Kelompok Keahlian | KK Sistem Industri dan Tekno-Ekonomi |
Sekolah/Fakultas | Fakultas Teknologi Industri |
Jabatan Fungsional | LEKTOR KEPALA |
- S1
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S2
Keio University, Tokyo – Jepang
- S3
Keio University, Tokyo – Jepang
- Google Scholar
- h-index : 7
- i10-index : 4
- Scopus
- h-index : 4
- Sinta
- SINTA Overall Score : 433
- SINTA Score 3 Years : 26
Development of Generalized Technology Transfer Model and Its Application and Verification to Indonesia (2017)
Materi Program Pelatihan (2016)
Perencanaan Rantai Pasok Terkoordinasi dengan Permintaan yang Bersifat Stock-Dependent pada Bisnis Retail Berbasis Sistem Waralaba (2014)
Pembuatan Materi Program Pelatihan (2013)
Pengembangan model integrasi produksi inventory suplier-pemasok tunggal pada permintaan probabilistik dengan mempertimbangkan biaya kehilangan fleksibilitas dan leadtime yang dikendalikan (2013)
Project An Improvement of the dry process of mosquito-coil (2013)
Aplikasi Persediaan yang Dikelola Pemasok ( Vendor Managed Inventory ) pada Sistem Rantai Pasok Dua Eselon ( Studi Kasus: Bisnis Waralaba) (2012)
Materi Program Pelatihan (2011)
Dana Pendampingan JSPS (2010)
Perancangan Model Pengukuran Tahapan Perkembangan Klaster Industri di Indonesia (2009)
- Oktarina R., Bahagia S.N., Diawati L., Pribadi K.S.
Artificial neural network for predicting earthquake casualties and damages in Indonesia(2020) - Preface
Ane, B.K., Cakravastia, A., Diawati, L.
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2019, 864, pp. v–vi (2019) - Oktarina R., Bahagia S.N., Diawati L., Pribadi K.S.
Identification of minimum standards in emergency goods for earthquake relief in Indonesia(2016) - Yamane Y., Takahashi K., Hamada K., Morikawa K., Nur Bahagia S., Diawati L., Cakravastia A.
Developing a plant system prediction model for technology transfer(2015) - Layadi V.N.A., Hidayat Y.A., Diawati L.
Maximum quantity determination inventory policy for fast-moving products in convenience store distri(2015) - Hidayat Y.A., Diawati L., Thaddeus Y., Sumargo S.
3-Echelon distribution policy with order flexibility and direct ordering system(2014) - Quantifying the transferee's technology mastering level by considering indigenous capability and technology transfer(2014)
- Handayani N.U., Cakravastia A., Diawati L., Bahagia S.N.
A conceptual assessment model to identify phase of industrial cluster life cycle in Indonesia(2012) - Sebrina, Diawati L.
The impact of learning on assembly line capacity (A case study of an Indonesia car factory)(2012) - Hidayat Y.A., Takahashi K., Diawati L., Cakravastia A.
Supply chain strategy for high technology-content product and its consequences to technology transfe(2009) - Skill formation and its impact on the adaptation process of new production systems(1994)