Kelompok Keahlian | KK Teknologi Pengolahan Biomassa dan Pangan |
Sekolah/Fakultas | Fakultas Teknologi Industri |
Jabatan Fungsional | GURU BESAR |
- S1
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S2
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S3
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg – Swedia
- Google Scholar
- h-index : 13
- i10-index : 15
- Scopus
- h-index : 9
- Sinta
- SINTA Score Overall : 1.437
- SINTA Score 3 Years : 398
High Efficient Conversion Of Biomass Residues Into High Value-Added Biomaterials And Biofuels By Utilizing Mild Hydrothermal Process (E-Asia Joint Research Program-Japan-Indonesia-Thailand) [Konversi Rumput Laut Menjadi Biomaterial Dan Bahan Bakar Alterna (2017)
High Efficient Conversion of Biomass Residues into High Value - added Biomaterials and Biofuels by Utilizing Mild Hydrothermal Process (E - ASIA Joint Research Program -Japan - Indonesia - Thailand) (2016)
Optimisasi Proses Produksi Biobutanol dari Tetes Tebu Menggunakan Clostridium acetobutylicum B-530 (2016)
Pengembangan Teknologi Produksi Bahan Bakar Terbarukan Tipe Drop-in via Dekarboksilasi dan Pirolisis Sabun Logam berbasis Minyak-minyak Sawit (2016)
Perjanjian Penyediaan Jasa Project Kolaborasi dengan Universitas (2016)
Program Magister Teknik Kimia Jalur Process Engineering Semester I 2015/2016 (2016)
Screening, Uji Toxicity dan Produksi DDDA skala Bench dan Mini Pilot (2016)
Program Magister Jalur Rekayasa Proses Program Studi Teknik Kimia Semester 1 Tahun 2014/2015 (2015)
Program Magister Jalur Rekayasa Proses Program Studi Teknik Kimia Semester 2Tahun 2014/2015 (2015)
Penerapan Sistem Identifikasi Fingerprinting Metabolik Untuk Memetakan Proses Fermentasi Biji Kakao dalam Rangka Peningkatan Mutu Biji Kakao Olahan Indonesia (2014)
Program Magister Jalur Rekayasa Proses (2014)
Penelenggaraan Program Pendidikan Magister Teknik Dengan Bidang Kekhususan Teknik Kimia (Proses) (2013)
Pengembangan metode fermentasi dan sistem identifikasi fingerprinting metabolik untuk peningkatan mutu biji kakao olahan Indonesia (2013)
Penyelenggaraan Program Magister Jalur Rekayasa Proses (2013)
Penyelenggaraan Program Pendidikan D1 Teknologi Petrokimia Bagi Operator Pabrik PT.Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (2013)
Magister Teknik Kimia Jalur Process Engineering (2012)
Program Magister Teknik Kimia Jalur Process Engineering untuk Engineer PT.Badak NGL (2012)
Delignifikasi Lignoselulosa Bahan Mentah Pembuatan Bioetanol dengan Amoniak dan Amina (2010)
Pengolahan Limbah Industri Biodiesel Menjadi produk Bernilai : Langkah Awal Menuju Biorefinery (2009)
Produksi dan Pemisahan Produk Enzim a-Amilase dan Glukoamilase pada Pabrik Skala Pilot (2009)
- Investigation of process variable effects on palm kernelamidopropyl betaine production
ANN Fatihah, M Pratiwi, AN Istyami, R Purwadi, D LestariTenside Surfactants Detergents 60 (5), 419-425 (2023)
- Strategies for Restoration and Utilization of Degraded Lands for Sustainable Oil Palm Plantation and Industry
R Purwadi, S Adisasmito, D Pramudita, A IndartoAgroecological Approaches for Sustainable Soil Management, 373-408 (2023)
- Evaluation of Biosurfactant Production by Bacillus Species Using Glucose and Xylose as Carbon Sources
RS Adiandri, R Purwadi, H Hoerudin, T SetiadiCurrent Microbiology 80 (8), 250 (2023)
HF Sangian, D Lestari, G Pasau, GH Tamuntuan, A Widjaja, R Purwadi, ...Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 124 (6) (2023)
- Komposisi Bahan Bakar Campuran Bensin Pertalite/Pertamax, Etanol dan Air dalam Larutan Satu Fasa
HF Sangian, AR Ibrahim, R Purwadi, GF Neonufa (2023)
- Study of composition of the aqueous ethanol-kerosene in a single phase
HF Sangian, N Rawung, G Pasau, Gerald Tamuntuan, SH Tongkukut, A As’ari, MD Bobanto, DP Pandara, A Tanauma, F Ferdy, HS Kolibu, VA Suoth, FS Sagai, C Wuwungan, HIR Mosey, Messiah C Sangian, R Purwadi, Z Zulnazri, A Tuhuloula, R Thahir, T Sriana, Z Furqon, SY Agnesty, Tri Dianpalupidewi, Arif Nurrahman, Hans F Wowor, Arief WidjajaAIP Conference Proceedings 2694 (1) (2023)
- Komposisi Etanol Berair, Biodiesel (COME) dan Diesel dalam Emulsi Stabil
HF Sangian, R Purwadi, GF Neonufa, BA Sadjab, VAJ Masinambow, ... Water 15 (7), 1339 (2023)
- Effects of Nutrients on the Performance of the Biological Sulfur Recovery Unit for Sulfur Removal from Water
R Purwadi, DAEB Ginting, A Anbibie, WHMW Mohtar, Y Ramli, A IndartoWater 15 (3), 530 (2023)
HF Sangian, G Pasau, GH Tamuntuan, A Widjaja, R Purwadi, SY Agnesty, ...Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 121 (6) (2023)
- Large-scale pyrolysis of oil palm frond using two-box chamber pyrolyzer for cleaner biochar production
Y Bindar, S Steven, SW Kresno, P Hernowo, E Restiawaty, R Purwadi, ...Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 1-14 (2022)
- Study of Aqueous Ethanol-Diesel-Biodiesel Prepared by Near-Isochoric Sub Critical Trans-Esterification
Sangian, H.F., Paendong, M.P., Rombang, J.R., R Purwadi, ...Agnesty, S.Y., Widjaja, A.
WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development (2022) - Recent Methods in the Pretreatment of Corncob Wastes for Value-Added Bioproducts Carbon Sources
RS Adiandri, R Purwadi, T SetiadiIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1024 (1), 012032 (2022)
- The effect of Ca/Mg/Zn mixing ratio on the research octane number of bio-gasoline during basic soap pyrolysis
E Puspawiningtiyas, M Pratiwi, R Purwadi, AN Istyami, L Elizabeth, ...Heliyon 7 (11), e08314 (2021)
- Evaluation of Biological Degraded Keratin for Biogas Production Using Dry Anaerobic Digestion System
S Setyaningrum, RJ Patinvoh, R Purwadi, M TaherzadehInternational Journal Applied Technology Research 2 (2), 81-89 (2021)
- Study of the compositions and fuel parameters of the emulsion fuels biodiesel-aqueous ethanol and biodiesel-aqueous ethanol-diesel
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (2021) - Variasi Antioksidan dalam Pembuatan Protected Active Dried Yeast
R Purwadi, V Wonoputri, FU Fitriana, NS CholiqJurnal Teknik Kimia Indonesia 19 (1), 1-9 (2021)
- Comparison of Liquid Product Characteristics of PFAD Metal Soap Decarboxylation by Batch and Continuous Process.
Lidya Elizabeth, Godlief F Neonufa, Endar Puspawiningtiyas, Meiti Pratiwi, Astri Nur Istyami, Ronny Purwadi, Tatang H SoerawidjajaJournal of Engineering & Technological Sciences 53 (3) (2021)
- Tensile capacity of steel plate connections with different bolt distribution due to tensile load
AHMED M SAYED, WL Ang, A Jedi, N Lohgheswary, R Lubis, S Nurhayati, MM Azeez, KF Mahmmod, MA Ahmed, HF Sangian, MP Paendong, JR Rombang, JA Lametige, G Pasau, GH Tamuntuan, HIR Mosey, R Purwadi, Z Zulnazri, A Tuhuloula, R Thahir, T Sriana, Z Furqon, SY Agnesty, A Hamdani, A Muttakim, P Tiara Irzaman, A Alhasan, L Audah, MH Alwan, OR Alobaidi, EH Flaieh, HG Kamil, SH Bakhy, MA Jabbar, LS Riza, MBA Prabowo, E Junaeti, AG Abdullah, KA Fariza, BHK Al-Obaidi, AM Al-Sulaiman, AO Bajeh, HO Adeleke, HA Mojeed, AO Balogun, OC Abikoye, FE Usman-Hamza, ES Soegoto, H Saputra, AS Soegoto, S Luckyardi, FA Khammas, AT Mustafa, AJN Khalifa, MK Siyab, AAJ Mateeullah, M Yaqoob, K Alam, HQ Majeed, B Sh Abed, MS Shamkhi, AA Mohammed, AA Yaseen, IK Atiyah, M Muheilan, ZA Al Tarawneh, D Effendi, B Noviansyah, L Lestary, J Li, WW Goh, NZ Jhanjhi, MA Bhatt, PJ Bhatt, A Mudzakir, B Anwar, SS Fatimah, H Setiarahayu, DC Huynh, LD Ho, MW Dunnigan, MHV Bahrun, Z Kamin, SM Anisuzzaman, A Bono, WH Hassan, HH Hussein, SS Mohammed, HK Jalal, BK Nile, RH Ahmed, A Lololau, J Bale, T Soemardi, O Polit, Y Kusdinar, A Ma’mun, A Rusdiana, AH Azman, NNA TukimatJournal of Engineering Science and Technology 16 (2), 888-902 (2021)
- The effect of size and solid content in hydrolysis of sweet potato starch using endogenous beta-amylase enzyme
R Purwadi, D Lestari, CA Lohoo, JL TirtaadjiIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1143 (1), 012043 (2021)
- Estimation of the biomass yield and stoichiometric coefficient during bioproduct formation through thermodynamic approach: a case study of biosurfactant production
RS Adiandri, R Purwadi, T SetiadiIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1143 (1), 012016 (2021)
- Fermented cassava as an alternative flour for pasta noodle
R Purwadi, CF Teguh, D MazayaIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1143 (1), 012042 (2021)
- Integrated Biorefinery Technology: Monetization of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch to Biofuel & Bio-based Chemicals, and Beyond
R Mariyana, AA Choliq, KA Rahmanto, Y Nugroho, R Purwadi, ...IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1143 (1), 012053 (2021)
- The promising performance of manganese gluconate as a liquid redox sulfur recovery agent against oxidative degradation
Andreas Widodo, Yestria Yaswari, Rina Mariyana, Aditya Farhan Arif, Tirto Prakoso, Tri Partono Adhi, Tatang Hernas Soerawidjaja, Ronny Purwadi, Antonius IndartoHeliyon 7 (4), e06743 (2021)
- Analysis of water-ethanol-gasoline (RON 88) compositions in one phase substance-using triangular graph
HF Sangian, BH Manialup, A As’ari, AR Ibrahim, JR Rombang, JA Lametige, HIR Mosey, A Tanauma, G Pasau, SHJ Tongkukut, R Purwadi, GF Neonufa, JA Rorong, MM Sangi, S Gunawan, A Widjaja, A Tuhuloula, R Thahir, BA Sadjab, VAJ Masinambow, T Sriana, Z Furqon, SY Agnesty, SB RondonuwuIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1115 (1), 012050 (2021)
- Proses Fraksionasi Biomassa dari Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit melalui Metode Organosolv Etanol dengan Penambahan Katalis
HA Darojati, R Purwadi, CB RasrendraJurnal Selulosa 10 (02), 73-80 (2020)
- Enzymatic pretreatment effect on product composition in biohydrocarbon synthesis via metal soap decarboxylation
Istyami, A.N., Pratiwi, M., Prakoso, T., Purwadi, R.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineer (2020) - Sustainable hydrogen production from oil palm derived wastes through autothermal operation of supercritical water gasification system
PM Ruya, SS Lim, R Purwadi, M ZunitaEnergy 208, 118280 (2020)
- Effect of metal type on basic soap pyrolysis produce bio-gasoline
E Puspawiningtiyas, M Pratiwi, GF Neonufa, R Purwadi, AN Isyami, L Elizabeth, TH Soerawidjaja, T PrakosoIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 823 (1), 012027 (2020)
- Biohydrocarbon production for jet fuel from palm oil derivative products
GF Neonufa, M Pratiwi, E Puspawiningtiyas, R Purwadi, L ElizabethIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 823 (1), 012029 (2020)
- Julian H., Yaohanny F., Devina A., Purwadi R., Wenten I.G.
Apple juice concentration using submerged direct contact membrane distillation (SDCMD)(2020) - Ruya P.M., Purwadi R., Lim S.S.
Supercritical water gasification of sewage sludge for power generation thermodynamic study on aut(2020) - Sangian H.F., Aruan I., Tamuntuan G.H., Bobanto M.D., Sadjab B.A., Purwadi R., Zulnazri Z., Masinambow V.A.J., Gunawan S.
A comparative study of the structures, crystallinities, miller indices, crystal parameters, and part(2019) - Anggraini I.D., Keryanti, Kresnowati M.T.A.P., Purwadi R., Noda R., Watanabe T., Setiadi T.
Bioethanol production via syngas fermentation of clostridium ljungdahlii in a hollow fiber membrane (2019) - Rinanti A., Purwadi R.
Increasing carbohydrate and lipid productivity in tropical microalgae biomass as a sustainable biofu(2019)
- Istyami A.N., Purwadi R., Kresnowati M.T.A.P., Prakoso T., Soerawidjaja T.H.
Performances of free and immobilized frangipani (Plumeria Rubra) latex lipase in palm oil lipolysis(2019) - Neonufa G.F., Pratiwi M., Purwadi R., Prakoso T., Soerawidjaja T.H., Elizabeth L.
Production and Characterization of the Basic Soaps Obtained by Double Decomposition and Direct Proce(2019) - Pratiwi M., Muraza O., Neonufa G.F., Purwadi R., Prakoso T., Soerawidjaja T.H.
Production of Sustainable Diesel via Decarboxylation of Palm Stearin Basic Soaps(2019) - Rinanti A., Purwadi R.
The potential of tropical microalgae as flocculant in harvesting process(2019) - Fredrik Neonufa G., Pratiwi M., Nur Istyami A., Elizabeth L., Suminar Dewi S., Purwadi R., Prakoso T., Soerawidjaja T.H.
An innovative method to produce drop-in fuel by alkaline earth-transition metals basic soap decarbox(2018) - Akmalina R., Purwadi R., Sitompul J.
Bioconversion studies of methyl laurate to dodecanedioic acid using a wild-type of Candida tropicali(2018) - Anggraini I., Tri Ari Penia Kresnowati M., Purwadi R., Setiadi T.
Bioethanol Production via Syngas Fermentation(2018) - Mardawati E., Kresnowati M.T.A.P., Purwadi R., Bindar Y., Setiadi T.
Fungal Production of Xylanase from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches via Solid State Cultivation(2018) - Rinanti A., Purwadi R.
Harvesting of freshwater microalgae biomass by Scenedesmus sp. As bioflocculant(2018) - Wonoputri V., Subiantoro, Kresnowati M.T.A.P., Purwadi R.
Solid state fermentation parameters effect on cellulase production from empty fruit bunch(2018) - Octavia S., Purwadi R., Arsa I.D.G.P., Soerawidjaja T.H.
Determining the enzyme accessibility of ammonia pretreated lignocellulosic substrates by Simon s Sta(2017) - Mardawati E., Purwadi R., Kresnowati M.T.A.P., Setiadi T.
Evaluation of the enzymatic hydrolysis process of Oil Palm empty fruit bunch using crude fungal xyla(2017) - Octavia S., Soerawidjaja T.H., Purwadi R., Putrawan I.A.G.A.
The advantages of soaking with aqueous ammonia pre-treatment process of oil palm empty fruit bunches(2017) - Sugiharto Y.E.C., Harimawan A., Kresnowati M.T.A.P., Purwadi R., Mariyana R., Andry, Fitriana H.N., Hosen H.F.
Enzyme feeding strategies for better fed-batch enzymatic hydrolysis of empty fruit bunch(2016) - Microbial production of xylitol from oil palm empty fruit bunches hydrolysate: The effect of glucose(2015)
- The performance of serial bioreactors in rapid continuous production of ethanol from dilute-acid hyd(2008)
- Purwadi R., Brandberg T., Taherzadeh M.J.
A possible industrial solution to ferment lignocellulosic hydrolyzate to ethanol: Continuous cultiva(2007) - Continuous ethanol production from dilute-acid hydrolyzates: Detoxification and fermentation strateg(2006)
- Kinetic study of detoxification of dilute-acid hydrolyzates by Ca(OH) 2(2004)