Kelompok Keahlian | KK Sistem Industri dan Tekno-Ekonomi |
Sekolah/Fakultas | Fakultas Teknologi Industri |
Jabatan Fungsional | LEKTOR KEPALA |
- S1
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S2
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S3
Hiroshima University, Hiroshima – Jepang
- Google Scholar
- h-index : 6
- i10-index : 5
- Scopus
- h-index : 4
- Sinta
- SINTA Score Overall : 995
- SINTA Score 3 Years : 327
- Pendanaan Riset Inovatif Produktif (RISPRO) Kompetisi Berjudul Pengembangan Radar Ground Surveillance Portable Sebagai Alat Pemantau Keamanan Aparat Militer (2021)
Analisis Pemasaran, Perancangan Rantai Pasok Terintegrasi, serta Pengembangan Aplikasi Internet of Things (IoT) pada Komoditas Kelapa Sawit (2020)
AOTULE Summer Program 2019 (2019)
Pemeriksaan Kesehatan Mahasiswa Baru ITB 2019 (2019)
Pemeriksaan Kesehatan Mahasiswa Baru ITB 2019 (BATAL PINDAH KE KODE YANKES.PM-7-01-2019) (2019)
Pengembangan dan Produksi Radar Nasional (2019)
Development of Generalized Technology Transfer Model and Its Application and Verification to Indonesia (2017)
Optimisasi SWARM Intelligence untuk Meningkatkan Kerobasan Jaringan terhadap Kegagalan Berturutan (2017)
Pengembangan dan Produksi Radar Nasional (2017)
Optimisasi SWARM Intelligence untuk Meningkatkan Kerobasan Jaringan terhadap Kegagalan Berturutan (2016)
Pengembangan dan Produksi Radar Nasional (2016)
Pengembangan Sensor Bergerak berbasis GPS untuk Sistem Manajemen Trafik Lalu Lintas (2016)
ERP Post-Implementation Management Optimizing System Usage and Learning (2015)
Model Aplikasi online Marketing untuk UMKM (2015)
Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru (SKS) (2015)
Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru (SKS) (2015)
Management Proyek, Dana Kas Operasional Kantor Pengembangan ITB - JICA (DIPA) (2014)
Pengembangan Model Portofolio Optimal Dana Marketing Berdasarkan Nilai Ekonomi Pelanggan (2014)
Perencanaan Rantai Pasok Terkoordinasi dengan Permintaan yang Bersifat Stock-Dependent pada Bisnis Retail Berbasis Sistem Waralaba (2014)
Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru (SKS) (2013)
Pengembangan derajat komunalitas optimal komponen inventori suku cadang pada fasilitasperawatan pesawat terbang ( the optimumdegree of componercommoality in parts inventory of aircraft maintenance facility) (2013)
Pengembangan model integrasi produksi inventory suplier-pemasok tunggal pada permintaan probabilistik dengan mempertimbangkan biaya kehilangan fleksibilitas dan leadtime yang dikendalikan (2013)
- Inventory Model for Reusable Items with Uniform Demand Arrival
YA HidayatProceedings of the International Manufacturing Engineering Conference & The Asia Pacific Conference on Manufacturing SystemsHalaman 411-423 (2023)
- Adaptive Deep Q-Network Algorithm with Exponential Reward Mechanism for Traffic Control in Urban Intersection Networks
MRT Fuad, EO Fernandez, F Mukhlish, A Putri, HY Sutarto, YA Hidayat, ...Sustainability 14 (21), 14590 (2022)
- Warehouse Location Determination and Route Optimization for an Upcoming 5 MWp Photovoltaic Solar Panels in Central Borneo Indonesia
YA HIDAYAT, AG STEPHIA, T YUDHISTIRA, MA ZAMALJournal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies 14, 1316-1333 (2022)
- Y.A. Hidayat, E Joelianto
"Integrated supply chain model of distribution regionalization and network optimization of white crystal sugar traditional market"
Engineering Letters Volume 29, Issue 1, Pages 302 - 3112021 Article number EL_29_1_35 (2021) - Optimal Control Strategy for Automated People Mover System using Robust H∞ Integral-Backstepping MIMO PID Controller
Joelianto, E., Suryana, L.E., Widyotriatmo, A., Hidayat, Y.A.
International Journal of Artificial Intelligencethis link is disabled, 2021, 19(2), pp. 86–112 (2021) - LE Suryana, E Joelianto, Y.A. Hidayat
Grey-Box Modelling and Validation of APMS (Automated People Mover System) Train
International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics 12 (4), 956-965 (2020) - Job shop scheduling in single machine: An overview
Hidayat, Y.A., Setio, K.V., Winata, H., Radhiyani, N.
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineeringthis link is disabled, 2020, pp. 199–204 (2020) - E Joelianto, A Nainggolan, Y.A. Hidayat
"Stingless bee algorithm for numerical optimization problems"
International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control Volume 16, Issue 6, Pages 2063 - 2081 (2020) - YA Hidayat, VN Riaventin, O Jayadi
"Economic order quantity model for growing items with incremental quantity discounts, capacitated storage facility, and limited budget"
Jurnal Teknik Industri 22 (1), 1-10 (2020) - Y.A. Hidayat, M I Arifyanto and Aprilia The Utilization of Bayesian Framework in Determining Projected Spatial Distributions of Star Clusters(2020)
- Hidayat Y.A., Kiranamahsa S., Zamal M.A.
A study of plastic waste management effectiveness in Indonesia industries(2019) - Hidayat Y.A., Arifyanto M.I., Aprilia, Hakim M.I.
An application of the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method to open cluster membership determinatio(2019) - Hidayat Y.A., Simatupang T.
Supplier Selection Model Development for Modular Product with Substitutability and Controllable Lead(2019) - Hidayat Y.A., Simatupang T., Sebrina, Ariansyah M.N., Sembada W.J.
Vendor managed inventory on Two echelon inventory system with optimum accelerated lead time and comp(2018) - Yu V.F., Redi A.A.N.P., Hidayat Y.A., Wibowo O.J.
A simulated annealing heuristic for the hybrid vehicle routing problem(2017) - Hidayat Y.A., Widiastuti K.R., Joelianto E.
Refinery scheduling for Naphta Hydrotreater unit using non-linear programming(2017) - Hidayat Y.A., Fauzi M.R.
Inventory model for deteriorating items with expired time in lost-sales probabilistic demand (Pharma(2016) - Hidayat Y.A., Kasanah A.R., Yudhistira T.
The application of EOQ and lead time crashing cost models in material with limited life time (Case s(2016) - Layadi V.N.A., Hidayat Y.A., Diawati L.
Maximum quantity determination inventory policy for fast-moving products in convenience store distri(2015) - Hidayat Y.A., Diawati L., Thaddeus Y., Sumargo S.
3-Echelon distribution policy with order flexibility and direct ordering system(2014) - Hidayat Y.A., Sebrina, Ardiansyah M.N., Sembada W.J.
Integrated model of two-echelon inventory system considering lead time acceleration and component co(2014) - Hidayat Y.A., Padmasawitri T.I.A., Sigit J.I.
Markov modeling for microvascular renal complication of niddm and hypertension to evaluate the use o(2013) - Hidayat Y.A., Suprayogi, Islam S.N., Liputra D.T.
Two-echelon inventory model with controllable reorder point and lead time subject to service level c(2013) - Hidayat Y.A., Suprayogi, Liputra D.T., Islam S.N.
Two-echelon supply chain inventory model with shortage, optimal reorder point, and controllable lead(2012) - Hidayat Y.A., Anna I.D., Khrisnadewi A.
The application of vendor managed inventory in the supply chain inventory model with probabilistic d(2011) - Hidayat Y.A., Takahashi K., Diawati L., Cakravastia A.
Supply chain strategy for high technology-content product and its consequences to technology transfe(2009)
Transportasi dan Infrastruktur
Energi dan Lingkungan
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