Kelompok Keahlian | KK Material Fungsional Maju |
Sekolah/Fakultas | Fakultas Teknologi Industri |
Jabatan Fungsional | GURU BESAR |
- S1
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S2
University of Tokyo, Tokyo – Jepang
- S3
University of Tokyo, Tokyo – Jepang
- Google Scholar
- h-index : 38
- i10-index : 112
- Scopus
- h-index : 34
- Sinta
- SINTA Score Overall : 9.475
- SINTA Score 3 Years : 2.010
Biosensor Plasmonik Berbasis Mesoporos Emas untuk Deteksi Penyakit Menular (2021)
Deteksi Covid-19 Berbasis Lspr dengan menggunakan Aptamer RNA (2021)
Fabrikasi Material Nano Berporositas Tinggi Untuk Aplikasi Biosensor (2021)
Jasa Konsultasi Penelitian Sintesis Zinc-Tin-Oxide (ZTO dengan Metode Sol-Gel sebagai Lapisan Buffer Bebas Kadmium pada Sel Surya CZTS Tahap 1 (30) (2021)
Modifikasi Screen Printed Elektroda Menggunakan Material Magnetit Untuk Peningkatan Kinerja Non-Enzimatik Biosensor Elektrokimia (2021)
Peningkatan Performansi Chip Sensor SPR SARS-CoV-2 Menggunakan Matriks Bioreseptor berbasis Metal-Organic Frameworks (2021)
RKI - Metode Deteksi Cepat Multi-analit Berbasis Colorimetric Sensor Arrays untuk Berbagai Pemanis Buatan Makanan (Lanjutan) (2021)
Sintesis Nano-MOF berbasis Biosensor Elektrokimia untuk Deteksi Salmonella (2021)
Development of advanced metal oxide as toxic gas sensor using surface plasmon resonance technique (2020)
Jasa Evaluasi Teknologi Amorphous Silicon (a-SI) Thin Film Solar Photo Voltaic (2020)
Kegiatan Penyusunan Studi Kelayakan Penanaman Modal (DID) Pekerjaan Penyusunan Revisi Pra Studi Kelayakan Kerjasama Pemerintah dengan Badan Usaha (KPBU) dalam Penyediaan Penerangan Jalan Umum (PJU) (2020)
Modifikasi Screen Printed Elektroda Menggunakan Material Magnetit Untuk Peningkatan Kinerja Non-Enzimatik Biosensor Elektrokimia (2020)
Pembuatan Sensor Cahaya Berbasis Film Tipis Berstruktur Metal Oksida Semikonduktor (MOS) serta Pengembangan Sensor Organik dan Anorganik yang Berkelanjutan (2020)
Pengembangan Deteksi Dini Covid-19 Berbasis Micro-chip Surface Plasmon Resonance untuk Tes Diagnostik Non-PCR (2020)
Pengembangan material berstruktur nano sebagai material aktif untuk aplikasi dalam bidang kesehatan (2020)
Pengembangan Sensor Deteksi Portable Non&8208;Enzimatik Uric Acid (Asam Urat) Berbasis Metal Organic Framework (2020)
Pengembangan Sensor Gas Berbasis Metal Oxide (2020)
Pengembangan Sistem Biosensor Pendeteksi Dini Kanker (2020)
Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Program Magister dan Doktoral Teknik dan Manajemen Industri Serta Program Magister Instrumentasi dan Kontrol pada Fakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Bandung (2020)
Riset Unggulan 2020 : PPNN (2020)
RKI - Metode Deteksi Cepat Multi-Analit Berbasis Colorimetric Sensor Arrays untuk Berbagai Pemanis Buatan (2020)
Swakelola Penyelenggaraan Pendampingan Pendidikan Program D3 (Diploma Tiga) Akademi Metrologi dan Instrumentasi Angkatan II, III dan IV (lanjutan) Tahun Anggaran 2020 (2020)
Bantuan Penguatan Kelembagaan Pusat Unggulan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Perguruan Tinggi Tahun 2019 - Nanosains dan Nanoteknologi (2019)
Development Of Advanced Metal Oxide As Toxic Gas Sensor Using Surface Plasmon Resonance Technique (2019)
ITB Insight 2019 (2019)
Modifikasi Screen Printed Elektroda Menggunakan Material Magnetit Untuk Peningkatan Kinerja Non-Enzimatik Biosensor Elektrokimia (2019)
Pengembangan material berstruktur nano sebagai material aktif untuk aplikasi dalam bidang kesehatan (2019)
Pengembangan Non Noble Metal Nanomaterial Pada Aplikasi Water Splitting (2019)
Pengembangan Sensor Gas Berbasis Metal Oxide (2019)
PPKI - Pengembangan Material Energi Terbarukan Cu2ZnSn (S,Se) Memanfaatkan potensi material lokal untuk aplikasi sel surya generasi ke tiga. (2019)
Riset Unggulan 2019 : PPNN (2019)
Swakelola Penyelenggaraan Pendampingan Pendidikan Program D3 (Diploma Tiga) Akademi Metrologi dan Instrumentasi Angkatan I, II dan III Tahun Anggaran 2019 (2019)
Usulan Mekanisme Pengelolaan Sistem Pemantauan Kualitas Air Secara Otomatis, Kontinu dan Online (Pengadaan, Pengoperasian dan Pengelolaan Data Onlimo) (2019)
Bantuan Penguatan Kelembagaan Pusat Unggulan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Perguruan Tinggi Tahun 2018 (PPNN) (2018)
Citarum : Monitoring Sensor Kualitas Air (2018)
Development of advanced metal oxide as toxic gas sensor using surface plasmon resonance technique (2018)
Pembuatan Standard Operating Procedure Pasca Panen Buah Pisang Raja Bulu Untuk Industri Menegah (2018)
Penerimaan Dana Uji Laboratorium Pusat Penelitian Nanosains dan Nanoteknologi 2018 (2018)
Pengembangan Sistem Deteksi Dini Terhadap Serangan Gas Beracun (2018)
Peningkatan Kinerja Material Pendeteksi Dini Penanda Kanker Berbasis Material Magnetit fe3o4 (2018)
Program Magan Nanoteknologi bagi Tenaga Akademis Perguruan Tinggi (2018)
Program World Class Professor (WCP) Skema - A (2018)
Rancang Bangun Sistem Pengontrol Kematangan Buah Menggunakan Sensor Material Maju Berbasis Carbon Nanotubes Dan Oksida Logam (2018)
Riset Unggulan ITB : PPNN (2018)
Swakelola Penyelenggaraan Pendampingan Pendidikan Program D3 (Diploma Tiga) Akademi Metrologi dan Instrumentasi Angkatan I dan II (lanjutan) Tahun Anggaran 2018 (2018)
Synthesis Material Metal Organic Framework Dengan Modifikasi dan Aplikasinya Sebagai Sensor (2018)
Uji Produk dan Komersialisasi Sistem Pemantau Kualitas Udara (SPKU) secara Real Time dan Online
untuk Memonitor Kesehatan Lingkungan Udara (2018) -
Bantuan Penguatan Kelembagaan Pusat Unggulan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Perguruan Tinggi Tahun 2017 (PPNN) (2017)
Pengembangan Sensor Buah Pisang Berbasis Lapisan Tipis SnO2 Berstruktur Nano (2017)
Peningkatan Performansi Natural Dyes dari Bahan Alam Unik Indonesia pada Solar Cell Dye Synthesized dengan Pendekatan Theoritic dan Eksperimen (2017)
Program Riset Unggulan 2017 - PPNN (2017)
Program World Class Professor (WCP) Skema - A (2017)
Rancang Bangun Sistem Pengontrol Kematangan Buah Menggunakan Sensor Material Maju Berbasis Carbon Nanotubes Dan Oksida Logam (2017)
Smart Micro Grid Berbasis Energi Terbarukan (2017)
Swakelola Penyelenggaraan Pendampingan Pendidikan Program D3 (Diploma Tiga) Metrologi dan Instrumentasi Angkatan II Tahun Anggaran 2017 (2017)
Uji Produk dan Komersialisasi Sistem Pemantau Kualitas Udara (spku) secara Real Time dan Online untuk Memonitor Kesehatan Lingkungan Udara (2017)
Fabrikasi Biosensor Sel Kanker Murah Berbasis Nano Prtikel Magnetit ( Fe3O4) dari Hasil Sintesis Pasir Besi Alam Indonesia (2016)
Fabrikasi Solar Cell Dye Synthesized dengan Variasi Antocyanin Dyes untuk Peningkatan Efisiensi Konversi Energi Sinar Matahari (2016)
Pelaksanaan Insentif Penguatan Kelembagaan Pusat Unggulan IPTEK Perguruan Tinggi Tahun 2016 (2016)
Pendampingan Pendidikan Program D3 (Diploma Tiga) Akademi Metrologi dan Instrumentasi Angkatan I (2016)
Pengembangan Sensor Gas Berbahaya Berbasis Material Maju Graphene dan Carbon Nanotubes (2016)
Pengembangan Sensor VOC Berbasis Material Maju Berstruktur Nano Graphene-Zinc Oxide (2016)
Pengembangan Sistem Monitoring Kesehatan Udara dan Air Berbasis Sensor Gas Kimia Berbasis Aplikasi Online (2016)
Peningkatan Performansi Natural Dyes dari Bahan Alam Unik Indonesia pada Solar Cell Dye Synthesized dengan Pendekatan Theoritic dan Eksperimen (2016)
Smart Micro Grid Berbasis Energi Terbarukan (2016)
The 1st Engineering Physics International Conference (2016)
Uji Produk dan Komerialisasi Sistem Pemantau Kualitas Udara (SPKU) secara Real Time dan Online untuk memonitor kesehatan lingkungan udara (2016)
WCU PP - Komputasi dan Karaktersisasi Struktur Nano Oksida Logam sebagai Sensor Gas (2016)
Fabrikasi Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSC) Berelektroda Lawan Polialanin Berpemeka Pigmen Anthocyanin Alam Indonesia (2015)
Fabrikasi Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (Dssc) Dengan Nanorod-Polianilina/Karbon Blend Terdeposisi Pada Film Grafit Sintetik Sebagai Elektroda Lawan Yang Ekonomis (2015)
Implementasi Sistem Pemantauan Kualitas Kesehatan Udara untuk Mendukung Program Bandung Sebagai Green City (2015)
Pengembangan Material Nanokomposit Grafena dan Semikonduktor Oksida Logam sebagai Lapisan Sensitif Gas Karbon Monoksida (2015)
Pengembangan Sensor Gas Berbahaya Berbasis Material Maju Graphene dan Carbone Nanotubes (2015)
Pengembangan Sensor untuk Deteksi Gas Berbahaya Berbasis Komposit Semikonduktor Oksida Logam dan Carbon Nanotubes (2015)
Rancang Bangun dan Implementasi Detektor Konsentrasi Partikulat/Debu di Perkotaan (2015)
Rancang Bangun Sistem Monitoring Kualitas Kesehatan Lingkungan Udara Terintegrasi Kawasan DKI Jakarta Menggunakan Sensor Berbasis Material Semikonduktor Berstruktur Nano (2015)
Rencana Kegiatan Program Riset Unggulan 2015 Pusat Penelitian Energi Baru dan Terbarukan (2015)
Smart Micro Grid Berbasis Energi Terbarukan (2015)
Fabrikasi DSSC (Dye Sensitized Solar Cell) Berbasis Elektrolit Padat Polianilina (2014)
Management Proyek, Dana Kas Operasional Kantor Pengembangan ITB - JICA (DIPA) (2014)
Pembuatan Sel Surya Murah Dyes-Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC) Berbasis Aneka Dyes Khas Indonesia (2014)
Pengembangan Material Komposit Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes dan Zinc Oxide Berstruktur Nano Untuk Aplikasi Sensor Gas Methane (2014)
Peningkatan Performa Sensor Gas Sulfur Dioksida Berbasis Nanokomposit Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes dan Zinc Oxide ( MWNCT-ZnO ) Untuk Deteksi Dini Letusan Gunung Berapi (2014)
Program Riset Unggulan Pusat Penelitian Energi Baru dan Terbarukan (2014)
Rancang Bangun Sistem Monitoring Kualitas Kesehatan Lingkungan Udara Terintegrasi Kawasan DKI Jakarta Menggunakan Sensor Berbasis Material Semikonduktor Berstruktur Nano (2014)
Rancang Bangun Sistem Peringatan Dini Letusan Gunung Api Menggunakan Sensor Berbasis Material Maju Semikonduktor Logam Oksida Berstruktur Nano (2014)
Studi Ab Initio terhadap Mekanisme Sensing dari Sensor Berbasis Bahan ZnO untuk Pendeteksian Gas Berbahaya (2014)
Studi Variasi Struktur Nano Semikonduktor Oksida Logam Sebagai Sensor Gas LPG dengan Metoda Ultrasonik Soray Pyrolisis (2014)
Implementasi Sistem Monitoring Emisi Gas Buang Kendaraan Bermotor Real-Time di Kota Bandung (2013)
Kontes Robot Terbang Indonesia (2013)
Management Proyek (2013)
Pagelaran Mahasiswa Nasional Bidang Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (geMasTIK) Tahun 2013 (2013)
Pembuatan pembangkit energi alternatif Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell (DSCC) memanfaatkan ekstraksi antosianin dari limbah buah buahan sebagai natural Dye (2013)
Pembuatan Sensor Gas LPG Lapisan Tipis ZnO Berstruktur Nano Dengan Metoda Ultrasonik Spray Pyrolisis (Batch 2) (2013)
Pembuatan sensor gas sulfur dioksida berbasis lapisan tipis ZnO berstruktur nano untuk deteksi dini letusan gunung berapi (2013)
Pengembangan Sensor untuk Deteksi Gas Berbahaya Berbasis Komposit Semikonduktor Oksida Logam dan Carbon Nanotubes (2013)
Rancang Bangun Siatem Monitoring Kualitas Kesehatan Lingkungan Udara Terintegrasi Kwasan DKI Jakarta Menggunakan Sensor Berbasis Material Semi Konduktor Berstruktur Nano (2013)
Rancang Bangun Sistem Peringatan Dini Letusan Gunung Api Menggunakan Sensor Berbasis Material Maju Semikonduktor Logam Oksida Berstruktur Nano (2013)
Riset Unggulan ITB 2013 - Pusat Penelitian Energi Baru dan Terbarukan (2013)
Studi Efek Material dan Penghambatan Etilen Terhadap Proses Pematangan Buah Untuk aplikasi Industri (2013)
Studi Kesesuaian Sambungan Molekuler Pada Kompleks Porphyrin/PANI Untuk Aplikasi Sel Surya Organik Secara Ab Initio Dan Reflektometri UV-Vis (2013)
Studi Pengembangan Katoda Lithium-Ion Baterai Sebagai Penyimpan Energi Melalui Sintesis Dan Pemodelan (2013)
Dana Operasional Kegiatan Proyek Pengembangan ITB (III) (DIPA) (2012)
Penentuan Mekanisme Sensor Gas Berbahaya Dengan Menggunakan Metode Ab Initio (2012)
Pengembangan Sensor Gas Berbahaya (NO2) Berbasis Lapisan Tipis SnO2 Struktur Nano untuk Pengembangan Detektor Lingkungan (2012)
Peningkatan Performasi Sensor LPG Dengan Penambahan Material Doping Pada Lapisan Tipis Struktur Nano ZnO (2012)
Penyelenggaraan Kontes Robot Tingkat Nasional (KRI, KRCI, dan KRSI) (2012)
Penyelenggaraan Pagelaran Mahasiswa Tingkat Nasional Bidang Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (geMasTik) V Tahun 2012 (2012)
Program Riset Unggulan 2012 Pengembangan Bahan Bakar Padat Ramah Lingkungan Setara Batubara yang Berasal Dari Sampah Kota (2012)
Studi Penyusunan Sertifikasi Tenaga Instalatur PLTS di Indonesia (2012)
Pelaksanaan Insentif Riset Strategis Pengembangan Material Maju Untuk Industri (2011)
Peningkatan Performansi Sensor LPG dengan Penambahan Material Doping pada Lapisan Tipis Struktur Nano ZnO (2011)
Penyusunan Buku Model Pendidikan Karakter di Perguruan Tinggi Tahun Anggaran 2011 (2011)
Program Riset Unggulan ITB 2011 Pusat Penelitian Energi Baru Terbarukan (PP EBT) (2011)
Recapital Institut Teknologi Bandung Scholarship (2011)
Rencana Kerja Anggaran Dana Pengembangan Institusi Tahun 2008 s/d 2009 Fakultas Teknologi Industri (2011)
Sintesis Metal Oksida Struktur Nano dan Aplikasinya Sebagai Sensor Lingkungan (2011)
Pembuatan Sensor Deteksi Lingkungan Udara Terintegrasi Berbasis Material Struktur Nano (2010)
Studi Pembuatan Solar-Grade-Silicon dari Sekam Padi (2010)
Pembuatan Nano-zerovalent Iron untuk Aplikasi Remediasi Tanah Tercemar (2009)
Pembuatan Nanoporous TiO2 dengan Metoda Penumbuhan Kristal untuk Solar Cell Murah (2009)
Pembuatan Sensor LPG menggunakan Material Struktur Nano ZnO dengan metode Penumbuhan Kristal (2009)
Pembuatan Solar Cell Murah Berbasis Dye Synthesis Solar Cell (DSSC) Menggunakan Bahan Mesoposous ZnO (2009)
Synthesis of Nanosheet Zinc Oxide using Crystal Growth Technique for Volatile Organic Compounds gas Sensors (2009)
High Performance Low Cost Cluster Computing System untuk Komputasi Material & Optimisasi Proses Industri dengan Open Source Software (2008)
Pembuatan Nanoporous TiO2 dengan Metoda Penumbuhan Kristal untuk Solar Cell Murah (2008)
- Preparation and characterization of polyaniline-Cu-Ni nanocomposite thin film sensors for detection of pathogenic Leptospira
Huda Abdullah, Aravintha Ram Suppiah, Jion Wei Yu, Jamal Jurait, Iskandar Yahya, Noorfazila Kamal, Norshafadzila Mohammad Naim, Siti Khairani Bejo, Mohd Hafiz Dzarfan Othman, Yap Wing Fen, Brian Yuliarto, Md Fauzi Ahmad, Noraziah Mohamad ZinMaterials Science and Engineering: B 298, 116874 (2023)
- Rapid and label-free screening of SARS-CoV-2 virus in the infected human nasopharyngeal swab samples using UiO-66-modified SPR chip
Gilang Gumilar, Ni Luh Wulan Septiani, Shofarul Wustoni, Taufik Ramdani Tohari, Wahyu Widayat, Muhammad Yusuf, Hesti L Wiraswati, Lia Faridah, Savira Ekawardhani, Isa Anshori, Brian YuliartoJournal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 127, 467-475 (2023)
- High energy density asymmetric supercapacitors enabled by La-induced defective MnO2 and biomass-derived activated carbon
gAngga Hermawan, Fredina Destyorini, Andri Hardiansyah, Vani Novita Alviani, Wahyu Mayangsari, Ni Luh Wulan Septiani, Rike Yudianti, Brian YuliartoMaterials Letters 351, 135031 (2023)
- Detection of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus using vancomycin conjugated silica-based fluorescent nanoprobe
NO Sifana, NLW Septiani, AW Septama, RV Manurung, B Yuliarto, ...Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 123643 (2023)
- Daylighting design validation and optimisation of tropical school classrooms with asymmetrical bilateral opening typology
A Atthaillah, RA Mangkuto, S Subramaniam, B YuliartoIndoor and Built Environment, 1420326X231204513 (2023)
- Digital validation of bicontinuous concentric lamellar morphology in spherical mesoporous silica particles using SEM image-based lamellae density calculations
R Arsyad, N Silmi, FV Steky, DP Benu, FG Nugroho, E Febriyanti, M Iqbal, Brian Yuliarto, Rino Rakhmata Mukti, Veinardi SuendoAdvanced Powder Technology 34 (11), 104229 (2023)
- Gas-Sensing Mechanisms and Performances of MXenes and MXene-Based Heterostructures
RAB John, K Vijayan, NLW Septiani, A Hardiansyah, AR Kumar, Brian Yuliarto, Angga HermawanSensors 23 (21), 8674 (2023)
- A Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) Simulation Based on Kretschmann Configuration for Glucose Detection
F Hastito, NLW Septiani, C Wulandari, G Gumilar, E Juliastuti, B YuliartoITB Graduate School Conference 3 (1), 498-507 (2023)
- Nanocomposite Sensors of Polyaniline-Zn-Ag for the Detection of Pathogenic Leptospira Bacteria in Environmental Water
Huda Abdullah, Jion Wei Yu, Aravintha Ram Suppiah, Jamal Jurait, Iskandar Yahya, Noorfazila Kamal, Siti Khairani Bejo, Mohd Hafiz Dzarfan Othman, Yap Wing Fen, Md Akhtaruzzaman, Md Fauzi Ahmad, Brian YuliartoJournal of Electronic Materials, 1-12 (2023)
- Theoretical insights on the effect of alloying with Co in the mechanism of graphene growth on a CuCo (1 1 1) catalyst
EB Yutomo, FA Noor, T Winata, B Yuliarto, H AbdullahApplied Surface Science 631, 157500 (2023)
- Effect of Voltage on the Properties of Cu2ZnSnS4 Solar Cells by Electrochemical Deposition.
H Hanifa, EC Prima, A Setiawan, E Suhendi, B YuliartoIranian Journal of Materials Science & Engineering 20 (3) (2023)
- Ultrasonication-modified electrochemically exfoliated graphene for counter electrode in dye-sensitized solar cells
Nenden Fauziah, Nadiatus Silmi, Fairuz Gianirfan Nugroho, Kemal Lesmana Hidayat Putra, Didi Prasetyo Benu, Fry Voni Steky, Risa Rahmawati Sunarya, Brian Yuliarto, Rahmat Hidayat, Veinardi SuendoCarbon Trends 12, 100292 (2023)
- Sustainable Recovery of Fe (II) Oxalate from Steel Industry Waste Using Leaching, Hydrothermal, and Photo-Reduction Routes
A Wafi, N Wisely, N Darsono, DS Khaerudini, M Iqbal, B Yuliarto, ...Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy 9 (3), 1114-1125 (2023)
- Fabrication and Characterization of Mesocarbon Anode for Sodium-Ion Batteries
D Idamayanti, A Rochliadi, BS Purwasasmita, B Yuliarto, A Nuruddin4th International Seminar on Science and Technology (ISST 2022), 38-45 (2023)
- Electrochemical evaluation of magnetic reduced graphene oxide nanosheet‐modified glassy carbon electrode on dopamine electrochemical sensor for Parkinson's diagnostic application
Andri Hardiansyah, Gardin Muhammad Andika Saputra, Hikmat Hikmat, Yuniar Elfira Kusfarida, Ni Luh Wulan Septiani, Ahmad Randy, Angga Hermawan, Brian Yuliarto, Ting‐Yu Liu, Tetsuya KidaJournal of the Chinese Chemical Society 70 (8), 1665-1682 (2023)
- The cellulose nanocrystal (CNC)-reinforced chitosan composite as a potential substrate for flexible hard carbon anode in sodium-ion battery
Dewi Idamayanti, Dede Taufik, Muhammad Rizki Gorbyandi Nadi, Ni Luh Wulan Septiani, Achmad Rochliadi, Bambang Sunendar Purwasasmita, Brian Yuliarto, Ahmad NuruddinCellulose 30 (12), 7713-7728 (2023)
- Ni-single atom decorated mesoporous carbon electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction
JW Park, G Park, M Kim, M Han, J Jang, Y Yamauchi, B Yuliarto, P Krüger, ...Chemical Engineering Journal 468, 143733 (2023)
- Development of an Optical Biosensor Based on Gold Nanoparticles
Amanda Anatasya, Yong-Joon Choi, Tsugumi Sakae, Gilang Gumilar, Ni Luh Wulan Septiani, Go Kawamura, Kazuaki Sawada, Brian Yuliarto2023 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Nanotechnology (NANO), 743-747 (2023)
- Molecular insights into enhanced water evaporation from a hybrid nanostructured surface with hydrophilic and hydrophobic domains
Z Wang, M An, D Chen, Y Yuan, X Xu, SW Sharshir, B Yuliarto, F Zhu, ...Chemical Engineering Journal 465, 142838 (2023)
- Material Design and Characterization of Conducting Polymer-Based Supercapacitors
S Wustoni, D Ohayon, A Hermawan, A Nuruddin, S Inal, YS Indartono, Brian YuliartoPolymer Reviews, 1-59 (2023)
- Sulfurization time impact on the crystal growth of solution-processed Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS)
HS Nugroho, NLW Septiani, G Refantero, M Iqbal, EC Prima, N Nugraha, Brian YuliartoAIP Conference Proceedings 2580 (1) (2023)
- Anatase TiO2 on graphene-coated cotton flexible sensor at room temperature
E Estananto, L Utari, NLW Septiani, D Bonardo, A Nuruddin, S Suyatman, Brian YuliartoAIP Conference Proceedings 2580 (1) (2023)
- Adsorption behaviour of nitrogen dioxide on ZnO monolayer: A density functional theory study
MF Raihan, NLW Septiani, B Yuliarto, TDK WunguAIP Conference Proceedings 2580 (1) (2023)
- SARS-Cov-2 receptor binding domain (RBD) detection using gold nanoparticle modified carbon electrode for electrochemical biosensor
RR Althof, M Rama, I Anshori, B Yuliarto, M Yusuf, SP Sari, S SuyatmanAIP Conference Proceedings 2580 (1) (2023)
- Synthesis of long VSB-5 microrod as electrochemical material via hydrothermal method
R Raissa, NLW Septiani, M Iqbal, V Suendo, B YuliartoAIP Conference Proceedings 2580 (1) (2023)
- Synthesis and characterization of WO3 sensitive layers for NO2 gas sensor application
Doli Bonardo, Ni Luh Wulan Septiani, Estananto Estananto, Suyatman Suyatman, Syahrul Humaidi, Brian YuliartoAIP Conference Proceedings 2580 (1) (2023)
- Preliminary study for the development of a solution phase localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) biosensor based on gold nanoparticle to detect SARS-CoV-2
LN Rizalputri, A Solihin, I Anshori, B Yuliarto, M Yusuf, SP Sari, ...AIP Conference Proceedings 2580 (1)
- Triethylamine assisted HKUST-1 formation and its electrochemical properties
Kariana Kusuma Dewi, Ni Luh Wulan Septiani, Muhammad Iqbal, Irzaman Irzaman, Widagdo Sri Nugroho, Febdian Rusydi, Nugraha Nugraha, Brian YuliartoAIP Conference Proceedings 2580 (1) (2023)
- The electrochemical properties of mesoporous TiO2 and its modification
F Amri, NLW Septiani, M Iqbal, DG Syarif, N Tapran, B YuliartoAIP Conference Proceedings 2580 (1) (2023)
- Synthesis and characterization of nanocomposites Fe3O4-ZnO
J Siregar, B Yuliarto, K Sebayang, Z Sitorus, S HumaidiAIP Conference Proceedings 2480 (1) (2023)
- Evaluating the effect of ZnO structure on electrical properties using capacitive sensor
A Sholehah, R Ganiharto, N Huda, M Al Huda, N Sofyan, AH Yuwono, Brian YuliartoAIP Conference Proceedings 2538 (1) (2023)
- Cinnamoyl Dipyrromethenes as Fluorescence Zinc (II) Ion Sensor
D Firmansyah, DS Qolby, LD Juliawaty, B YuliartoChemistry–An Asian Journal, e202300187 (2023)
- Robust Cobalt Manganese Sulfide Thin Film as an Electrocatalytic Layer for Quantum Dot-Sensitized Solar Cells with the Polysulfide Electrolyte
Yao-Sheng Cheng, Yu-Ting Wu, Sofiannisa Aulia, Ching-Cheng Chang, Mia Rinawati, Ting-Ying Lee, Jia-Yaw Chang, Ni Luh Wulan Septiani, Brian Yuliarto, Min-Hsin YehACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 11 (18), 6903-6913 (2023)
- Preliminary Study of Modified Fluorescent Silica Nanoparticles for the Detection of IgY Antibody
F Apriyani, D Julyansyah, M Angelina, A Randy, RV Manurung, B Yuliarto, ...Journal of Metastable and Nanocrystalline Materials 35, 19-24 (2023)
- Comparative X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) Study on the Synthesis of Natural Based Magnetic Silica Nanoparticles
MY Maulana, B Yuliarto, SNA Jenie, NLW SeptianiJournal of Metastable and Nanocrystalline Materials 35, 25-31 (2023)
- Investigation on Minute Holes of Woven Fabrics for Wide-Band Micro-Perforated Sound Absorbers
Gunawan, I Prasetiyo, B Yuliarto, A Putra, IriantoBuildings 13 (3), 663 (2023)
- Characterization of polyaniline–Ag–rGO nanocomposites for saprophytic and pathogenic Leptospira bacteria detection in water
H Abdullah, Savisha Mahalingam, NH Azami, Siti Khairani Bejo, Noorfazila Kamal, Mohd Hafiz Dzarfan Othman, Brian Yuliarto, Iskandar Yahya, Abreeza Manap, S Fatihah, Norliza Abd Rahman, Nor Yuliana Yuhana, Jian Xian KangPolymer Bulletin 80 (3), 2713-2728 (2023)
- A Rapid Colorimetric Method to Investigate SARS-CoV-2 by Using Gold Nanoparticles Capped with O-Hydroxybenzoic Acid
Meyliana Wulandari, Nurachdiani Hasanah, Brian Yuliarto, Marissa Angelina, Robeth Victoria Manurung, SN Jenie, Agustina Sus AndreaniAgustina Sus, A Rapid Colorimetric Method to Investigate SARS-CoV-2 by Using Gold Nanoparticles Capped with O-Hydroxybenzoic Acid (2023)
- The effect of CuZn+ ZnCu defect complex on Cu2ZnSnS4 thin film solar cell: A density functional theory study
Eka Cahya Prima, Jessie Manopo, Endi Suhendi, Andhy Setiawan, Ganes Shukri, Mohammad Kemal Agusta, Brian YuliartoMaterials Chemistry and Physics 296, 127192 (2023)
- Integration of Bayesian Inference and Anemotaxis for Robotics Gas Source Localization in a Large Cluttered Outdoor Environment
YA Prabowo, BR Trilaksono, EMI Hidayat, B YuliartoIEEE Access 11, 22705-22713 (2023)
- High Performance Refractive Index-Based Sensor Using Ellipsoid Ag@ Au Nanoparticles
Y Tiandho, NLW Septiani, G Gumilar, R Jonuarti, B YuliartoIEEE Sensors Journal (2023)
- Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensor Chip Integrated with MoS2-MoO3 Hybrid Microflowers for Rapid CFP-10 Tuberculosis Detection
Chandra Wulandari, Ni Luh Wulan Septiani, Gilang Gumilar, Ahmad Nuruddin, Nugraha Nugraha, Muhammad Iqbal, Hutomo Suryo Wasisto, Brian YuliartoJournal of Materials Chemistry B (2023)
- A morphological study of bicontinuous concentric lamellar silica synthesized at atmospheric pressure and its application as an internal micro-reflector in dye-sensitized solar …
Nadiatus Silmi, Rafiq Arsyad, Didi Prasetyo Benu, Fairuz Gianirfan Nugroho, Wiji Lestari Khasannah, Muhammad Iqbal, Brian Yuliarto, Rino Rakhmata Mukti, Veinardi SuendoPhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25 (35), 23792-23807 (2023)
- A near-infrared photoelectrochromic device with indoor thermal management for self-powered smart windows
Ching-Cheng Chang, Ling-Yu Chang, Yao-Sheng Cheng, Yu-Hsin Chang, Tsung-Hsin Lai, Ni Luh Wulan Septiani, Brian Yuliarto, Min-Hsin YehJournal of Materials Chemistry C 11 (39), 13290-13299 (2023)
- Biomass-based supercapacitors electrodes for electrical energy storage systems activated using chemical activation method: A Review
Ida Hamidah, Ramdhani Ramdhani, Apri Wiyono, Budi Mulyanti, Roer Pawinanto, Asep Nandiyanto, Marcus Diantoro, Brian Yuliarto, Jumril Yunas, Andrivo RusydiAvailable at SSRN 4480419 (2023)
- Soft–hard Interface Design in Super-Elastic Conductive Polymer Hydrogel Containing Prussian Blue Analogues to Enable Highly Efficient Electrochemical Deionization
Y Ren, F Yu, XG Li, B Yuliarto, X Xu, Y Yamauchi, J MaMaterials Horizons (2023)
- The revelation of glucose adsorption mechanisms on hierarchical metal–organic frameworks using a surface plasmon resonance sensor
Gilang Gumilar, Silvia Chowdhury, Ganes Shukri, Aep Patah, Nugraha Nugraha, Joel Henzie, Isa Anshori, Yusuf Valentino Kaneti, Brian YuliartoJournal of Materials Chemistry B 11 (20), 4428-4444 (2023)
- A Perspective on Using Organic Molecules Composing Carbon Dots for Cancer Treatment
Musbahu Adam Ahmad, Yu-yu Aung, Alfa Akustia Widati, Satya Candra Wibawa Sakti, Sri Sumarsih, Irzaman Irzaman, Brian Yuliarto, Jia-yaw Chang, Mochamad Zakki FahmiNanotheranostics 7 (2), 187 (2023)
- Contribution of the lamellar morphology to the photocatalytic activity of alkaline-hydrothermally treated titania in rhodamine B photodegradation
Fry V Steky, Didi P Benu, Kemal LH Putra, Muhamad N Siddik, Damar R Adhika, Rino R Mukti, Brian Yuliarto, Irma Mulyani, Veinardi SuendoPhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25 (6), 5183-5195 (2023)
- Macroemulsion-mediated synthesis of fibrous ZnO microrods and their surface morphology contribution to the high photocatalytic degradation rate
DP Benu, A Andriani, N Silmi, FV Steky, F Failamani, B Yuliarto, RR Mukti, ...New Journal of Chemistry 47 (1), 428-442 (2023)
- Improving capacity of nickel phosphate Versailles Santa Barbara-5 with calcination for high-performance asymmetric supercapacitors
NLW Septiani, S Wustoni, F Failamani, M Iqbal, V Suendo, B YuliartoJournal of Energy Storage 56, 106109 (2022)
- Template-and etching-free fabrication of two-dimensional hollow bimetallic metal-organic framework hexagonal nanoplates for ammonia sensing
Silvia Chowdhury, Nagy L Torad, Aditya Ashok, Gilang Gumilar, Watcharop Chaikittisilp, Ruijing Xin, Ping Cheng, Md Ikram Ul Hoque, Md Abdul Wahab, Mohammad Rezaul Karim, Brian Yuliarto, Md Shahriar Hossain, Yusuke Yamauchi, Yusuf Valentino KanetiChemical Engineering Journal 450, 138065 (2022)
- 1D-2D hybridization: Nanoarchitectonics for grain boundary-rich platinum nanowires coupled with MXene nanosheets as efficient methanol oxidation electrocatalysts
W Meng, H He, L Yang, Q Jiang, B Yuliarto, Y Yamauchi, X Xu, H HuangChemical Engineering Journal 450, 137932 (2022)
- Gold nanospikes formation on screen-printed carbon electrode through electrodeposition method for non-enzymatic electrochemical sensor
Isa Anshori, Raih Rona Althof, Lavita Nuraviana Rizalputri, Eduardus Ariasena, Murni Handayani, Arfat Pradana, Mohammad Rizki Akbar, Mas Rizky Anggun Adipurna Syamsunarno, Agnes Purwidyantri, Briliant Adhi Prabowo, Muhammad Sjahrul Annas, Hasim Munawar, Brian YuliartoMetals 12 (12), 2116 (2022)
- Free-Standing Carbon Electrode Modified by Polyvinyl Alcohol for Efficient HTM-Free Perovskite Solar Cells
Rimbi Rodiyana Sova, Widhya Budiawan, Lia Muliani Pranoto, Erdin Almuqoddas, Brian Yuliarto, Natalita Maulani Nursam2022 International Conference on Radar, Antenna, Microwave, Electronics, and Telecommunications (ICRAMET)Halaman 234-238 (2022)
- Development of a Single-Chain Variable Fragment of CR3022 for a Plasmonic-Based Biosensor Targeting the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein
Taufik Ramdani Tohari, Isa Anshori, Umi Baroroh, Antonius Eko Nugroho, Gilang Gumilar, Shinta Kusumawardani, Sari Syahruni, Brian Yuliarto, Wyanda Arnafia, Irvan Faizal, Yeni Wahyuni Hartati, Toto Subroto, Muhammad YusufBiosensors 12 (12), 1133 (2022)
- Effect of TiO2 thin film thickness and dye characterization using Binahong leaf (Anredera cordifolia) as photosensitizer in dye-sensitized solar cell
AIMJ Lallo, EC Prima, E Suhendi, B YuliartoJournal of Aceh Physics Society 11 (4), 109-114 (2022)
- Optimization of daylighting design using self-shading mechanism in tropical school classrooms with bilateral openings
A Atthaillah, RA Mangkuto, MD Koerniawan, JLM Hensen, B YuliartoJournal of Daylighting 9 (2), 117-136 (2022)
- Facile and controllable synthesis of monodisperse gold nanoparticle bipyramid for electrochemical dopamine sensor
Lavita Nuraviana Rizalputri, Isa Anshori, Murni Handayani, Gilang Gumilar, Ni Luh Wulan Septiani, Yeni Wahyuni Hartati, Muhammad Sjahrul Annas, Agnes Purwidyantri, Briliant Adhi Prabowo, Brian YuliartoNanotechnology 34 (5), 055502 (2022)
- Morphology and electron circulation of ZTO (Zinc Tin Oxide) on SLG for CZTS thin film solar cell
KJ Xian, H Abdullah, B Yuliarto, M Akhtaruzzaman, MHD Othman, ...2022 IEEE 20th Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD), 119-125 (2022)
- Palm Sugar-Induced Formation of Hexagonal Tungsten Oxide with Nanorod-Assembled Three-Dimensional Hierarchical Frameworks for Nitrogen Dioxide Sensing
Ni Luh Wulan Septiani, Ganes Shukri, Adhitya Gandaryus Saputro, Nugraha, Mohammad Rezaul Karim, Fahad Al-Mubaddel, Andri Hardiansyah, Yusuke Yamauchi, Yusuf Valentino Kaneti, Brian YuliartoACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 10 (46), 15035-15045 (2022)
- Nitrogen and Sulfur Co‐Doped Hierarchically Porous Carbon Nanotubes for Fast Potassium Ion Storage
Xin Jin, Xianfen Wang, Yalan Liu, Minjun Kim, Min Cao, Huanhuan Xie, Shantang Liu, Xianbao Wang, Wei Huang, Ashok Kumar Nanjundan, Brian Yuliarto, Xingyun Li, Yusuke YamauchiSmall 18 (42), 2203545 (2022)
- Amorphous HKUST-1 Nanoparticles and Their Modification for Highly Sensitive Dengue Virus Immunosensor
KK Dewi, NLW Septiani, N Nugraha, D Natalia, B YuliartoJournal of The Electrochemical Society 169 (9), 097506 (2022)
- Polyionic liquid membrane: Recent development and perspective
Megawati Zunita, Rizki Hastuti, A Alamsyah, Grandprix TM Kadja, K Khoiruddin, Kiki A Kurnia, Brian Yuliarto, IG WentenJournal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 113, 96-123 (2022)
- N-doped hollow carbon nanoplates with mesoporous thin shells towards high-performance supercapacitors
Xiangjun Lu, JieWang, Tao Li, Bing Ding, Shude Liu , Joel Henzie, Mohammed A.Amin , Brian Yuliarto , Yoshiyuki Sugahara, YusukeYamauchi (2022) - Multi-Criteria Assessment for City-Wide Rooftop Solar PV Deployment: A Case Study of Bandung, Indonesia
Sakti, A.D., Ihsan, K.T.N., Anggraini, T.S., ...Hadi, P.O., Wikantika, K. Brian Yuliarto,...
Remote Sensingthis link is disabled, 2022, 14(12), 2796 (2022) - Review—Human-Body Powered Biosensing Textiles: Body-Power Generating Wearables Based on Textiles for Human Biomonitoring
Harimurti, S., Hesar, M.E., Soekoco, A.S., ...Ingebrandt, S., Anshori, I.Brian Yuliarto,...
Journal of the Electrochemical Societythis link is disabled, 2022, 169(6), 067502 (2022) - Shape-stabilized phase change materials: Performance of simple physical blending synthesis and the potential of coconut based materials
Ahmad Rifqi Muchtar, Christopher L Hassam, Bhuvanesh Srinivasan, David Berthebaud, Takao Mori, Nugroho Soelami, Brian YuliartoJournal of Energy Storage 52, 104974 (2022)
- Template-and Etching-Free Fabrication of Two-Dimensional Hollow Bimetallic Metal-Organic Framework Hexagonal Nanoplates for Ammonia Sensing
Silvia Chowdhury, Nagy L Torad, Aditya Ashok, Gilang Gumilar, Watcharop Chaikittisilp, Ruijing Xin, Ping Cheng, Md Ikram Ul Hoque, Abdul Wahab, Mohammad Rezaul Karim, Brian Yuliarto, Md Shahriar Hossain, Yusuke Yamauchi, Yusuf Valentino KanetiChemical Engineering Journal, 138065 (2022)
- 1D-2D hybridization: Nanoarchitectonics for grain boundary-rich platinum nanowires coupled with MXene nanosheets as efficient methanol oxidation electrocatalysts
W Meng, H He, L Yang, Q Jiang, B Yuliarto, Y Yamauchi, X Xu, H HuangChemical Engineering Journal, 137932 (2022)
- Performance of PEDOTOH/PEO‐based Supercapacitors in Agarose Gel Electrolyte
Shofarul Wustoni, Georgios Nikiforidis, David Ohayon, Sahika Inal, Yuli Setyo Indartono, Veinardi Suendo, Brian YuliartoChemistry–An Asian Journal (2022)
- Ferroelectric sensor BaxSr1-xTiO3 integrated with android smartphone for controlling and monitoring smart street lighting
R Siskandar, RP Jenie, H Syafutra, M Iqbal, B Yuliarto, MZ FahmiJournal of King Saud University-Science, 102180 (2022)
- On the Interaction between the Depth and Elevation of External Shading Devices in Tropical Daylit Classrooms with Symmetrical Bilateral Openings
RA Mangkuto, MD Koerniawan, B YuliartoBuildings 12 (6), 818 (2022)
- Modification of screen-printed carbon electrode (SPCE) by the Nafion functionalized silicon nanoparticles (SiNP/Naf) materials in non-enzymatic electrochemical sensor for uric …
N Huda, PL Sambegoro, NLW Septiani, M Iqbal, A Sholehah, B YuliartoJournal of Physics: Conference Series 2243 (1), 012106 (2022)
- Development of COVID-19 Detection Using SPR Sensors: A Preliminary Result
SZ Khoirunnisa, NL W Septiani, M Iqbal, T Sutarti, H Nugrahapraja, B YuliartoJournal of Physics: Conference Series 2243 (1), 012110 (2022)
- Hydroxymethyl PEDOT microstructure-based electrodes for high-performance supercapacitors
S Wustoni, G Nikiforidis, S Inal, YS Indartono, V Suendo, B YuliartoAPL Materials 10 (6), 06110 (2022)
- Web-based surface plasmon resonance signal processing system for fast analyte analysis
Isa Anshori, Suksmandhira Harimurti, Mahendra Baleno Rama, Rey Ezra Langelo, Lenny Putri Yulianti, Gilang Gumilar, Muhammad Yusuf, Silmina Prastriyanti, Brian Yuliarto, Husna Nugrahapraja, Wyanda Arnafia, Irvan FaizalSoftwareX 18, 101057 (2022)
- Human-Body Powered Biosensing Textiles: Body-Power Generating Wearables Based on Textiles for Human Biomonitoring
Suksmandhira Harimurti, Milad Eyvazi Hesar, Asril Senoaji Soekoco, Jessika Jessika, Lavita Nuraviana Rizalputri, Raih Rona Althof, Gema Refantero, Listya Utari, Akram Idrissi, Thomas Gries, Brian Yuliarto, Sven Ingebrandt, Isa AnshoriJournal of The Electrochemical Society (2022)
- Trends in nanomaterial-based biosensors for viral detection
C Harito, M Khalil, NLW Septiani, KK Dewi, A Hardiansyah, B Yuliarto, ...Nano Futures (2022)
- Fabrication of Recycled Polycarbonate Fibre for Thermal Signature Reduction in Camouflage Textiles
Asril Soekoco, Ateeq Ur Rehman, Ajisetia Fauzi, Hamdi Tasya, Purnama Diandra, Islami Tasa, Brian YuliartoPolymers 14 (10), 1972 (2022)
- Characterization of polyaniline–Ag–rGO nanocomposites for saprophytic and pathogenic Leptospira bacteria detection in water
H Abdullah, Savisha Mahalingam, NH Azami, Siti Khairani Bejo, Noorfazila Kamal, Mohd Hafiz Dzarfan Othman, Brian Yuliarto, Iskandar Yahya, Abreeza Manap, S Fatihah, Norliza Abd Rahman, Nor Yuliana Yuhana, Jian Xian KangPolymer Bulletin, 1-16 (2022)
- Smartphone-based digital image colorimetry for non-enzymatic detection of glucose using gold nanoparticles
M Lutfi Firdaus, Eduwin Saputra, Sura Menda Ginting, Santhy Wyantuti, Diana Rakhmawaty Eddy, Lena Rahmidar, Brian YuliartoSensing and Bio-Sensing Research 35, 100472 (2022)
- Utilizing a Rapidly Exploring Random Tree for Hazardous Gas Exploration in a Large Unknown Area
YA Prabowo, BR Trilaksono, EMI Hidayat, B YuliartoIEEE Access 10, 15336-15347 (2022)
- Optimization of Phase Shift-Based Capacitive Sensor for Water Content Detection in Biodiesel
Nacep Suryana, Mahfudz Al Huda, Okti Choirunnisak, Aditya Eka Mulyono, Ramadhani Deniartio, Kurnia Fajar Adi Sukra Samanhudi, Fatih Dzulfiqar, Brian Yuliarto, Ratno Nuryadi (2022)
- Synthesis of graphene polymer composites having high filler content
C Harito, SZJ Zaidi, BR Putra, A Hardiansyah, M Khalil, B YuliartoInnovations in Graphene-Based Polymer Composites, 49-60 (2022)
- A progress review on the modification of CZTS (e)-based thin-film solar cells
Harbi Setyo Nugroho, Gema Refantero, Ni Luh Wulan Septiani, Muhammad Iqbal, Septhian Marno, Huda Abdullah, Eka Cahya Prima, Brian YuliartoJournal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 105, 83-110 (2022)
- Smartphone-based digital image colorimetry for non-enzymatic detection of glucose using gold nanoparticles
M Lutfi Firdaus, Eduwin Saputra, Sura Menda Ginting, Santhy Wyantuti, Diana Rakhmawaty Eddy, Lena Rahmidar, Brian YuliartoSensing and Bio-Sensing Research, 100472 (2022)
- Performance Enhancement Strategies of Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensors in Direct Glucose Detection using Pristine and Modified UiO-66: Effects of Morphology, Immobilization …
Gilang Gumilar, Joel Henzie, Brian Yuliarto, Aep Patah, Nugraha Nugraha, Muhammad Iqbal, Mohammed A Amin, Md Shahriar A Hossain, Yusuke Yamauchi, Yusuf Valentino KanetiJournal of Materials Chemistry A (2022)
- Facile synthesis of Cu-BDC MOF via solvothermal method for biosensor application
Muhammad Rezki, Suksmandhira Harimurti, Ni Luh Wulan Septiani, Fauzan Amri, Suyatman, Nugraha, Brian YuliartoAIP Conference Proceedings 2384 (1), 090001 (2021)
- Modification of gold substrate with magnetite (Fe3O4) and graphene (Gr) composite as a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensor based material
TOC Rahayu, NLW Septiani, B Yuliarto, DR Adhika, I AnshoriAIP Conference Proceedings 2384 (1), 100001 (2021)
- Theoretical Impact of Building Façade Thickness on Daylight Metrics and Lighting Energy Demand in Buildings: A Case Study of the Tropics
RA Mangkuto, MD Koerniawan, B YuliartoBuildings 11 (12), 656 (2021)
- Advanced Strategies to Improve Performances of Molybdenum-Based Gas Sensors
A Hermawan, NLW Septiani, A Taufik, B Yuliarto, S YinNano-Micro Letters 13 (1), 1-46 (2021)
- Enhanced photovoltaic performance of various temperature TiO2-SiO2-Ni-GO dye-sensitized solar cells assembled with PAN gel electrolyte
M Ahmad, H Abdullah, NY Yuhana, B Yuliarto, MHD OthmanJournal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 1-10 (2021)
- Recent Advances of Carbon-Based Nanocomposites as the Anode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries: Synthesis and Performance
R Febrian, NLW Septiani, M Iqbal, B YuliartoJournal of The Electrochemical Society 168 (11), 110520 (2021)
- Recent Advance in Multi-Metallic Metal Organic Frameworks (MM-MOF) and their Derivatives for Electrochemical Biosensor Application
M Rezki, NLW Septiani, M Iqbal, DR Adhika, IG Wenten, B Yuliarto.Journal of The Electrochemical Society (2021)
- Borophene: Two-dimensional Boron Monolayer: Synthesis, Properties, and Potential Applications
YV Kaneti, DP Benu, X Xu, B Yuliarto, Y Yamauchi, D GolbergChemical Reviews (2021)
- Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)-Assisted Solvothermal Synthesis of Mesoporous TiO2 Nanoparticles as an Active Material for Enzymatic Electrochemical Glucose Sensor
F Amri, D Bonardo, M Rezki, NLW Septiani, M Iqbal, DG Syarif, B YuliartoJournal of The Electrochemical Society 168 (11), 117503 (2021)
- Structural effect of ZnO-Ag chemoresistive sensor on flexible substrate for ethylene gas detection
A Sholehah, K Karmala, N Huda, L Utari, NLW Septiani, B YuliartoSensors and Actuators A: Physical 331, 112934 (2021)
- Hydro thermal synthesis and electrochemical characterization of (V1/2Sb1/2Sn) O4and (Fe1/2Sb1/2Sn) O4as energy storage materials
MRA Kumar, HI Elim, MS Idris, AH Yuwono, B Yuliarto, PTD Rompas, ...6th International Conference on Basic Sciences 2020, ICBS 2020, 050001 (2021)
- Defect-rich hierarchical porous uio-66 (zr) for tunable phosphate removal
M Li, Y Liu, F Li, C Shen, YV Kaneti, Y Yamauchi, B Yuliarto, B Chen, ...Environmental Science & Technology 55 (19), 13209-13218 (2021)
- Hydro thermal synthesis and electrochemical characterization of (V1/2Sb1/2Sn)O4 and (Fe1/2Sb1/2Sn)O4 as energy storage materials
R Anil Kumar M, HI Elim, MS Idris, AH Yuwono, B Yuliarto, PTD Rompas, ...American Institute of Physics Conference Series 2360 (1), 050001 (2021)
- Preliminary Studies of Fe (BDC) Metal-Organic Framework (MOF) as a Non-Enzymatic Glucose Detection
Muhamad Taufik Ulhakim, Ni Luh Wulan Septiani, Suksmandhira Harimurti, Nugraha Tapran, Suyatman Suyatman, Brian Yuliarto2021 International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, and Automation (ICA)
- Purity, Morphological, and Electrical Characterization of Silicon Dioxide from Cogon Grass (Imperata cylindrica) Using Different Ashing Temperatures
I Irzaman, D Yustaeni, A Aminullah, I Irmansyah, B YuliartoEgyptian Journal of Chemistry 64 (8), 4143-4149 (2021)
- Polymer Composites Having a High Filler Content of Cellulose Nanoparticles
AC Harito, BL Utari, CDV Bavykin, D B Yuliarto, EHK Dipojono, FFC WalshCellulose Nanoparticles, 170-186 (2021)
- Thermoelectrics: Physical Insights on the Lattice Softening Driven Mid‐Temperature Range Thermoelectrics of Ti/Zr‐Inserted SnTe—An Outlook Beyond the Horizons of Conventional …
AR Muchtar, B Srinivasan, SL Tonquesse, S Singh, N Soelami, B Yuliarto, ...Advanced Energy Materials 11 (28), 2170110 (2021)
- Reverse micelle-mediated synthesis of plate-assembled hierarchical three-dimensional flower-like gamma-alumina particles
DP Benu, A Hardian, RR Mukti, B Yuliarto, N Fukumitsu, Y Ide, ...Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 321, 111055 (2021)
- Modification of Gold Substrate With Fe3O4-Graphene Nanocomposite to Increase Resolution of Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) Glucose Sensor
TOC Rahayu, NLW Septiani, G Gumilar, DR Adhika, B YuliartoIEEE Sensors Journal 21 (18), 19959-19966 (2021)
- Nanoarchitectured Porous Conducting Polymers: From Controlled Synthesis to Advanced Applications
H Luo, YV Kaneti, Y Ai, Y Wu, F Wei, J Fu, J Cheng, C Jing, B Yuliarto, ...Advanced Materials, 2007318 (2021)
- Oxidative Extractive Desulfurization System for Fuel Oil Using Acidic Eutectic-Based Ionic Liquid
Sarrthesvaarni Rajasuriyan, Hayyiratul Fatimah Mohd Zaid, Mohd Faridzuan Majid, Raihan Mahirah Ramli, Khairulazhar Jumbri, Jun Wei Lim, Mardawani Mohamad, Pau Loke Show, Brian YuliartoProcesses 9 (6), 1050
- Study of the Structure and Electronic Properties of the ZnO Monolayer: Density Functional Theory
MF Raihan, TDK Wungu, B YuliartoComputational And Experimental Research In Materials And Renewable Energy 4 (2021)
- Recent Development of WO3 for Toxic Gas Sensors Applications
Doli Bonardo, Ni Luh Wulan Septiani, Fauzan Amri, Estananto Estananto, Syahrul Humaidi, Suyatman Suyatman, Brian YuliartoJournal of The Electrochemical Society
- Comparison Direct Synthesis of Hyaluronic Acid-Based Carbon Nanodots as Dual Active Targeting and Imaging of HeLa Cancer Cells
Yu-Yu Aung, Aswandi Wibrianto, Jefry S Sianturi, Desita K Ulfa, Satya CW Sakti, Irzaman Irzaman, Brian Yuliarto, Jia-yaw Chang, Yaung Kwee, Mochamad Z FahmiACS omega 2021
- Low-cost Fabrication of PDMS Microfluidic Chamber using Digital Cutter Machine
I Anshori, S Harimurti, MS Hartono, RR Althof, LN Rizalputri, M Handayani, Tati LER Mengko, B YuliartoJournal of Physics: Conference Series 1912 (1), 012021 (2021)
- Modified screen-printed electrode using graphene ink for electrochemical sensor application
I Anshori, S Harimurti, LN Rizalputri, MS Hartono, RR Althof, M Handayani, Tati LER Mengko, B YuliartoJournal of Physics: Conference Series 1912 (1), 012022 (2021)
- Nanopillar Structure in the Direction of Optical Biosensor On-Chip Integration
A Pradana, NLW Septiani, HK Dipojono, S Suyatman, B YuliartoJournal of The Electrochemical Society 2021
- Sound absorption behavior of woven fabrics as micro perforated panel absorber
I Prasetiyo, DR Adhika, F Brahmana, B YuliartoJournal of Physics: Conference Series 1896 (1), 012003 (2021)
- Sound absorption behavior of combined woven fabrics and nonwoven fabrics
I Prasetyo, DR Adhika, F Brahmana, B YuliartoJournal of Physics: Conference Series 1896 (1), 012010 (2021)
- Solution-processed pure Cu2ZnSnS4/CdS thin film solar cell with 7.5% efficiency
EC Prima, LH Wong, A Ibrahim, B YuliartoOptical Materials 114, 110947 (2021)
- A comprehensive study on the impact of the substituent on pKa of phenylboronic acid in aqueous and non-aqueous solutions: A computational approach
KA Kurnia, W Setyaningsih, N Darmawan, B YuliartoJournal of Molecular Liquids 326, 115321 (2021)
- Nanoarchitectured porous organic polymers and their environmental applications for removal of toxic metal ions
L Huang, R Liu, J Yang, Q Shuai, B Yuliarto, YV Kaneti, Y YamauchiChemical Engineering Journal 408, 127991 (2021)
- Effect of polyethylene glycol 6000 on the microstructure and magnetic properties of BaFe10. 4Al1. 6O19
A Nuruddin, FF Diba, AG Saputro, B Yuliarto, A RamelanMaterials Research Express 8 (3), 036102 (2021)
- Mesoporous Alumina-Titania Composites with Enhanced Molybdenum Adsorption towards Medical Radioisotope Production
DP Benu, J Earnshaw, A Ashok, K Tsuchiya, I Saptiama, B Yuliarto, ...Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 94 (2), 502-507 (2021)
- A graphene-modified Co-BDC metal-organic frameworks (Co-MOF) for electrochemical non-enzymatic glucose sensing
R Yuniasari, F Amri, SA Abrori, NLW Septiani, M Rezki, MZ Fahmi, B YuliartoIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1045 (1), 012010 (2021)
- Crystal structure and optical properties of non-vacuum solution-based processed Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) thin-film
HS Nugroho, G Refantero, EC Prima, C Panatarani, N Nugraha, B YuliartoIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1045 (1), 012039 2021
- Synthesis and characterization of metal-organic framework (MOF) CoBTC as a non-enzymatic electrochemical biosensor for glucose
SA Abrori, MLA Trisno, RA Aritonang, I Anshori, B YuliartoIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1045 (1), 012006
- Self-templated fabrication of hierarchical hollow manganese-cobalt phosphide yolk-shell spheres for enhanced oxygen evolution reaction
Yusuf Valentino Kaneti, Yanna Guo, Ni Luh Wulan Septiani, Muhammad Iqbal, Xuchuan Jiang, Toshiaki Takei, Brian Yuliarto, Zeid A Alothman, Dmitri Golberg, Yusuke YamauchiChemical Engineering Journal 405, 126580 (2021)
- A Pollutant Gas Sensor Based On Fe3O4 Nanostructures: A Review
Juliandi Siregar, Ni Luh Wulan Septiani, Syauqi Abdurrahman Abrori, Kerista Sebayang, Irzaman Irzaman, Mochamad Zakki Fahmi, Syahrul Humaidi, Timbangen Sembiring, Kurnia Sembiring, Brian YuliartoJournal of the Electrochemical Society 2021
- Nanocomposite of graphene and WO3 nanowires for carbon monoxide sensors
Estananto, NLW Septiani, M Iqbal, Suyatman, A Nuruddin, B YuliartoNanocomposites 7 (1), 225-236 (2021)
- Functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotube/silver nanoparticle (f-MWCNT/AgNP) nanocomposites as non-enzymatic electrochemical biosensors for dopamine detection
Isa Anshori, Lavita Nuraviana Rizalputri, Raih Rona Althof, Steven Sean Surjadi, Suksmandhira Harimurti, Gilang Gumilar, Brian Yuliarto, Murni HandayaniNanocomposites 7 (1), 97-108 2021
- The effect of photoconductive mole fraction based on thin film BaxSr1-xTiO3 (X= 0.000; 0.125; 0.250; 0.375; 0.500) on electrical properties and diffusivity coefficient
Vania Rahmawaty, Endah Kinarya Palupi, Nazopatul Patonah, Tony Sumaryada, Ridwan Siskandar, Husin Alatas, Muhammad Iqbal, Brian Yuliarto, Mochammad Zakki Fahmi, Febdian Rusydi, Widagdo Sri NugrohoBiointerface Research in Applied Chemistry 11 (6), 14956-14963
- Mesoporous TiO₂-based architectures as promising sensing materials towards next-generation biosensing applications. Fauzan Amri, Ni Luh Wulan Septiani, Muhammad Rezki, Muhammad Iqbal, Yusuke Yamauchi, Dmitri Golberg, Yusuf Valentino Kaneti, Brian Yuliarto. Journal of materials chemistry B 2021 v.9 no.5 pp. 1189-1207
- Conceptualized simulation for templating carbon based nano structures for li-ion batteries: A DFT investigation
SZJ Zaidi, S Hassan, M Raza, C Harito, B Yuliarto, FC WalshJournal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems 2021
- Physical Insights on the Lattice Softening Driven Mid‐Temperature Range Thermoelectrics of Ti/Zr‐Inserted SnTe—An Outlook Beyond the Horizons of Conventional Phonon Scattering …
AR Muchtar, B Srinivasan, SL Tonquesse, S Singh, N Soelami, B Yuliarto, ...Advanced Energy Materials, 2101122 (2021)
- Nitrogen, phosphorus co-doped eave-like hierarchical porous carbon for efficient capacitive deionization
H Zhang, C Wang, W Zhang, M Zhang, J Qi, J Qian, X Sun, B Yuliarto, ...Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2021
- Amine-functionalized Cu-MOF Nanospheres towards Label-free Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Electrochemical Immunosensors
Muhammad Rezki, Ni Luh Wulan Septiani, Muhammad Iqbal, Suksmandhira Harimurti, Poetro Sambegoro, Damar Rastri Adhika, Brian YuliartoJournal of Materials Chemistry B (2021)
- Significant role of thorny surface morphology of polyaniline on adsorption of triiodide ions towards counter electrode in dye-sensitized solar cells
M Reza, AN Utami, AN Amalina, DP Benu, AI Fatya, MK Agusta, B Yuliarto, ...New Journal of Chemistry 45 (13), 5958-5970(2021)
- Mesoporous TiO 2-based architectures as promising sensing materials towards next-generation biosensing applications
Fauzan Amri, Ni Luh Wulan Septiani, Muhammad Rezki, Muhammad Iqbal, Yusuke Yamauchi, Dmitri Golberg, Yusuf Valentino Kaneti, Brian YuliartoJournal of Materials Chemistry B 9 (5), 1189-1207 (2021)
- Yusuf Valentino Kaneti, Yanna Guo, Ni Luh Wulan Septiani, Muhammad Iqbal, Xuchuan Jiang, Toshiaki Takei, Brian Yuliarto, Zeid A Alothman, Dmitri Golberg, Yusuke Yamauchi, Self-templated fabrication of hierarchical hollow manganese-cobalt phosphide yolk-shell spheres for enhanced oxygen evolution reaction Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 405, 1 February 2021, 126580 (2021)
- Prawira Y.Y., Prima E.C., Refantero G., Nugroho H.S., Harito C., Wibowo R.A., Nugraha, Panatarani C., Yuliarto B. All-solution-non-vacuum fabrication process of czts solar cell using zto as non-toxic buffer layer(2020)
- Irzaman, Siskandar R., Yuliarto B., Fahmi M.Z., Ferdiansjah Application of Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 (Bst) film doped with 0%, 2%, 4% and (2020)
- Kurniawan A., Irzaman, Yuliarto B., Fahmi M.Z., Ferdiansjah Application of barium strontium titanate (BST) as a light sensor on led lights(2020)
- Iskandar J., Jenie R.P., Siregar U.J., Yuliarto B., Irzaman Application of thin film barium strontium titanate (BST) in a microcontroller based tool to measure (2020)
- Irzaman, Cahyani I.D., Aminullah, Maddu A., Yuliarto B., Siregar U.J. Biosilica properties from rice husk using Various HCl concentrations and frequency sources(2020)
- Refantero G., Prima E.C., Setiawan A., Panatarani C., Cahyadi D., Yuliarto B. Etching process optimization of non-vacuum fabricated Cu2ZnSnS4 solar cell(2020)
- Gumilar G., Kaneti Y.V., Henzie J., Chatterjee S., Na J., Yuliarto B., Nugraha N., Patah A., Bhaumik A., Yamauchi Y. General synthesis of hierarchical sheet/plate-like M-BDC (M = Cu, Mn, Ni, and Zr) metal-organic fram(2020)
- Septiani N.L.W., Kaneti Y.V., Guo Y., Yuliarto B., Jiang X., Ide Y., Nugraha N., Dipojono H.K., Yu A., Sugahara Y., Golberg D., Yamauchi Y. Holey Assembly of Two-Dimensional Iron-Doped Nickel-Cobalt Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets for E(2020)
- Liquid polymer eutectic mixture for integrated extractive-oxidative desulfurization of fuel oil: An (2020)
- Metal-Organic-Framework FeBDC-Derived Fe3O4 for Non-Enzymatic Electrochemical (2020)
- Fahmi M.Z., Prasetya R.A., Dzikri M.F., Sakti S.C.W., Yuliarto B., Irzaman, Ferdiansjah MnFe2O4 nanoparticles/cellulose acetate composite nanofiber for controllable r(2020)
- Megantari V., Febriyanti E., Benu D.P., Reza M., Steky F.V., Yulianto B., Mukti R.R., Suendo V. Nanofluidic behavior of diatomic molecules in bicontinuous concentric lamellar (bcl) silica formed b(2020)
- Patterning of worm-like soft polydimethylsiloxane structures using a TiO2 nanotubular arr(2020)
- PbO2decorated ZnO-TiO2core-shell nanoflower structures by zinc anodising for p(2020)
- Photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue dye on reticulated vitreous carbon decorated with elect(2020)
- Nuruddin A., Yuliarto B., Saputro A.G., Badruzaman, Ramelan A. Preparation of polycrystalline silicon from rice husk by thermal decomposition and aluminothermic re(2020)
- Utami A.N., Reza M., Benu D.P., Fatya A.I., Yulianto B., Suendo V. Reverse micelle facilitated synthesis of nanostructured polyaniline as the counter electrode materia(2020)
- Harito C., Utari L., Putra B.R., Yuliarto B., Purwanto S., Zaidi S.Z.J., Bavykin D.V., Marken F., Walsh F.C. Review - The Development of Wearable Polymer-Based Sensors: Perspectives(2020)
- Wulan Septiani N.L., Kaneti Y.V., Fathoni K.B., Wang J., Ide Y., Yuliarto B., Nugraha, Dipojono H.K., Nanjundan A.K., Golberg D., Bando Y., Yamauchi Y. Self-assembly of nickel phosphate-based nanotubes into two-dimensional crumpled sheet-like architect(2020)
- Self-assembly of two-dimensional bimetallic nickel-cobalt phosphate nanoplates into one-dimensional (2020)
- Sonochemical synthesis of magnetic Fe3O4/graphene nanocomposites for label-fre(2020)
- Synthesis and dispersion of ni-doped cu2znsns4(2020)
- Sholehah A., Faroz D.F., Huda N., Utari L., Septiani N.L.W., Yuliarto B. Synthesis of ZnO flakes on flexible substrate and its application on ethylene sensing at room temper(2020)
- Septiani N.L.W., Kaneti Y.V., Fathoni K.B., Guo Y., Ide Y., Yuliarto B., Jiang X., Nugraha N., Dipojono H.K., Golberg D., Yamauchi Y. Tailorable nanoarchitecturing of bimetallic nickel-cobalt hydrogen phosphate: Via the self-weaving o(2020)
- Utari L., Septiani N.L.W., Suyatman, Nugraha, Nur L.O., Wasisto H.S., Yuliarto B. Wearable carbon monoxide sensors based on hybrid graphene/ZnO nanocomposites(2020)
- Siregar J., Sebayang K., Yuliarto B., Humaidi S. XRD characterization of Fe3O4-ZnO nanocomposite material by the hydrothermal m(2020)
- Palupi E.K., Irzaman, Alatas H., Yuliarto B., Umam R., Andriana B.B., Sato H. Analysis of Spectroscopy: Mustard Greens Leaf of Chlorophyll as a Ba0.2Sr0.8Ti(2019)
- Ndaomanu E.H., Nashirul Haq I., Leksono E., Yuliarto B. Battery Temperature Rate of Change Estimation by Using Machine Learning(2019)
- Saptiama I., Kaneti Y.V., Yuliarto B., Kumada H., Tsuchiya K., Fujita Y., Malgras V., Fukumitsu N., Sakae T., Hatano K., Ariga K., Sugahara Y., Yamauchi Y. Biomolecule-Assisted Synthesis of Hierarchical Multilayered Boehmite and Alumina Nanosheets for Enha(2019)
- Irzaman I., Prawira D.S., Irmansyah I., Yuliarto B., Siregar U.J. Characterization of Lithium Tantalate (LiTaO3) Film on the Concentration Variations of Ru(2019)
- Iqbal M., Kaneti Y.V., Kim J., Yuliarto B., Kang Y.-M., Bando Y., Sugahara Y., Yamauchi Y. Chemical Design of Palladium-Based Nanoarchitectures for Catalytic Applications(2019)
- Iqbal M., Kaneti Y.V., Kashimura K., Yoshino M., Jiang B., Li C., Yuliarto B., Bando Y., Sugahara Y., Yamauchi Y. Continuous mesoporous Pd films with tunable pore sizes through polymeric micelle-assisted assembly(2019)
- Wicaksono D.H.B., Syazwani I.N., Ratnarathorn N., Sadir S., Shahir S., Ruckthong L., Dungchai W., Yuliarto B., Dipojono H.K. Cotton fiber-based assay with time-based microfluidic absorption sampling for point-of-care applicat(2019)
- Purwalaksana A.Z., Suendo V., Yuliarto B., Hendro Designing A Low-Cost Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) Instrument for Monitoring Degradation of Milk Q(2019)
- Islameka M., Haq I.N., Leksono E., Yuliarto B. Energy Consumption Simulation and Analysis of Rear-Driven Electric Bus with Regenerative Braking(2019)
- Fitriana, Septiani N.L.W., Adhika D.R., Saputro A.G., Nugraha, Yuliarto B. Enhanced NO Gas Performance of (002)-Oriented Zinc Oxide Nanostructure Thin Films(2019)
- Yuliarto B., Septiani N.L.W., Kaneti Y.V., Iqbal M., Gumilar G., Kim M., Na J., Wu K.C.-W., Yamauchi Y. Green synthesis of metal oxide nanostructures using naturally occurring compounds for energy, enviro(2019)
- Debataraja A., Septiani N.L.W., Yuliarto B., Nugraha, Sunendar B., Abdullah H. High performance of a carbon monoxide sensor based on a Pd-doped graphene-tin oxide nanostructure co(2019)
- Harito C., Bavykin D.V., Yuliarto B., Dipojono H.K., Walsh F.C. Inhibition of Polyimide Photodegradation by Incorporation of Titanate Nanotubes into a Composite(2019)
- Palupi E.K., Umam R., Andriana B.B., Sato H., Yuliarto B., Alatas H., Irzaman Micro-Raman analysis of Ba0.2Sr0.8TiO3 (barium strontium titanate) (2019)
- Palupi E.K., Umam R., Andriana B.B., Sato H., Yuliarto B., Alatas H., Irzaman I. Micro-Raman Spectroscopy Investigation of Chlorophyll-doping effects on Ba 0.2 Sr 0.(2019)
- Islameka M., Leksono E., Yuliarto B. Modelling of regenerative braking system for electric bus(2019)
- Performance Analysis of Commercial PV for Remote Area in Tropical Island(2019)
- Haq I.N., Kurniadi D., Leksono E., Yuliarto B., Soelami F.X.N. Performance analysis of energy storage in smart microgrid based on historical data of individual bat(2019)
- Harito C., Bavykin D.V., Yuliarto B., Dipojono H.K., Walsh F.C. Polymer nanocomposites having a high filler content: synthesis, structures, properties, and applicat(2019)
- Patah A., Kasim W., Yuliarto B. Potential application Zn-MOF/MnO2 composite as methanol gas sensor(2019)
- Fitriana F., Septiani N.L.W., Irzaman I., Ferdiansjah F., Fahmi M.Z., Adhika D.R., Suyatman S., Nugraha N., Yuliarto B. Preparation of (002)-oriented ZnO for CO gas sensor(2019)
- Nuruddin A., Yuliarto B., Kurniasih S., Setiyanto H., Ramelan A. Preparation of Superhydrophobic Zinc Oxide Nanorods Coating on Stainless Steel Via Chemical Bath Dep(2019)
- Kaneti Y.V., Wulan Septiani N.L., Saptiama I., Jiang X., Yuliarto B., Shiddiky M.J.A., Fukumitsu N., Kang Y.-M., Golberg D., Yamauchi Y. Self-sacrificial templated synthesis of a three-dimensional hierarchical macroporous honeycomb-like (2019)
- Yuliarto B., Zulhendry D.W., Septiani N.L.W., Irzaman, Ferdiansjah, Fahmi M.Z., Nugraha Synthesis and characterization of tin oxide-multiwalled carbon nanotube composite material as carbon(2019)
- Marguna S., Sulthoni M.A., Anshori I., Yuliarto B., Surawijaya A., Utari L. Synthesis of Zinc Oxide (ZnO) - Graphene Nanocomposite as CO Gas Sensor Application(2019)
- Iqbal M., Kim Y., Li C., Jiang B., Takei T., Lin J., Yuliarto B., Bando Y., Henzie J., Yamauchi Y. Tailored design of mesoporous PdCu nanospheres with different compositions using polymeric micelles(2019)
- Sholehah A., Pusparasmi D.A., Yuliarto B. The application of zinc oxide layer as ethylene sensor(2019)
- Irzaman, Siskandar R., Nabilah N., Aminullah, Yuliarto B., Hamam K.A., Alatas H. Application of lithium tantalate (LiTaO3) films as light sensor to monitor the light stat(2018)
- Friansa K., Haq I.N., Leksono E., Tapran N., Kurniadi D., Yuliarto B. Battery module performance improvement using active cell balancing system based on Switched-Capacito(2018)
- Wicaksono D.H.B., Benhanan B., Parung D.E., Ughi F., Shafi A., Mandala S., Biben V., Maulana N., Arisanti F., Herbani Y., Yuliarto B., Dipojono H.K. Carbon Nanotube-Coated Thread as Sensor for Wearable Mechanomyography of Leg Muscles(2018)
- Prima E.C., Nuruddin A., Yuliarto B., Kawamura G., Matsuda A. Combined spectroscopic and TDDFT study of single-double anthocyanins for application in dye-sensitiz(2018)
- Tu T.N., Nguyen M.V., Nguyen H.L., Yuliarto B., Cordova K.E., Demir S. Designing bipyridine-functionalized zirconium metalorganic frameworks as a platform for clean ene(2018)
- Saputra L.H., Haq I.N., Leksono E., Romadhon R., Kurniadi D., Yuliarto B. Development of battery thermal management system for LiFeMnPO4 module using air cooling method to mi(2018)
- Ahmad M., Abdullah H., Yuliarto B. Effect of nickel in TiO2-SiO2-GO-based DSSC by using a sol-gel method(2018)
- Effects of Li and Cu dopants on the crystal structure of Ba0.65Sr0.35Tio3(2018)
- Nirwana Sari Halidun W.O., Cahya Prima E., Yuliarto B., Suyatman Fabrication Dye Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSCs) Using -Carotene Pigment Based Natural Dye(2018)
- Abdullah H., Lye S.Y., Mahalingam S., Asshari I., Yuliarto B., Manap A. Gamma radiation induced nickel oxide/reduced graphene oxide nanoflowers for improved dye-sensitized (2018)
- Rahmawati R., Kaneti Y.V., Taufiq A., Sunaryono, Yuliarto B., Suyatman, Nugraha, Kurniadi D., Hossain S.A., Yamauchi Y. Green Synthesis of Magnetite Nanostructures from Naturally Available Iron Sands via Sonochemical Met(2018)
- Septiani N.L.W., Kaneti Y.V., Yuliarto B., Nugraha, Dipojono H.K., Takei T., You J., Yamauchi Y. Hybrid nanoarchitecturing of hierarchical zinc oxide wool-ball-like nanostructures with multi-walled(2018)
- Mustaqim A., Yuliarto B., Nugraha N. Modification of ZIF-8 using direct mixing method at a room temperature(2018)
- Suhanto R.N., Rahmawati R., Setyorini D.A., Noviandri I., Suyatman, Yuliarto B. Modified Working Electrode by Magnetite Nanocomposite for Electrochemical Sensor Application(2018)
- Oktariza L.G., Yuliarto B., Suyatman Performance of dye sensitized solar cells (DSSC) using Syngonium Podophyllum Schott as natural dye a(2018)
- Wicaksono D.H.B., Utari L., Wulan N., Engel D.J., Widjaja S.T., Jovinka X., Genilar L.A., Setiawan S.A., Yuliarto B., Dipojono H.K., Jenie S.N.A., Tursiloadi S., Krismastuti F.S.H., Herbani Y. Preliminary study on graphene/metal oxide nanoparticles-coated cotton fabrics for flexible gas senso(2018)
- Muchtar A.R., Septiani N.L.W., Iqbal M., Nuruddin A., Yuliarto B. Preparation of GrapheneZinc Oxide Nanostructure Composite for Carbon Monoxide Gas Sensing(2018)
- Aminullah, Rohaeti E., Yuliarto B., Irzaman Reduction of silicon dioxide from bamboo leaves and its analysis using energy dispersive x-ray and f(2018)
- Iqbal M., Kim J., Yuliarto B., Jiang B., Li C., Dag Ö., Malgras V., Yamauchi Y. Standing Mesochannels: Mesoporous PdCu Films with Vertically Aligned Mesochannels from Nonionic Mice(2018)
- Edison F., Haq I.N., Leksono E., Tapran N., Kurniadi D., Yuliarto B. State of energy (SOE) estimation of LiNiCoAlO2 battery module considering cells unbalance and energy(2018)
- Syuhada N., Yuliarto B., Nugraha Synthesis and Characterization Hierarchical Three-Dimensional TiO2Structure via Hydrother(2018)
- Debataraja A., Manurung R.V., Asri L.A.T.W., Yuliarto B., Nugraha, Sunendar B. Synthesis and characterization of nanocomposites of tin oxide-graphene doping pd using polyol method(2018)
- Synthesis of Magnetite (Fe3O4) Nanoparticles from Iron sands by Coprecipitatio(2018)
- Nabena E.C.H.P., Yuliarto B., Nugraha, Iqbal M. Synthesis Sensitive Layer of Ethylene Gas Sensor Based Tin Oxide Nanoparticles Using Water as Solven(2018)
- Rahmawati R., Taufiq A., Sunaryono, Yuliarto B., Suyatman, Nugraha, Noviandri I., Setyorini D.A., Kurniadi D. The synthesis of Fe3O4/MWCNT nanocomposites from local iron sands for electroc(2018)
- Prima E.C., Hidayat N.N., Yuliarto B., Suyatman, Dipojono H.K. A combined spectroscopic and TDDFT study of natural dyes extracted from fruit peels of Citrus reticu(2017)
- Aprilia L., Nuryadi R., Gustiono D., Nurmahmudi, Udhiarto A., Hartanto D., Yuliarto B., Hosoda M., Neo Y., Mimura H. CO Gas-Induced Resonance Frequency Shift of ZnO-Functionalized Microcantilever in Humid Air(2017)
- Friansa K., Haq I.N., Santi B.M., Kurniadi D., Leksono E., Yuliarto B. Development of Battery Monitoring System in Smart Microgrid Based on Internet of Things (IoT)(2017)
- Yuliarto B., Ramadhani M.F., Nugraha, Septiani N.L.W., Hamam K.A. Enhancement of SO2 gas sensing performance using ZnO nanorod thin films: the role of depo(2017)
- Debataraja A., Muchtar A.R., Septiani N.L.W., Yuliarto B., Nugrahaauth, Sunendar B. High Performance Carbon Monoxide Sensor Based on Nano Composite of SnO2-Graphene(2017)
- Debataraja A., Zulhendri D.W., Yuliarto B., Nugraha, Hiskia, Sunendar B. Investigation of Nanostructured SnO2 Synthesized with Polyol Technique for CO Gas Sensor (2017)
- Septiani N.L.W., Yuliarto B., Nugraha, Dipojono H.K. Multiwalled carbon nanotubeszinc oxide nanocomposites as low temperature toluene gas sensor(2017)
- Rahmawati R., Permana M.G., Harison B., Nugraha, Yuliarto B., Suyatman, Kurniadi D. Optimization of Frequency and Stirring Rate for Synthesis of Magnetite (Fe3O4)(2017)
- Abdullah H., Yunos N.H., Mahalingam S., Ahmad M., Yuliarto B. Photovoltaic and EIS Performance of SnO2/SWCNTS Based - Sensitized Solar Cell(2017)
- Rahmawati R., Melati A., Taufiq A., Sunaryono, Diantoro M., Yuliarto B., Suyatman S., Nugraha N., Kurniadi D. Preparation of MWCNT-Fe3O4 Nanocomposites from Iron Sand Using Sonochemical Ro(2017)
- Yuliarto B., Gumilar G., Zulhendri D.W., Nugraha, Septiani N.L.W. Preparation of SnO2 thin film nanostructure for CO gas sensor using ultrasonic spray pyro(2017)
- Nugraha, Saputro A.G., Agusta M.K., Yuliarto B., Dipojono H.K., Rusydi F., Maezono R. Selectivity of CO and NO adsorption on ZnO (0002) surfaces: A DFT investigation(2017)
- Debataraja A., Yuliarto B., Nugraha, Sunendar B., Hiskia Structural and morphological analysis of nanocomposite SnO2-Graphene synthesized by Sol-G(2017)
- Septiani N.L.W., Yuliarto B., Iqbal M., Nugraha Synthesis of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles using Anthocyanin as a Capping Agent(2017)
- Prima E.C., Yuliarto B., Suyatman, Dipojono H.K. Charge Transfer Dynamics of Highly Efficient Cyanidin-3-O- Glucoside Sensitizer for Dye-Sensitized S(2016)
- Nuryadi R., Aprilia L., Gustiono D., Yuliarto B. CO Gas Response of ZnO Nanostructures using Microcantilever in Dynamic Mode Operation(2016)
- Nugraha, Saputro A.G., Agusta M.K., Yuliarto B., Dipojono H.K., Maezono R. Density functional study of adsorptions of CO2, NO2 and SO2 molecul(2016)
- Nuryadi R., Mayasari R.D., Aprilia L., Yuliarto B. Fabrication of ZnO/Au/prism-based surface plasmon resonance device for gas detection(2016)
- Aprilia L., Nuryadi R., Mayasari R.D., Gustiono D., Masmui, Raharjo J., Deni Y., Yuliarto B., Iqbal M., Hartanto D. Growth of zinc oxide sensitive layer on microcantilever surface for gas sensor application(2016)
- Prima E.C., Al Qibtiya M., Yuliarto B., Suyatman, Dipojono H.K. Influence of anthocyanin co-pigment on electron transport and performance in black rice dye-sensitiz(2016)
- Al Qibtiya M., Prima E.C., Yuliarto B., Suyatman pH influences on optical absorption of anthocyanin from black rice as sensitizer for dye sensitized (2016)
- Preface(2016)
- Septiani N.L.W., Yuliarto B. Review-the development of gas sensor based on carbon nanotubes(2016)
- Haq I.N., Saputra R.H., Edison F., Kurniadi D., Leksono E., Yuliarto B. State of charge (SoC) estimation of LiFePO4 battery module using support vector regression(2016)
- Prima E.C., Yuliarto B., Suyatman, Dipojono H.K. Ground and excited state properties of high performance anthocyanidin dyes-sensitized solar cells in(2015)
- Yuliarto B., Nulhakim L., Ramadhani M.F., Iqbal M., Nugraha, Suyatman, Nuruddin A. Improved performances of ethanol sensor fabricated on Al-doped ZnO nanosheet thin films(2015)
- Abdullah H., Ariyanto N.P., Yuliarto B., Asshaari I., Omar A., Razali M.Z. Influence of structural and chemical properties on electron transport in mesoporous ZnO-based dye-se(2015)
- Yuliarto B., Gumilar G., Septiani N.L.W. SnO2 nanostructure as pollutant gas sensors: Synthesis, sensing performances, and mechani(2015)
- Yuliarto B., Julia S., Ni Luh Wulan S., Iqbal M., Ramadhani M.F., Nugraha The effect of tin addition to ZnO nanosheet thin films for ethanol and isopropyl alcohol sensor appl(2015)
- Adhyaksa G.W.P., Prima E.C., Lee D.K., Ock I., Yatman S., Yuliarto B., Kang J.K. A light harvesting antenna using natural extract graminoids coupled with plasmonic metal nanoparticl(2014)
- Haq I.N., Leksono E., Iqbal M., Sodami F.X.N., Nugraha, Kurniadi D., Yuliarto B. Development of battery management system for cell monitoring and protection(2014)
- Fabrication of ZnO nanorod using spray-pyrolysis and chemical bath deposition method(2014)
- Prima E.C., Yuliarto B., Suendo V., Suyatman Improving photochemical properties of Ipomea pescaprae, Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv, and Paspalum(2014)
- Iqbal M., Marintan E., Septiani N.L.W., Suyatman, Nuruddin A., Nugraha, Yuliarto B. Synthesis and harmful gas sensing properties of zinc oxide modified multi-walled carbon nanotubes co(2014)
- Design and fabrication of real time air quality monitoring system based on web application(2013)
- Yuliarto B., Mulyadi M., Iqbal M., Nugraha N. Fabrications of volatile organic compound detector systems based on semiconductor materials SnO2 nan(2013)
- Iqbal M., Yuliarto B., Nugraha N. Modifications of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on zinc oxide nanostructures for carbon monoxide (CO)(2013)
- Eka C.P., Yuliarto B., Suyatman S. Performance of natural carotenoids from musa aromatica and citrus medica var lemon as photosensitize(2013)
- Yuliarto B., Nugraha N., Epindonta B., Aditia R., Iqbal M. Synthesis of SnO2 nano structure thin film and its prospective as gas sensors(2013)
- Yuliarto B., Iqbal M., Nuruddin A. Synthesis of various nanostructures ZnO and its applications for gas sensors(2013)
- Brian Y., Silvia M., Iqbal M., Nugraha Fabrication of LP gas leakage detector systems based on modified nanostructured ZnO thin film(2012)
- Nulhakim L., Nugraha, Nuruddin A., Suyatman, Yuliarto B. Al-doped ZnO thin films for ethanol sensors(2011)
- Julia S., Nururddin A., Nugraha S., Yuliarto B. Ethanol sensing properties of nanosheets ZnO thin films prepared by chemical bath deposition(2011)
- Rifai A., Iqbal M., Nugraha, Nuruddin A., Suyatman, Yuliarto B. Synthesis and characterization of SnO2 thin films by chemical bath deposition(2011)
- Yuliarto B., Faizal M., Iqbal M., Julia S., Nugraha T. Synthesis of metal oxide nanostructure and its characterization as gas pollutant monitoring(2011)
- Yuliarto B., Iqbal M., Julia S., Nugraha Fabrication and characterization of nanostructure zinc oxide for LP gas sensor(2010)
- Ariyanto N.P., Abdullah H., Syarif J., Yuliarto B., Shaari S. Fabrication of zinc oxide-based dye-sensitized solar cell by chemical bath deposition(2010)
- Yuliarto B., Fanani F., Fuadi M.K., Nugraha Preparation of nanoporous TiO2 for dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) using various dyes(2010)
- Insani E.K., Nguyen V.H., Kawamura G., Hamagami J.-I., Sakai M., Matsuda A., Yuliarto B. Proton conductivity of CsH2PO4WPA composites at intermediate temperatures(2010)
- Yuliarto B., Septina W., Fuadi K., Fanani F., Muliani L., Nugraha Synthesis of nanoporous TiO2 and its potential applicability for dye-sensitized solar cell using ant(2010)
- Julia S., Yuliarto B., Nugraha Synthesis of various nanopatterns of ZnO thin film using sol gel method(2010)
- Yuliarto B., Kumai Y., Inagaki S., Zhou H. Enhanced benzene selectivity of mesoporous silica SPV sensors by incorporating phenylene groups in t(2009)
- Yuliarto B., Nugraha, Zhou H. Preparation of high performance room temperature VOC gas sensors(2009)
- Yuliarto B., Nugraha, Zhou H.S. Preparation of surface photovoltage VOC detector(2009)
- Septina W., Yuliarto B., Nugraha Preparation of self-assembly mesoporous TiO2 using block copolymer pluronic PE6200 template(2008)
- Ariyanto N.P., Abdullah H., Yuliarto B., Syarif J., Shaari S. Synthesis of nanoflake ZnO(2008)
- Benzene sensors based on surface photo voltage of mesoporous organo-silica hybrid thin films(2007)
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Platform Pemantauan Kualitas Udara
Teknologi Informasi & Komunikasi
COPYRIGHT , Tersertifikasi () -
Teknologi Informasi & Komunikasi
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Pangan & Kesehatan
Teknologi Informasi & Komunikasi
PATENT , Pemeriksaan Formalitas oleh DJKI (2020) -
Pangan & Kesehatan
PATENT , Pemeriksaan Formalitas oleh DJKI (2020) -
Rekayasa Transportasi & Energi
PATENT , Pemeriksaan Formalitas oleh DJKI (2020) -
Pangan & Kesehatan
PATENT , Pemeriksaan Formalitas oleh DJKI (2020) -
Rekayasa Transportasi & Energi
PATENT , Pemeriksaan Formalitas oleh DJKI (2021) -
Pangan & Kesehatan
Infrastruktur & Kebencanaan
PATENT , Pemeriksaan Formalitas oleh DJKI (2021)