Kelompok Keahlian | KK Rekayasa Kinerja Lingkungan Binaan |
Sekolah/Fakultas | Fakultas Teknologi Industri |
Jabatan Fungsional | LEKTOR KEPALA |
- S1
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S2
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S3
The University of Salford, Salford – Inggris
- Google Scholar
- h-index : 9
- i10-index : 8
- Scopus
- h-index : 7
- Sinta
- SINTA Score Overall : 1.922
- SINTA Score 3 Years : 346
Kontrak Induk Penelitian BP-PTNBH Tahun 2021 (2021)
Kontrak Induk Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Dana Mandiri ITB Tahun 2021 (2021)
Kontrak Induk Program Riset ITB 2021 (2021)
Pengembangan Modul Akustik Berbasis Geometri dan Material Penyerap Suara berasis Material Lokal untuk Meningkatkan Privasi pada Ruang Kantor Tapak Terbuka (2021)
Amandemen Kontrak Penugasan WCR dan KRUPT Lanjutan (2020)
Grant Ceremony and Seminar Asahi 2020 (2020)
Jasa Pengukuran Kebisingan LRT Jabodebek (2020)
Kontrak Induk Pelaksanaan Program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (2020)
Kontrak Induk Penelitian (hibah Penugasan) Tahun Anggaran 2020 (2020)
Kontrak Induk Penelitian BP-PTNBH (2020)
Kontrak Induk The Asahi Glass Foundation 2020 (2020)
Kontrak Pelaksanaan Insentif Penelitian Program Insentif Riset Sistem Inovasi Nasional (2020)
Pengembangan Modul Akustik Berbasis Geometri dan Material Penyerap Suara berasis Material Lokal untuk Meningkatkan Privasi pada Ruang Kantor Tapak Terbuka (2020)
Pengukuran dan Evaluasi Akustik Masjid Istiqlal dan Masjid Agung Yogyakarta (2020)
Pengembangan Dasar Sistem Rekognisi Pengucap Otomatis Untuk Aplikasi Forensik Di Indonesia (2019)
Pengembangan Model Kenyamanan Multimodal pada Ruang Terbuka Publik (2019)
PPKI - Sintesis Ucapan (Speech Synthesis) Bahasa Indonesia Berbasis Hidden Markov Model Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Pasien Terlambat Bicara (Delayed Speech) (2019)
Design Review Kereta LRT (Light Rail Transit) Untuk Kawasan Jabodebek) (2018)
Pengembangan Dasar Sistem Rekognisi Pengucap Otomatis untuk Aplikasi Forensik di Indonesia (2018)
Pengembangan Sound-system Masjid (2018)
Sistem biometrik ucapan untuk sistem intelijen (2018)
Strategi Pelestarian Kawasan Cagar Budaya Bandung Berbasis Pendekatan Soundscape (2018)
Evaluasi Subjektif Akustik Pada Ruang Intensive Care Unit Menggunakan Teknik Auditory Virtual Reality Environment (2017)
Pengembangan Dasar Sistem Rekognisi Pengucap Otomatis untuk Aplikasi Forensik di Indonesia (2017)
Pengembangan Modul Kesiapsiagaan Bencana Gempa Bumi dan Tsunami serta Sosialisasi untuk Pengurangan Risiko Bencana di Desa Simalegi dan Desa Sioban Kab.Kepulauan Mentawai (2017)
Pengembangan Produk Kereta Railink Dengan Kriteria Standar NVH (Noise, Vibration and Harshness) (2017)
Soundscape Perception Modelling as a base for Designing Iconic Living Space (2017)
Studi Pengaruh Berbagai Media Perekaman Terhadap Ciri Sinyal Suara Ucap untuk Pengembangan Sistem Rekognisi Pengucap Otomatis (2017)
Analisis Campuran (mixing) Hasil Perekaman Ensembel Musik Tradisional Sunda: Karinding, Celempung, Kepyar (2016)
Bantuan Dana Riset Pembangunan Indonesia Terkait Mematok Standar Kualitas Angklung PaDaeng sesuai Proses Produksi Handiman (2016)
Pengaruh Abfusor untuk Pengendalian Kebisingan dan Optimalisasi Privasi Wicara di Ruang Perawatan Intensif Rumah Sakit (2016)
WCU PP - Pengembangan Desain Pengeras Suara dengan Pemanfaatan Bambu sebagai bahan Baku Terbarukan dan Keahlian Tradisional Ukir Bambu (2016)
Angklung Arrangement Software: Orchestra to Interlocking Style Converter (2015)
Bahasa Speech Database for Automatic Speaker Recognition System Development in Indonesia (2015)
Pemetaan Kondisi Akustik di Rumah Sakit, Identifikasi Masalah, dan Rekomendasi Solusinya (2015)
Pengaruh Abfusor untuk Pengendalian Kebisingan dan Optimalisasi Privasi Wicara di Ruang Perawatan Intensif Rumah Sakit (2015)
Akustika & Robotika Angklung Futuristik (2014)
Ceremony and Seminar Asahi (2014)
Karakterisasi Tingkat Difusifitas dan Kualitas Percakapan di Ruang Kelas dan Auditorium di Universitas (2014)
Management Proyek, Dana Kas Operasional Kantor Pengembangan ITB - JICA (DIPA) (2014)
Pengembangan Robot Carumba ( Development Of Carumba Robot) (2014)
Evaluasi Baku Mutu Kebisingan dan Getaran Gerbong Kereta Api Terhadap kenyamanan dan Kesehatan Penumpang Sebagai Usaha Meningkatkan Kualitas Moda Transportasi Publik (2013)
Evaluasi Koefisien Absorbsi Suara dari Microperforated panel (MPP) Absorber dengan memepertimbangkan pola pori dan Ketebalan Panel (Batch2) (2013)
Pengaruh abfusor pada akustika ruang perkantoran tapak-terbuka berkonsep green building dalam kaitandengan privasi wicara speech privacy) (2013)
Ruang dan Alat Stem untuk Produksi Angklung Handiman (2013)
Swakelola Analisa Rekomendasi Posisi Runding Dalam Bentuk Position Paper Mengenai Penyusunan Barang-Barang Lingkungan Indonesia (2013)
Technology deveopment for the biological production of dodecanedioic acid from the plantderived long-chain fatty acid (2013)
Identifikasi Karakteristik Akustik Suara Pengucap Termanipulasi Aktif: Studi Kasus Penyulih Suara (Dubber) (2012)
Karakterisasi Akustika Ruang Perkantoran Tapak Terbuka Berkonsep Green Building Dalam Kaitan Dengan Privasi Wicara (Speech Privacy) (2012)
Kendali Bising Aktif dengan Menggunakan Combined FIRFunctional Link Neural Networks (2012)
Identifikasi Karakteristik Akustik Rumah Sakit (2011)
Rencana Kerja Anggaran Dana Pengembangan Institusi Tahun 2008 s/d 2009 Fakultas Teknologi Industri (2011)
- A modified technique to predict speech privacy and distraction distances in open-plan offices
SS Utami, J Sarwono, ZA RachmanARTEKS: Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur 8 (2), 171-180 (2023)
- Natural ventilation system with thin microperforated panel (MPP) component for wideband sound insulation
I Prasetiyo, I Sihar, J Sarwono, AS SudarsonoApplied Acoustics 210, 109413 (2023)
- Environmental noise mapping: An early design stage of a low-risk COVID-19 transmission auditorium
ZA Rachman, SS Utami, J SarwonoAIP Conference Proceedings 2580 (1) (2023)
- Optimizing the Acoustic Condition of a Community Mosque: Simulation-Based Approach
AS Sudarsono, SJ Sarwono, Z Muttaqin, SupriyantoInternational Conference on Indonesian Architecture and Planning, 693-702 (2022)
- The multisensory interaction between auditory, visual, and thermal to the overall comfort in public open space: A study in a tropical climate
NPA Nitidara, J Sarwono, S Suprijanto, FXN SoelamiSustainable Cities and Society 78, 103622 (2022)
- The Implementation of Soundscape Composition to Identify the Ideal Soundscape for Various Activities.
J Sarwono, AS Sudarsono, A Hapsari, H Salim, RD TassiaJournal of Engineering & Technological Sciences 54 (1) (2022)
- Within-Class Covariance Normalization (WCCN) for Channel Normalization Based of Indonesian Speaker Recognition System
H Saifuddin, J Sarwono, MI Mandasari2021 International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, and Automation ICA 2021
- Soundscape evaluation to identify audio visual aspects in café for student's activities
R Octaviani, D Rizkiyani, AS Sudarsono, SJ SarwonoINTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings 263 (3), 3845-3853 (2021)
- The Development of Standard Perceptual Attributes in Indonesian for Soundscape Evaluation: Result from Initial Study
AS Sudarsono, W Setiasari, SJ Sarwono, NPA NitidaraJournal of Applied Science and Engineering 25 (1), 215-222 (2021)
- The Influence of the Sound Absorber Application to the Acoustics Conditions and the Thermal Transfer Value of the Building Envelope in Open Plan Office
Y Khaliddazia, J Sarwono, AS Sudarsono, N HidayahIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 738 (1), 012011 (2021)
- Soundscape assessment: Towards a validated translation of perceptual attributes in different languages
Francesco Aletta, Tin Oberman, Östen Axelsson, Hui Xie, Yuan Zhang, Siu-Kit Lau, Shiu-Keung Tang, Kristian Jambrošić, Bert De Coensel, Kirsten Van den Bosch, Pierre Aumond, Catherine Guastavino, Catherine Lavandier, André Fiebig, Brigitte Schulte-Fortkamp, Joko Sarwono, Anugrah Sudarsono, Arianna Astolfi, Koji Nagahata, Jin-Yong Jeon, Hyun-In Jo, Julia Chieng, Woon-Seng Gan, Joo-Young Hong, Bhan Lam, Zhen-Ting Ong, Pablo Kogan, Enrique Suárez Silva, Jerónimo Vida Manzano, Papatya Nur Dökmeci Yörükoğlu, Thu Lan Nguyen, Jian KangINTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings 261 (3), 3137-3146 (2020)
- The Historical Soundscape Analysis of Fatahillah Square, Jakarta
Djimantoro, M.I., Martokusumo, W., Sarwono, R.J., Poerbo, H.W.
Acoustics, 2020, 2(4) (2020) - The Soundscape Descriptor in Historic District of Jakarta
MI Djimantoro, W Martokusumo, HW Poerbo, J SarwonoINTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings 261 (3), 3321-3328 (2020)
- Noise Identification in Passenger Train and It's Relation to Passenger Perception
N Hidayah, J Sarwono, AS SudarsonoINTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings 261 (3), 3264-3272 (2020)
- The Effects of the Hanging Absorber Ceiling Shapes on the Acoustics Condition in an Open Plan Office
Y Khaliddazia, J Sarwono, AS Sudarsono, N HidayahINTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings 261 (5), 1644-1644 (2020)
- Understanding urban soundscape through soundscape composition
AS Sudarsono, J Sarwono, R DwitassiaINTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings 261 (3), 3301-3308 (2020)
- Development of Indonesian audiovisual speech synthesis system for assistance children with delayed speech
E Anggrayni, D Arifianto, N Purnami, J Sarwono, S WiraThe Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 148 (4), 2470-2470 (2020)
- Prasetiyo I., Wongso E.N., Sarwono J.
Developing sub-wavelength sound absorber based on coiled up tube resonator(2019) - Hapsari H.R., Utami S.S., Barabah H.A.G., Sarwono J., Fela R.F.
Evaluation of sonic environment in prospective middle-class apartment building in Demak regency(2019) - Tassia R.D., Nitidara A., Sudarsono A.S., Sarwono J.
Identify the expectations and perceptions of sonic environment using the text mining method(2019) - Zakri K.W., Sudarsono A.S., Sarwono J., Utami S.S., Hidayah N., Hamdani N.N.
Noise comparison of Argo Parahyangan train in different class and journey time(2019) - Utami S.S., Fela R.F., Sarwono J., Widowati K.
Study of partition walls to minimize leaking sound in counselling rooms(2019) - Sudarsono A.S., Sarwono J., Zakri K.W., Nitidara N.P.A., Tassia R.D.
The perception of sound quality in a mosque(2019) - Fela R.F., Sarwono J., Utami S.S., Lam Y.W.
A pilot study: How to develop auditory virtual reality for pre-registered nurses education?(2018) - Leonardo K., Sarwono J., Prasetiyo I.
Acoustic properties of Temen and Wulung bamboo as a Material for Gambang: Sundanese traditional musi(2018) - Simanjuntak J.A., Sarwono J., Kurniadi D., Sudarsono A.S.
Acoustics perception aspect of Sundanese Celempung s ensemble recording(2018) - Utami S.S., Fela R.F., Sarwono J., Ikhwanuddin R.
Acoustics survey to predict occupants preferences of a library(2018) - Azzahra I.R.N., Sarwono J., Prasetiyo I., Sudarsono A.S., Ikhwanuddin R., Fela R.F., Utami S.S.
Hospital soundscapes: Soundscapes intervensions in intensive care unit(2018) - Sari L.F., Utami S.S., Sarwono J.
Objective and subjective acoustics measurement of audience seating areas in a medium size auditorium(2018) - Zakri K.W., Sudarsono A.S., Sarwono J., Utami S.S.
Passenger s train soundscape variation analysis(2018) - Sudarsono A.S., Sarwono J.
Sound level calibration on soundscape reproduction using headphone(2018) - Sudarsono A.S., Sarwono J.
The Development of a Web-Based Urban Soundscape Evaluation System(2018) - Zakri K.W., Sudarsono A.S., Sarwono J., Utami S.S., Hidayah N., Hamdani N.N.
The development of acoustic environment simulator for passenger s train soundscape(2018) - Mandasari M.I., Sudarsono A.S., Sarwono J., Firmanto A.D., Stevanus I.
The effect of recording devices towards mfcc based speech features in a typical forensic scenario fo(2018) - Sudarsono A.S., Nitidara N.P.A., Sarwono J.
The relationship between sound source and urban soundscape(2018) - Nitidara N.P.A., Sudarsono A.S., Sarwono J.
The soundscape assessment of three urban parks in Bandung based on the relationship between noise le(2018) - Rachman Z.A., Utami S.S., Sarwono J., Widyorini R., Hapsari H.R.
The usage of natural materials for the green acoustic panels based on the coconut fibers and the cit(2018) - Simanjuntak J.A., Sarwono J., Kurniadi D.
Analysis of preference reverberation time for celempung sunda(2017) - Fela R.F., Sarwono J., Utami S.S., Prasetiyo I., Azzahra I.R.N.
Data recording of audio stimulus for continuing nurse training using auditory virtual environment(2017) - Utami S.S., Yanti R.J., Sarwono J., Fela R.F., Azzahra I.R.N.
Design considerations for improvement of speech intelligibility and privacy in a hospital intensive (2017) - Suyatno, Tjokronegoro H.A., Merthayasa I.G.N., Supanggah R., Stefanus I., Abdala F., Sarwono J.
Design of Javanese Gamelan Concert Hall Based on the Value of Acoustic Preference(2017) - Zakri K.W., Hidayah N., Hamdani N.N., Sarwono J., Utami S.S., Sudarsono A.S.
Evaluating perceived acoustic environment in executive class passenger train using soundscape approa(2017) - Stefanus I., Sarwono R.S.J., Mandasari M.I.
GMM based automatic speaker verification system development for forensics in Bahasa Indonesia(2017) - Azzahra I.R.N., Sarwono J., Sudarsono A.S., Fela R.F., Utami S.S., Hardjoprawito T.J.A., Sedono R.
Hospital soundscapes: Perception analysis of acoustics environment in intensive care unit(2017) - Ikhwanuddin R., Sarwono J., Sudarsono A.S., Utami S.S.
Library soundscape: Higher education students perception(2017) - Wongso E.N., Prasetiyo I., Sarwono J., Simanjuntak J.A.
Study on Stage Acoustic Parameter for Celempung Music Performance(2017) - Muqowi E., Prasetiyo I., Sarwono J.
The use of micro-structure absorber for dealing with acoustic preferences in ICU(2017) - Sarwono J., Tandian E., Rizki A., Utami S., Yanti R.
Characterizing the hearing comfort in intensive care unit using objective and subjective evaluation(2016) - Fatima P.A., Effendy G., Sarwono R.S.J., Utami S.S., Hardjoprawito T.J.A., Sedono R.
Hospital soundscape: Acoustics evaluation in the intensive care unit of a National Hospital in Centr(2016) - Soundscape characterization in an intensive care unit at a hospital in Yogyakarta, Indonesia(2016)
- Natanael H., Tanjung I., Prasetiyo I., Sarwono J.
Study of acoustic performance improvement on Gelora Bung Karno Stadium(2016) - Prasetiyo I., Sarwono J., Natanael H., Tanjung I.
Study on acoustic performance of football stadium(2016) - Prasetiyo I., Sarwono J., Sihar I.
Study on inhomogeneous perforation thick micro-perforated panel sound absorbers(2016) - The sound directivity of sundanese karinding(2016)
- Nugroho A.C., Rohmah S.S., Merthayasa I.G.N., Sarwono J.
Acoustical design of an adjustable acoustics recital hall for Indonesian traditional music based on (2015) - Utami S.S., Al Rochmadi N., Sarwono R.S.J.
Acoustical study on the impact of sound absorptions, distances of workstations, and height of partit(2015) - Utami S.S., Yanti R.J., Sarwono J.
Hybrid method to characterize sound-field diffuseness of multipurpose university auditoriums using s(2015) - Yacoub R.R., Bambang R.T., Harsoyo A., Sarwono J.
DSP implementation of combined FIR-functional link neural network for active noise control(2014) - Nitidara N.P.A., Sarwono J., Merthayasa I.G.N.
Psychoacoustic analysis of preference reverberation time for Gamelan Bali Concert Hall(2014) - Utami S.S., Sarwono J., Al Rochmadi N., Suheri N.
Speech privacy and intelligibility in open-plan offices as an impact of sound-field diffuseness(2014) - Sarwono J., Prasetiyo I., Andreas S., William A.
The design of MPP and its application to enhance the acoustics of a real auditorium(2014) - Sarwono J., Rachman A.P., Azzahra I.R.N., Utami S.S.
The Influence of Abfusor Configuration to the Speech Privacy and Intelligibility in an Open Plan Off(2014) - Utami S.S., Kurniawan A., Mahmudin A.H., Sarwono J.
Characterizing the acoustics of green open-plan offices(2013) - Nitidara N.P.A., Merthayasa I.G.N., Sarwono J.
Modeling and simulation of Gamelan Bali concert hall based on objective acoustic parameters(2013) - Budi E.M., Rochim A.A., Dipojono H.K., Handojo A., Sarwono J.
Musical gesture recognition for interactive angklung robot(2013) - Sarwono J., Larasati A.E., Soelami F.X.N., Sihar I., Utami S.S.
Speech privacy distance in 3 open-plan office layouts: Computer modelling and simulation approach(2013) - Rhiana F., Sarwono J., Soelami F.N.
Acoustic analysis of High Care Unit (HCU) at hospital "x" in Bandung, Indonesia(2011) - Rhiana F., Sarwono J., Soelami F.N.
Simulation and analysis of acoustical comfort in an Intensive Care Unit(2011) - Suprijanto, Amelia R., Sudarsono A.S., Sarwono J.
Wavelet denoising to analyze electroencephalogram signal of perfect pitch and Non Perfect Pitch Subj(2011) - Hakim F.A., Mandasari M.I., Sarwono J.
Acoustic speech analysis of wayang golek puppeteer(2010) - Sarwono J., Mandasari M.I., Suprijanto
Forensic Speaker Identification: An experience in Indonesians court(2010) - Sarwono J., Soelami F.X.N., Arinanda D.
Intergrated luminaire-diffusor for classroom acoustic(2010) - Sarwono J., Kurniadi D., Saputro R.
Sound field reconstruction and evaluation of the West Hall auditorium, at the Institute of Technolog(2006) - Sarwono J., Lam Y.W.
The preferred initial time delay gap and inter-aural cross correlation for a Javanese gamelan perfor(2002) - The origin and distribution of nitrate in groundwater from village wells in Kotagede, Yogyakarta, In(1999)
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Eksperimen Akustik untuk Praktisi
Infrastruktur & Kebencanaan
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Peningkatan Kualitas Akustik Masjid
Infrastruktur & Kebencanaan
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