Kelompok Keahlian | KK Instrumentasi, Kontrol, dan Otomasi |
Sekolah/Fakultas | Fakultas Teknologi Industri |
Jabatan Fungsional | GURU BESAR |
- S1
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S3
The Australian National University, Canberra – Australia
- Google Scholar
- h-index : 18
- i10-index : 36
- Scopus
- h-index : 13
- Sinta
- SINTA Score Overall : 5.157
SINTA Score 3 Years : 1.159
PPKI - Artificial Intelligence Precision Farming untuk Meningkatkan Produktifitas dan Kualitas Tanaman Cabai (2021)
Transformasi Kantin Digital Sebagai Co-Learning Space Di Sekolah Menengah Umum Fasa 2 (2021)
Non Contact Robot for Lift Operation (2020)
Pengembangan Algoritma dan Validasi Estimasi dan Prediksi Waktu Tempuh Kendaraan Berbasis GPS untuk Sistem Manajemen Trafik (2020)
Sistem Deteksi Posisi Kereta Api Cepat Indonesia Menggunakan Gabungan Deep Belief Network dan Particle Filter (2020)
Transformasi Digital Kantin Sebagai Co Learning Space di Sekolah Menengah Umum (2020)
Analisis Pemasaran, Perancangan Rantai Pasok Terintegrasi, serta Pengembangan Aplikasi Internet of Things (IoT) pada Komoditas Kelapa Sawit (2019)
Pemberian Pendanaan Riset Inovatif Produktif (RISPRO) Terkait Internet Of Things Pemantauan, Pendeteksian, Analisis, Dan Pengontrolan Wabah Dengue (2019)
Pengembangan Algoritma Dan Validasi Estimasi Dan Prediksi Waktu Tempuh Kendaraan Berbasis Gps Untuk Sistem Manajemen Trafik (2019)
Sistem Kontrol Keselamatan Untuk Kendaraan Listrik: Motor Auto Shut Off Dan Motor Auto Load (2019)
Sistem Kontrol Non Linier Untuk Fast Charging/Discharging Pada Tenaga Penggerak Kendaraan Listrik (2019)
Bantuan Penguatan Kelembagaan Pusat Unggulan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Perguruan Tinggi Tahun 2018 (Hankam) (2018)
Identifikasi Serangan Cyber pada Cyber-physical Sysems dalam Pengontrolan Formasi Kendaraan Tanpa Awak (2018)
National Student Competition 2018 Industry 4.0 (2018)
Pembuatan Galeri Seni Digtal Bergerak, Berenergi Hijau, Berotomasi dan Berbasis Teknologi Informasi Digital (2018)
Pengembangan Algoritma dan Validasi Estimasi dan Prediksi Waktu Tempuh Kendaraan Berbasis GPS untuk Sistem Manajemen Trafik (2018)
Sistem Drone Multirotor untuk Aplikasi Crowd Assessment (2018)
Workshop Advanced PID Controller Tuning (2018)
Bantuan Penguatan Kelembagaan Pusat Unggulan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Perguruan Tinggi Tahun 2017 (Hankam) (2017)
Optimalisasi dan Uji Lapangan Sistem Evaluator Axle Counter di Perkeretaapian (2017)
Optimisasi SWARM Intelligence untuk Meningkatkan Kerobasan Jaringan terhadap Kegagalan Berturutan (2017)
Pengembangan Dusun Seni Bersinergi Dengan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi (2017)
Pengembangan Sensor Bergerak berbasis GPS untuk Sistem Manajemen Trafik Lalu Lintas (2017)
Pengembangan sensor multimoda dan jaringan untuk memonitor posisi kontainer di area pelabuhan (2017)
Sustainable Higher Education Research Alliances (SHERA) ITB (2017)
Lomba PLC 2016 (2016)
Optimisasi SWARM Intelligence untuk Meningkatkan Kerobasan Jaringan terhadap Kegagalan Berturutan (2016)
Pelaksanaan Insentif Penguatan Kelembagaan Pusat Unggulan IPTEK Perguruan Tinggi Tahun 2016 (2016)
Pengembangan Sensor Bergerak berbasis GPS untuk Sistem Manajemen Trafik Lalu Lintas (2016)
Pengembangan Sistem Axle Counter untuk Sensor di Perkeretaapian (2016)
Pengembangan Sistem Evaluator Axle Counter di Perkeretaapian (2016)
Uji Lapangan Pengontrol Variable Speed Drive (2016)
Analisis Parameter Seismotektonik Untuk Identifikasi Perkusor dan Estimasi Dalam Upaya Mitigasi Gempa Bumi (2015)
Pengontrol Variable Speed Drive (VSD) Cerdas, Optimal dan Efisien (2015)
LOMBA MAHASISWA TINGKAT NASIONAL 2014 Pemrograman Ladder Programmable Logic Controller (2014)
Sistem Kontrol Kecepatan Motor Berkinerja Tinggi dengan Kontrol Reference (2014)
Deteksi bahaya seismik berbasis anfis dan deteksi chaos dari data runtun waktu gempa bumi (2013)
Pengembangan teknik identifikasi sistem hibrida linear stokastik untuk aplikasi deteksi event pada kasus aliran trafic jalan raya (2013)
Lomba Mahasiswa TIngkat Nasional 2012 Pemrograman Ladder PLC (2012)
Pengembangan Model Gibrid Stokastik untuk Estimasi Panjang Antrian pada Perempatan Berlampu Lalu Lintas Developing Stochastic Gybrid Model For Queue Length Estimator of Signalized Intersection (2012)
Sistem Kontrol Formasi Wahana Nir Awak dengan Swarm Inteligence (2012)
Bake Plate Control System Design using A Robust Multiplexed Model Predictive Control (MPC) with Robust Counterrpart Optimization (2011)
Rencana Kerja Anggaran Dana Pengembangan Institusi Tahun 2008 s/d 2009 Fakultas Teknologi Industri (2011)
Sistem Manajemen Lalulintas Transportasi Kereta Api Cerdas dan Optimal pada Stasiun (2011)
Pengembangan Model untuk Estimasi Kejadian Gempa Bumi Menggunakan Metode Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS) dengan Fungsi Pemetaan (2010)
Perancangan dan Pembuatan Model Aktuator (2010)
Rancang Bangun Sistem Kendali Turret Movement Meriam Kal.20mm (2010)
Penyelidikan Proses Subduksi Dan Pelepasan Energi Gempa d Indonesia Menggunakan Data Dengan Resolusi Tinggi (2009)
Perancangan dan Pembuatan Model Aktuator (2009)
Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak Penganalisis, Penghitung dan Pengoptimisasi Keandalan Sistem Pensinyalan Kereta Api Jalur Ganda (2008)
Pembuatan Sistem Instrumentasi dan Kontrol pada Pilot Plant Proses Produksi Pembuatan Bio-Etanol di Teknik Kimia ITB (2007)
- Image encoding selection based on Pearson correlation coefficient for time series anomaly detection
H Rahadian, S Bandong, A Widyotriatmo, E JoeliantoAlexandria Engineering Journal 82, 304-322 (2023)
- Design of smart farming communication and web interface using MQTT and Node. js
A Turnip, FR Pebriansyah, T Simarmata, P Sihombing, E JoeliantoOpen Agriculture 8 (1), 20220159 (2023)
- Identification of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus eggs based on image processing and elliptic fourier analysis
NP Gunara, E Joelianto, I AhmadScientific Reports 13 (1), 17395 (2023)
- Enhancing Traffic Flow Forecasting with Spatio-Temporal Information: A Case Study on Highway Networks in Belgium
MF Fathurrahman, A Catteeuw, S Gautama, AL Aguirre, E Joelianto, Herman Y Sutarto2023 8th International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, and Automation (ICA) (2023)
- Performance of SNMP Protocol in Sensor Network Measurement and IoT Web-based HMI Features
E Nurmalia, LB Bashar, E Joelianto2023 8th International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, and Automation (ICA) (2023)
- Parameter Identification of Signal Attenuation for High Speed Rail Communication System Using Grey Box Neural Network
S Lukman, YY Nazaruddin, E Joelianto2023 8th International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, and Automation (ICA) (2023)
- Failure assessment in lithium-ion battery packs in electric vehicles using the failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) approach
RC Kirana, NA Purwanto, NA Azis, E Joelianto, SP Santosa, BA Budiman, Arjon TurnipJournal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology 14 (Issue 1 94-104) (2023)
- On Hammerstein and Wiener structure for data driven modelling in complex and nonlinear systems; A case study in smart building integrated microgrid
RF Iskandar, E Leksono, E Joelianto, K Friansa, IN HaqAIP Conference Proceedings 2580 (1) (2023)
- The New Empirical Path Loss Model for Line of Sight Propagation in HSR Communication System Using Optimization Technique
S Lukman, YY Nazaruddin, B Ai, E JoeliantoIEEE Wireless Communications Letters (2022)
- New Empirical Path Loss Model for HSR
S Lukman, YY Nazaruddin, B Ai, E Joelianto2022 13th Asian Control Conference (ASCC), 1045-1051 (2022)
- Analysis of Spatiotemporal Data Imputation Methods for Traffic Flow Data in Urban Networks
E Joelianto, MF Fathurrahman, HY Sutarto, I Semanjski, A Putri, ...ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 11 (5), 310 (2022)
- Polygon formation of multiple nonholonomic mobile robots with double-level-control collision avoidance scheme
A Widyotriatmo, E Joelianto, AM Burohman, JJ Damanik, YY NazaruddinJournal of Control and Decision, 1-13 (2022)
- Sistem Kontrol Swarm untuk Flocking Wahana NR-Awak Quadrotor dengan Optimasi Algoritma Genetik
E Joelianto, WS Rajasa, A SamsiJurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer 8 (6), 1089-1098 (2021)
- A review on drive train technologies for Passenger Electric Vehicles
MR Wahid, BA Budiman, E Joelianto, M AzizEnergies 14 (20), 6742 (2021)
- Integration System of IoT Gas Sensor using Simple Network Management Protocol and Open Platform Communication
FA Hambali, R Fitriana, E Joelianto2021 IEEE 7th Information Technology International Seminar (ITIS), 1-6 (2021)
- Optimization of Gantry Crane PID Controller Based on PSO, SFS, and FPA
Steven Bandong, Muhammad Raihan Miransyahputra, Yan Setiaji, Yul Yunazwin Nazaruddin, Parsaulian Ishaya Siregar, Endra Joelianto2021 60th Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control … (2021)
- IoT-Based Temperature and Relative Humidity Monitoring System Using Simple Network Management Protocol
N Aji, E Joelianto2021 International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, and Automation …(2021)
- Container Detection System Using CNN Based Object Detectors
S Bandong, YY Nazaruddin, E Joelianto2021 International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, and Automation …(2021)
Matondang, H.H., Joelianto, E., Widiyantoro, S.
Acta IMEKOthis link is disabled, 2021, 9(5), pp. 379–382 (2021) - Robust H∞ Integral-Backstepping PID Controller for Hydropower System
A Putri, E Joelianto2021 International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, and Automation … (2021)
- On Minimal Second-order IIR Bandpass Filters with Constrained Poles and Zeros.
E JoeliantoJournal of Engineering & Technological Sciences 53 (4) (2021)
- Parallel Control Structure: From Conventional To Intelligent
E Joelianto2021 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Mechatronics … (2021)
- Optimal Control Strategy for Automated People Mover System using Robust H∞ Integral-Backstepping MIMO PID Controller
Joelianto, E., Suryana, L.E., Widyotriatmo, A., Hidayat, Y.A.
International Journal of Artificial Intelligencethis link is disabled, 2021, 19(2), pp. 86–112 (2021) - Determination of Household Green Waste Fractions to Methane and its Economic Value
E Joelianto, HP EdysonIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1096 (1), 012136 (2021)
- Cyber-Physical Systems-Based PID Controller for Three Interacting Tank Process Level Control
E Joelianto, V Nadhira, H HammamiIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1096 (1), 012064 (2021)
- Integrated Supply Chain Model of Distribution Regionalization and Network Optimization of White Crystal Sugar Traditional Market.
YA Hidayat, E JoeliantoEngineering Letters 29 (1) (2021)
- ELM-Based Indonesia Vehicle License Plate Recognition System
B Rahmat, E Joelianto, IKE Purnama, MH PurnomoE3S Web of Conferences 328, 02005 (2021)
- Management of the Computer-Controlled Hygrothermal Properties in the Room Using the Internet with Ventilator Connection
A Antonyová, P Antony, E JoeliantoCyber Physical, Computer and Automation System, 1-16 (2021)
- Cyber Physical, Computer and Automation System
E Joelianto, A Turnip, A WidyotriatmoSpringer Singapore (2021)
- An Adaptive Queue-Length Estimator Based on Stochastic Hybrid Model
HY Sutarto, E JoeliantoCyber Physical, Computer and Automation System, 133-147
- Joelianto E., Sutarto H.Y., Airulla D.G., Zaky M.
Design and simulation of traffic light control system at two intersections using max-plus model pred(2020) - Lukman S., Nazaruddin Y.Y., Joelianto E.
A Comparison Study of Modulation Techniques of Data Communication for HST in CBTC Systems(2019) - Bandong S., Ihsan M., Joelianto E.
Chaotic Behavior of Battery State of Health(2019) - Bandong S., Joelianto E.
Counting of Aedes Aegypti Eggs using Image Processing with Grid Search Parameter Optimization(2019) - Lukman S., Nazaruddin Y.Y., Ai B., He R., Joelianto E.
Estimation of Received Signal Power for 5G-Railway Communication Systems(2019) - Damanik J.J., Andriani D.R., Widyotriatmo A., Joelianto E.
Flocking of Robots with Predictive Localization(2019) - Sumaryo S., Halim A., Ramli K., Joelianto E.
Model for accelerating discharge of lane traffic to facilitate intersection access by EVs(2019) - Tamba T.A., Joelianto E.
Network utility maximisation through particle swarm optimisation(2019) - Suryana L.E., Joelianto E.
Optimal Control for Self-Steering of a Truck System(2019) - Bandong S., Leksono E., Purwarianti A., Joelianto E.
Performance Ratio Estimation and Prediction of Solar Power Plants Using Machine Learning to Improve (2019) - Kholid A., Fauzi R.A., Yunazwin Nazaruddin Y., Joelianto E.
Power Optimization of Electric Motor using PID-Fuzzy Logic Controller(2019) - Sumaryo S., Halim A., Ramli K., Joelianto E.
Queueing theory based accelerated traffic discharging model in front of emergency vehicle on interse(2019) - Hermanto, Joelianto E.
Robust Optimal Control for Train Operation of 2 Car AGT (Automated Guide-way Transit) in Automatic P(2019) - Azis N.A., Joelianto E., Widyotriatmo A.
State of Charge (SoC) and State of Health (SoH) Estimation of Lithium-Ion Battery Using Dual Extende(2019) - Wahid M.R., Joelianto E., Azis N.A.
System Identification of Switched Reluctance Motor (SRM) Using Black Box Method for Electric Vehicle(2019) - Selvi L., Joelianto E., Leksono E.
Time Optimization Analysis Using Hybrid Simulated Annealing and Genetics Algorithm for CNC Punching (2019) - Joelianto E., Ghazali M.Z., Juhana T.
Wireless Disturbance Mapping and Path Selection for Placement of Network Control System Components(2019) - Rahmat B., Joelianto E., Purnama I.K.E., Purnomo M.H.
An improved Mean Shift performance using switching kernels for Indonesia vehicle license plate track(2018) - Rahmat B., Joelianto E., Purnama I.K.E., Purnomo M.H.
An improved mean shift using adaptive fuzzy Gaussian Kernel for Indonesia vehicle license plate trac(2018) - Gunawan W.W., Likafia A., Joelianto E., Widyotriatmo A.
Inverted Pendulum stabilization with flying quadrotor(2018) - Tamba T.A., Joelianto E.
A linear programming approach to network utility maximization(2017) - Antonyová A., Antony P., Joelianto E.
An automatic control system of the flotation process for the reduction of water pollution(2017) - Burohman A.M., Joelianto E., Widyotriatmo A.
Analysis of potential fields for formation of multi-agent robots with collision avoidance(2017) - Sutarto H.Y., Joelianto E., Nugroho T.A.
Developing a stochastic model of queue length at a signalized intersection(2017) - Burohman A.M., Widyotriatmo A., Joelianto E.
Flocking for nonholonomic robots with obstacle avoidance(2017) - Guest editors introduction to special issue on Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)(2017)
- Widyotriatmo A., Joelianto E., Nazaruddin Y.Y., Prasdianto A., Bahtiar H.
Implementation of leader-follower formation control of a team of nonholonomic mobile robots(2017) - Antonyová A., Antony P., Joelianto E.
Management of laboratory work for designing manufacturing phases via the ethernet connection(2017) - Hidayat Y.A., Widiastuti K.R., Joelianto E.
Refinery scheduling for Naphta Hydrotreater unit using non-linear programming(2017) - Chairinnas, Joelianto E., Gani G., Putri N.K.
Robust control with linear matrix inequality approach for ship steering problem(2017) - Joelianto E., Prakoso B.
Stingless bee foraging behaviouralgorithm for optimisation(2017) - Zaky M., Airulla D.G., Joelianto E., Sutarto H.Y.
Urban traffic simulation using SUMO open source tools(2017) - Valentino K., Christian K., Joelianto E.
Virtual reality flight simulator(2017) - Welcome message(2017)
- Turnip A., Soetraprawata D., Turnip M., Joelianto E.
EEG-based brain-controlled wheelchair with four different stimuli frequencies(2016) - Abady H., Joelianto E.
Energy aware distributed estimator system over wireless sensor networks with ad-hoc on-demand distan(2016) - Hakim M.L., Joelianto E., Suprijanto
Estimation of wave propagation distance in swash zone with image analysis results of CCTV-coastal te(2016) - Joelianto E., Widyotriatmo A., Turnip A.
Guest editors introduction to special issue on Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)(2016) - Antonyová A., Antony P., Joelianto E.
Methodology with analytical approach to testing the conditions for growing the cultivators in the ex(2016) - Sutarto H.Y., Maulida M., Joelianto E., Samsi A.
Queue length optimization of vehicles at road intersection using parabolic interpolation method(2016) - Solikhatun, Saragih R., Joelianto E.
Reduced order bilinear time invariant system by means of error transfer function least upper bounds(2016) - Solikhatun, Saragih R., Joelianto E., Naiborhu J.
Robust H control for bilinear systems using the dynamic takagi-sugeno fuzzy models bas(2016) - Rahmat B., Joelianto E., Ketut Eddy Purnama I., Purnomo M.H.
Vehicle license plate image segmentation system using cellular neural network optimized by adaptive (2016) - Welcome message(2016)
- Tran H.A.Q., Namatame A., Widyotriatmo A., Joelianto E.
An optimization procedure for enhancing network robustness against cascading failures(2015) - Sompotan A.F., Puspito N.T., Joelianto E., Hattori K.
Analysis of ionospheric precursor of earthquake using GIM-TEC, kriging and neural network(2015) - Antonyová A., Antony P., Joelianto E.
Modeling of dynamic responses in building insulation(2015) - Antonyova A., Antony P., Joelianto E.
Optimization the process of recycling the water contaminated with dispersion colorants(2015) - Sutarto H.Y., Boel R.K., Joelianto E.
Parameter estimation for stochastic hybrid model applied to urban traffic flow estimation(2015) - Welcome to inagentsys(2015)
- Joelianto E.
Finite horizon optimal hybrid reference control for improving transient response of feedback control(2014) - Joelianto E., Anura D.C., Priyanto M.P.
ANFIS - Hybrid reference control for improving transient response of controlled systems using PID co(2013) - Salmah, Solikhatun, Megawati N.Y., Joelianto E., Budiyono A.
Control of autonomous helicopter models with robust H2-type switched linear controller(2013) - Joelianto E.
Editorial: Special issue on instrumentation, control and automation(2013) - Ernawati, Joelianto E.
Environmentally friendly batik cleaner from sapindus mukorossi using taguchi method(2013) - Johan F.X., Joelianto E., Widyotriatmo A., Salmah
Experiment of model based non linear control design for altitude control of quadrotor using vision-b(2013) - Joelianto E., Setiawan A., Chaerani D.
Hardware in the loop simulation of MILP algorithm based railway traffic re-scheduling during disturb(2013) - Andrean S.Y., Joelianto E., Widyotriatmo A., Adiprawita W.
Low cost vision-based 3D localization system for indoor unmanned aerial vehicles(2013) - Salmah S., Sutrisno S., Joelianto E., Budiyono A., Wijayanti I.E., Megawati N.Y.
Model predictive control for obstacle avoidance as hybrid systems of small scale helicopter(2013) - Solikhatun S., Saragih R., Joelianto E.
Reduced order bilinear time invariant systems using singular perturbation(2013) - Megawati N.Y., Salmah, Indah Emilia W., Joelianto E., Budiyono A.
Safety analysis of linear systems with complex eigenvalues using SOS(2013)
Special issue on instrumentation, control and automation(2013) - Joelianto E., Kurniadi D.
Special issue on instrumentation, control and automation(2013) - Antonyová A., Antony P., Joelianto E.
Statistical analysis as approach to reliability testing of thermal properties in building insulation(2013) - Nugroho H.A., Joelianto E., Widiyantoro S.
Time series estimation of earthquake occurrences in Bali and its surroundings using NARX network mod(2013) - Sutrisno, Salmah, Joelianto E., Budiyono A., Wijayanti I.E., Megawati N.Y.
Tracking control for hybrid system of unmanned small scale helicopter using predictive control(2013) - Nahari T., Joelianto E., Suyatman
An Eddy brakes dynamometer control system design using state space based PID controller(2012) - Nugroho H.A., Joelianto E., Puspito N.T.
Characteristics of earthquake occurrences based on chaotic analysis and fractal dimension(2012) - Majid A.S., Joelianto E.
Optimal sensor deployment in non-convex region using discrete particle swarm optimization algorithm(2012) - Jusuf F., Joelianto E.
Stabilization of networked control system with time delay induced by network imperfections(2012) - b, Sagala A.
Swarm tracking control for flocking of a multi-agent system(2012) - Joelianto E.
Welcome to ICCSII 2012(2012) - Joelianto E., Wiranto I.
An application of ant colony optimization, kalman filter and artificial neural network for multiple (2011) - b Prasetia I.G.
Bake plate control using a robust multiplexed model predictive control (RMMPC)(2011) - Joelianto E., Chaerani D., Setiawan A.
Hardware in the loop simulation of railway traffic re-scheduling by means of MILP algorithm(2011) - Joelianto E., Sumarjono E.M., Budiyono A., Penggalih D.R.
Model predictive control for autonomous unmanned helicopters(2011) - Joelianto E.
Networked control systems: Time delays and robust control design issues(2011) - Pradana W.A., Joelianto E., Budiyono A., Adiprawita W.
Robust MIMO H integral-backstepping PID controller for hovering control of unmanned model helicop(2011) - Salmah, Solikhatun, Megawati N.Y., Joelianto E., Budiyono A.
Robust switched linear controller for multimode helicopter models(2011) - Megawati N.Y., Salmah, Wijayanti I.E., Joelianto E.
Safety analysis of linear system with SOS for complex eigenvalues(2011) - Special issue on intelligent unmanned systems(2011)
- Atmaja B.K., Joelianto E.
Surface control design of rocket using MIMO PID robust integral backstepping(2011) - Joelianto E., Candra Anura D.
Transient response improvement of PID controller using ANFIS-hybrid reference control(2011) - Joelianto E., Ekawati E.
Guest editors introduction editors introduction: Special Issue on Instrumentation, Control I(2010) - Joelianto E., Kadarusman L.
Industrial control quality improvement using statistical process control: Tennessee eastman process (2010) - Joelianto E., Sutarto H.Y.
Controlled switching dynamical systems using linear impulsive differential equations(2009) - Joelianto E., Hosana
Loop-back action latency performance of an industrial data communication protocol on a PLC ethernet (2009) - Joelianto E., Hernawan F.M.
Multiplexed model predictive control weighting selection using genetic algorithm(2009) - Sutarto H.Y., Megawati N.Y., Salmah, Suparwanto A., Joelianto E., Wijayanti I.E., Budiyono A., Solikhatun
Safety analysis of helicopter models using timed automata hybrid systems(2009) - Joelianto E., Simangunsong R.I., Chaerani D., Ling K.V.
The robust model predictive control design problem(2009) - Joelianto E., Rismayasari D., Chaerani D.
The robust optimization based model predictive control using box uncertainty set(2009) - Joelianto E., Widiyantoro S., Ichsan M.
Time series estimation on earthquake events using ANFIS with mapping function(2009) - Joelianto E., Williamson D.
Transient response improvement of feedback control systems using hybrid reference control(2009) - Joelianto E., Sutarto H.Y., Wicaksono A.
Compensation of delay time uncertainties on industrial control ethernet networks using LMI based rob(2008) - Joelianto E., Hosana
Performance of an industrial data communication protocol on ethernet network(2008) - Aribowo A.G., Nazaruddin Y.Y., Joelianto E., Sutarto H.Y.
Stabilization of rotary double inverted pendulum using robust gain-scheduling control(2007) - Sutarto H.Y., Budiyono A., Joelianto E., Hiong G.T.
Switched linear control of a model helicopter(2006) - Joelianto E., Tommy
A robust DC-to-DC buckboost converter using PID hoo-backstepping controller(2003) - Joelianto E., Williamson D.
Discrete-time stability of hybrid systems modeled by linear impulsive systems(2003) - Joelianto E.
Linear impulsive differential equations for hybrid systems modeling(2003) - Observer based hybrid reference control(1998)
- Stability of impulsive dynamical systems(1998)
- Discrete event reference control(1997)
Rekayasa Transportasi & Energi
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Panduan Instalasi dan Maintenance OvTrap
Pangan & Kesehatan
Teknologi Informasi & Komunikasi
Smart City
COPYRIGHT , Tersertifikasi () -
Rekayasa Transportasi & Energi
PATENT , Pemeriksaan Formalitas oleh DJKI () -
Pangan & Kesehatan
Teknologi Informasi & Komunikasi
PATENT , Pemeriksaan Formalitas oleh DJKI () -
Energi dan Lingkungan
PATENT , Pemeriksaan Formalitas oleh DJKI (2019) -
Kesehatan, Pangan, dan Ilmu Hayati
Industri TIK, Jasa Digital, dan Kreatif
PATENT , Pemeriksaan Formalitas oleh DJKI (2020) -
Transportasi dan Infrastruktur
PATENT , Pemeriksaan Formalitas oleh DJKI (2020) -
Kesehatan, Pangan, dan Ilmu Hayati
Industri TIK, Jasa Digital, dan Kreatif
PATENT , Pemeriksaan Formalitas oleh DJKI (2020)