Kelompok Keahlian | KK Produk Teknik Kimia Berkelanjutan |
Sekolah/Fakultas | Fakultas Teknologi Industri |
Jabatan Fungsional | LEKTOR |
- S1
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S3
Swinburne University Of Technology, Melbourne – Australia
- Google Scholar
- h-index : 8
- i10-index : 5
- Scopus
- h-index : 5
- Sinta
- SINTA Score Overall : 936
- SINTA Score 3 Years : 234
Riset Unggulan 2019 : PPEBT (2019)
Ekstraksi Nikel Dari Bijih Nikel Limonit Dengan Menggunakan Gas So2-Udara Terlarut (2017)
Evaluasi Unjuk Kerja Rotary Kiln pada Dekomposisi Dolomit Sebagai Bahan Baku Produksi Logam Magnesium (2017)
Kajian Lanjut Valorisasi Abu Biomassa Melalui Jalur Sintesis Bahan Geopolimer (2017)
Studi Karakterisasi Batubara Indonesia untuk Mendukung Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) (2017)
Ekstraksi Nikel dari Bijih Nikel Limonit dengan Menggunakan Gas SO2 - Udara Terlarut (2016)
Program Riset Unggulan ITB 2016 Pusat Penelitian Energi Baru dan Terbarukan (2016)
Valorisasi Campuran Abu Batubara-Biomassa Melalui Pengembangan Bahan Geopolimer (2016)
- Cogasification performance of deashed coal with various biomass
Jenny Rizkiana, Sandy Fajar Maulana, Ghiffary Azka Nur Aulia, Nasywa Kamilah, Reyhan Fitri Ananda, Naafi Fauzan Mahendraputra Sastrohutomo, Edo Muhammad Nashirudin Latif, Winny Wulandari, Dwiwahju Sasongko.IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1143 (1), 012026 (2021)
- The Effect of Alkali Roasting Pretreatment on Nickel Extraction from Limonite Ore by Using Dissolved SO2-Air
W Wulandari, MM Kinda, R Murida, TW SamadhiMinerals 10 (8), 701 (2020)
- The effect of demineralization towards gasification performance of low-rank coal
Jenny Rizkiana, Reyhan Fitri Ananda, Nasywa Kamilah, Ghiffary Azka Nur Aulia, Sandy Fajar Maulana, Aghietyas Choirun Az Zahra, Winny Wulandari, Dwiwahju SasongkoIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 823 (1), 012023 (2020)
- Role of defects on TiO2/SiO2composites for boosting photocatalytic water splitting
Saputera, W.H., Rizkiana, J., Wulandari, W., Sasongko, D.
RSC Advances, 2020, 10(46), pp. 27713–27719 (2020) - On the maximum contribution of magnetic field to the rotation curves of dwarf spiral galaxies
Wulandari, W., Wulandari, H.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2020, 2234, 040028 (2020) - Effects of coal and biomass types towards the quality of hybrid coal produced via co-torrefaction
J Rizkiana, ACA Zahra, W Wulandari, WH Saputra, R Andrayukti, ...IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 823 (1), 012028 (2020)
- Oil palm empty fruit bunch ash valorization through potassium extraction
TW Samadhi, W Wulandari, KR TirtabudiIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 823 (1), 012035 (2020)
- Torrefaction of Rubberwood Waste: The Effects of Particle Size, Temperature & Residence Time.
W Wulandari, NA Jahsy, AH Tandias, J Rizkiana, IS Rubani, WH Saputera, ...Journal of Engineering & Technological Sciences 52 (2) (2020)
- Role of defects on TiO₂/SiO₂ composites for boosting photocatalytic water splitting
WH Saputera, J Rizkiana, W Wulandari, D Sasongko (2020)
- Role of defects on TiO 2/SiO 2 composites for boosting photocatalytic water splitting
WH Saputera, J Rizkiana, W Wulandari, D SasongkoRSC Advances 10 (46), 27713-27719 (2020)
- Geopolymer Preparation from Bamboo Ash Containing Kaolin as Ash Fusion Control Agent
TW Samadhi, A Purbasari, W WulandariMaterials Science Forum 982, 189-194 (2020)
- Wulandari W., Paramitha T., Rizkiana J., Sasongko D.
Characterization of Zeolite A from Coal Fly Ash Via Fusion-Hydrothermal Synthesis Method(2019) - Handoko S., Wulandari W., Rizkiana J., Ridha M.A., Prasetyo H.A., Sasongko D.
Effect of Biomass Composition and Co-pyrolysis Retention Time on Reduction of Non-neutral CO2 - Wulandari W., Sasongko D., Rizkiana J., Anggayana K., Widayat A.H., Zahra A.C.A., Azhari M.A.
Non-isothermal kinetics analysis of various Indonesian coal thermal characteristics for underground (2019) - Paramitha T., Wulandari W., Rizkiana J., Sasongko D.
Performance Evaluation of Coal Fly Ash Based Zeolite A for Heavy Metal Ions Adsorption of Wastewater(2019) - Samadhi T.W., Wulandari W., Amalia R.A., Khairunnisah R.
Potassium recovery from tropical biomass ash(2019) - Rizkiana J., Firdausi H.N., Pranata R., Aulia G.A.N., Maulana S.F., Wulandari W., Sasongko D.
Pretreatment of Coal by Acid Leaching As Feedstock Preparation for Co-Gasification with Biomass(2019) - Samadhi T.W., Wulandari W., Suroto A., Agung D.S.
Synthesis of Geopolymer from Blends of Tropical Biomass Ashes(2019) - Purbasari A., Samadhi T.W., Bindar Y., Wulandari W.
Thermal Characteristics of Geopolymer from Co-combustion Residuals of Bamboo and Kaolin(2019) - Wulandari W., Purwasasmita M., Sanwani E., Malatsih W., Fadilla F.
A study of bauxite tailing quality improvement by reverse flotation(2018) - Rizkiana J., Handoko S., Wulandari W., Ridha M.A., Prasetyo H.A., Sasongko D.
Hybrid coal: Effects of composition and co-pyrolysis retention time in low rank coal and biomass was(2018) - Rizkiana J., Pranata R., Fauzi H.N., Wulandari W., Sasongko D.
Low Rank Coal Pre-treatment to Increase Its Reactivity Towards Gasification with Biomass(2018) - Wulandari W., Subagjo, Tri Mursito A., Juanjaya F.J., Alwi M.F.
Performance of Dolomite Calcination in a Bench-Scale Rotary Kiln(2018) - Wulandari W., Soerawidjaja T.H., Alifiani D., Rangga D.A.
The effect of pre-treatments to the nickel limonite leaching using dissolved gaseous SO2-(2018) - Sasongko D., Wulandari W., Rubani I.S., Rusydiansyah R.
Effects of biomass type, blend composition, and co-pyrolysis temperature on hybrid coal quality(2017) - Wulandari W., Soerawidjaja T.H., Joshua S., Isradi H.R.
Extraction of nickel from nickel limonite ore using dissolved gaseous SO2 - Air(2017) - Wulandari W., Purwasasmita M., Sanwani E., Pixelina A.A., Maulidan A.
Implementation of reverse flotation method to reduce reactive and non-reactive silica in bauxite ore(2017) - Samadhi T.W., Wulandari W., Prasetyo M.I., Fernando M.R.
Reuse of Coconut Shell, Rice Husk, and Coal Ash Blends in Geopolymer Synthesis(2017) - Samadhi T.W., Wulandari W., Prasetyo M.I., Fernando M.R., Purbasari A.
Synthesis of geopolymer from biomass-coal ash blends(2017) - Wulandari W., Sasongko D.
Teaching elective subjects for junior students in chemical engineering: A case for chemistry and tec(2017) - Subagjo, Wulandari W., Adinata P.M., Fajrin A.
Thermal decomposition of dolomite under CO2-air atmosphere(2017) - Sasongko D., Luthan A.F.H., Wulandari W.
Modified two-step dimethyl ether (DME) synthesis simulation from Indonesian brown coal(2016) - Samadhi T.W., Wulandari W., Gumilar F.G., Ramadani K.F.
Thermomechanical characterization of blended biomass-coal ash waste materials(2016)