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The Engineering Physics International Conference (EPIC) 2016

The Engineering Physics International Conference (EPIC) 2016

The Engineering Physics International Conference (EPIC) 2016 will be held at Aula Timur ITB, on 7 – 10 September 2016, Jl. Ganesa No. 10 Bandung Indonesia.

The conference topics include, and related to area:

  • Industrial Measurements,
  • Sensor Systems and Actuators,
  • Advanced Material Science & Nanotechnology,
  • Physics in the Built Environment,
  • Energy System & Management,
  • Simulation and Visualization Techniques,
  • Computational Materials Design,
  • Illumination Design and Technology,
  • Environmental Noise,
  • Architectural Acoustics,
  • Vibration Measurement and Control,
  • Thermal Science and Engineering,
  • Industrial Health, Safety, and Environment,
  • Musical Acoustics.

The conference is organized by Engineering Physics Group, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia. The purpose of this conference is to facilitate researchers, scientists and engineers forum from all over the world to exchange ideas and discuss research progress in the field of Engineering Physics.

More info : http://epic2016.tf.itb.ac.id/