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Bioprocess Engineering – Monday Morning Lecture Series In conjunction with 80th Year of Chemical Engineering Education in Indonesia

Bioprocess Engineering – Monday Morning Lecture Series In conjunction with 80th Year of Chemical Engineering Education in Indonesia

Lecturers: 1. Prof. Ramaraj Boopathy, Nicholls State University, USA 2. Dr. Himanshu Raje, Nicholls State University, USA Hosts: Prof. Tjandra Setiadi, Dr. Made Tri Ari Penia Kresnowati and Dr. Sri Harjati Suhardi 1 March 2021: Genetic Engineering and Systems Biology Fundamentals – RB 8 March 2021: Introduction to Bioinformatics – HR 15 March 2021: Fundamentals […]

Bioprocess Engineering – Monday Morning Lecture Series In conjunction with 80th Year of Chemical Engineering Education in Indonesia

Bioprocess Engineering – Monday Morning Lecture Series In conjunction with 80th Year of Chemical Engineering Education in Indonesia

Bioprocess Engineering – Monday Morning Lecture Series In conjunction with 80th Year of Chemical Engineering Education in Indonesia Lecturers: 1. Prof. Ramaraj Boopathy, Nicholls State University, USA 2. Dr. Himanshu Raje, Nicholls State University, USA Host: Prof. Tjandra Setiadi and Dr. Made Tri Ari Penia Kresnowati 1 March 2021: Genetic Engineering and Systems Biology Fundamentals […]

[ WEBINAR RETURNS : PHASE 2 ] Food Engineering Festival 2020

[ WEBINAR RETURNS : PHASE 2 ] Food Engineering Festival 2020

Food Engineering Festival 2020 kembali lagi dengan webinar tahap kedua, masih dengan tema yang sama, yaitu “101 Ways to be A Young Foodpreneur”. Webinar ini akan diadakan dua kali pada weekend ini, dengan judul : 1. ” “Innovate and Elevate: The first steps to starting a modern food and agriculture business” Narasumber: Ifan Irsyad Arrahmani, […]

“Thinking Outside The Box with Herbox” Last Webinar of The Series : FEFWebinar #3

“Thinking Outside The Box with Herbox” Last Webinar of The Series : FEFWebinar #3

Setelah ada 2 webinar yang lalu, masih ada satu webinar terakhir yang tak kalah menarik untuk mengakhiri seri webinar ini! 😃 Nantikan kembali dan saksikan webinar ” Thinking Outside The Box with Herbox ” bersama kak Felix Salim, founder Herbox.jkt Webinar ini akan mengupas tuntas mengapa dan bagaimana awal mula Kak Felix memulai Herbox dan […]

Webinar #2 Food Engineering Festival 2020 “Become A Creative Youngpreneur Begins With “Kita Bangsa Tempe”

Webinar #2 Food Engineering Festival 2020 “Become A Creative Youngpreneur Begins With “Kita Bangsa Tempe”

[ The Journey Continues : Webinar #2 ] Wah, sudah ada webinar kedua? 😮 Tentu saja! Kembali nantikan dan saksikan webinar “Become A Creative Youngpreneur Begins With “Kita Bangsa Tempe” bersama dengan Kak Benny Santoso, founder dari “Ini Tempe”. Webinar ini akan mengupas tuntas bagaimana awal mula Kak Benny mendirikan usaha tentang tempe, suka duka […]