Kelompok Keahlian | KK Sistem Industri dan Tekno-Ekonomi |
Sekolah/Fakultas | Fakultas Teknologi Industri |
Jabatan Fungsional | GURU BESAR |
- S1
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S2
IAE -L\’Universite d\’Aix Marseille III, Marseille – Perancis
- S3
IAE -L\’Universite d\’Aix Marseille III, Marseille – Perancis
- Google Scholar
- h-index : 9
- i10-index : 8
- Scopus
- h-index : 4
- Sinta
- SINTA Score Overall : 462
- SINTA Score 3 Years : 96
- Kajian Kebijakan Pengaturan dan Pengawasan Pendistribusian BBM dengan Memanfaatkan Teknologi Revolusi Industri 4.0 untuk Masa Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru (The New Normal) dan Pasca Pandemi (Swakelola Tipe II) (2020)
Workshop Kurikulum Pendidikan Tinggi di Bidang Supply Chain dan Logistics (2019)
BATAL (2016)
Jasa Konsultasi Pendamping Penyusunan RJPP 2017-2021 PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) (2016)
Pelatihan Peningkatan Daya Saing dan Kinerja WIKA Melalui Penerapan Strategic SCM (2016)
Pendirian Akademi Komunitas Logistik dan Penyelenggaraan Program Pendidikan D2 Logistik (2016)
Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Program Magister Logistik Bidang Kekhususan Keahlian Rantai Pasok Industri Konstruksi Bagi Pegawai PT Wijaya Karya (Persero)- tbk Tahun Akademik 2016/2017 dan 2017/2018 (2016)
Penyelenggaraan Program Pendidikan D2 Logistik (2016)
Establishment of Bachelors degree in Logistics at the Faculty of Industrial Technology - Bandung Institute of Technology (2015)
Jasa Konsultasi Kajian Logistik PT POS Indonesia (2012)
Jasa Konsultansi Penyusunan Studi Kelayakan dan Rencana Bisnis Electronic Trade Logistic (E-Tradelogistics) dalam rangka Pendirian Joint Venture Company (2011)
Pengadaan Jasa Konsultasi Penyusunan Dokumen Blueprint E-Trade Logistic Indonesia (2011)
Dana Pendampingan JSPS (2010)
Pengembangan Model dan Perangkat Sistem Stabilisasi Harga Bahan Kebutuhan Pokok Masyarakat (2010)
Pengembangan Model dan Perangkat Sistem Stabilisasi Harga Bahan Kebutuhan Pokok Masyarakat (2009)
Sistem Inventori (2008)
Pengembangan Sistem Logistik Multi Eselon Terintegrasi Berbasis Kolaborasi untuk Meningkatkan Performansi Sistem Logistik Nasional. (2007)
- Maturity of procurement units for public construction projects in Indonesia
Abduh, M., Sukardi, S.N., Wirahadikusumah, R.D., Oktaviani, C.Z., Bahagia, S.N.
International Journal of Construction Management, 2023, 23(13), pp. 2171–2184 (2023) - The Development of a Conceptual Rural Logistics System Model to Improve Products Distribution in Indonesia
Sinaga, T.S., Hidayat, Y.A., Wangsaputra, R., Bahagia, S.N.
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 2022, 15(4), pp. 670–687 (2022) - Location-inventory-routing Problem in a Context of City Logistics: A Case Study of Jakarta
Saragih, N.I., Bahagia, S.N., Suprayogi, Syabri, I.
Operations and Supply Chain Managementthis link is disabled, 2022, 15(2), pp. 218–227 (2022) - Maturity of procurement units for public construction projects in Indonesia
M Abduh, SN Sukardi, RD Wirahadikusumah, CZ Oktaviani, SN BahagiaInternational Journal of Construction Management, 1-14 (2022)
- Saragih, N.I., Bahagia, S.N., Suprayogi, S., Syabri, I.
"Location-inventory-routing model with considering urban road networks"
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 2021, 14(4), pp. 830–849 (2021) - Coordination mechanism framework for container dwelling time reduction
F Yulianti, SN Bahagia, A Cakravastia, R GovindarajuInternational Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics 13 (1-2), 25-43 (2021)
- Jurnal Internasional
A Jayady, KS Pribadi, SN BahagiaInternational Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (2020)
- Artificial neural network for predicting earthquake casualties and damages in Indonesia
Oktarina, R., Bahagia, S.N., Diawati, L., Pribadi, K.S.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Sciencethis link is disabled, 2020, 426(1), 012156 (2020) - Integrated Logistics and Transportation Routing in Rural Logistics System
TS Sinaga, SN BahagiaIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 528 (1), 012081 (2019)
- A heuristic method for location-inventory-routing problem in a three-echelon supply chain system
Saragih, N.I., Bahagia, S.N., Suprayogi, Syabri, I.
Computers and Industrial Engineeringthis link is disabled, 2019, 127, pp. 875–886 (2019) - A survey on location-routing-inventory problem
Saragih, N.I., Bahagia, S.N., Suprayogi, Syabri, I.
Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 2019, 11(5 Special Issue), pp. 401–404 (2019) - An economic order quantity model with continous quantity discount and probabilistic demand
Rizaldi, A., Dilianaputri, A., Anugrah, F.A., Ummaya, R., Bahagia, S.N.
2018 5th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications, ICIEA 2018, 2018, pp. 484–489 (2018) - Sholihah S.A., Samadhi T.M.A.A., Cakravastia A., Nur Bahagia S.
Coordination model in hinterland chain of hub-and-spoke export trade logistics(2018) - Yamane Y., Takahashi K., Hamada K., Morikawa K., Nur Bahagia S., Diawati L., Cakravastia A.
Developing a plant system prediction model for technology transfer(2015) - Sutopo W., Nur Bahagia S., Cakravastia A., Arisamadhi T.M.A.
A buffer stock model to ensure price stabilization and availability of seasonal staple food by empow(2011) - Sutopo W., Nur Bahagia S., Cakravastia A., Samadhi T.M.A.A.
A buffer stocks model for stabilizing price of staple food with considering the expectation of non s(2010)