Kelompok Keahlian | KK Sistem Informasi dan Keputusan |
Sekolah/Fakultas | Fakultas Teknologi Industri |
Jabatan Fungsional | GURU BESAR |
- S1
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S2
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S3
University of Twente, Twente – Belanda
- Google Scholar
- h-index : 20
- i10-index : 46
- Scopus
- h-index : 9
- Sinta
- SINTA Overall Score : 2.461
- SINTA Score 3 Years : 150
Pelatihan Pengembangan Sistem Pendukung Keputusan dengan Perangkat Lunak untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja dan Daya Saing UMKM - Lanjutan (2019)
Pengembangan Model Kapabilitas Perusahaan Pengembang Perangkat Lunak dalam Konteks Offshore IS/IT Outsourcing Berbasis Kemitraan Jangka Panjang (2019)
Pengembangan Model Usability Aplikasi Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) untuk Mendukung Penggunaan yang Efektif bagi Physicians (2019)
Pengikutsertaan Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) di Lingkungan Pemerintah Daerah Kota Bandung pada Program Magister Teknik dan Manajemen Industri Fakultas Teknologi Industri, Institut Teknologi Bandung Semester I 2019/2020 (2019)
Pra Semester Program Studi Magister dan Doktor TMI Tahun Angkatan Ajaran 2019/2020 (2019)
Pelatihan Pengembangan Sistem Pendukung Keputusan dengan Perangkat Lunak untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja dan Daya Saing UMKM (2018)
Pengembangan Fra,mework Perancangan Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) yang Mempertimbangkan Kesesuaian dengan Interaction Design Principles untuk Meningkatkan Kemudahpakaian (Usability) Sistem (2018)
Pengembangan Model Kapabilitas Perusahaan Pengembang Perangkat Lunak dalam Konteks Offshore IS/IT Outsourcing Berbasis Kemitraan Jangka Panjang (2018)
Pengenalan dan Pelatihan Penggunaan Perangkat Lunak Aplikasi Pengolahan Data bagi Siswa SMA Kabupaten Bandung dan Sekitarnya (2018)
Penyelenggaran Pendidikan Program Magister Logistik (S2) Angkatan ke-1 2018/2019 (2018)
Perancangan Metodologi Implementasi Sistem Open-ERP pada UKM (2018)
Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) Post-adoption: optimising CDSS usage by clinician (2017)
Matrikulasi Program Studi Magister dan Doktor Teknik dan Manajemen Indutsri 2017 (2017)
Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Program Magister Teknik dan Manajemen Industri pada Fakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Bandung bagi Pegawai Kementerian Perdagangan Republik Indonesia Tahun Akademik 2017/2018 dan 2018/2019 (2017)
Perancangan Metodologi Implementasi Sistem Open-ERP pada UKM (2017)
Electronic Medical Record (EMR) post-adoption : optimising EMR system usage by clician (2016)
ERP Post-implementation Management: optimizing system usage and learning (2016)
Matrikulasi Program Studi Magister dan Doktor Teknik dan Manajemen Industri S2 (2016)
Pengembangan Framework Pengelolaan Offshore IT Outsourcing (The Development of Framework for Offshore IT Outsourcing Governance) (2016)
Pengembangan Sektor Telematika Indonesia melalui Peningkatan Kapabilitas Layanan Offshore Outsourcing IT Perusahaan Perangkat Lunak Indonesia (2016)
Perancangan Metodologi Implementasi Sistem Open-ERP pada UKM (2016)
The Design of a Methodology for IT - Business aligment to support e commerce implementation in SMEs (2016)
ERP Post-Implementation Management Optimizing System Usage and Learning (2015)
Pengembangan Framework Pengelolaan Offshore IT Outsourcing ( The Development of Framework for Offshore IT Outsourcing Governance) (2015)
Pengembangan Model Adopsi Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Klinis Oleh Dokter (2015)
Pengembangan Sektor Telematika Indonesia melalui Peningkatan Kapabilitas Layanan Offshore Outsourcing IT Perusahaan Perangkat Lunak Indonesia (2015)
Pengembangan Strategi Implementasi e- Bisnis di UKM Manufaktur (2015)
Perancangan Metodologi Requirement Analysis dalam Implementasi e-business di UKM (2015)
Perancangan Risk Analysis Framework untuk Implementasi Open-ERP di UKM dengan memanfaatkan Generalized Reference Architecture and Methodology (GERAM) (2015)
Management Proyek, Dana Kas Operasional Kantor Pengembangan ITB - JICA (DIPA) (2014)
Pengembangan Model Adopsi e-Commerce bagi UMKM Manufaktur dengan Teori Difusi Inovasi (2014)
Pengembangan Model Adopsi EMR oleh Physicians (2014)
Pengembangan Sektor Telematika Indonesia melalui Peningkatan Kapabilitas Layanan Offshore Outsourcing IT Perusahaan Perangkat Lunak Indonesia (2014)
Pengembangan Sistem Pengelolaan Pascapanen dengan Memanfaatkan Nano Material Ti02 dengan Buah Pisang sebagai Model (2014)
The Development of Framework for Manufacturing Execution Systems Design and Implementation (2014)
Pengembangan Framework adopsi dan implementasi e commerce oleh UMKM: studi kasus UMKM Jawa Barat (2013)
Pengembangan model adopsi EMR oleh Physician (2013)
Pengembangan Model Kapabilitas IT Management untuk Mendukung Pengelolaan Post - Project ERP (2013)
The Development of Model on ERP Post-implementation Management (2013)
Bantuan Penginternasional Terbitan Berkala Ilmiah (ITB Journal of Information and Communication Technologi) ISSN 1978-3086 (2012)
Dana Operasional Kegiatan Proyek Pengembangan ITB (III) (DIPA) (2012)
Perancangan Metode Penerapan ISA - 95 Dalam Desain Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) (2012)
Perancangan Model Implementasi Electronic Medical Record (EMR) di Rumah Sakit (2012)
Implementasi Enterprise Resource Planning pada Fase Post - project (2011)
Offshore IT Outsorcing to Indonesia: A Study on Strategic Objectives and Success Factors (2011)
The Development of a Framework for e-Commerece System Adoption to Increase the Competitiveness of Indonesian SMEs (2010)
A Study on How to Increase Offshore IT Outsourcing to Indonesia in Order to Grow Indonesian IT Industries (2008)
- Rancangan Kriteria Sustainability untuk Evaluasi Strategic Supplier di Industri Otomotif X dengan Metode QFD
PM Zalynda, R Govindaraju, A Cakravastia, K Suryadi, B AndryantoJournal of Research in Industrial Engineering and Management 1 (1), 31-40 (2023)
- Data mining framework for the identification of profitable customer based on recency, frequency, monetary (RFM)
F Asmat, K Suryadi, R GovindarajuAIP Conference Proceedings 2508 (1) (2023)
- Rural smartness: Its determinants and impacts on rural economic welfare
IY Mukti, J Henseler, A Aldea, R Govindaraju, ME IacobElectronic markets, 1-28 (2022)
- An Additional Model to Control Risk in Mastering Defense Technology in Indonesia
FJ Muda, R Govindaraju, II WiratmadjaSustainability 14 (3), 1658 (2022)
- Development of Web-Enabled Online Learning Effectiveness Model Based on Online Video Tutorial
BE Putro, R GovindarajuJurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri 20 (2), 195-209 (2021)
- Iqbal Yulizar Mukti, Maria E Iacob, Adina Aldea, Rajesri Govindaraju, Jos van Hillegersberg
Defining Rural Smartness and Its Impact: A Systematic Literature Review
Journal of the Knowledge Economy 2021 - Femi Yulianti, Senator Nur Bahagia, Andi Cakravastia and Rajesri Govindaraju, "Coordination mechanism framework for container dwelling time reduction" International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics 13 (1-2), 25-43 (2021)
- Hotma Antoni Hutahaean, Rajesri Govindaraju, Iman Sudirman
Identifying Usability Risks for Mobile Application
Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Information Technology for Sustainable Industry - FJ Muda, R Govindaraju, II Wiratmadja
The Need of TRL 10 for Defense Technology in Indonesia
2020 7th International Conference on Frontiers of Industrial Engineering (ICFIE) - Wibisono Y.Y., Govindaraju R., Irianto D., Sudirman I.
Capabilities in managing offshore it outsourcing challenges and the influence on outsourcing success(2019) - Sitorus H.M., Govindaraju R., Wiratmadja I.I., Sudirman I.
Examining the role of usability, compatibility and social influence in mobile banking adoption in In(2019) - Sudirman I., Saptadi S., Ari Samadhi T.M.A., Govindaraju R.
External supports, environmental uncertainties and it adoption in indonesian manufacturing SMEs(2019) - Amaranti R., Govindaraju R., Irianto D.
Green dynamic capability for enhancing green innovations performance in a manufacturing company: A c(2019) - Mukti I.Y., Govindaraju R.
Key factors supporting the benefit realization of erp system adoption: Empirical evidence from Indon(2019) - Wibisono Y.Y., Govindaraju R., Irianto D., Sudirman I.
Managing differences, interaction, and partnership quality in global inter-firm relationships: An em(2019) - Amaranti R., Irianto D., Govindaraju R.
The Relationship between Absorptive Capacity, Knowledge Sharing Capability, and Green Dynamic Capabi(2019) - Wiratmadja I.I., Salamah S.Y., Govindaraju R.
Healthcare data mining: Predicting hospital length of stay of dengue patients(2018) - Healthcare data mining: Predicting hospital length of stay of dengue patients(2018)
- Sitorus H.M., Govindaraju R., Wiratmadja I.I., Sudirman I.
Interaction perspective in mobile banking adoption: The role of usability and compatibility(2018) - Wibisono Y.Y., Govindaraju R., Irianto D., Sudirman I.
Interaction quality and the influence on offshore IT outsourcing success(2018) - Govindaraju R., Dwipayana I.N.K., Salamah S.Y.
It governance and ERP post-implementation: Analysing the impact of it business alignment and it bene(2018) - Govindaraju R., Akbar R., Suryadi K.
IT infrastructure transformation and its impact on IT capabilities in the cloud computing context(2018) - Habib A.A., Govindaraju R.
Success Measures Evaluation for Mobile Commerce Using Text Mining based on Customer Tweets(2018) - Sandroto I.V., Prihartono B., Govindaraju R., Suryadi K.
Balancing acquisition and retention accommodating capacity expansion in a telecommunication company(2017) - Rizana A.F., Govindaraju R.
Enterprise Resource Planning system continuance usage intention at an individual level: An approach (2017) - Tesavrita C., Suryadi K., Wiratmadja I.I., Govindaraju R.
Intra-organizational and inter-organizational knowledge sharing in collaborative learning process: A(2017) - The customer adoption of mobile banking from an interaction perspective(2017)
- Wibisono Y.Y., Govindaraju R., Irianto D., Sudirman I.
A framework for offshore vendor capability development(2016) - Govindaraju R., Putra K.
A methodology for Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) implementation(2016) - Govindaraju R., Salajar R.T., Chandra D.R., Sudirman I.
Acceptance and usage of ERP systems: The role of institutional factors in ERP post-implementation(2016) - Sudirman I., Govindaraju R., Samadhi T.M.A.A., Saptadi S.
Business strategy and e-business initiatives in Indonesian B-to-B manufacturing SMEs(2016) - Govindaraju R., Wibisono Y.Y., Sidiq A.Z.
Critical processes in developing client-vendor relationship in the case of offshore IT/IS outsourcin(2016) - Saptadi S., Sudirman I., Samadhi T.M.A.A., Govindaraju R.
E-business evolution in Indonesian B2B manufacturing SMEs: An exploratory study(2016) - Govindaraju R., Hariadi R.A.R., Sidiq A.Z.
ERP assimilation and benefit realization: Analyzing the influence of leader characteristics(2016) - Ramadhana B.A., Govindaraju R., Wibisono Y.Y.
ERP system usage and panoptic control: The role of perceived organizational support(2016) - Simatupang T., Zahra I.N.D., Govindaraju R.
Factors affecting electric car acceptance in Indonesia(2016) - Wiratmadja I.I., Govindaraju R., Handayani D.
Innovation and productivity in indonesian it clusters: The influence of external economies and joint(2016) - Wibisono Y.W., Govindaraju R., Irianto D., Sudirman I.
Interaction capability, process quality, and outsourcing success: A vendor perspective in offshore I(2016) - Sitorus H.M., Govindaraju R., Wiratmadja I.I., Sudirman I.
Technology Adoption: An Interaction Perspective(2016) - Govindaraju R., Wiratmadja I.I., Rivana R.
Analysis of drivers for e-commerce adoption by smes in Indonesia(2015) - Govindaraju R., Wiradanti B.
Factors influencing the willingness to implement requirement engineering good practices(2015) - Govindaraju R., Arianto T.A.
Knowledge integration and its impact on offshore it outsourcing success(2015) - Saptadi S., Sudirman I., Samadhi T.A., Govindaraju R.
Owners support, IT sophistication and IT Adoption in indonesian manufacturing SMEs(2015) - Govindaraju R., Bramagara A., Gondodiwiryo L., Simatupang T.
Requirement volatility, standardization and knowledge integration in software projects: An empirical(2015) - Govindaraju R., Akbar M.I., Gondodiwiryo L., Simatupang T.
The application of a decision-making approach based on fuzzy ANP and TOPSIS for selecting a strategi(2015) - Wibisono Y.Y., Govindaraju R., Sudirman I., Irianto D.
The capabilities of offshore information technology vendor(2015) - Govindaraju R., Sumarna D.L., Simatupang T.
The development of a model on ERP success: A highlight on internal service quality(2015) - The effects of IT infrastructure transformation on organizational structure and capability in the cl(2015)
- Wiratmadja I.I., Sunaryo I., Syafrian R.N., Govindaraju R.
The measurement of humanware readiness in a technology transfer process: Case study in an electrical(2015) - Govindaraju R., Hariadi R.A.R.
A study on ERP assimilation and benefit realisation based on diffusion of innovation theory(2014) - Govindaraju R., Lukman K., Chandra D.R.
Manufacturing execution system design using ISA-95(2014) - Govindaraju R., Hariadi R.A.R.
Multi-echelon production system planning: Case study at a steel company in Indonesia(2014) - Govindaraju R., Zairul R.A.
Vendor capability for offshore IT projects: Analysing a case in Indonesian context(2014) - Sofianti T.D., Suryadi K., Govindaraju R., Prihartono B.
Measuring productivity of customer knowledge management in projects(2013) - Govindaraju R., Hadining A.F., Chandra D.R.
Physicians adoption of electronic medical records: Model development using ability - motivation - o(2013) - Govindaraju R., Chandra D.R.
Analysis of level and barriers of e-commerce adoption by indonesian small, medium, and micro enterpr(2012) - Saptadi S., Sudirman I., Samadhi T.M.A.A., Govindaraju R.
Business - IT alignment success framework for manufacturing SMEs (A conceptual model)(2012) - Firdaus O.M., Suryadi K., Govindaraju R., Samadhi T.M.A.A.
Knowledge sharing model development in community of practice (CoP) among doctors(2012) - Sofianti T.D., Suryadi K., Govindaraju R., Prihartono B.
Measuring the performance of customer knowledge co-creation(2012) - Chandra D.R., Govindaraju R.
Recommendation of ERP post-project management(2012) - Govindaraju R., Chandra D.R., Siregar Z.A.
Stakeholder role in e-commerce adoption by small and medium enterprises(2012) - Maryeni Y.Y., Govindaraju R., Prihartono B., Sudirman I.
Technological and organizational factors influencing the e-commerce adoption by Indonesian SMEs(2012) - Wiratmadja I.I., Govindaraju R., Athari N.
The development of mobile internet technology acceptance model(2012) - Ratnamiasih I., Govindaraju R., Prihartono B., Sudirman I.
The influence of organization control on hospital service quality(2012) - Govindaraju R., Chandra D.R.
E-commerce adoption by Indonesian small, medium, and micro enterprises (SMMEs): Analysis of goals an(2011) - Rajesri G., Ayutirta P.L.
Information architecture for online review system(2011) - Firdaus O.M., Suryadi K., Govindaraju R., Samadhi T.M.A.A.
Medical knowledge sharing guideline: A conceptual model(2011) - Wiradanti B., Govindaraju R.
Requirements engineering maturity measurement and evaluation (A case study of Bank X in Indonesia)(2011) - Govindaraju R., Mahardhika D.
Web-based decision support system using C4.5 decision tree algorithm(2011) - Sofianti T.D., Suryadi K., Govindaraju R., Prihartono B.
Customer knowledge co-creation process in new product development(2010) - Wassenaar A., Govindaraju R., Kijl B.
In context outsourcing: Between solution making and context making(2009) - Aulawi H., Sudirman I., Suryadi K., Govindaraju R.
Knowledge sharing behavior, antecedent and their impact on the individual innovation capability(2009) - Aulawi H., Sudirman I., Suryadi K., Govindaraju R.
Literature review towards knowledge enablers which is assumed significantly influences Ks behavior(2009) - Andrawina L., Govindaraju R., Samadhi T.A., Sudirman I.
Absorptive capacity moderates the relationship between knowledge sharing capability and innovation c(2008) - Aulawi H., Sudirman I., Suryadi K., Govindaraju R.
Knowledge sharing behavior, antecedent and its influence towards the company s innovation capability(2008)