Kelompok Keahlian | KK Teknologi Pengolahan Biomassa dan Pangan |
Sekolah/Fakultas | Fakultas Teknologi Industri |
Jabatan Fungsional | GURU BESAR |
- S1
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S2
Keio University Tokyo, Tokyo – Jepang
- S3
Keio University Tokyo, Tokyo – Jepang
- Google Scholar
- h-index : 15
- i10-index : 25
- Scopus
- h-index : 12
- Sinta
- SINTA Score Overall : 2.237
SINTA Score 3 Years : 576
Delignifikasi Biomimetik Lignoselulosa (2021)
Penyusunan Peta Jalan Strategis untuk Percepatann Implementasi Bioethanol di Indonesia (Strategic Roadmap to Accelerate Bioethanol Implementation in Indonesia) (2021)
Co-production of high-value added chemicals, materials and energy from biomass residues (E-ASIA Joint Research Program-Japan-Indonesia-Thailand) (2020)
Kajian Kelayakan Penerapan Bahan Bakar Minyak Jenis Bensin yang Ramah Lingkungan (Swakelola Tipe II) (2020)
Pembuatan Purwarupa Superkapasitor dari Limbah Kelapa Sawit (2020)
Pre-Feasibility Study of Fuel Ammonia Utilization In Indonesia (2020)
Co-Production Of High-Value Added Chemicals, Materials And Energy From Biomass Residues (E-Asia Joint Research Program-Japan-Indonesia-Thailand) (2019)
Dukungan Pendanaan Chemurgy Innovation Summit (CIS) 2019 (2019)
Pendampingan Ahli Teknis Kejadian Tumpahan Minyak Teluk Balikpapan (2019)
Conversion of Tobacco Oil to Biojet and Renewable Diesel Fuel (2018)
Jasa Konsultasi Assessment Operasional Proses Transfer Cruide Oil dari Terminal Lawe-Lawe ke Kilang Pertamina RU V Balikpapan (2018)
High Efficient Conversion Of Biomass Residues Into High Value-Added Biomaterials And Biofuels By Utilizing Mild Hydrothermal Process (E-Asia Joint Research Program-Japan-Indonesia-Thailand) [Konversi Rumput Laut Menjadi Biomaterial Dan Bahan Bakar Alterna (2017)
Hydrothermal Treatment Terintegrasi untuk Konversi Tandan Kosong Sawit Menjadi Bahan Bakar Padat dan Bahan Baku Pupuk Kalium (2017)
Penelitian Kajian Pasar Bahan Baku Pakan Ternak Unggas Berbasis Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit (TKKS) Terfermentasi di Jawa Timur Jawa Barat dan Lampung (2017)
High Efficient Conversion of Biomass Residues into High Value - added Biomaterials and Biofuels by Utilizing Mild Hydrothermal Process (E - ASIA Joint Research Program -Japan - Indonesia - Thailand) (2016)
Pembuatan Nanokarbon Aktif untuk Super Kapasitor dari Limbah Kelapa Sawit (2015)
CR1301 Combustion, Performance and Exhaust Gas Emission of A Low Speed IDI (2013)
CR-1201 Bio Fuel (2012)
Uji-coba dan pengembangan penggunaan minyak nabati murni ( (2012)
CR-1101 Bio Fuel (2011)
Esterifikasi Palm Fatty Acid Distillate (2011)
Ozonolisis Minyak Nabati untuk Pembuatan bahan Bakar Nabati Turbin Jet pada Pesawat Terbang (Ozonolysis of Vegetable Oiln for Synthesis of Aeroplane Turbin Jet Fuel) (2011)
Pekerjaan Pembuatan dan Penyusunan Studi Kelayakan Pabrik Palationosa (2011)
CR-1001 Bio Fuel (2010)
Uji-coba dan pengembangan penggunaan minyak nabati murni ( (2010)
Inovasi Teknologi Biofuel Minyak Kelapa Skala Kelompok Tani di Daerah Terpencil (2007)
Pembuatan Margarin Sehat Diasligliserol dari Minyak Kelapa (2007)
- Nanocarbon Material and Chemicals from Seaweed for Energy Storage Components
T Prakoso, H Devianto, H Rustamaji, PPDK Wulan, M GozanChemical Substitutes from Agricultural and Industrial By‐Products … (2024)
- The Effect of Adding Mg-Zn/Al Hydrotalcite on the Decarboxylation Product of Hydroxy Pelargonate Soap
E Melyna, T Prakoso, TH SoerawidjajaFluida 16 (1), 18-23 (2023)
- Parameter study in preparation of nitrogen-rich-activated carbon for supercapacitors' application using multilevel factorial design
H Rustamaji, T Prakoso, H Devianto, P WidiatmokoMaterials Today: Proceedings (2023)
- Morphological and thermal stability characteristics of oil palm frond and trunk by ultrasound-low alkali-based pretreatment
S Madusari, Y Bindar, T Prakoso, NIAA Nordin, SS JamariMaterials Today: Proceedings (2023)
- Hybrid Hydrothermal Carbonization and Ultrasound Technology on Oil Palm Biomass for Hydrochar Production
S Madusari, SS Jamari, NIAA Nordin, Y Bindar, T Prakoso, E Restiawaty, ...ChemBioEng Reviews 10 (1), 37-54 (2023)
- Facile synthesis of N, S-modified activated carbon from biomass residue for promising supercapacitor electrode applications
H Rustamaji, T Prakoso, H Devianto, P Widiatmoko, KA KurniaBioresource Technology Reports 21, 101301 (2023)
- Cultivation of Chlorella vulgaris in mediums with varying nitrogen sources and concentrations to induce the lipid yield
E Restiawaty, E Marwani, S Steven, G Mega Rahayu, F Hanif, T PrakosoIndian Chemical Engineer, 1-12 (2023)
- Urea nitrogenated mesoporous activated carbon derived from oil palm empty fruit bunch for high-performance supercapacitor
H Rustamaji, T Prakoso, H Devianto, P Widiatmoko, WH SaputeraJournal of Energy Storage 52, 104724 (2022)
- Large-scale pyrolysis of oil palm frond using two-box chamber pyrolyzer for cleaner biochar production
Yazid Bindar, Soen Steven, Steven Wahju Kresno, Pandit Hernowo, Elvi Restiawaty, Ronny Purwadi, Tirto PrakosoBiomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 1-14 (2022)
- " Biodiesel Production of Palm Oil Mill Effluent by Using Hydrotalcite Catalyst"(Similarity)
TE Agustina, E Heraldy, F Hadiah, H Hasanudin, S Arita, T Prakoso, ...Turnitin Universitas Sriwijaya (2022)
- Production of Biogasoline via Pyrolysis of Oleic Acid Basic Soaps.
E Puspawiningtiyas, T Prakoso, M Pratiwi, TH SoerawidjajaJournal of Engineering & Technological Sciences 54 (3) (2022)
- Synthesis and Characterization of Hydrochar and Bio-oil from Hydrothermal Carbonization of Sargassum sp. using Choline Chloride (ChCl) Catalyst.
H Rustamaji, T Prakoso, J Rizkiana, H Devianto, P Widiatmoko, G GuanInternational Journal of Renewable Energy Development 11 (2) (2022)
- Design, Fabrication, and Testing of Supercapacitor Based on Nanocarbon Composite Material
H rustamaji Rustamaji, T Prakoso, H Devianto, P Widiatmoko, I NurdinASEAN Journal of Chemical Engineering 22 (1), 19-32 (2022)
- Biodiesel Production of Palm Oil Mill Effluent by Using Hydrotalcite Catalyst
S Arita, T Prakoso, TI Sari, BY Suprapto, MFK Putra, DL RamadhaniJournal of Ecological Engineering 23 (6), 172-181 (2022)
- Prediction of B20 Storage Tank Precipitate Removal Based on Biodiesel Monoglyceride Content
Misri Gozan, Imam Paryanto, Muhammad Arif Darmawan, Muhammad Sahlan, Heri Hermansyah, Eriawan Rismana, Alfan Danny Arbianto, Tirto Prakoso, Mohamed Kheireddine Aroua, Patrick CognetChemEngineering 6 (1), 7 (2022)
- Sustainable Diesel from Pyrolysis of Unsaturated Fatty Acid Basic Soaps: The Effect of Temperature on Yield and Product Composition
E Puspawiningtiyas, O Muraza, H Devianto, M Pratiwi, T Prakoso, U Zaki, ...Molecules 27 (3), 667 (2022)
- Competitive adsorption of multicomponent volatile organic compounds on biochar
H Rajabi, MH Mosleh, T Prakoso, N Ghaemi, P Mandal, A Lea-Langton, ...Chemosphere 283, 131288 (2021)
- The effect of Ca/Mg/Zn mixing ratio on the research octane number of bio-gasoline during basic soap pyrolysis
Endar Puspawiningtiyas, Meiti Pratiwi, Ronny Purwadi, Astri N Istyami, Lidya Elizabeth, Tirto Prakoso, Tatang Hernas SoerawidjajaHeliyon 7 (11), e08314 A (2021)
TD Larasati, T Prakoso, J RizkianaJurnal Chemurgy 5 (1), 22-29 (2021)
- A small-scale power generation system based on biomass direct chemical looping process with organic rankine cycle
YA Situmorang, Z Zhao, P An, J Rizkiana, T Prakoso, A Abudula, G GuanChemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification 163, 108361 (2021)
- Dinamika dan Karakter Produk Hasil Dekarboksilasi Sabun Hidroksi Pelargonat
E Melyna, T Prakoso, TH SoerawidjajaJurnal Teknik Kimia dan Lingkungan 5 (1), 83-89 (2021)
- Techno-economic and Environmental Analyses on Reduced Graphene Oxide modified Kapok Fiber as Oil Absorbent
G Lugito, TW Samadhi, T Prakoso, M Lauda, VL TanujayaIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1143 (1), 012008 (2021)
- Synthesis of Maleic-Modified Rosin Ester from Pine Rosin
T Prakoso, I Kumalasari, B Jiwandaru, TH Soerawidjaja, MM Azis, ...IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1143 (1), 012071 (2021)
- Production of activated carbon from palm empty fruit bunch as supercapacitor electrode material
NN Wulandari, H Rustamaji, WU Fibarzy, T Prakoso, J Rizkiana, ...IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1143 (1), 012004 (2021)
- Wettability improvement of carbon nanotube for supercapacitor electrode
H Devianto, N Luthfiana, P Widiatmoko, I Nurdin, T PrakosoIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1143 (1), 012005 (2021)
- The promising performance of manganese gluconate as a liquid redox sulfur recovery agent against oxidative degradation
A Widodo, Y Yaswari, R Mariyana, AF Arif, T Prakoso, TP Adhi, ...Heliyon 7 (4), e06743 (2021)
- Sukmana I.F., Widiatmoko P., Nurdin I., Devianto, Prakoso T.
Effect of ZnCl2 on properties of graphene produced from palm empty fruit bunch(2020) - Prakoso T., Widodo A., Indarto A., Mariyana R., Arif A.F., Adhi T.P., Soerawidjaja T.H.
Manganese gluconate, A greener and more degradation resistant agent for H2S oxidation usi(2020) - Kartika I.A., Bernia O.T.O., Sailah I., Prakoso T., Purwanto Y.A.
A binary solvent for the simultaneous Calophyllum oil-resin extraction and purification(2019) - Neonufa G.F., Hernas Soerawidjaja T., Indarto A., Prakoso T.
An innovative technique to suppress alkene-bond in green diesel by MgFe basic soap thermal decarb(2019) - Nurdin I., Devianto H., Widiatmoko P., Prakoso T., Nugraha N.F., Srimurti S.
CNT Synthesis from POME by Pyrolysis using Tubular Furnace(2019) - Paryanto I., Prakoso T., Gozan M.
Determination of the upper limit of monoglyceride content in biodiesel for B30 implementation based (2019) - Ahda Y., Prakoso T., Rasrendra C.B., Susanto H.
Hydrothermal treatment, pelletization and characterization of oil palm empty fruit bunches as solid (2019) - Widiatmoko P., Sukmana I.F., Nurdin I., Prakoso T., Devianto H.
Increasing yield of graphene synthesis from oil palm empty fruit bunch via two-stages pyrolysis(2019) - Handojo L., Putra I.A., Azis M.M., Prakoso T., Soerawidjaja T.H., Indarto A.
Isomerization of turpentine using various heterogeneous and homogeneous acid catalysts(2019) - Larasati T.D., Prakoso T., Rizkiana J., Devianto H., Widiatmoko P., Nurdin I.
Nano Carbon Produced by Advanced Mild Hydrothermal Process of Oil Palm Biomass for Supercapacitor Ma(2019) - Prakoso T., Tanaka A., Hirotsu T., Udomsap P., Chollacoop N., Goto S., Indarto A.
Oxidation stability of biodiesel fuel produced from Jatropha Curcas L using Rancimat and PetroOXY me(2019) - Istyami A.N., Purwadi R., Kresnowati M.T.A.P., Prakoso T., Soerawidjaja T.H.
Performances of free and immobilized frangipani (Plumeria Rubra) latex lipase in palm oil lipolysis(2019) - Neonufa G.F., Pratiwi M., Purwadi R., Prakoso T., Soerawidjaja T.H., Elizabeth L.
Production and Characterization of the Basic Soaps Obtained by Double Decomposition and Direct Proce(2019) - Pratiwi M., Muraza O., Neonufa G.F., Purwadi R., Prakoso T., Soerawidjaja T.H.
Production of Sustainable Diesel via Decarboxylation of Palm Stearin Basic Soaps(2019) - Paryanto I., Prakoso T., Susanto B.H., Gozan M.
The effect of outdoor temperature conditions and monoglyceride content on the precipitate formation (2019) - Fredrik Neonufa G., Pratiwi M., Nur Istyami A., Elizabeth L., Suminar Dewi S., Purwadi R., Prakoso T., Soerawidjaja T.H.
An innovative method to produce drop-in fuel by alkaline earth-transition metals basic soap decarbox(2018) - Bayu A., Yoshida A., Karnjanakom S., Kusakabe K., Hao X., Prakoso T., Abudula A., Guan G.
Catalytic conversion of biomass derivatives to lactic acid with increased selectivity in an aqueous (2018) - Bayu A., Yoshida A., Karnjanakom S., Kusakabe K., Hao X., Prakoso T., Abudula A., Guan G.
Correction: Catalytic conversion of biomass derivatives to lactic acid with increased selectivity in(2018) - Girry I.P., Paryanto I., Prakoso T., Gozan M.
Effect of monopalmitic content and temperature on precipitation rate in biodiesel-petroleum diesel b(2018) - Neonufa G.F., Pratiwi M., Soerawidjaja T.H., Prakoso T.
High Selectivity of Alkanes Production by Calcium Basic Soap Thermal Decarboxylation(2018) - Prakoso T., Nurastuti R., Hendriansyah R., Rizkiana J., Suantika G., Guan G.
Hydrothermal Carbonization of Seaweed for Advanced Biochar Production(2018) - Hendriansyah R., Prakoso T., Widiatmoko P., Nurdin I., Devianto H.
Manufacturing Carbon Material by Carbonization of Cellulosic Palm Oil Waste for Supercapacitor Mater(2018) - Istyami A.N., Soerawidjaja T.H., Prakoso T.
Mass Balances and Thermodynamics Study of Thermal Triglyceride Hydrolysis(2018) - Hendriansyah R., Devianto H., Prakoso T., Widiatmoko P., Nurdin I., Srimurti S., Kusuma K.R.
Nano carbon materials from palm oil wastes for supercapacitor applications(2018) - Prakoso T., Hanley J., Soebianta M.N., Soerawidjaja T.H., Indarto A.
Synthesis of Terpineol from -Pinene Using Low-Price Acid Catalyst(2018) - Pratiwi M., Neonufa G.F., Prakoso T., Soerawidjaja T.H.
The synthesis of magnesium soaps as feed for biohydrocarbon production(2018) - Neonufa G.F., Soerawidjaja T.H., Prakoso T.
Catalytic and thermal decarboxylation of Mg-Zn basic soap to produce drop-in fuel in diesel boiling (2017) - Kurnia I., Karnjanakom S., Bayu A., Yoshida A., Rizkiana J., Prakoso T., Abudula A., Guan G.
In-situ catalytic upgrading of bio-oil derived from fast pyrolysis of lignin over high aluminum zeol(2017) - Hadiah F., Soerawidjaja T.H., Subagjo, Prakoso T.
Low temperature catalytic-transfer hydrogenation of candlenut oil(2017) - Pratiwi M., Ylitervo P., Pettersson A., Prakoso T., Soerawidjaja T.H.
Magnesium stearine production via direct reaction of palm stearine and magnesium hydroxide(2017) - Widodo A., Sujatnika Y., Awali D., Prakoso T., Adhi T.P., Soerawidjaja T.H., Indarto A.
Thermal heat-free regeneration process using antisolvent for amine recovery(2015) - Prakoso T., Udomsap P., Tanaka A., Hirotsu T., Goto S.
Characteristics of oxidative storage stability of canola fatty acid methyl ester stabilised with ant(2012) - Yamane K., Kawasaki K., Sone K., Hara T., Prakoso T.
Oxidation stability of biodiesel and its effects on diesel combustion and emission characteristics(2007) - Yamane K., Kawasaki K., Sone K., Hara T., Prakoso T.
Unsaturated fatty acid methyl esters and thermal oxidation characteristics(2006) - Effect of operating conditions on two-phase bubble formation behavior at single nozzle submerged in (2001)
- Two-phase bubble formation with condensation at nozzle submerged in immiscible liquid(2000)
- Measurement of heat transfer coefficient for direct-contact condensation during bubble growth in liq(1999)
Rekayasa Transportasi & Energi
PATENT , Pemeriksaan Formalitas oleh DJKI (2019) -
Energi dan Lingkungan
PATENT , Pemeriksaan Formalitas oleh DJKI (2019) -
Energi dan Lingkungan
PATENT , Pemeriksaan Formalitas oleh DJKI (2019)