Kelompok Keahlian | KK Produk Teknik Kimia Berkelanjutan |
Sekolah/Fakultas | Fakultas Teknologi Industri |
Jabatan Fungsional | LEKTOR |
- S1
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S2
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S3
The University of New South Wales, Perth – Australia
- Google Scholar
- h-index : 5
- i10-index : 2
- Scopus
- h-index : 4
- Sinta
- SINTA Score Overall : 328
- SINTA Score 3 Years : 74
Pekerjaan Penyusunan Kajian Baku Mutu Air Limbah Industri Baterai Lithium (2020)
Perjanjian Kerja Sama antara PT Lautan Otsuka Chemical dengan Fakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Bandung tentang Pendidikan dan Penelitian (2020)
Desain Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah untuk Menurunkan Nilai Total amonia sampai di bawah 10 ppm (2018)
BATAL (2017)
Desain Teknologi Pengolahan Limbah Cair untuk Menurunkan Nilai Total Amoniak Sampai di bawah 10 ppm (2017)
Pengembangan Proses Dan Produksi Biokomposit Dari Tks Untuk Pembungkus Produk Pertanian Yang Ramah Lingkungan (2017)
Screening, Uji Toxicity dan Produksi DDDA skala Bench dan Mini Pilot (2016)
- Performance of antimicrobial ZnO nanoparticle synthesized by biological method: Literature review
V Wonoputri, J Wijaya, VA Primayudha, S Khairunnisa, TW SamadhiAIP Conference Proceedings 2667 (1) (2023)
- Membrane distillation for wastewater treatment: Recent advances in process optimization and membrane modification
H Julian, PJ Gusnawan, V Wonoputri, T SetiadiCurrent Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 355-385 (2023)
- Biofouling control of membrane distillation for seawater desalination: Effect of air-backwash and chemical cleaning on biofouling formation
A Harimawan, V Wonoputri, J Ariel, Michell, H JulianBiofouling 38 (9), 889-902 (2022)
- Variasi Antioksidan dalam Pembuatan Protected Active Dried Yeast
R Purwadi, V Wonoputri, FU Fitriana, NS CholiqJurnal Teknik Kimia Indonesia 19 (1), 1-9 (2021)
- Properties of clays reinforced PLA nanocomposites by melt extrusion technique
T Paramitha, V Wonoputri, DSD Sitompul, HW Lee, JP SitompulMalaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences 16 (4), 453-7 (2020)
- Plant extract-assisted biosynthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles and their antibacterial application
Rahayu, E., Wonoputri, V., Samadhi, T.W.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020, 823(1), 012036 (2020) - Variasi Jarak Antar Layer Bentonit Pada Pembuatan Nanokomposit Pla-Bentonit Sebagai Kemasan Makanan
V Wonoputri, N Emanuella, E Angelica, J SitompulIndonesian Journal of Chemical Research 8 (1), 57-65 (2020)
- Bioconversion study of dodecanedioic acid from fatty acid and its ester derivatives using Candida tropicalis
V Wonoputri, JP Maharaja, J SitompulMalaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences 16 (2), 228-231 (2020)
- Synthesis of Nanocomposite Materials for Biodegradable Food Packaging
JP Sitompul, D Setyawan, AG Nabila, V Wonoputri, HW LeeInternational Journal of Oil Palm 2 (1), 33-45 (2019)
- Wonoputri V., Gunawan C., Liu S., Barraud N., Yee L.H., Lim M., Amal R.
Ferrous ion as a reducing agent in the generation of antibiofilm nitric oxide from a copper-based ca(2018) - Wonoputri V., Subiantoro, Kresnowati M.T.A.P., Purwadi R.
Solid state fermentation parameters effect on cellulase production from empty fruit bunch(2018) - Iron complex facilitated copper redox cycling for nitric oxide generation as nontoxic nitrifying biofilm inhibitor
V Wonoputri, C Gunawan, S Liu, N Barraud, LH Yee, M Lim, R AmalACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8 (44), 30502-30510 (2016)
- Development of Copper Based Material Systems for Generating Nitric Oxide to Control Nitrifying Bacterial Biofilms
V WonoputriThe University of New South Wales (2016)
- Copper complex in poly (vinyl chloride) as a nitric oxide-generating catalyst for the control of nitrifying bacterial biofilms
V Wonoputri, C Gunawan, S Liu, N Barraud, LH Yee, M Lim, R AmalACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 7 (40), 22148-22156 (2015)
- Wonoputri V., Effendy M., Wibisono Budhi Y., Bindar Y., Subagjo
Determination of kinetic parameters for methane oxidation over pt/-Al2O3 in (2013)