Kelompok Keahlian | KK Energi dan Teknologi Berkelanjutan |
Sekolah/Fakultas | Fakultas Teknologi Industri |
Jabatan Fungsional | LEKTOR KEPALA |
- S1
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S2
University of New South Wales, New South Wales – Australia
- S3
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- Google Scholar
- h-index : 7
- i10-index : 6
- Scopus
- h-index : 3
- Sinta
- SINTA Score Overall : 568
- SINTA Score 3 Years : 277
Feasibility Study Agreement Relating to Micro-Grid Development in Indonesia (2021)
Research Agreement Relating To The Feasibility Study Regarding Spread of Biomass Co-Firing Technology In Indonesia (2021)
Road Map Pembangunan Energi Bersih Terbarukan Yang Mandiri Untuk Pembangunan Wilayah Yang Berkelanjutan (2021)
Exploring National and Global Action to Reduse Greenhouse Gas Emmisions in Shot ENGAGE (2020)
Institut Teknologi Bandung Menuju Sustainable Campus (2020)
Kajian Kelayakan Penerapan Bahan Bakar Minyak Jenis Bensin yang Ramah Lingkungan (Swakelola Tipe II) (2020)
Kebijakan Pengembangan Industri Biohidrokarbon yang Mendukung Ketahanan Energi (2020)
New and Renewable Energy Strategic Plan as Part of Research on Regional Development Planning and Ideal Lifestyle of Future Indonesia - By Utilizing Advance Green Energy Technology and Trans/Inter-disciplinary Approaches (2020)
Pelaksanaan Program Pendanaan Konsorsium Riset dan Inovasi Untuk Percepatan Penanganan Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) dengan Judul Portbale Pre-treatment Unit untuk Limbah Medis Terkontaminasi Covid-19 Di Fasilitas Layanan Kesehatan (2020)
The Operation and Completion of A System for Measuring Energy Consumption for Industry and Estimation of Spatio-Temporal CO2 Emissions and Reduction Effect Based on Measured Data in FY 2019 (2020)
The preliminary study on the realization of regional CO2 management based on hub and clustering Co2-EOR and a CO2 trunk pipeline in Indonesia (2020)
Commissioned Research for Supplementary Work Relaing to The Operation of a System for Measuring Energy Consumtion for Industry in FY 2018 (2019)
Survey on Climate Change Researches of National/ Local Scale in Indonesia in 2018 (2019)
Commissioned Research for Supplementary Work Relating to The Operation and Installation of a System for Measuring Energy Consumption for Industry in FY 2017 (2017)
Pembuatan Front End Engineering Design (FEED) Fasilitas Pilot Project Injeksi CO2 - Enchanced Oil Recovery (EOR) di Wilayah Sumatera Selatan PPPTMGB (2017)
Research and development activity on CCS in Indonesia (2017)
Smart Micro Grid Berbasis Energi Terbarukan (2017)
Commissioned research for supplementary work relating to the operation and installation of a system for measuring energy consumption for industry, including, collecting and sharing measured data and the establishment and verification of an evaluation meth (2016)
Consultation on Field Selection and Preliminary Feasibility of CO2 Separation Test by Zeolite Membrane in Indonesia (2016)
Smart Micro Grid Berbasis Energi Terbarukan (2016)
Develompment of an innovative technology on Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) system in Indonesia for promotion of the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) 2014 (2015)
Measurement, Collection and Sharing of Energy Consumption Levels for Industry 2015 and Verification and Improvement of Methodology for Assessment of Low Carbon Promotion (2015)
Smart Micro Grid Berbasis Energi Terbarukan (2015)
The Third National Communication to The United nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (TNC) (2015)
Penentuan CO2-Storage dan Pengembangan Metode Geofisika Terpadu untuk Monitoring Injeksi CO2 di Lapangan Gundih, Jawa Tengah (2014)
Support of the Government of Norway to the Gundih CCS Pilot Project, Central Java Province-Indonesia (2014)
Swakelola Analisa Rekomendasi Posisi Runding Dalam Bentuk Position Paper Mengenai Penyusunan Barang-Barang Lingkungan Indonesia (2013)
Pembuatan Peralatan untuk Uji Coba Refined CPO sebagai Bahan Bakar di PLTD PLN Propinsi Lampung (2007)
Pilot Proyek Uji Coba Refined CPO sebagai Bahan Bakar PLTD di PLN Propinsi Lampung (2007)
- Incorporating grid expansion in an energy system optimisation model-A case study for Indonesia
Bintang Yuwono, Ping Yowargana, Lukas Kranzl, Reinhard Haas, Retno Gumilang Dewi, Ucok Welo Risma Siagian, Florian KraxnerOSF Preprints (2023)
- Simulation and modelling of torrefaction and activation of oil palm trunk to produce activated charcoal
D Adityawarman, MST Siagian, FA Susilowati, RG Dewi, JP SitompulAIP Conference Proceedings 2667 (1) (2023)
- Equitable, affordable, and deep decarbonization pathways for low-latitude developing cities by rooftop photovoltaics integrated with electric vehicles
RG Dewi, UWR Siagian, B Asmara, SD Anggraini, J Ichihara, T KobashiApplied Energy 332, 120507 (2023)
- Good practice policies to bridge the emissions gap in key countries
Luiz Bernardo Baptista, Roberto Schaeffer, Heleen L van Soest, Panagiotis Fragkos, Pedro RR Rochedo, Detlef van Vuuren, Retno Gumilang Dewi, Gokul Iyer, Kejun Jiang, Maria Kannavou, Nick Macaluso, Ken Oshiro, Chan Park, Luke J Reedman, George Safonov, Swapnil Shekhar, Ucok Siagian, Kavita Surana, Chai QiminGlobal Environmental Change 73, 102472 (2022)
- Greenhouse Gas Inventory Standard for Cities: a Case of Jakarta
RG Dewi, UWR Siagian, R Parinderati, GN Sevie, I Hendrawan, D Wati, ...IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 810 (1), 012026 (2021)
- Potential development biomass power generation in Bali
UWR Siagian, RG Dewi, I Hendrawan, S SitorusIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 753 (1), 012016 (2021)
- The potential of renewable-based power plant development towards Bali green and independent electricity supply
RG Dewi, UWR Siagian, GN Sevie, I Hendrawan, R Parinderati, ...IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 753 (1), 012021 (2021)
- Process Modeling of Drying and Torrefaction of Oil Palm Trunk (OPT)
D Adityawarman, V Fujiyama, HW Lee, RG Dewi, JP SitompulIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1143 (1), 012029 (2021)
- Cultivation of ‘Botryococcus Braunii’Microalgae for Hydrocarbons Production and CO2 Bio-fixation
RG Dewi, D Srikaton, S Sitorus, GN Sevie, P Bunga, S PermataIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1143 (1), 012017 (2021)
- Energy system transitions and low-carbon pathways in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, EU-28, India, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russia and the United States
Panagiotis Fragkos, Heleen Laura van Soest, Roberto Schaeffer, Luke Reedman, Alexandre C Köberle, Nick Macaluso, Stavroula Evangelopoulou, Alessia De Vita, Fu Sha, Chai Qimin, Jiang Kejun, Ritu Mathur, Swapnil Shekhar, Retno Gumilang Dewi, Silva Herran Diego, Ken Oshiro, Shinichiro Fujimori, Chan Park, George Safonov, Gokul IyerEnergy 216, 119385 (2021)
- Production of Biodegradable Sulfonated Methyl Ester by a Falling Film Reactor for ASP Flooding in EOR.
RG Dewi, M Zunita, PA Priyadi, MDM Sitompul, AN Shabrina, FI Akhiroti, ...Journal of Engineering & Technological Sciences 53 (1) (2021)
- Long-term strategy to achieve DKI Jakarta's Low Carbon Society 2050
Sudarmanto Budi Nugroho, Junichi Fujino, Tomoko Ishikawa, Vera Revina Sari, Andono Warih, Erni P Fitratunnisa, Susi Andraiani, Retno G Dewi, Ucok Siagian, Iwan Hendrawan, Gissa N Sevie(2020)
- Produksi Metil 12-Hidroksistearat via Proses Hidrogenasi Ester Minyak Jarak
IG Pasaribu, AK Rizky, MC Gultom, RG Dewi, TP Prakoso, JP SitompulJurnal Teknik Kimia Indonesia 18 (1), 7-16 (2020)
- AIM/End-use Model for Selecting of Low-Carbon Technology in Indonesia’s Iron and Steel Industry
RG Dewi, M Zunita, GN Sevie, FW KurniawatiIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 363 (1), 012018 }(2019)
- Dewi R.G., Zunita M., Sevie G.N., Kurniawati F.W.
AIM/End-use Model for Selecting of Low-Carbon Technology in Indonesia s Iron and Steel Industry(2019) - Dewi R.G., Parinderati R., Hendrawan I., Dewantoro M.W.B., Bayuwega W.D.
Energy Efficiency Monitoring in Textile Industries to Achieve GHG Emissions Reduction Target in Indo(2019) - Methodology for the synthesis of environmentally compliant chemical process system, case study: the production of biodiesel from vegetable oils
RG DewiJurnal Teknik Kimia Indonesia 3 (2), 111-123 (2018)
- Simulasi difusi dan adsorpsi matriks pada proses enhanced coalbed methane
A Nurisman, RG Dewi, UWR SiagianJurnal Teknik Kimia Indonesia 12 (1), 173-184 (2018)
- Indonesia Second Biennial Update Report Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
R Boer, RG Dewi, M Ardiansyah, UW Siagian, A Gunawan, AY Masri, ...Indonesia (2018)
- Sumari A.D.W., Mariani S., Dewi R.G.
Promoting geothermal for energy security (A case of Indonesia)(2015)