralaba Pusat Media dengan Teknologi Next Generation Network untuk Masyarakat Perkotaan Padat Penduduk (2008)
Implementasi Sistem Waralaba Pusat Media dengan Teknologi Next Generation Network Untuk Masyarakat Perkotaan Padat Penduduk (2008)
Pengembangan Sistem Waralaba Jasa Telekomunikasi/Pusat Media Berbasis Teknologi Next Generation Network (2007)
- Developing a Person-Organization Fit Method for Candidate or Employees Placement
FF Arifin, S Suakanto, J Siswanto, A Putri, I Darmawan2023 International Conference on Advancement in Data Science, E-learning andInformation System (ICADEIS)Pages 1-8 (2023)
- Human Resource Application Development using Person-Job Matching for Placement of Prospective Employees
A Putri, S Suakanto, J Siswanto, FF Arifin, I Darmawan, D Angela2023 International Conference on Advancement in Data Science, E-learning andInformation System (ICADEIS)Pages 1-7 (2023)
- Analisis Nilai Religius Melalui Pembiasaan Karakter Pada Peserta Didik Kelas 1 Di SDN Pedurungan Kidul 01
AN Maulida, MFA Untari, J Siswanto, N KanitriJurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling (JPDK) 5 (2), 1087-1091 (2023)
- Pembentukan Karakter Kedisiplinan Melalui Kegiatan Kepramukaan Pada Kelas VI di SDN Pedurungan Kidul 01 Semarang
N Khikmah, MFA Utari, J Siswanto, M MulyaniJurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling (JPDK) 5 (2), 1081-1086 (2023)
- Increasing the income of SMEs in Maju Jaya women farmers Group (KWT) with e-commerce
RR Waliyansyah, F Nurdyansyah, J SiswantoCommunity Empowerment 8 (1), 7-13 (2023)
- Paraphrase Generator for Indonesian Language: Basic Method for Generating Question on Interviewbot Engine
S Suakanto, J Siswanto, D Angela, TF Kusumasari, TW Sen2022 International Conference Advancement in Data Science, E-learning andInformation Systems (ICADEIS)Pages 1-6 (2022)
- Interview Bot Development with Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning
J Siswanto, S Suakanto, M Andriani, M Hardiyanti, TF KusumasariInternational Journal of Technology (IJTech) 13 (2), 274-285 (2022)
- Competencies for superior performance across management levels in the provincial government executive offices
J Monang, I Sudirman, J Siswanto, Y YassierliJournal of Management Development (2022)
- Interview Bot for Improving Human Resource Management
S Suakanto, J Siswanto, TF Kusumasari, IR Prasetyo, M Hardiyanti2021 International Conference on ICT for Smart Society (ICISS), 1-5 (2021)
- Joko Siswanto, Edi Cahyono, Joe Monang, Atya Nur Aisha, Dedi Mulyadi"Identifying talent: public organisation with skewed performance scores." Journal of Management DevelopmentVolume 40, Issue 4, Pages 293 - 3122021 . (2021)
- Software entrepreneurs’ competencies based on business growth
Sudirman, I., Siswanto, J., Aisha, A.N.
Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurshipthis link is disabled, 2020, 22(1), pp. 111–132 (2020) - Aisha A.N., Sudirman I., Siswanto J., Andriani M.
A competency model for SMEs in the creative economy(2019) - Sudirman I., Siswanto J., Monang J., Aisha A.N.
Competencies for effective public middle managers(2019) - Andriani M., Samadhi T.M.A.A., Siswanto J., Suryadi K.
Knowledge management strategy: an organisational development approach(2019) - Andriani M., Samadhi T.M.A.A., Siswanto J., Suryadi K.
Aligning business process maturity level with SMEs growth in Indonesian fashion industry(2018) - Andriani M., Siswanto J.
Business process and business system required along SMEs growth (Case study in Fashion Industry)(2017) - Siswanto J., Sukoyo, Razan A.
Business system requirement for small craft companies(2017) - Aisha A.N., Sudirman I., Siswanto J., Yassierli
Core process identification in software SMEs using core process analysis matrix(2017) - Siswanto J., Novarena N.S.
Identification of business system based on business process of small culinary enterprises(2017) - Siswanto J., Maulida A.
Validated ERP modules requirement for micro, small and medium enterprise fashion industry(2017) - Aisha A.N., Siswanto J., Sudirman I.
Competencies model for entrepreneur development in software industries(2016) - Aisha A.N., Sudirman I., Siswanto J., Yassierli
Conceptual model of entrepreneurial, managerial and technical software competencies towards SME perf(2016) - Andriani M., Suryadi K., Samadhi T.M.A.A., Siswanto J.
Evolution of product design and development process on organizational growth stages: A knowledge man(2016) - Silitonga R.Y.H., Siswanto J., Simatupang T., Bahagia S.N.
Modeling policy mix to improve the competitiveness of indonesian palm oil industry(2016) - Rosimah S., Sudirman I., Siswanto J., Sunaryo I.
An Autonomous Maintenance Team in ICT Network System of Indonesia Telecom Company(2015) - Andriani M., Suryadi K., Samadhi A., Siswanto J.
Theoretical model of knowledge management in SMEs life cycle: (A literature study)(2015) - Siswanto J., Suparman S., Sudirman I., Sukoyo, Andriani M.
Characteristics of business system requirement for creative industries SMEs in bandung(2014) - Siswanto J., Maulida A.
ERP module requirements for micro, small and medium enterprise fashion industry in Bandung(2014) - Mahfudz, Sudirman I., Siswanto J., Prihartono B.
Measurement of public service motivation: A case in central java province, Indonesia(2014) - Fredriks J.W.S., Pennink B.J.W., Simatupang T.M., Siswanto J.
Modelling a technology push by using hybrid franchising(2014)