Kelompok Keahlian | KK Produk Teknik Kimia Berkelanjutan |
Sekolah/Fakultas | Fakultas Teknologi Industri |
Jabatan Fungsional | – |
- S1
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S2
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S3
Tokyo Institut of Technology, Tokyo – Jepang
Development of a novel durable aromatic anion exchange membrane using a thermally convertible precursor Graha, H.P.R., Ando, S., Miyanishi, S., Yamaguchi, T. Chemical Communications, 2018, 54(77), pp. 10820–10823 (2018)
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- Abidin, A.Z., Afandi, R.G., Graha, H.P.R., Synthesis of acrolein from glycerol using FePO4 catalyst in liquid phase dehydration, Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, Volume 48, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 12-20 (scopus 2016)
- Abidin, A.Z., Graha, H.P.R., Morphological study of bacterial cellulose (BC) /polyvinil alcohol (PVA) nanocomposite as bone scaffold, Advanced Materials Research 950, 2014, pp. 24-28 (Scopus 2014)
- Abidin, A.Z., Puspasari, T., Graha, H.P.R., Utilization of cassava starch in copolymerisation of superabsorbent polymer composite (SAPC), Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, Volume 46, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 286-298 (Scopus)