Kelompok Keahlian | KK Energi dan Teknologi Berkelanjutan |
Sekolah/Fakultas | Fakultas Teknologi Industri |
Jabatan Fungsional | LEKTOR |
- S1
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S2
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S2
University of Twente, Twente – Belanda
- S3
University of New South Wales, Kensington – Australia
- Google Scholar
- h-index : 17
- i10-index : 21
- Scopus
- h-index : 17
- Sinta
- SINTA Score Overall : 1.418
- SINTA Score 3 Years : 514
Pengembangan Teknologi Ultrafast Synthesis dalam Pembuatan Katalis Zeolit untuk Pengolahan Limbah Feno (2021)
Development of Visible Light Active Photocatalyst for Wastewater Treatment (2020)
Pegembangan katalis berbasis zeolit untuk pengolahan limbah dengan teknologi ozonasi katalitik (2020)
Solar-Energy-Mediated Conversion of Methane to Methanol (2020)
Demonstrasi Teknologi Pemurnian Biogas menjadi Biometana untuk Bahan Bakar Kendaraan (BBG) via Absorpsi CO2 dengan Air (2019)
Pengembangan Proses Penyingkiran 3-MCPD Ester dan Glisidil Ester dalam Minyak Kelapa Sawit (2018)
- Pengembangan Teknologi Ultrafast Synthesis dalam Pembuatan Katalis Zeolit untuk Pengolahan Limbah Feno (2021)
- Development of Visible Light Active Photocatalyst for Wastewater Treatment (2020)
- Pegembangan katalis berbasis zeolit untuk pengolahan limbah dengan teknologi ozonasi katalitik (2020)
- Solar-Energy-Mediated Conversion of Methane to Methanol (2020)
- Demonstrasi Teknologi Pemurnian Biogas menjadi Biometana untuk Bahan Bakar Kendaraan (BBG) via Absorpsi CO2 dengan Air (2019)
- Pengembangan Proses Penyingkiran 3-MCPD Ester dan Glisidil Ester dalam Minyak Kelapa Sawit (2018)
- Recent advances in the development of photocatalytic technology for nitrate reduction to ammonia
F Wahyudi, WH Saputera, D Sasongko, H DeviantoCase Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 100478 (2023)
- Structural Characterization of Polycrystalline Titania Nanoparticles on C. striata Biosilica for Photocatalytic POME Degradation
Rindia M Putri, Novi Syahra Almunadya, Aryan Fathoni Amri, Nadia Tuada Afnan, Zeily Nurachman, Hary Devianto, Wibawa Hendra SaputeraACS omega 7 (48), 44047-44056 (2022)
- Recent Advances in Photocatalytic Oxidation of Methane to Methanol
G Yuniar, WH Saputera, D Sasongko, RR Mukti, J Rizkiana, H DeviantoMolecules 27 (17), 5496 (2022)
- Urea nitrogenated mesoporous activated carbon derived from oil palm empty fruit bunch for high-performance supercapacitor
Rustamaji, H., Prakoso, T., Devianto, H., Widiatmoko, P., Saputera, W.H.
Journal of Energy Storage, 2022, 52, 104724 (2022) - Modulating catalytic oxygen activation over Pt-TiO2/SiO2 catalysts by defect engineering of a TiO2/SiO2 support
Saputera, W.H., Tan, T.H., Lovell, E.C., ...Amal, R., Scott, J.A.
Catalysis Science and Technology, 2022, 12(4), pp. 1049–1059 (2022) - Catalysis Science & Technology
WH Saputera, JA Scott (2022)
- Recent advances in the synthesis of hierarchically porous catalyst for the generation of renewable fuels
GTM Kadja, S Mardiana, NTU Culsum, WH Saputera, NJ Azhari, ...Elsevier (2022)
- Technology advances in phenol removals: Current progress and future perspectives
WH Saputera, AS Putrie, AA Esmailpour, D Sasongko, V Suendo, ...Catalysts 11 (8), 998 (2021)
- ZnO-Incorporated ZSM-5 for Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction into Solar Fuels under UV–Visible Light
A Satriyatama, IDM Budi, HN Iman, H Susilo, WH SaputeraChemistry Proceedings 6 (1), 1 (2021)
- Effect of Bubble Size on Electrochemical Reduction of Carbon dioxide to Formic Acid
P Widiatmoko, WH Saputera, H Devianto, I Nurdin, E Rivana, A AngkasaIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1143 (1), 012001 (2021)
- Titania Modified Silica from Sugarcane Bagasse Waste for Photocatalytic Wastewater Treatment
WH Saputera, C Egiyawati, AS Putrie, AF Amri, J Rizkiana, D SasongkoIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1143 (1), 012073 (2021)
- Development of Visible-Light Active Photocatalyst for Wastewater Treatment
WH SAPUTERAReport of Grant-Supported Research The Asahi Glass Foundation 90 (2021)
- Photocatalytic Degradation of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) Waste Using BiVO4 Based Catalysts
WH Saputera, AF Amri, RR Mukti, V Suendo, H Devianto, D SasongkoMolecules 26 (20), 6225 (2021)
- Photocatalytic technology for palm oil mill effluent (POME) wastewater treatment: Current progress and future perspective
WH Saputera, AF Amri, R Daiyan, D SasongkoMaterials 14 (11), 2846 (2021)
- Tungsten Oxide/Carbide Surface Heterojunction Catalyst with High Hydrogen Evolution Activity
Cui, Yanglansena;Tan, Xind;Xiao, Kefenga;Zhao, Shenlongc;Bedford, Nicholas M.a;Liu, Yuefenge;Wang, Zichung, h;Wu, Kuang-Hsua;Pan, Jiana;Saputera, Wibawa Hendraa, k;Cheong, Soshanf;Tilley, Richard D.f
ACS Energy Letters, 2020, 5(11), pp. 3560–3568 (2020) - Effects of coal and biomass types towards the quality of hybrid coal produced via co-torrefaction
J Rizkiana, ACA Zahra, W Wulandari, WH Saputera, R Andrayukti, ...IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 823, 012028 (2020)
- Daiyan R., Saputera W.H., Masood H., Leverett J., Lu X., Amal R.
A Disquisition on the Active Sites of Heterogeneous Catalysts for Electrochemical Reduction of CO(2020) - Role of defects on TiO2/SiO2composites for boosting photocatalytic water split(2020)
- Wulandari W., Jahsy N.A., Tandias A.H., Rizkiana J., Rubani I.S., Saputera W.H., Sasongko D.
Torrefaction of rubberwood waste: The effects of particle size, temperature residence time(2020) - Saputera W.H., Tahini H.A., Lovell E.C., Tan T.H., Rawal A., Aguey-Zinsou K.-F., Friedmann D., Smith S.C., Amal R., Scott J.
Cooperative defect-enriched SiO2 for oxygen activation and organic dehydrogenation(2019) - Saputera W.H., Tahini H.A., Sabsabi M., Tan T.H., Bedford N.M., Lovell E., Cui Y., Hart J.N., Friedmann D., Smith S.C., Amal R., Scott J.
Light-Induced Synergistic Multidefect Sites on TiO 2 /SiO 2 Composites for Cat(2019) - Daiyan R., Lovell E.C., Bedford N.M., Saputera W.H., Wu K.-H., Lim S., Horlyck J., Ng Y.H., Lu X., Amal R.
Modulating Activity through Defect Engineering of Tin Oxides for Electrochemical CO2 Redu(2019) - The Dependence of Bi2MoO6 Photocatalytic Water Oxidation Capability on Crystal(2019)
- Tian Y., Wu K.-H., Cao L., Saputera W.H., Amal R., Wang D.-W.
Unlocking high-potential non-persistent radical chemistry for semi-aqueous redox batteries(2019) - Electroreduction of CO2 to CO on a Mesoporous Carbon Catalyst with Progressively Removed (2018)
- Highly Selective Reduction of CO2 to Formate at Low Overpotentials Achieved by a Mesoporo(2018)
- Revealing the key oxidative species generated by Pt-loaded metal oxides under dark and light conditi(2018)
- An Operando Mechanistic Evaluation of a Solar-Rechargeable Sodium-Ion Intercalation Battery(2017)
- Enhancing the Photoactivity of Faceted BiVO4 via Annealing in Oxygen-Deficient Condition(2017)
- Light, Catalyst, Activation: Boosting Catalytic Oxygen Activation Using a Light Pretreatment Approac(2017)
- The role of adsorbed oxygen in formic acid oxidation by Pt/TiO2 facilitated by light pre-(2016)
- Ti3+-containing titania: Synthesis tactics and photocatalytic performance(2015)
- A novel TiO2 composite for photocatalytic wastewater treatment(2014)