Kelompok Keahlian | KK Ergonomi, Rekayasa Kerja, dan Keselamatan Kerja |
Sekolah/Fakultas | Fakultas Teknologi Industri |
Jabatan Fungsional | LEKTOR |
- S1
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S2
Virginia Politechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia – Amerika Serikat
- S3
Virginia Politechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia – Amerika Serikat
- Google Scholar
- h-index : 11
- i10-index : 11
- Scopus
- h-index : 10
- Sinta
- SINTA Overall Score : 619
- SINTA Score 3 Years : 108
- Kajian Kebijakan Pengaturan dan Pengawasan Pendistribusian BBM dengan Memanfaatkan Teknologi Revolusi Industri 4.0 untuk Masa Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru (The New Normal) dan Pasca Pandemi (Swakelola Tipe II) (2020)
RKI - Model Matetmatis Prediksi Kecepatan Terkait Pelanggaran/Kecelakaan di Jalan Toll Melalui Pendekatan Dta Obyektif Rekaman CCTV dan Pemodelan Perilaku Speeding di Jalan Toll (2020)
PPKI - Evaluasi dan optimalisasi penggunaan E-health di Indonesia secara multidisiplin: tinjauan technology trust, user acceptance, dan usability (2019)
Bimbingan Disain dan Produksi Kaki Palsu Bagi Tunadaksa pada Yayasan Difabel Mandiri Bandung (2017)
Pengembangan metode pengukuran beban kerja mental real time dengan pendekatan adaptive untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja sistem (2017)
Perancangan Prototipe Patient Handling Technology (Pht) Bagi Penyandang Disabilitas Fisik (2017)
Studi Efektivitas Sistem Penilaian Fit-To-Work Pekerja Industri (2017)
Pengembangan metode pengukuran beban kerja mental real time dengan pendekatan adaptive untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja sistem (2016)
Pengembangan Sistem Penilaian Fit-To-Work Pekerja Berbasiskan Teknologi Smartwatch (2016)
- 3D Human Pose Estimation Using Blazepose and Direct Linear Transform (DLT) for Joint Angle Measurement
IM Hakim, H Zakaria, K Muslim, SI Ihsani2023 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication (ICAIIC)Halaman 236-241 (2023)
- Mediating Effects of Fitness-For-Work on Fatigue for Mining (Heavy Equipment) Technicians in Indonesia
YND Yekti, K MuslimIndustrial Engineering & Management Systems 21 (4), 547-556 (2022)
- Development of a Real-Time Ergonomic Assessment Tool to Minimize Musculoskeletal Disorders Risk
A Fauziah, K Muslim, SD ChandraProceedings of the Second Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Surakarta, Indonesia (2021)
- The Development of Personal Lifting Aid Prototype and its Effects on the User’s Physical Workload and Posture
RR Wijaya, K Muslim대한인간공학회 학술대회논문집, 159-159 (2020)
- Ergonomic evaluation of low-cost prosthetic products: comparison between rigid and flexible ankle joint design
K Muslim, N Setiawati, KS GirsangJournal of Physics: Conference Series 1517 (1), 012004 (2020)
- The Effects of Sleep Quality on Vigilance and Driving Performance in a Train Simulator
Siswanto, D., Iridiastadi, H., Muslim, K.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineeringthis link is disabled, 2020, 847(1), 012063 (2020) - Effect of virtual reality usage on postural stability
DA Pujiartati, MF Ananta, K Muslim, N Setiawati, H IridiastadiJournal of Physics: Conference Series 1517 (1), 012026 (2020)
- Taufiq A.R., Widyanti A., Muslim K., Wijayanto T., Trapsilawati F., Arini H.M., Wibawa A.D.
Modelling the continuance intention towards the use of mobile hospital appointment system(2020) - Trapsilawati F., Arini H.M., Wijayanto T., Widyanti A., Wibawa A.D., Muslim K.
Development of Trust-Integrated Technology Acceptance Model for eHealth Based on MetaAnalytic Findin(2019) - Fista B., Widyanti A., Muslim K., Salma S.A.
Evaluation of Baby Carriers in Indonesia: Physiological and Biomechanical Approach(2019) - Wibawa A.D., Hakim L., Widyanti A., Muslim K., Wijayanto T., Trapsilawati F., Arini H.M.
Physiological Pattern of Emotion in Elderly Based on Pulse Rate Variability Features: A preliminary (2019) - Yassierli, Sari R.P., Muslim K.
Evaluating smartwatch-based sleep quality indicators of fitness to work(2017) - Widyanti A., Sofiani N.F., Soetisna H.R., Muslim K.
Eye blink rate as a measure of mental workload in a driving task: Convergent or divergent with other(2017) - Muslim K., Nussbaum M.A.
The effects of a simple intervention on exposures to low back pain risk factors during traditional p(2017) - Widyanti A., Hanna, Muslim K., Sutalaksana I.Z.
The sensitivity of Galvanic Skin Response for assessing mental workload in Indonesia(2017) - Muslim K., Nussbaum M.A.
Traditional posterior load carriage: effects of load mass and size on torso kinematics, kinetics, mu(2016) - Widyanti A., Susanti L., Sutalaksana I.Z., Muslim K.
Ethnic differences in Indonesian anthropometry data: Evidence from three different largest ethnics(2015) - Musculoskeletal symptoms associated with posterior load carriage: An assessment of manual material handling workers in Indonesia(2015)
- Disturbance and recovery of trunk mechanical and neuromuscular behaviors following repeated static trunk flexion: Influences of duration and duty cycle on creep-induced effects(2013)
- Disturbance and recovery of trunk mechanical and neuromuscular Behaviours following repetitive lifting: Influences of flexion angle and lift rate on creep-induced effects(2013)
- Evidence for an exposure-response relationship between trunk flexion and impairments in trunk postural control(2013)
- Disturbance and recovery of trunk mechanical and neuromuscular behaviours following prolonged trunk flexion: Influences of duration and external load on creep-induced effects (2011)