
Kelompok Keahlian | KK Instrumentasi, Kontrol, dan Otomasi |
Sekolah/Fakultas | Fakultas Teknologi Industri |
Jabatan Fungsional | GURU BESAR |
- S1
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S2
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S3
Delf University of Technology, Netherlands – Belanda
- Google Scholar
- h-index : 12
- i10-index : 16
- Scopus
- h-index : 9
- Sinta
- SINTA Score Overall : 3.699
SINTA Score 3 Years : 688
Pengembangan Neurofeedback dengan metode Low Resolution Brain Electromagnetic 3D Tomography Berbasis Perekaman Sinyal Listrik Otak (2021)
Swakelola Penyelenggaraan Pendampingan Pendidikan Program D3 (Diploma Tiga) Akademi Metrologi dan Instrumentasi Angkatan III, IV dan V (lanjutan) Tahun Anggaran 2021 (2021)
Kerjasama ITB - PT KAI COVID 19, Upaya Meredam Covid 19 - Sistem Termal Scan & Walk Through Desinfektan Pada Stasiun Kereta (2020)
Pengembangan Material Maju untuk Aplikasi Deep Drawing dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Daya Saing Industri Logam dalam Negeri (2020)
Pengembangan prototip perangkat bantu rehabilitasi untuk mendukung terapi cermin secara mandiri dan ramah terhadap pasien dengan soft pneumatic robotics berbasis sistem trajectory tracking (2020)
Rancang Bangun Prototipe Perangkat Rehabilitasi Medis Homecare Untuk Aplikasi Mirror Therapy Motorik Tangan Berbasis Pneumatic Soft Robotic Glove (2020)
Rancang Bangun Sistem Scanning Portable untuk Inspeksi Cacat Internal Rel Kereta dengan NDT Berbasis Ultrasonik (2020)
Studi Pengaruh Kondisi Batas Simulasi Komputasional Biofluidik terhadap Akurasi Prediksi Aliran Darah Sebagai Langkah Awal Pengembangan Precision Medicine pada Perencanaan Terapi Intravaskular. (2020)
Swakelola Penyelenggaraan Pendampingan Pendidikan Program D3 (Diploma Tiga) Akademi Metrologi dan Instrumentasi Angkatan II, III dan IV (lanjutan) Tahun Anggaran 2020 (2020)
Desain Floating Backpack untuk Mereduksi Beban Muskuloskeletal pada Aktivitas Dinamik Melalui Analisis Ergonomi Kinematik (2019)
Estimasi Point Spread Function (PSF) Sistem Lensa Elektromagnetik pada Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) untuk Restorasi Kualitas Citra dengan Metode Dekonvolusi (2019)
Pengembangan Perangkat Simulator Needle Insertion sebagai Evaluator Performansi Fitur pada Ultrasonografi (2019)
Pengembangan Sistem Bio-signal feedback untuk Evaluasi Keberhasilan Efek Terapi Motorik Repetitif pada PasienPasca Stroke Subakut (2019)
Smart Airport Technical Workshop (2019)
Swakelola Penyelenggaraan Pendampingan Pendidikan Program D3 (Diploma Tiga) Akademi Metrologi dan Instrumentasi Angkatan I, II dan III Tahun Anggaran 2019 (2019)
Swakelola Penyelenggaraan Pendampingan Pendidikan Program D3 (Diploma Tiga) Akademi Metrologi dan Instrumentasi Angkatan IV Tahun Anggaran 2019 (2019)
Pembuatan Skin Imaging Profil Permukaan Kulit Berbasis Frinji Profilometri untuk Mendukung Uji Efikasi Sediaan Gel u03e7 -PGA hasil Fermentasi Kedelai Sebagai Anti Aging (2018)
Pengembangan Perangkat Simulator Needle Insertion sebagai Evaluator Performansi Fitur pada Ultrasonografi (2018)
Pengembangan Sistem Bio-signal feedback untuk Evaluasi Keberhasilan Efek Terapi Motorik Repetitif pada PasienPasca Stroke Subakut (2018)
Perancangan Prototipe Sarung Tangan Perangkat Bantu Rehabilitasi Berbasiskan Sistem Pneumatik (2018)
Swakelola Penyelenggaraan Pendampingan Pendidikan Program D3 (Diploma Tiga) Akademi Metrologi dan Instrumentasi Angkatan I dan II (lanjutan) Tahun Anggaran 2018 (2018)
Swakelola Penyelenggaraan Pendampingan Pendidikan Program D3 (Diploma Tiga) Akademi Metrologi dan Instrumentasi Angkatan III Tahun Anggaran 2018 (2018)
Understanding the Resonance Scattering Phenomenon on the Interaction between Ultrasound Wave and Needle in Soft Tissue: toward to Needle Visibility Enhancement onMedical Ultrasound-Guided for Needle Insertion (2018)
Pengembangan Dasar Sistem Rekognisi Pengucap Otomatis untuk Aplikasi Forensik di Indonesia (2017)
Pengembangan Robot Rehabilitasi Interaktif untuk Pasien Fisioterapi (2017)
Penyelenggaraan Pendampingan Pendidikan Program D3 (Diploma Tiga) Akademi Metrologi dan Instrumentasi Angkatan I (lanjutan) Tahun Anggaran 2017 (2017)
Studi Optimisasi Desain Bukaan Cahaya Alami untuk Pencahayaan Ruang Praktik Dokter pada Rumah Sakit (2017)
Sustainable Higher Education Research Alliances (SHERA) ITB (2017)
Swakelola Penyelenggaraan Pendampingan Pendidikan Program D3 (Diploma Tiga) Metrologi dan Instrumentasi Angkatan II Tahun Anggaran 2017 (2017)
Workshop Nasional Pendidikan dan Penelitian Persinyalan, Kontrol dan Otomasi Perkeretaapian (Signalling, Train Control, and Railway Automation) (2017)
Engineering Physics ITB goes to the 24th Singapore Robotic Games (2016)
Evaluasi Tingkat Kewaspadaan dan Waktu Reaksi Pengemudian Mobil Malam Hari Terhadap Paparan Cahaya Biru berdasarkan Respon Gelombang Otak (Evaluation of Alertness Level and Reaction Time in Driving at Night due to Blue Light Exposure Based On Brain Wave R (2016)
Kerjasama Penyelenggaraan Program Pendidikan Setingkat Strata 2 (S2) Untuk Karyawan PT. Indonesia Power Tahun Akademik 2014/2015 sampai dengan Tahun Akademik 2016/2017 (2016)
Pendampingan Pendidikan Program D3 (Diploma Tiga) Akademi Metrologi dan Instrumentasi Angkatan I (2016)
Pengembangan Metering Aliran Gas dengan Profil Kompleks Menggunakan Metoda Waktu Tempuh Gelombang Ultrasonik (2016)
Pengembangan Pencitraan Deformasi Profil 3D permukaan kulit dengan One Shoot Fringe Projection (2016)
Pengembangan Robot Rehabilitasi Interaktif untuk Pasien Fisioterapi (2016)
Pengembangan Sistem Klasifikasi Sinyal Bio-Elektrik untuk Umpan Balik Proses Rehabilitasi Pasien Fisioterapi (2016)
Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Program Diploma Tiga (D3) Metrologi dan Instrumentasi Angkatan IV (lanjutan) (2016)
Evaluasi Tingkat Kewaspadaan dan Waktu Reaksi Pengemmudi Mobil Malam Hari Terhadap Paparan Cahaya Biru Berdasarkan Respon Gelombang Otak (2015)
Pengembangan Perangkat Analisa Biomarker Potensial pada Citra Digital Radiografi Gigi untuk Deteksi Dini Penyakit Sistemik (2015)
Pengembangan Prototipe Alat Untuk Memprediksi Larutan Limbah Ammonium Choride-Urea (2015)
Pengembangan Sistem Triangulasi Laser Garis Untuk Deteksi Keausan Rel Kereta Api (2015)
Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Program Diploma Tiga (D3) Metrologi dan Instrumentasi Angkatan IV (lanjutan) (2015)
Aplikasi Pemodelan Dan Simulasi Untuk Evaluasi Laju Pelarutan Pada Pengembangan Formulasi Sediaan Tablet Lepas Lambat (2014)
Aplikasi Teknologi Computer Vision pada Kereta Inspeksi Lori Juru Periksa Jalan Rel PT. KAI Daerah Operasi ( DAOP ) Bandung (2014)
Development of Needle Insertion Simulator With Haptic Feedback For Medical Students Training (2014)
Evaluasi Tingkat Kewaspadaan dan Waktu Reaksi Pengemudian Mobil Malam Hari Terhadap Paparan Cahaya Biru berdasarkan Respon Gelombang Otak (2014)
Kontrol Gerak pada Sistem Kursi Roda Terintegrasi dengan Antar Muka Otak-Komputer ( Motion Control of a Brain Controlled Wheelchair) (2014)
Pengembangan Infrastruktur Smartgrid Terintegrasi Multiplan Generator pada Distribusi Daya Gedung ( Development of Smartgrid Infrastructure Integrating Multiple Powerplant Generation in The Apliccation of Power Distribution in a Building ) (2014)
Pengembangan Metode Kuantifikasi Citra Digital Radiografi Gigi BerbasisPeriapical dan CBCT untuk Data Pendukung Diagnosis Kelainan pada Gigi (2014)
Pengembangan Prototipe Sistem Cerdas Electronic Nose untuk Penentuan Kualitas Rasa dan Aroma Seduhan The (2014)
Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Program Diploma Tiga(D3) Metrologi dan Instrumentasi Angkatan III Tahun Anggaran 2014 (2014)
Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Program Diploma Tiga(D3) Metrologi dan Instrumentasi Angkatan IV Tahun Anggaran 2014 (2014)
Perancangan Platform Realitas Maya sebagai Simulator Pelatihan Teknik Pembedahan Minimal Invasif (2014)
Evaluation of Image Analysis Methods for Early Osteoporosis Detection with on Dental Panoramic 2D-Images on Mandibula Bone Based on Correlation with Histomorphometry 3D Data Micro-CT Images (2013)
Pengembangan dermastocopy photometric stereo untuk visualisasi dan kuantifikasi profil permukaan mikroskopik kulit manusia secara in-situ (2013)
Pengembangan metode analisa citra radiografi gigi panaromik pada tulang mandibula untuk deteksi dini osteoporosis (2013)
Pengembangan Model Interaksi Perintah Kontrol yang Bersinergi pada Kursi Roda Otomatis ( Development of Synergized Command - Control Interaction Model in an Automatic Wheelchair) (2013)
Pengembangan pengolahan citra phasa untuk pencitraan topografi permukaan kulit dengan teknik digital fringe pattern profilometry (2013)
Pengembangan prototipe sistem vision untuk penentuan tingkat kelunturan warna pada kain tenun (2013)
Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Program Diploma Tiga(D3) Metrologi dan Instrumentasi Angkatan IV Tahun Anggaran 2013 (2013)
Perancangan Platform Realitas Maya sebagai Simulator Pelatihan Teknik Pembedahan Minimal Invasif (2013)
Perencanaan Trajektori dan perancangan kontrol penjejak untuk otomatisasi gerak kursi roda elektrik (2013)
Evaluasi Kinerja Pengguna Ruangan Terhadap Efek Visual dan Non Visual Pencahayaan Buatan Pada Ruang Simulator Kerja Berdasarkan Respon Fisio Psikologis (2012)
Identifikasi Karakteristik Akustik Suara Pengucap Termanipulasi Aktif: Studi Kasus Penyulih Suara (Dubber) (2012)
Integrasi Algoritma Perencananaan dan Kontrol untuk Sistem Robot Beroda dengan Pendekatan Global dan Lokal (2012)
Pengembangan Prototipe Open Platform Brain Computer Interface Untuk Pengontrolan Kursi Roda Elektrik (2012)
Pengembangan Sistem Integrasi Pencitraan Medis X ray Panoramik Berbasis Citra Negative Film dan Citra digital untuk Peningkatan Visualisasi dan Analisa Citra Radiography Gigi (2012)
Pengembangan Prototipe Sistem Monitoring Gelombang Otak untuk Diagnosis Ganguan Kualitas Tidur (2011)
Rencana Kerja Anggaran Dana Pengembangan Institusi Tahun 2008 s/d 2009 Fakultas Teknologi Industri (2011)
Pengembangan Prototipe Antar-Muka untuk Pengontrolan Interaksi antara Manusia dengan Perangkat Rehabiliasi Medik Berbasis Sinyal Elektroenchepalogram(EEG) (2010)
Pengembangan Prototipe Perangkat Komputer Vision Untuk Penentuan Kualitas Teh Hitam Berdasarkan Marfologi Partikel dan Warna Ampas (2010)
Pengembangan Prototipe Sistem Monitoring Gelombang Otak untuk diagnosis Gangguan Kualitas Tidur (2010)
Prediksi Warna Dari Pencampuran Tinta Printer (2010)
Studi Respon Atensi terhadap Stimulus Visual berdasarkan pengukuran aktivitas listrik pada Cortex Manusia (2010)
Pengembangan Prototipe Antar-Muka untuk Pengontrolan Interaksi antara Manusia dengan Perangkat Rehabiliasi Medik Berbasis Sinyal Elektroenchepalogram (EEG) (2009)
Peningkatan Kualitas Akustik Musik Tradisional Indonesia-Studi Perancangan Gedung Konser Musik Gamelan Bali Berdasarkan Response Phisio-Akustik (2009)
- Evaluation of physical properties and image of polyvinyl chloride as breast tissue equivalence for dual-modality (mammography and ultrasound)
AP Hariyanto, NT Budiarti, Suprijanto, KH Ng, F Haryanto, EndarkoPhysical and engineering sciences in medicine, 1-11 (2023)
- Electrocardiogram Analysis of Hyperlipidemia-Induced Wistar Rats using Wireless Mice Electrocardiogram
AR HARFI MAULANA, SRK SUPRIJANTO S, L LULUSains Malaysiana 52 (2), 589-597 (2023)
- Quantitative EEG Based on Direct Recording and Source Localization Estimation in Repetitive Hand Motor Activity
M M, V Suprijanto S Putri, Finda D, NadhiraInternational Journal Bioautomation 27 (1), 51 (2023)
- The multisensory interaction between auditory, visual, and thermal to the overall comfort in public open space: A study in a tropical climate
NPA Nitidara, J Sarwono, S Suprijanto, FXN SoelamiSustainable Cities and Society 78, 103622 (2022)
- Spectral reflectance and chromaticity differences of various colors of interior finishing material samples under tunable LED lamps
Z Ajrina, RA Mangkuto, S Suprijanto, FXN SoelamiJournal of Building Engineering 44, 103280 (2021)
- Texture Analysis of Ultrasound Images to Differentiate Pneumonia and Covid-19
S Bahri, Suprijanto, E Juliastuti2021 IEEE International Biomedical Instrumentation and Technology Conference … (2021)
- DWT decomposition of EEG signal and source localization using ICA-eLORETA method for basic hand motor activity
M Masitoh, S Suprijanto, V Nadhira2021 International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, and Automation … (2021)
- An Affordable Extensible Soft Pneumatic Actuator with Bellows for a Mirror Therapy System
FF Nury, RH Muhammad, AG Risangtuni, Suprijanto2021 International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, and Automation … (2021)
- Electromyograph Processing Scheme For Quantification Muscle Workload in Use Suspended-Load Backpack during Running Activities
M Kurnia, S Suprijanto, NK Putra, AB Sriwarno2021 International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, and Automation … (2021)
- Markerless Video Motion Analysis of A Modified McKibben Muscle Soft Pneumatic Actuator
AG Risangtuni, S Suprijanto, YY Nazaruddin2021 International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, and Automation …(2021)
- Future Trend of EEG Source Localization for Quantifying Repetitive Motor Activity as feedback for Rehabilitation Device
S Suprijanto, M Masitoh, FD Putri, AG Risangtuni2021 International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, and Automation … (2021)
- Pleural Line Detection Enhancement in Lung Ultrasonography (LUS) Based on Morphological and Adaptive Structural 2D Filter
S Suprijanto, H SusantiInternational Journal of Integrated Engineering 13 (5), 98-106 (2021)
- Image Processing Framework for Pleural Line (A-Line) Detection in Video Lung Ultrasonography
S Suprijanto, Hesty Susanti2020 IEEE EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES) (2021)
- Improvement of digital phase shifting profilometry skin imaging by combination of frequency and spatial filtering
N Zahra, D Astuti, B d'Avriella, V Nadhira, S SuprijantoFourth International Seminar on Photonics, Optics, and Its Applications … (2021)
- Reconstruction and regularization multi frame super resolution on vegetation index NIR image
AZU Azmi, S Suprijanto, V NadhiraFourth International Seminar on Photonics, Optics, and Its Applications … (2021)
H Susanti, S Suprijanto, D KurniadiJournal of the Serbian Society for Computational Mechanics/Vol 15 (1), 131-148 (2021)
- Surface Electromyography Quantification Methods for Evaluating Muscle Activity in Dysphagia
Suprijanto, AS Noor, H Susanti, MI MandasariSains Malaysiana 50 (12), 3523–3535 (2021)
- Analisis interaksi aliran darah dan pembuluh serta pengaruh kebebasan mesh pada simulasi hemodinamik berbasis metode elemen hingga
NK Putra, B Nainggolan, J Muliany, S SuprijantoJournal of Science and Applicative Technology 4 (2), 54-60 (2020)
- Automatic Segmentation Scheme for Effective Synchronization of EMG-EEG Quantification
Suprijanto, AS Noor, AG Risangtuni, H SusantiInternational Journal of Biology and Biomedical Engineering 14, 136-143 (2020)
- Nocturnal Blue Light Exposure Increase Alpha and Beta Brain Waves as Cognition Function for Two Consecutive Night Driving in a Car Simulator
LL Fitri, K Prestiasani, SuprijantoSains Malaysiana 49 (9), 2091-2099 (2020)
- New Reconstruction Method for Needle Contrast Optimization in B-Mode Ultrasound Image by Extracting RF Signal Parameters in Frequency Domain.
H Susanti, Suprijanto, D KurniadiJournal of Engineering & Technological Sciences 52 (4) (2020)
- Dual modality tran-admittance mammography and ultrasound reflection to improve accuracy of breast cancer detection
K Ain, D Kurniadi, Suprijanto, O SantosoJurnal Teknologi 82 (4), 117-124 (2020)
- Susanti H., Septyvergy A., Suprijanto, Kurniadi D.
A Quantification System of Needle Visibility in B-mode Ultrasound with Linear and Curved Transducer(2020) - Amri K., Suprijanto, Kurniadi D., Juliastuti E.
Asymmetric flow velocity measurement using multipath ultrasonic flowmeter with adaptive weighting me(2020) - Rahma K.T., Salma S.A., Widyanti A., Suprijanto
The Influence of Blue Light in Maintaining Alertness in Tropical Country: A Preliminary Study(2020) - Setyawan T.B., Oressa E., Tamba T.A., Nazaruddin Y.Y., Suprijanto
A Structural Output Controllability Approach to Drug Efficacy Prediction(2019) - Zuraida R., Iridiastadi H., Sutalaksana I.Z., Suprijanto
An analysis of EEG changes during prolonged simulated driving for the assessment of driver fatigue(2019) - Firmanto A.D., Mandasari M.I., Suprijanto, Fathurrahman F.
Applying GMM-UBM framework for Indonesian forensic speaker verification(2019) - Lucia S., Zahra N., Suprijanto
Comparison of phase shifting and spatial carrier methods for 2D to 3D image conversion(2019) - Dwika D.A., Fauzan M.O., Adhika D.R., Suprijanto
Edge Preserving Filter to Support PSF Estimation of Scanning Electron Microscope Images(2019) - Noor A.S., Suprijanto, Mandasari M.I.
EMG Signal Enhancement from ECG Artifact Contamination for Assessment of Swallowing Function(2019) - Septyvergy A., Susanti H., Suprijanto, Juliastuti E., Nadhira V.
Image Processing Schemes for Improving Needle Visibility in USG Image Using Curve Transducer(2019) - Suprijanto, Kurniadi D., Sinta
Modelling and Simulation 3D Ultrasound Wave Propagation using k-space Pseudospectral Method in the R(2019) - Mangkuto R.A., Agustina D.E., Alifah F.A., Suprijanto, FaridahOptimisation of luminance-based metrics for lighting in an open-plan dental examination room conside(2019)
- Barri M.H., Widyotriatmo A., Suprijanto
Path Reference Generation for Upper-Limb Rehabilitation with Kinematic Model(2019) - Ulul A.Z.A., Suprijanto, Wijaya A.R.
Prototype of Programmable High Voltage Pulse Generator for Simulator NDT based on Ultrasound Wave(2019) - Salma S.A., Rahma K.T., Widyanti A., Suprijanto
Review of blue light research: It potential to increase rail safety in Indonesia(2019) - Ariwibawa K., Utama P.H.K., Leksono E., Haq I.N., Suprijanto
Simulation Study on Thermal Characteristics and Temperature Distribution of Lithium-Ion Battery Pack(2019) - Aviani J.K., Fitri L.L., Suprijanto, Mahyuddin A.I.
Biomechanical Evaluation on Balance During Standing on Various Height and Contact Area Heeled Shoes(2018) - Fitri L.L., Chusnia C., Suprijanto
Blue Light Exposure and Visual Distraction Effect of the Cognition Brain Waves of Driver in Car Simu(2018) - Azhari, Suprijanto
Description of quality enhancement of panoramic conventional radiography(2018) - Chusnia C., Fitri L.L., Suprijanto
Evoke of the Motoric Brain Waves of Driver in Car Simulator at Night by Blue Light Exposure and Visu(2018) - Susanti H., Suprijanto, Kurniadi D.
Two-dimensional mapping of needle visibility with linear and curved array for ultrasound-guided inte(2018) - Masitoh, Suprijanto, Giovanni, Widyotriatmo A.
Active mode rehabilitation robot with weighting mechanism to improve lower arm strength of paralysis(2017) - Amri K., Suprijanto, Juliastuti E., Kurniadi D.
Asymmetric flow velocity profile measurement using multipath ultrasonic meter with neural network te(2017) - Romadhon R., Rinata A.D., Suprijanto, Bindar Y., Soelami F.X.N.
Development of Thermoregulation Model of Surgical Patient and Heat Exchange with Air Condition in th(2017) - Ain K., Kurniadi D., Suprijanto S., Santoso O.
Dual modality electrical impedance and ultrasound reflection tomography to improve image quality(2017) - Aryadinata I.K.A., Giantra A., Akasum G.F., Suprijanto
Exterior cooling system effect on lesion size in radio frequency ablation using bipolar forceps prob(2017) - Marhanani C., Widyotriatmo A., Suprijanto
Free regressor adaptive impedance control for arm rehabilitation robot(2017) - Sekawati L., Maulidevi N.U., Suprijanto
Machine learning to predict person s interest towards visual object by utilizing EEG signal(2017) - Untoro T., Viridi S., Suprijanto, Ekawati E.
Modelling of Mechanical Coupling for Piezoelectric Energy Harvester Adapted to Low-Frequency Vibrati(2017) - Salehuddin M., Suprijanto, Widyotriatmo A.
Needle force insertion modeling based on comparison of ex-vivo tissue and phantom tissue(2017) - Ma\'As M.D.F., Masitoh, Azmi A.Z.U., Suprijanto
Real-time muscle fatigue monitoring based on median frequency of electromyography signal(2017) - Susanti H., Suprijanto, Kurniadi D.
Simulation of 3D ultrasound wave propagation through abdomen-mimicking media using k-Wave MATLAB too(2017) - Zahra N., Suprijanto, Juliastuti E.
Static evaluation of one shot 3D surface imaging using digital colored fringe projection technique(2017) - Static evaluation of one shot 3D surface imaging using digital colored fringe projection technique(2017)
- Kusumawardani S.R., Fitri L.L., Suprijanto
Theta brainwave activity as the response to lavender (Lavendula angustifolia) aromatherapy inhalatio(2017) - Amri K., Suprijanto, Juliastuti E., Kurniadi D.
Ultrasonic tomographic flowmeter using dual-transducers for the reconstruction of an asymmetric velo(2017) - Djamal E.C., Suprijanto, Setiadi S.J.
Classification of EEG-based hand grasping imagination using autoregressive and neural networks(2016) - Suprijanto, Azhari, Juliastuti E., Septyvergy A., Setyagar N.P.P.
Dental panoramic image analysis for enhancement biomarker of mandibular condyle for osteoporosis ear(2016) - Untoro T., Suprijanto, Ekawati E.
Development of mechanical coupling for piezoelectric energy harvester adapted to low-frequency vibra(2016) - Aprilianty F., Purwanegara M.S., Suprijanto
Effects of colour towards underwear choice based on electroencephalography (EEG)(2016) - Hakim M.L., Joelianto E., Suprijanto
Estimation of wave propagation distance in swash zone with image analysis results of CCTV-coastal te(2016) - Amri K., Wiranata L.F., Suprijanto, Kurniadi D.
Fluid flow velocity measurement using dual-ultrasonic transducer by means of simultaneously transit (2016) - Ain K., Kurniadi D., Suprijanto, Santoso O., Wibowo R.A.
Forward problem solution as operator of filter and back projection matrix to reconstruct the various(2016) - Andronicus S., Harjanto N.C., Suprijanto, Widyotriatmo A.
Heuristic Steady State Visual Evoked Potential based Brain Computer Interface system for robotic whe(2016) - Suprijanto, Epsilawati L., Hajarini M.S., Juliastuti E., Susanti H.
Image analysis for dental bone quality assessment using CBCT imaging(2016) - Akasum G.F., Ramdhania L.N., Suprijanto, Widyotriatmo A.
Integration of soft tissue model and open haptic device for medical training simulator(2016) - Tanotogono E.W., Suprijanto, Sudirham J.J.
Model development for RF ablation using bipolar forceps in cancer therapy(2016) - Tanotogono E.W., Akasum G.F., Suprijanto, Sudirham J.J.
Model-based assessment of probe placement criteria in cancer therapy using RF ablation(2016) - Blit I.W., Juwita A.B., Suprijanto, Nugraha
Prototype instruments for determination of aroma and flavor quality of brewed black tea(2016) - Putra N.K., Suprijanto, Sudirham J., Wikarsa S.
Simulation of tablet dissolution rate on virtual USP dissolution apparatus(2016) - Masykuri E., Juliastuti E., Suprijanto S., Zahra N.
Static detection of flat head railways depletion using analysis of laser area and position on rail t(2016) - Wicaksono N.B., Mengko T.L.R., Suprijanto
Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential based Brain Computer Interface: Experiment of LED stimulation i(2016) - Widyotriatmo A., Suprijanto, Andronicus S.
A collaborative control of brain computer interface and robotic wheelchair(2015) - Sudarsono A.S., Merthayasa I.G.N., Suprijanto
Comparison between psycho-acoustics and physio-acoustic measurement to determine optimum reverberati(2015) - Zahra N., Suprijanto, Juliastuti E.
Development of low cost set up microscopic skin imaging using structured light projection(2015) - Purawijaya D.A., Fitri L.L., Suprijanto
Evaluation of blue light exposure to beta brainwaves on simulated night driving(2015) - Forward problem solution as the operator of filtered and back projection matrix to reconstruct the v(2015)
- Ain K., Kurniadi D., Suprijanto, Santoso O.
Improving image quality in electrical impedance tomography by combining data collection methods(2015) - Wall following control for the application of a brain-controlled wheelchair(2015)
- Djamal E.C., Suprijanto, Arif A.
Identification of alertness state based on EEG signal using wavelet extraction and neural networks(2014) - Clearesta E., Wardhana A.A., Widyotriatmo A., Suprijanto S.
Adaptive control for velocity control of an electric wheelchair(2013) - Turnip A., Widyotriatmo A., Suprijanto S.
Classification of EEG-P300 signals using fisher s linear discriminant analysis(2013) - Compact computer vision system for tropical wood species recognition based on pores and concentric c(2013)
- Suprijanto, Juliastuti E., Rakhmawati A.
Computer vision for black tea grading based on the black tea particles and tea infusion color(2013) - Suprijanto S., Juliastuti E., Diputra Y., Mayantasari M., Azhari A.
Dental panoramic image analysis on mandibular bone for osteoporosis early detection(2013) - Kaysa W.A., Suprijanto S., Widyotriatmo A.
Design of Brain-computer interface platform for semi real-time commanding electrical wheelchair simu(2013) - Suprijanto S., Istiana T., Hariyanto H., Nugraha A.D.
Detection of P-wave on broadband seismometer using discrete wavelet denoising(2013) - Muchtadi F.I., Suprijanto, Ismail G., Susanti H., Prasetyo M.E., Salehuddin M.
Effect of an acupuncture stimulation on human body stamina improvement based on statistical electrom(2013) - Suprijanto S., Rezi A.M.H., Widyotriatmo W., Turnip A.
Evaluation of stimulation scheme for mu rhythm based-Brain computer interface user(2013) - Prafiadi H., Azhari, Putra N.K., Suprijanto, Fourier
Image analysis for correlation between dental panoramic and MicroCT to measure bone density(2013) - Ain K., Kurniadi D., Suprijanto S., Santoso O.
Lungs anomaly detection by filtered back projection reconstruction method in electrical impedance to(2013) - Wardhana A.A., Clearesta E., Widyotriatmo A., Suprijanto S.
Mobile robot localization using modified particle filter(2013) - Turnip A., Siahaan M., Suprijanto S., Waafi A.K.
P300 detection using nonlinear independent component analysis(2013) - Suprijanto S., Samsi A., Mariyana E., Putra N.K.
Preliminary study of vision system for the colorfastness rate assessment on woven fabrics(2013) - Ayuningtiyas A., Putra N.K., Suprijanto, Juliastuti E., Epsilawati L.
Quantitative image analysis of periapical dental radiography for dental condition diagnosis(2013) - Wardana A.A., Widyotriatmo A., Suprijanto S., Turnip A.
Wall following control of a mobile robot without orientation sensor(2013) - Widyotriatmo A., Rauzanfiqr S.K., Suprijanto
A modified PID algorithm for dynamic control of an automatic wheelchair(2012) - Suprijanto, Gianto, Juliastuti E., Azhari, Epsilawati L.
Image contrast enhancement for film-based dental panoramic radiography(2012) - Risangtuni A.G., Suprijanto, Widyotriatmo A.
Towards online application of wireless EEG-based open platform brain computer interface(2012) - Suprijanto, Rakhmawati A., Yuliastuti E.
Compact computer vision for black tea quality evaluation based on the black tea particles(2011) - Suprijanto, Nadhira V., Lestari D.A., Juliastuti E., Darijanto S.T.
Digital dermatoscopy method for human skin roughness analysis(2011) - Farida I.M., Suprijanto, Ismail G., Susanti H., Prasetio M.E.
Observation of acupuncture stimulation on human stamina improvement using EMG(2011) - Salehuddin M., Suprijanto, Muchtadi F.I.
Prototype design of low cost four channels digital electroencephalograph for sleep monitoring(2011) - Suprijanto, Amelia R., Sudarsono A.S., Sarwono J.
Wavelet denoising to analyze electroencephalogram signal of perfect pitch and Non Perfect Pitch Subj(2011) - Welcome to ICA 2011(2011)
- Putra N.K., Suprijanto, Sriwarno A.B.
Dynamic modeling and simulation of the suspended-load backpack to obtain optimal suspension paramete(2010) - Sarwono J., Mandasari M.I., Suprijanto
Forensic Speaker Identification: An experience in Indonesians court(2010) - Suprijanto, Ayu D., Nadhira V., Darijanto S.T.
Development of image processing for digital dermatoscopy(2009) - Suprijanto, Sari L., Nadhira V., Merthayasa I., Farida I.M.
Development system for emotion detection based on brain signals and facial images(2009) - Muchtadi F.I., Suprijanto, Robinsar, Gunawan I.
Time-frequency analysis of EEG signals response due to simple acupuncture stimulation(2009) - Inter-frame motion correction for MR thermometry.(2005)
- Displacement correction scheme for MR-guided interstitial laser therapy(2003)
- Additional processing for phase unwrapping of magnetic resonance thermometry imaging(2002)
- Phase unwrapping for magnetic resonance thermometry(2001)
- Towards motion-Robust Magnetic Resonance Thermometry(2001)
Transportasi dan Infrastruktur
Kesehatan, Pangan, dan Ilmu Hayati
PATENT , Pemeriksaan Formalitas oleh DJKI (21 Juni 2019) -
Kesehatan, Pangan, dan Ilmu Hayati
PATENT , Pemeriksaan Formalitas oleh DJKI (27 Agustus 2019)