Kelompok Keahlian | KK Ergonomi, Rekayasa Kerja, dan Keselamatan Kerja |
Sekolah/Fakultas | Fakultas Teknologi Industri |
Jabatan Fungsional | NON JABATAN |
- S1
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S2
University of Nottingham, Nottingham – Inggris
- Google Scholar
- h-index : 4
- i10-index : 3
- Scopus
- h-index : 4
- Sinta
- SINTA Score Overall : –
- SINTA Score 3 Years : –
- Where Did That Come From? The Effects of eHMI Approach Angle of an Automated Personal Mobility Vehicle (APMV) on Pedestrian Crossing Behavior
PAR Yamin, J ParkAdjunct Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Automotive UserInterfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications Pages 203-208
- Effects of button colour and background on augmented reality interfaces
PAR Yamin, J Park, HK Kim, M HussainBehaviour & Information Technology, 1-14 (2023)
- Which Information is Essential for an External Human-Machine Interface on Automated Personal Mobility Vehicles?
AR Yamin Putra, P Jaehyun革新的コンピューティング・情報・制御に関する速報-B: 応用 14 (02), 159 (2023)
- Kajian Hubungan Iklim Keselamatan Kerja dan Perilaku Keselamatan di PT Pertamina RU-VI Balongan
PAR Yamin, R Nursyaf, HR SoetisnaJurnal Ergonomi dan K3 6 (2) (2021)
- Analysis of Characteristics and Components of In-Vehicle AR-HUD Interface
P Yamin, J Park대한인간공학회 학술대회논문집, 45-45 (2021)
- Towards a Human-Machine Interface Guidance for in-Vehicle Augmented Reality Head-up Displays
PAR Yamin, J Park, HK KimICIC Express Letters 15 (12), 1313-1318 (2021)
- Mobile phone use among Indonesian motorcyclists: prevalence and influencing factors
A Widyanti, GB Pratama, AH Anindya, FP Sari, A Sumali, SA Salma, Putra AR Yamin, Herman R SoetisnaTraffic injury prevention 21 (7), 459-463 (2020)
- Biomechanical evaluation of a patient-handling technology prototype
H Iridiastadi, T Vani, PAR YaminInternational Journal of Technology 11 (1), 180-189 (2022)
- The prevalence of musculoskeletal complaints among hospital nurses and nursing home caregivers in Indonesia
H Iridiastadi, B Anggawisnu, FS Didin, PAR YaminPrevalence 10 (4), 854-861 (2019)
- The effects of food and drink intake to driving performance: a systematic review
IZ Sutalaksana, GB Pratama, PAR Yamin, HR SoetisnaTransport Problems 14 (1), 5-12 (2019)
- Safety climate, safety behavior, and accident experience: case of Indonesian oil and gas company
A Widyanti, I Octaviana, P YaminIndustrial Engineering & Management Systems 17 (1), 128-135 (2018)
- Evaluasi Ergonomi dan Perancangan Fasilitas pada Institut Teknologi Bandung
HR Soetisna, W Rahmasari, PAR YaminJurnal Ergonomi dan K3 3 (1), 26-33 (2018)
- Studi Faktor Sistem Supra pada Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS)
IZ Sutalaksana, PAR YaminIENACO (Industrial Engineering National Conference) 6 (2018)
- Kajian Pustaka: Pengaruh Konsumsi Makanan dan Karakteristik Jalan terhadap Perfoma Mengemudi
IZ Sutalaksana, GB Pratama, PAR Yamin, HR SoetisnaIENACO (Industrial Engineering National Conference) 6 (2018)