Kelompok Keahlian | KK Ergonomi, Rekayasa Kerja, dan Keselamatan Kerja |
Sekolah/Fakultas | Fakultas Teknologi Industri |
Jabatan Fungsional | GURU BESAR |
- S1
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S2
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S3
University of Groningen, Groningen – Belanda
- Google Scholar
- h-index : 13
- i10-index : 17
- Scopus
- h-index : 11
- Sinta
- SINTA Score Overall : 2.308
- SINTA Score 3 Years : 459
- Pemodelan intensi dan perilaku mengemudi saat kondisi mengantuk (drowsy driving) melalui theory of planned behavior dan health belief model sebagai upaya mengurangi kecelakaan lalu lintas di Indonesia (2021)
Evaluasi atensi dan kewaspadaan pengendara motor saat menggunakan GPS sebagai upaya mengurangi kecelakaan motor: studi kognitif dengan pengukuran gelombang otak menggunakan EEG (2020)
Pengaruh faktor demografi, psikologis, dan sosial budaya terhadap penggunaan telepon seluler/ponsel saat mengendarai motor (2020)
Pengembangan metode pengukuran beban kerja kognitif melalui pendekatan real time-adaptive respiratory (2020)
Penggunaan helm di Indonesia: identifikasi dan pemodelan faktor yang berpengaruh, redesain/perancangan ulang, dan intervensi; sebagai upaya penurunan resiko kecelakaan bermotor (2020)
RKI - Model Matetmatis Prediksi Kecepatan Terkait Pelanggaran/Kecelakaan di Jalan Toll Melalui Pendekatan Dta Obyektif Rekaman CCTV dan Pemodelan Perilaku Speeding di Jalan Toll (2020)
Swakelola Penyelenggaraan Pendampingan Pendidikan Program D3 (Diploma Tiga) Akademi Metrologi dan Instrumentasi Angkatan II, III dan IV (lanjutan) Tahun Anggaran 2020 (2020)
Teknologi kesehatan untuk lansia: pemodelan faktor berpengaruh dan intervensi untuk meningkatkan penggunaannya (2020)
Desain Spektrum Dan Paparan Blue Light Untuk Meningkatkan Performansi Masinis Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Keselamatan Transportasi Kereta Api: Tinjauan Gelombang Otak, Beban Kerja Mental, Technology Acceptance Dan Visual Perception, Serta Analisis Kelayaka (2019)
Pengembangan dan aplikasi metode Human Factor Analysis and Classification System (HFACS) untuk identifikasi dan minimasi medication error di Indonesia (2019)
PPKI - Evaluasi dan optimalisasi penggunaan E-health di Indonesia secara multidisiplin: tinjauan technology trust, user acceptance, dan usability (2019)
Desain spektrum dan paparan blue light untuk meningkatkan performansi masinis sebagai upaya meningkatkan keselamatan transportasi kereta api: tinjauan gelombang otak, beban kerja mental, technology acceptance dan visual perception, serta analisis kelayaka (2018)
Pengembangan dan aplikasi metode Human Factor Analysis and Classification System (HFACS) untuk identifikasi dan minimasi medication error di Indonesia (2018)
Pengembangan metode pengukuran beban kerja mental real time dengan pendekatan adaptive untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja sistem (2017)
Pengembangan metode pengukuran beban kerja mental real time dengan pendekatan adaptive untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja sistem (2016)
Intervensi Perilaku pada Remaja dan Orang tua dalam Mengurangi Angka Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas yang Melibatkan Pengemudi pada Remaja (2014)
Pengembangan dan Implementasi Metode dan Algoritma Penentuan Standar Ukuran Pakaian Anak Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Daya Saing Lokal Industri Garmen Indonesia (Development and Implementation of Method and Algorithm of Determination of Standard of Children (2014)
Peningkatan Adopsi dan Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi ( TIK ) untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas UKM Melalui Intervensi Perilaku dan Pendekatan Rantai Nilai (2014)
Peningkatan produktivitas pedagang kaki lima di lingkungan ITB melalui aplikasi ergonomi dalam perancangan tata letak (lay out) dan alat bantu kerja (jig and fixture) (2013)
Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Basis Data Antropometri Indonesia Berbasis Web sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Produk Indonesia (2010)
Investigasi Bahaya Gempa Bumi Metoda Probabilistik Terintegrasi Pengembangan dan Implementasi Sistem Cerdas Safety Belt Reminder System (SBR) pada mobil Bekas pakai (Second Hand) di Indonesia (2009)
Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Basis Data Antropometri Indonesia Berbasis Web Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Produk Indonesia (2009)
Development of Client Server/Web Based Information System to Collaborate Indonesian Anthropometric Data (Based on Image Processing) for Industrial Design Stakeholder (2007)
- Driving the Future: Using TAM and UTAUT to Understand Public Acceptance of Fully Autonomous Vehicles
AP Sutarto, N Ansori, A Widyanti, F Trapsilawati, AP Rifai, R Erlangga, ...2023 10th International Conference on ICT for Smart Society (ICISS), 1-8 (2023)
- Motorcycle helmet evaluation by Kansei engineering methodology
K Admadiredja, A WidyantiAIP Conference Proceedings 2691 (1) (2023)
- The road to acceptance: a theory of planned behavior analysis of Indonesian public intentions towards autonomous vehicles
N Ansori, AP Sutarto, A Widyanti, F Trapsilawati, A Rifai, R WoodmanIEEE (2023)
- Technology for reducing distracted driving in developing countries: the level of usage and intention to use in Indonesia
K Sutanto, A Widyanti, GB Pratama, HR SoetisnaHeliyon 8 (11) (2022)
- Cognitive-Affective Model of Perceived User Satisfaction (CAMPUS) on the Design of E-Learning Interface: A Literature Review
M Salma, A WidyantiProceedings of the International Manufacturing Engineering Conference & TheAsia Pacific Conference on Manufacturing SystemsHalaman 549-558
- Ergonomic Product Design: An Empirical Study on The Influencing Factors to Use and to Buy.
GB Pratama, A Widyanti, N Nurfitrisari, SA SalmaStrategic Design Research Journal 15 (3) (2022)
- Speed choice and speeding behavior on Indonesian highways: Extending the theory of planned behavior
H Qaid, A Widyanti, SA Salma, F Trapsilawati, T Wijayanto, UD Syafitri, ...IATSS research 46 (2), 193-199 (2022)
- The influence of personality, sound, and content difficulty on virtual reality sickness
A Widyanti, HN HafizhahVirtual Reality 26 (2), 631-637 (2022)
- Nachnul Ansori, Ari Widyanti, Yassierli
The Influence of Safety Climate, Motivation, and Knowledge on Worker Compliance and Participation: An Empirical Study of Indonesian SMEs
Jurnal Ingeniería e Investigación 41 (3) hal.e83763-e83763 (2021) - Sari, F.P., Pratama, G.B., Widyanti, A.
Mobile phone use behaviour of taxi riders: A field experiment
Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, 2021, pp. 2046–2048 (2021) - A review of respiratory-based measurement methods for assessing the cognitive workload
Salma, S.A., Widyanti, A.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, 2021, pp. 2138–2145 (2021) - The influence of day time, traffic density and rush hour on mobile phone use among Indonesia motorcyclist
Amelia, Pratama, G.B., Widyanti, A.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, 2021, pp. 1975–1978 (2021) - Taufik Rahman, Ari Widyanti
The development of universal design principles for appropriate technology in small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1858 (1), 012017 (2021) - Hanif Qaid, Ari Widyanti, Sheila Amalia Salma, Fitri Trapsilawati, Titis Wjayanto, Utami Dyah Safitri, Nur Chamidah
Speed choice and speeding behavior on Indonesian highways: Extending the theory of planned behavior
Jurnal IATSS Research Tanggal terbit 2021/12/3 - Herman Rahadian Soetisna, Ari Widyanti, Airin Syafira, Dwita Astari Pujiartati
Risk Assessment during Covid-19 and Learning from Home: Evidence from University Students in Indonesia
Jurnal Optimasi Sistem Industri, Vol 20, No 1 (2021) - Hyun K Kim, Suhwan Jung, Jaehyun Park, Ari Widyanti
Comparison of affective perception by country for emerging IT products and services
International Journal of Mobile Communications 19 (3), 387-411 (2021) - Ellen Emanuela, Ari Widyanti, Gradiyan Budi Pratama
Usability Evaluation of a Fintech Lending Mobile Application for University Student: A Case Study
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1077 hal.012058 (2021) - Fitri Trapsilawati, Nadhiya Ulhaq Priatna, Titis Wijayanto, Ari Widyanti, Utami Dyah Syafitri,Nur Chamidah
"Examining drivers’ socio-demographic variables and perceptions towards sanction mechanisms on speeding behaviour on highways: targeting appropriate prevention"
Journal of Navigation, 2021, 74(4), pp. 726–737 (2021) - Salma, S.A., Pratama, G.B., Widyanti, A.
"A conceptual design of modified Human Factor Analysis and Classification System mobile application"
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1858(1), 012079 (2021) - Nur Chamidah, Ari Widyanti, Fitri Trapsilawati, Utami Dyah Syafitri
"Local linear negative binomial nonparametric regression for predicting the number of speed violations on toll road: a theoretical discussion"
Communications in Mathematical Biology and Neuroscience, 2021, 2021, pp. 1–11, 10 - Ari Widyanti, Hana Nadhilah Hafizhah
"The influence of personality, sound, and content difficulty on virtual reality sickness"
Virtual Reality (IF5.095), Pub Date : 2021-04-22, DOI: 10.1007/s10055-021-00525-2 - Ansori, N., Widyanti, A., Yassierli,
The Role of Safety Silence Motives to Safety Communication and Safety Participation in Different Sectors of Small and Medium Enterprises: Investigation Results on Two Kinds of Industries in Indonesia
Ingenieria e Investigacion, 2021, 41(3), e83763
Safety and Health at Work Volume 12, Issue 2, Pages 192 - 200 June 2021 - Rahman, T., Widyanti, A., Yassierli,
The development of universal design principles for appropriate technology in small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1858, Issue 122 April 2021 Article number 012017 7th International Conference on Engineering, Technology, and Industrial Application, ICETIA 2020 Virtual Online 8 December 2020 through 9 December 2020. (2021) - Ansori, N., Widyanti, A., Yassierli,
The influence of safety climate, motivation, and knowledge on worker compliance and participation: An empirical study of indonesian smes | La influencia del clima, la motivación y el conocimiento de seguridades en el cumplimiento y la participación de los trabajadores: Un estudio empírico de pymes en indonesia
Ingenieria e Investigacion Volume 41, Issue 32021 Article number e83763 - Andriani M., Widyanti A., Yassierli, Pramanda R., Suheri (2021)
An Anthropometric Study of Head for Designing Ergonomic Helmet for Acehnese Adults(2020) - Widyanti A., Firdaus M.
Assessment of mental workload of flight attendants based on flight duration: An effort to provide sa(2020) - Rahmawati N., Widyanti A., Jiang B.C.
Daily life, anthropometry and bedroom design of Indonesian elderly(2020) - e-Learning readiness and perceived learning workload among students in an Indonesian university(2020)
- Widyanti A., Reyhannisa A.
Human factor analysis and classification system (HFACS) in the evaluation of outpatient medication e(2020) - Mobile phone use among Indonesian motorcyclists: prevalence and influencing factors(2020)
- Taufiq A.R., Widyanti A., Muslim K., Wijayanto T., Trapsilawati F., Arini H.M., Wibawa A.D.
Modelling the continuance intention towards the use of mobile hospital appointment system(2020) - Pratama G.B., Nurfitrisari N., Widyanti A.
Observing knowledge of ergonomic product in Indonesia(2020) - Widyanti A., Ramadhiar A., Fista B., Rahmawati N.
The ergonomics of mothering and child care activities (ErgoMOMics) in Indonesia: Individual and soci(2020) - Rahma K.T., Salma S.A., Widyanti A., Suprijanto
The Influence of Blue Light in Maintaining Alertness in Tropical Country: A Preliminary Study(2020) - Koswara R., Widyanti A., Park J.
The Role of HEXACO Personality in Perceived Time Load(2020) - Validity and inter-rater reliability of postural analysis among new raters(2020)
- Indra Maulana F., Widyanti A.
Adaptation of Tracer - Technique for the Retrospective and Predictive Analysis of Cognitive Errors- (2019) - Sunaryo I., Sundara G., Widyanti A.
Adoption of DoD HFACS for medication error analysis(2019) - Pratama G.B., Nurfitrisari N., Widyanti A.
An Initial Study into Indonesian Consumer Awareness of the Ergonomic Product(2019) - Jung S., Park J., Wang L., Widyanti A.
Comparison of affective perception of bitcoin between Korea and China(2019) - Venesia Z., Widyanti A.
Compatibility between Shift Work and Chronotype in Indonesian Air Traffic Control Workers: View of (2019) - Ansori N., Widyanti A., Sutalaksana I.Z.
Decision latitude, supervisor support, and coworker support in small and medium enterprises (SMEs): (2019) - Trapsilawati F., Arini H.M., Wijayanto T., Widyanti A., Wibawa A.D., Muslim K.
Development of Trust-Integrated Technology Acceptance Model for eHealth Based on MetaAnalytic Findin(2019) - Fista B., Widyanti A., Muslim K., Salma S.A.
Evaluation of Baby Carriers in Indonesia: Physiological and Biomechanical Approach(2019) - Pratama G.B., Widyanti A.
Internet Addiction among Indonesia University Students: Musculoskeletal Symptoms, Physical and Psych(2019) - Salma S.A., Gafigi M.A., Rahma K.T., Widyanti A.
Lean manufacturing performance and organizational culture: An exploratory study(2019) - Sutalaksana I.Z., Zakiyah S.Z.Z., Widyanti A.
Linking basic human values, risk perception, risk behavior and accident rates: The road to occupatio(2019) - Wibawa A.D., Hakim L., Widyanti A., Muslim K., Wijayanto T., Trapsilawati F., Arini H.M.
Physiological Pattern of Emotion in Elderly Based on Pulse Rate Variability Features: A preliminary (2019) - Salma S.A., Rahma K.T., Widyanti A., Suprijanto
Review of blue light research: It potential to increase rail safety in Indonesia(2019) - Ansori N., Widyanti A., Sutalaksana I.Z.
Safety Outcomes in Small-Size and Medium-Size Metal Enterprises in Indonesia: Are They Different?(2019) - Widyanti A., Regamalela D.
The Influence of Monochronic/Polychronic Time Orientation on Temporal Demand and Subjective Mental W(2019) - Arinalhaq F., Widyanti A.
The Role of National Culture on the Design and Usability of E-Commerce Websites: An Indonesian Case(2019) - Halim F.S.S., Widyanti A.
E-book in Indonesia: Reason to use and usability evaluation(2018) - Puteri R.N., Widyanti A.
E-commerce of Islamic fashion product: Usability and user acceptance(2018) - Pratama G.B., Widyanti A., Sutalaksana I.Z.
Incorporating Hofstede National Culture in Human Factor Analysis and Classification System (HFACS):(2018) - Noviani A.D., Widyanti A.
Integrating anthropometry approach and kansei engineering in the design of children shoe(2018) - Rahayuningsih S., Widyanti A., Indrasari L.D., Soetisna H.R.
Prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms/disorders in tofu industries in Kediri(2018) - Widyanti A., Octaviana I., Yamin P.
Safety climate, safety behavior, and accident experience: Case of Indonesian oil and gas company(2018) - Widyanti A., Qurratu Ainizzamani S.A.
Usability evaluation of online transportation user interface(2018) - Baskoro K., Widyanti A.
Usability Evaluation on an Indonesian Mobile Application for Small Business Lending(2018) - Yovita A., Ari W.
User acceptance of m-banking application: Indonesian cases(2018) - Ion A., Iliescu D., Aldhafri S., Rana N., Ratanadilok K., Widyanti A., Nedelcea C.
A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Personality Structure Through the Lens of the HEXACO Model(2017) - Widyanti A., Mahachandra M., Soetisna H.R., Sutalaksana I.Z.
Anthropometry of Indonesian Sundanese children and the development of clothing size system for Indon(2017) - Rahmawati N., Widyanti A.
Comparison between motorcyclist violation behavior and accidents in urban and rural area in Indones(2017) - Widyanti A.
Conceptual design of real time and adaptive measure of mental workload using galvanic skin respond(2017) - Correlation between Type-A personality and risky driving behavior(2017)
- Widyanti A., Sofiani N.F., Soetisna H.R., Muslim K.
Eye blink rate as a measure of mental workload in a driving task: Convergent or divergent with other(2017) - Widyanti A., Talha F.A.
Improving occupational safety through worker s personality approach(2017) - Widyanti A., Ash-Shofi Z., Sunaryo I.
Intervention to minimize car accident involving teenagers: Learn from Indonesian case(2017) - Widyanti A., Hanna, Muslim K., Sutalaksana I.Z.
The sensitivity of Galvanic Skin Response for assessing mental workload in Indonesia(2017) - Widyanti A., Dewinda A.
Usability evaluation of train ticket machine(2017) - Sutalaksana I.Z., Widyanti A.
Anthropometry approach in workplace redesign in Indonesian Sundanese roof tile industries(2016) - Widyanti A., Larutama W.
The relation between performance of lean Manufacturing and employee mental workload(2016) - Widyanti A., Susanti L., Sutalaksana I.Z., Muslim K.
Ethnic differences in Indonesian anthropometry data: Evidence from three different largest ethnics(2015) - Widyanti A., Sunaryo I., Kumalasari A.D.
Reducing the dependency on rice as staple food in Indonesia - A behavior intervention approach(2014) - Widyanti A., Johnson A., de Waard D.
Adaptation of the Rating Scale Mental Effort (RSME) for use in Indonesia(2013) - Widyanti A., de Waard D., Johnson A., Mulder B.
National culture moderates the influence of mental effort on subjective and cardiovascular measures(2013) - Johnson A., Widyanti A.
Cultural influences on the measurement of subjective mental workload(2011) - Widyanti A., Mahachandra M., Wranitisandhini A., Rahim A.
Development of web based information system for indonesian anthropometry data(2010)