Kelompok Keahlian | KK Instrumentasi, Kontrol, dan Otomasi |
Sekolah/Fakultas | Fakultas Teknologi Industri |
Jabatan Fungsional | LEKTOR |
- S1
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S2
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S3
Tohoku University, Tohoku – Jepang
- Google Scholar
- h-index : 6
- i10-index : 3
- Scopus
- h-index : 5
- Sinta
- SINTA Score Overall : 579
- SINTA Score 3 Years : 158
Pengembangan Metode Komputasional untuk Mendukung Precision Medicine dalam Mencari Desain Optimal Kateter Intravena pada Prosedur Diagnosa Hipertensi dengan Adrenal Venous Sampling (2021)
Swakelola Penyelenggaraan Pendampingan Pendidikan Program D3 (Diploma Tiga) Akademi Metrologi dan Instrumentasi Angkatan III, IV dan V (lanjutan) Tahun Anggaran 2021 (2021)
Studi Pengaruh Kondisi Batas Simulasi Komputasional Biofluidik terhadap Akurasi Prediksi Aliran Darah Sebagai Langkah Awal Pengembangan Precision Medicine pada Perencanaan Terapi Intravaskular. (2020)
Swakelola Penyelenggaraan Pendampingan Pendidikan Program D3 (Diploma Tiga) Akademi Metrologi dan Instrumentasi Angkatan II, III dan IV (lanjutan) Tahun Anggaran 2020 (2020)
Swakelola Penyelenggaraan Pendampingan Pendidikan Program D3 (Diploma Tiga) Akademi Metrologi dan Instrumentasi Angkatan V Tahun Anggaran 2020 (2020)
Swakelola Penyelenggaraan Pendampingan Pendidikan Program D3 (Diploma Tiga) Akademi Metrologi dan Instrumentasi Angkatan I, II dan III Tahun Anggaran 2019 (2019)
Swakelola Penyelenggaraan Pendampingan Pendidikan Program D3 (Diploma Tiga) Akademi Metrologi dan Instrumentasi Angkatan IV Tahun Anggaran 2019 (2019)
- Embedded System for Image Reconstruction in Electrical Resistance Tomography
LF Wiranata, NK Putra, D Kurniadi2023 8th International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, and Automation (ICA) Pages 42-47
- Validity of Temporal Encoded Structured Light RGB-D Handheld Scanner for Digital Anthropometric Measurement
MA Fajra, H Khagi, S Suprijanto, NK Putra2023 8th International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, and Automation (ICA) Pages 183-189
- Development of a Virtual Balloon Angioplasty Treatment Simulation Device Based on the Spring-Damper Method
MI Maulana, B Nainggolan, M Hilliard, F Mukhlish, NK Putra2023 8th International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, and Automation (ICA) Pages 177-182
- Numerical Simulation of 3D Printed Resin Droplet-Based Microfluidic Device With T-Junction Geometry
FZ Sarwono, MA Fa’iq, I Anshori, NK Putra2023 8th International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, and Automation (ICA) Pages 207-212
- Development of a Flow Simulator for Evaluation of Hemodynamics Computational Simulation
FA Dinata, MS Al Farisi, M Iqbal, NK Putra2023 8th International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, and Automation (ICA) Pages 213-217
- Design of Soft Pneumatic Actuator in Hand Rehabilitation Robot with FEM-Based Modeling
T Fidinillah, AG Risangtuni, NK Putra, V Virdyawan, S Suprijanto, SM Putri2023 8th International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, and Automation (ICA) Pages 109-113 (2023)
- Development of Ultrasound Phantom Made of Transparent Material: Feasibility of Optical Particle Image Velocimetry
Muhammad Shiddiq Sayyid Hashuro, Simon Tupin, Narendra Kurnia Putra, Kotaro Daibo, Kosuke Inoue, Takuro Ishii, Hiroyuki Kosukegawa, Kenichi Funamoto, Toshiyuki Hayase, Makoto OhtaUltrasound in Medicine & Biology 49 (6), 1385-1394 (2023)
- Endothelial Cell Distribution After Flow Exposure With Two Stent Struts Placed in Different Angles
Z Wang, NK Putra, H Anzai, M Ohta
Frontiers in Physiology, 1958 (2022) - A Fast Virtual Stenting Simulation Framework For Lattice-Based Flow Diverter Stent Design Exploration and Evaluation
B Nainggolan, NK Putra
2021 International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, and Automation … (2021) - Electromyograph Processing Scheme For Quantification Muscle Workload in Use Suspended-Load Backpack during Running Activities
M Kurnia, S Suprijanto, NK Putra, AB Sriwarno
2021 International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, and Automation … (2021) - Analisis Interaksi Aliran Darah dan Pembuluh Serta Pengaruh Kebebasan Mesh Pada Simulasi Hemodinamik Berbasis Metode Elemen Hingga
NK Putra, B Nainggolan, J Muliany, S Suprijanto
Journal of Science and Applicative Technology 4 (2), 54-60 (2020) - Endothelial cell distributions and migration under conditions of flow shear stress around a stent wire
H Anzai, T Watanabe, X Han, NK Putra, Z Wang, H Kobayashi, M Ohta
Technology and Health Care 28 (4), 345-354 (2020) - Biomechanical analysis on human gait and posture for development of floating backpack
NK Putra, H Khagi, AB Sriwarno, S Suprijanto (2020) - Computational Study on Designing Bipolar RF Ablation Electrode
GF Akasum, NK Putra, K Yu, Suprijanto, M Ohta
6th International Conference on Computational & Mathematical Biomedical … (2019)
Endothelial Cells Distribution Between Two Stent Struts After The Flow Exposure
Z Wang, X Han, NK Putra, M Ohta
6th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Biomedical … (2019) - Effect of a notch at the distal end of a microcatheter on vein deformation in segmental adrenal venous sampling: a preliminary study using computational fluid dynamics
T Kinoshita, K Seiji, NK Putra, T Watanabe, S Matsumoto, M Ohta, ...
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing (2019) - Multiobjective design optimization of stent geometry with wall deformation for triangular and rectangular struts
NK Putra, PS Palar, H Anzai, K Shimoyama, M Ohta
Medical & biological engineering & computing 57 (1), 15-26 (2019) - Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis to Predict Endothelial Cells Migration During Flow Exposure Experiment With Placement of Two Stent Wires
NK Putra, Z Wang, H Anzai, M Ohta
2018 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in … (2018) - Reproduction method for dried biomodels composed of poly (vinyl alcohol) hydrogels
Y Shimizu, NK Putra, M Ohta
Scientific reports 8 (1), 1-9 (2018) - Structural design and numerical analysis of a novel biodegradable zinc alloy stent
K Peng, A Qiao, M Ohta, NK Putra, X Cui, Y Mu, H Anzai
CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences 117 (1), 17-28 (2018) - Effects of Pulsatile Inlet Conditions on the Hemodynamic Conditions of Stent with Deformed Wall Simulations
NK Putra, H Anzai, M Ohta
2017 5th International Conference on Instrumentation, Communications … (2017)
In search for a better stent: Surrogate based multi-objective optimization of stent design under influence of vessel wall deformation
NK Putra, PS Palar, H Anzai, K Shimoyama, M Ohta
2017 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …(2017) - Stent design optimization based on Kriging surrogate model under deformed vessel wall: pulsatile inlet flow
NK Putra, PS Palar, H Anzai, K Shimoyama, M Ohta
2017 5th International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, and …
(2017) - Putra N.K., Suprijanto, Sudirham J., Wikarsa S.
Simulation of tablet dissolution rate on virtual USP dissolution apparatus(2016) - Biomedical engineering and its potential for employment in Indonesia(2013)
- Prafiadi H., Azhari, Putra N.K., Suprijanto, Fourier
Image analysis for correlation between dental panoramic and MicroCT to measure bone density(2013) - Image processing as the validation method of droplet dispersion modeling process(2013)
- Suprijanto S., Samsi A., Mariyana E., Putra N.K.
Preliminary study of vision system for the colorfastness rate assessment on woven fabrics(2013) - Ayuningtiyas A., Putra N.K., Suprijanto, Juliastuti E., Epsilawati L.
Quantitative image analysis of periapical dental radiography for dental condition diagnosis(2013) - Putra N.K., Suprijanto, Sriwarno A.B.
Dynamic modeling and simulation of the suspended-load backpack to obtain optimal suspension paramete(2010)
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