Kelompok Keahlian | KK Sistem Manufaktur |
Sekolah/Fakultas | Fakultas Teknologi Industri |
Jabatan Fungsional | LEKTOR |
- S1
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S2
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S3
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces – Amerika Serikat
- Google Scholar
- h-index : 5
- i10-index : 1
- Scopus
- h-index : 4
- Sinta
- SINTA Score Overall : 620
- SINTA Score 3 Years : 299
Kajian Pengelolaan Produk Inovasi di Lingkungan ITB (2017)
Penyusunan Tatakelola Kelembagaan dan Pengembangan Jejaring STP ITB (2017)
ERP Post-implementation Management: optimizing system usage and learning (2016)
Jasa Konsultasi Pendamping Penyusunan RJPP 2017-2021 PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) (2016)
Kontrak pemeliharaan alat berat melibatkan tiga pihak -pemanufaktur, agen dan konsumen dalam situasi kompetisi/kooperasi (2016)
ERP Post-Implementation Management Optimizing System Usage and Learning (2015)
Kontrak Pemeliharaan Armada Alat Berat Pada Industri Pertambangan ( Lanjutan) (2015)
Sistem Pendampingan Peningkatan Kinerja Industri Manufaktur Kecil/Menengah Sebagai Kegiatan Kolaborasi LSP-FTI-ITB dan PT. TMMIN, Kasus: Implementasi Sistem Produksi Tarik di PT. Sinar Terang Logam Jaya (2015)
Management Proyek, Dana Kas Operasional Kantor Pengembangan ITB - JICA (DIPA) (2014)
Pemberian dan Bantuan Sosial untuk Pemberdayaan Sosial dalam Bentuk Uang dalam Rangka Bantuan Biaya Pilot Project Tahun 2014 (2014)
Pemberian Subsidi Dana Bantuan Langsung (Blockgrant) Pilot Project Program Penyelarasan Pendidikan dengan Dunia Kerja Tahun 2011 (2011)
Bantuan Penyelenggaraan Tracer Study dan Survei Kepuasan Pengguna (2010)
The Development of Optimals Control Based Real Time Scheduling in Flexible Manufacturing System (2009)
- Warranty cost analysis for products protected by Lemon Laws
BP Iskandar, US Pasaribu, R Wangsaputra, A Cakravastia, H HusniahQuality Technology & Quantitative Management, 1-23 (2023)
- Two Dimensional Warranted Products Protected by Lemon Laws Considering Mutual Failure Interaction
H Husniah, R Wangsaputra, BP Iskandar2022 6th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety (ICSRS … (2022)
- A Condition-Based Maintenance Lease Contract with Continuously Monitored Equipment
H Husniah, R Wangsaputra, BP IskandarProceedings of the International Manufacturing Engineering Conference & The … (2022)
- Batch Scheduling of Unique and Common Components for a Three-Stage Hybrid Flow Shop Processing Different Product Types with Multiple Due Dates to Minimize Total Actual Flow Time
R Maulidya, R Wangsaputra, AH HalimIntelligent Engineering and Management for Industry 4.0, 13-24 (2022)
- Cost Analysis for Two Dimensional Warranted Products Protected by Lemon Laws Considering Multi Component System
H Husniah, R Wangsaputra, US Pasaribu, BP Iskandar2021 5th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety (ICSRS … (2021)
Journal of Industrial Engineering Management, 50-55 (2021) - Husniah, H., Pasaribu, U.S., Wangsaputra, R., Iskandar, B.P."Condition-based maintenance policy for a leased reman product." Heliyon, 2021, 7(4), e06494
- A batch scheduling model for a three-stage hybrid flowshop producing products with hierarchical assembly structures
Maulidya, R., Suprayogi, Wangsaputra, R., Halim, A.H.
International Journal of Technologythis link is disabled, 2020, 11(3), pp. 608–618 (2020) - Competing risk models in reliability systems, an exponential distribution model with gamma prior distribution, a bayesian analysis approach
Iskandar, I., Oktaviandri, M., Wangsaputra, R., Hamedon, Z.
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineeringthis link is disabled, 2020, pp. 335–341 (2020) - Dump truck maintenance contract model considering operational conditions (Load, road inclination and environment condition)
Nishfi, F., Iskandar, B.P., Wangsaputra, R.
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineeringthis link is disabled, 2020, pp. 342–348 (2020) - Optimization of utilities capacity at aircraft heavy maintenance center using linear programming models
Johny Ali Firdaus, M., Gharutha, M., Wangsaputra, R.
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineeringthis link is disabled, 2020, pp. 115–120 (2020) - Fuzzy initial condition in a technology transfer model with competing followers
Husniah, H., Wangsaputra, R., Supriatna, A.K.
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineeringthis link is disabled, 2020, pp. 30–35 (2020) - Intelligent condition based maintenance using adaptive resonance theory-2 neural network
Wangsaputra, R., Husniah, H., Artono, P.
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineeringthis link is disabled, 2020, pp. 349–354 (2020) - Husniah H., Wangsaputra R., Iskandar B.P.
Cost analysis of lemon law warranties for used equipments(2020) - An Object-Oriented Modeling Approach for Production Scheduling on CNC-Machines in Flexible Manufacturing System to Maximize Cutting Tool Utilization
Setiawan, A., Wangsaputra, R., Martawirya, Y.Y., Halim, A.H.
Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systemsthis link is disabled, 2019, 18(2), pp. 293–310 (2019) - Setiawan A., Wangsaputra R., Martawirya Y.Y., Halim A.H.
An Object-Oriented Modeling Approach for Production Scheduling on CNC-Machines in Flexible Manufactu(2019) - Maulidya R., Suprayogi, Wangsaputra R., Halim A.H.
Job Scheduling for Hybrid Assembly Differentiation Flow Shop to Minimize Total Actual Flow Time cons(2019) - Husniah H., Wangsaputra R., Iskandar B.P.
Lease Contract with Availability Target and Price Discount(2019) - Maulidya R., Suprayogi, Wangsaputra R., Halim A.H.
Batch Scheduling for Hybrid Assembly Differentiation Flow Shop to Minimize Total Actual Flow Time(2018) - Yuniar S., Wangsaputra R., Sinaga A.T.
Determination of Economic Lot Size between Suppliers and Manufacturers for Imperfect Production Syst(2018) - Husniah H., Wangsaputra R., Cakravastia A., Iskandar B.P.
Game-Theoretic Models for Usage-based Maintenance Contract(2018) - Iskandar B.P., Wangsaputra R., Pasaribu U.S., Husniah H.
Optimal Lease Contract for Remanufactured Equipment(2018) - Sinaga A.T., Wangsaputra R.
The Determination of Production and Distribution Policy in Push-Pull Production Chain with Supply Hu(2018) - Setiawan A., Wangsaputra R., Martawirya Y.Y., Halim A.H.
An FMS Dynamic Production Scheduling Algorithm Considering Cutting Tool Failure and Cutting Tool Lif(2016) - Dymasius A., Wangsaputra R., Iskandar B.P.
Analysis of Maintenance Service Contracts for Dump Trucks Used in Mining Industry with Simulation Ap(2016) - Khannan M.S.A., Maruf A., Wangsaputra R., Sutrisno S., Wibawa T.
Cellular Manufacturing System with Dynamic Lot Size Material Handling(2016)