Kelompok Keahlian | KK Rekayasa Kinerja Lingkungan Binaan |
Sekolah/Fakultas | Fakultas Teknologi Industri |
Jabatan Fungsional | LEKTOR KEPALA |
- S1
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S2
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S3
Eindhoven University Of Technology, Eindhoven – Belanda
- Google Scholar
- h-index : 14
- i10-index : 20
- Scopus
- h-index : 12
- Sinta
- SINTA Score Overall : 2.194
- SINTA Score 3 Years : 600
Analisis pengaruh desain fasad bangunan terhadap kinerja bangunan tropis (2021)
Desain Ruang Kelas Sekolah Dasar yang Ramah Terhadap Pencahayaan Alami dengan Pemodelan Berbasis Iklim di Indonesia (2021)
Optimisasi Desain Sistem Pencahayaan Alami dalam Ruang Museum untuk Penghematan Energi dan Konservasi Objek Pamer (2021)
Optimisasi Material Reflektansi Surya Tinggi pada Inovasi Desain Rumah Mikro Baja Ringan (2021)
Optimisasi Pencahayaan Alami Menggunakan Fixed Element Shading dan Adapties Shading pada Ruang Kerja Kantor (2021)
Karakterisasi dan Analisis Pantulan Spektral dari Material Interior Ruangan Akibat Berbagai Sumber Cahaya LED Mampu-Tala (2020)
Optimisasi Desain Sistem Pencahayaan Alami dalam Ruang Museum untuk Penghematan Energi dan Konservasi Objek Pamer (2020)
Optimisasi Material Reflektansi Surya Tinggi Pada Inovasi Desain Rumah Mikro Baja Ringan (2020)
Pemantauan dan Pemodelan Jumlah Paparan Cahaya pada Material Objek Pamer di Museum di Indonesia (2020)
Pengembangan dan Optimasi Sistem Penangkap Angin untuk Penyalur Cahaya Alami dalam Bangunan di Daerah Tropis (2019)
Pengembangan Model Kenyamanan Multimodal pada Ruang Terbuka Publik (2019)
PPKI - Kinerja Termal , Audial, dan Visual pada Inovasi Rumah Mikro Baja Ringan. (2019)
Studi Karakteristik Fotometri Dan Kolorimetri Lampu Led Untuk Objek Batik Dengan Corak Dan Tekstur (2019)
Studi Optimisasi Sistem Kontrol Peneduh Dinamis dan Penyalur Cahaya Alami dalam Ruang Kantor Tapak Terbuka (2019)
Studi Karakteristik Fotometri dan Kolorimetri Lampu LED untuk Objek Batik dengan Corak dan Tekstur (2018)
Studi Optimisasi Sistem Kontrol Peneduh Dinamis dan Penyalur Cahaya Alami dalam Ruang Kantor Tapak Terbuk (2018)
Development of Colorimetric Model Based on Spectral Combination of White LED Lamps (2017)
Penentuan Kriteria Desain Optimum Ketersediaan Cahaya Alami dan Risiko Silau pada Ruang Kantor Tapak Terbuka (2017)
Pusat Pengembangan Wilayah Berkelanjutan (2017)
Studi Karakteristik Fotometri dan Kolorimetri Lampu LED untuk Objek Batik dengan Corak dan Tekstur (2017)
Studi Karakteristik Fotometri dan Kolorimetri Lampu LED untuk Objek Batik dengan Corak dan Tekstur (2017)
Studi Optimisasi Desain Bukaan Cahaya Alami untuk Pencahayaan Ruang Praktik Dokter pada Rumah Sakit (2017)
- Experiment and simulation to determine the optimum orientation of building-integrated photovoltaic on tropical building façades considering annual daylight performance and …
RA Mangkuto, DNAT Tresna, IM Hermawan, J Pradipta, N Jamala, ...Energy and Built Environment 5 (3), 414-425 (2024)
- Computational modelling and simulation to mitigate the risk of daylight exposure in tropical museum buildings
RA Mangkuto, TP Simamora, DP Pratiwi, MD KoerniawanEnergy and Built Environment 5 (2), 171-184 (2024)
- Daylighting design validation and optimisation of tropical school classrooms with asymmetrical bilateral opening typology
A Atthaillah, RA Mangkuto, S Subramaniam, B YuliartoIndoor and Built Environment, 1420326X231204513 (2023)
- Uncertainty analysis of annual daylight metrics and energy yield weighting factors in optimising photovoltaic window orientation
N Jamala, RA Mangkuto, B ParamitaSolar Energy 262, 111901 (2023)
- On the average horizontal illuminance in rooms with one or two point light sources
RA Mangkuto, N Jamala, B ParamitaArchitectural Science Review, 1-12 (2023)
- Experimental evaluation of daylighting performance and energy output of building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) panel in Bandung, Indonesia
D Tresna, IM Hermawan, RA Mangkuto, J Pradipta, N Jamala, B ParamitaIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1157 (1), 012004 (2023)
- Daylight optimization in a hypothetical classroom using single-objective optimization methods: Case study in Lhokseumawe, Indonesia
EJ Effendy, FN Hakim, RA Mangkuto, MD Koerniawan, D RamadhaniIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1157 (1), 012002 (2023)
- Optimization of daylighting design using self-shading mechanism in tropical school classrooms with bilateral openings
A Atthaillah, RA Mangkuto, MD Koerniawan, JLM Hensen, B YuliartoJournal of Daylighting 9 (2), 117-136 (2022)
- Computation of the greenery-sky-view factor in daylit buildings
RA Mangkuto, B ParamitaArchitectural Engineering and Design Management 18 (6), 850-869 (2022)
- Design optimisation of mean room surface exitance and total corneal illuminance using Monte Carlo simulation
RA Mangkuto, B ParamitaBuilding Simulation 15 (11), 1869-1882 (2022)
- On Illumination Vector Quantities Due to Area Light Sources: Comparison of Two Calculation Approaches
RA Mangkuto, MD KoerniawanLEUKOS 18 (4), 475-492 (2022)
- The impact of correlated colour temperature variation from a tuneable LED lamp on colour sample appearance shift in CIELAB colour space
RA Mangkuto, FXN SoelamiOptik, 169707 (2022)
- On the Interaction between the Depth and Elevation of External Shading Devices in Tropical Daylit Classrooms with Symmetrical Bilateral Openings
RA Mangkuto, MD Koerniawan, B YuliartoBuildings 12 (6), 818 (2022)
- Computation of the greenery-sky-view factor in daylit buildings
RA Mangkuto, B ParamitaArchitectural Engineering and Design Management, 1-20 (2022)
- Design optimisation of mean room surface exitance and total corneal illuminance using Monte Carlo simulation
RA Mangkuto, B ParamitaBuilding Simulation, 1-14 (2022)
- Investigation of Direct Sunlight in Existing Classroom Design in Indonesia: Case Study of Lhokseumawe
RA Mangkuto, MD KoerniawanAdvances in Civil Engineering Materials, 135-144 (2022)
- Error and Uncertainty Analyses of Reference and Sample Reflectances Measured with Substitution Integrating Spheres
RA Mangkuto, Revantino, Z AjrinaLeukos 18 (1), 52-65 (2022)
- Design Optimisation of Fixed and Adaptive Shading Devices on Four Façade Orientations of a High-Rise Office Building in the Tropics
RA Mangkuto, MD Koerniawan, SR Apriliyanthi, IH Lubis, JLM Hensen, ...Buildings 12 (1), 25 (2022)
- Usulan Pembaruan Tabel Faktor Langit pada SNI 03-2396-2001 tentang Pencahayaan Alami pada Bangunan
FN Hakim, A Atthaillah, RA MangkutoJurnal Permukiman 16 (2), 61-68 (2021)
- Theoretical Impact of Building Façade Thickness on Daylight Metrics and Lighting Energy Demand in Buildings: A Case Study of the Tropics
RA Mangkuto, MD Koerniawan, B YuliartoBuildings 11 (12), 656 (2021)
- Spectral reflectance and chromaticity differences of various colors of interior finishing material samples under tunable LED lamps
Z Ajrina, RA Mangkuto, FXN SoelamiJournal of Building Engineering 44, 103280 (2021)
- On Illumination Vector Quantities Due to Area Light Sources: Comparison of Two Calculation Approaches
RA Mangkuto, MD KoerniawanLEUKOS, 1-18 (2021)
- Daylight Annual Illuminance Investigation in Elementary School Classrooms for the Tropic of Lhokseumawe, Indonesia
RA Mangkuto, MD Koerniawan, FXN SoelamiJournal of Applied Science and Engineering 25 (1), 129-139 (2021)
- Verification tests of a mirror box type artificial sky without and with building scale model (vol 7, pg 151, 2018)
RA Mangkuto, AA SiregarFRONTIERS OF ARCHITECTURAL RESEARCH 10 (1), 221-221 (2021)
- Phasor Method to Estimate Illuminances Due to Parallel Arrays of Light Sources
RA MangkutoJournal of Daylighting 7 (2), 246-257 (2020)
- Parallax errors in cubic illuminance measurement
RA Mangkuto, MS RevantinoLighting Research & Technology 52 (7), 915-936 (2020)
- Uncertainty analysis of cylindrical illuminance approximation
RA MangkutoLEUKOS 16 (4), 267-278(2020)
- The Impact of Courtyard and Street Canyon Surroundings on Global Illuminance and Estimated UV Index in the Tropics
RA Mangkuto, MD Koerniawan, B ParamitaJournal of Daylighting 7 (2), 167-185 (2020)
- Mangkuto R.A., Paramita B., Utami S.S.
Mitigation of even harmonics in the Fourier components of vertical illuminance around a reference point(2020) - Mangkuto R.A., PhD, Revantino, MSc
Parallax errors in cubic illuminance measurement(2020) - Mangkuto R.A.
Research note: The accuracy of the mean spherical semi-cubic illuminance approach for determining sc(2020) - Mangkuto R.A.
A comparison of three approaches for determining scalar illuminance from cubic illuminance data(2019) - Mangkuto R.A., Dewi D.K., Herwandani A.A., Koerniawan M.D., Faridah
Design optimisation of internal shading device in multiple scenarios: Case study in Bandung, Indones(2019) - Mangkuto R.A., Revantmo
Experimental validation of colour mixing in CIE XYZ colour space with LED lamps(2019) - Mangkuto R.A., Agustina D.E., Alifah F.A., Suprijanto, Faridah
Optimisation of luminance-based metrics for lighting in an open-plan dental examination room conside(2019) - Primanti A.H., Mangkuto R.A., Sari D.P., Kautsar B.A.
Optimization of artificial lighting in physiotheraphy room of Hasan Sadikin hospital(2019) - Azzahra I.R.N., Viviyanti F., Mangkuto R.A.
Prediction of climate-based daylight metrics by simulating monthly median illuminance(2019) - Mangkuto R.A.
Uncertainty Analysis of Cylindrical Illuminance Approximation(2019) - Mangkuto R.A., Rachman A.P., Aulia A.G., Asri A.D., Rohmah M.
Assessment of pitch floodlighting and glare condition in the Main Stadium of Gelora Bung Karno, Indo(2018) - Mangkuto R.A., Siregar M.A.A., Handina A., Faridah
Determination of appropriate metrics for indicating indoor daylight availability and lighting energy(2018) - Mangkuto R.A., Feradi F., Putra R.E., Atmodipoero R.T., Favero F.
Optimisation of daylight admission based on modifications of light shelf design parameters(2018) - Revantino, Mangkuto R.A., Sanjaya A.R., Putra J.K., Soelami F.X.N., Soegijanto R.M., Revantino, Faridah
Reconstruction of color mixing model using tunable light-emitting diode with unequal radiated power(2018) - Revantino, Mangkuto R.A., Enge A., Munir F., Soelami F.X.N., Faridah
The effects of illuminance, colour temperature, and colour rendering of various existing light-emitt(2018) - Mangkuto R.A., Siregar M.A.A.
Verification tests of a mirror box type artificial sky without and with building scale model(2018) - Mangkuto R.A., Kurnia K.A., Azizah D.N., Atmodipoero R.T., Soelami F.X.N.
Determination of discomfort glare criteria for daylit space in Indonesia(2017) - Mangkuto R.A., Soelami F.X.N.
Photometric and Colorimetric Measurements of Luminaires Using Goniometer and spectrophotometer in a (2017) - Handina A., Mukarromah N., Mangkuto R.A., Atmodipoero R.T.
Prediction of Daylight Availability in a Large Hall with Multiple Facades Using Computer Simulation (2017) - Kurnia K.A., Azizah D.N., Mangkuto R.A., Atmodipoero R.T.
Visual Comfort Assessment Using High Dynamic Range Images under Daylight Condition in the Main Libra(2017) - Mangkuto R.A., Rohmah M., Asri A.D.
Design optimisation for window size, orientation, and wall reflectance with regard to various daylig(2016) - Mangkuto R.A., Asri A.D., Rohmah M., Nugroho Soelami F.X., Soegijanto R.M.
Revisiting the national standard of daylighting in Indonesia: A study of five daylit spaces in Bandu(2016) - Mangkuto R.A.
Validation of DIALux 4.12 and DIALux evo 4.1 against the Analytical Test Cases of CIE 171:2006(2016) - Mangkuto R.A., Asri A.D., Rohmah M., Soelami F.X.N., Soegijanto R.M.
Prediction of daylight areas with the use of students assessment and computer simulation in the trop(2015) - Analysis of various opening configurations of a second-generation virtual natural lighting solutions(2014)
- Comparison between lighting performance of a virtual natural lighting solutions prototype and a real(2014)
- Heating and cooling energy demand in underground buildings: Potential for saving in various climates(2014)
- Lighting performance and electrical energy consumption of a virtual window prototype(2014)
- Modelling and simulation of virtual natural lighting solutions with complex views(2014)
- Radiation modeling of a photo-reactor using a backward ray-tracing method: an insight into indoor ph(2014)
- Simulation of virtual natural lighting solutions with a simplified view(2014)
- Development of virtual natural lighting solutions with a simplified view using lighting simulation(2013)
- Review of modelling approaches for developing virtual natural lighting solutions(2011)
Pemodelan dan Simulasi Pencahayaan Alami dalam Bangunan di Indonesia
Infrastruktur & Kebencanaan
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Eksperimen dalam Fisika Bangunan
Infrastruktur & Kebencanaan
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