Kelompok Keahlian | KK Energi dan Teknologi Berkelanjutan |
Sekolah/Fakultas | Fakultas Teknologi Industri |
Jabatan Fungsional | GURU BESAR |
- S1
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S2
Colorado State University, Fort Collins – Amerika Serikat
- S3
Colorado State University, Fort Collins – Amerika Serikat
- Google Scholar
- h-index : 8
- i10-index : 8
- Scopus
- h-index : 5
- Sinta
- SINTA Score Overall : 1.387
SINTA Score 3 Years : 75
Kajian Kelayakan Penerapan Bahan Bakar Minyak Jenis Bensin yang Ramah Lingkungan (Swakelola Tipe II) (2020)
Kebijakan Pengembangan Industri Biohidrokarbon yang Mendukung Ketahanan Energi (2020)
Pre-Feasibility Study of Fuel Ammonia Utilization In Indonesia (2020)
The preliminary study on the realization of regional CO2 management based on hub and clustering Co2-EOR and a CO2 trunk pipeline in Indonesia (2020)
Promoting Carbon Capture and Storage in The People\s Republic of China and Indonesia year 2018/2019 (2018)
Pembuatan Front End Engineering Design (FEED) Fasilitas Pilot Project Injeksi CO2 - Enchanced Oil Recovery (EOR) di Wilayah Sumatera Selatan PPPTMGB (2017)
Research and development activity on CCS in Indonesia (2017)
Consultation on Field Selection and Preliminary Feasibility of CO2 Separation Test by Zeolite Membrane in Indonesia (2016)
The Joint Crediting Mechanism Feasibility Study on the Gundih CCS Project (2015)
The Triple Helix Conference X Indonesia 2012 (2012)
- Improved Joule Thomson equation of supercritical CO2-rich natural gas in separation system
T Ariadji, S Adisasmito, L Mucharam, D AbdassahNatural Gas Industry B (2023)
- Determination of the Optimum Operating Conditions for Integrated Methanol and Ethanol Plant from Natural Gas Reactors
DL Yudharaputra, S AdisasmitoInternational Journal of Biological, Physical and Chemical Studies 5 (1), 09-17 (2023)
- A new approach of CO2 separation by applying rapid expansion of supercritical CO2 rich natural gas
T Ariadji, S Adisasmito, L Mucharam, D AbdassahPetroleum Research 8 (1), 71-76 (2023)
- Design and fabrication of microfluidic test kit for enhanced oil recovery in low salinity NaCl flooding
S Adisasmito, RM FaisalInternational Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology 33 (2), 103-121 (2023)
- Hydrogen Sulfide Separation from Biogas Using Laterite Soil Adsorbent
S Adisasmito, CB Rasrendra, MQ Alfadhli, A Ghifary, M FauzanMaterials Science Forum 988, 144-150 (2020)
- Ethylene glycol injection for hydrate formation prevention in deepwater gas pipelines
S Adisasmito, E ParubakMATEC Web of Conferences 268 (02003), 1-7 (2019)
- Optimization Process for NGL Production in Indonesian Oil & Gas Field
S Adisasmito, EkawatiICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research 1, 67-72 (2018)
- Anaerobic Reactor for Indonesian Tofu Wastewater Treatment
S Adisasmito, CB Rasrendra, H Chandra, MA GunartonoInternational Journal of Engineering & Technology 7 (3.26), 30-32 (2018)
- Adisasmito S., Rasrendra C.B., Chandra H., Gunartono M.A.
Anaerobic reactor for Indonesian tofu wastewater treatment(2018) - Rasrendra C.B., Windt M., Wang Y., Adisasmito S., Makertihartha I.G.B.N., Van Eck E.R.H., Meier D., Heeres H.J.
Experimental studies on the pyrolysis of humins from the acid-catalysed dehydration of C6-sugars(2013) - Rasrendra C.B., Soetedjo J.N.M., Makertihartha I.G.B.N., Adisasmito S., Heeres H.J.
The catalytic conversion of D-glucose to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in DMSO using metal salts(2012) - Rasrendra C.B., Fachri B.A., Makertihartha I.G.B.N., Adisasmito S., Heeres H.J.
Catalytic conversion of dihydroxyacetone to lactic acid using metal salts in water(2011) - Rasrendra C.B., Makertihartha I.G.B.N., Adisasmito S., Heeres H.J.
Green chemicals from D-glucose: Systematic studies on catalytic effects of inorganic salts on the ch(2010) - Yan H., Wang H.-J., Adisasmito S., Toshima N.
Novel Syntheses of Poly(o-aminobenzoic acid) and Copolymers of o-Aminobenzoic Acid and Aniline as Po(1996) - Hydrates of Carbon Dioxide and Methane Mixtures(1991)
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