Kelompok Keahlian | KK Teknologi Pengolahan Biomassa dan Pangan |
Sekolah/Fakultas | Fakultas Teknologi Industri |
Jabatan Fungsional | GURU BESAR |
- S1
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S2
Queen’s University Kingston, Ontario, Kanada
- S3
Queen’s University Kingston, Ontario, Kanada
- Google Scholar
- h-index : 14
- i10-index : 22
- Scopus
- h-index : 10
- Sinta
- SINTA Score Overall : 3.312
SINTA Score 3 Years : 976
Desain Konseptual Reaktor Nuklir MSR 250 MWth : Evaluasi Garam Cair FLiNaK dan Modifikasi Peralatan Pengujian Termohidrolik (2019)
Kajian Pembakaran Partikel Rumput Gajah Kering Dalam Tungku Pembakaran Sembur, Secara Eksperimen Dan Numerik (2019)
Karakterisasi Bubuk Betasianin dari Limbah Kulit Buah Naga sebagai Bahan Aditif Pangan (2019)
Pendampingan Ahli Teknis Kejadian Tumpahan Minyak Teluk Balikpapan (2019)
Desain Konseptual Reaktor Nuklir MSR 250 MWt dan Pembuatan Eksperimental Aparatus untuk Pengujian Termohidrolik Awal (2018)
Jasa Konsultasi Assessment Operasional Proses Transfer Cruide Oil dari Terminal Lawe-Lawe ke Kilang Pertamina RU V Balikpapan (2018)
Pengembangan Model Penanganan Tanah Terpapar Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun Berupa Merkuri (2018)
Pemberian Bantuan Dana Riset Pembangunan Indonesia Tahun Kedua Terkait Desain dan Implementasi Switchgear Terisolasi Dengan Gas (GIS) Kompak (2017)
Pengembangan Proses Produksi Tepung Fercaf Secara Semi Kontinyu pada Skala Pilot (2017)
Perjanjian Kerjasama Penelitian atas Peninjauan Kembali PT. Iwatani Industrial Gas Indonesia (2017)
Pelaksanaan Reviu dan Penilaian Laporan Kegiatan Evaluasi Tapak Reaktor Daya Nonkomersial (RDNK) (2016)
Pengembangan Proses Produksi Tepung Fercaf Secara Semi Kontinyu Pada Skala Pilot (2016)
Pengembangan Teknologi Burner Siklon Biomassa Nilai Kalor Rendah untuk Digunakan Pada Boiler Uap Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) Kapasitas di bawah 1 MW (2016)
Kajian Pemakaian Batubara Low Rank dan Medium Rank Terhadap Pabrik Boiler Batubara (2015)
Konsultansi Root Cause Analysis naiknya Pressure Drop Molecular Sieve Dryer (109-DA/DB) Pabrik Ammonia Kaltim 5 (2015)
Konverter Katalitik Untuk Mengolah Emisi Gas Buang (2015)
Pekerjaan Evaluasi Supply LNG ke Pulau Karimun dan Sekitarnya untuk Subtitusi Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Diesel (PLTD) menjadi Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mesin gas (PLTMG) (2015)
Pelaksanaan Review dan Penilaian Kegiatan Evaluasi Tapak Reaktor Daya Non Komersial (RDNK) (2015)
Pengembangan Fermentor Sirkulasi untuk Produksi Tepung Singkong Tekstur Halus Aroma Netral Kandungan Sianida Rendah dan Terukur Dengan Pemenuhan Kondisi Produksi Higienis (2015)
Pengembangan Teknologi Burner Siklon Biomassa Nilai Kalor Rendah untuk Digunakan Pada Boiler Uap Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) Kapasitas dibawah 1 MW (2015)
Pengembangan Teknologi Burner Siklon Biomassa Rumput - rumputan Untuk Digunakan Pada Boiler Uap Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) Kapasitas dibawah 1 MW (2015)
Pengembangan Teknologi Produksi Minyak Mentah Nabati Pirolisis (Bio-Crude Oil) Berbahan Baku Biomassa Tandan Kosong dan Pelepah Sawit (2015)
Sosialisasi Pentingnya Pembentukan Komunitas Pedagang Bakso Islami Peduli Halal (2015)
Optimasi Kinerja Reaktor Melalui Pemodelan Karakteristik Hidrodinamika (2014)
Pengembangan Fermentor Sirkulasi untuk Produksi Tepung Singkong Tekstur Halus Aroma Netral Kandungan Sianida Rendah dan Terukur Dengan Pemenuhan Kondisi Produksi Higienis (2014)
Faktor keefektifan dinamik oksidasi katalitik metana dalam reaktor aliran bolak balik (2013)
Pengembangan Fermentor Sirkulasi Untuk Produksi Tepung Singkong Tekstur Halus Aroma Netral Kandungan Sianida Rendah dan Terukur dengan Pemenuhan Kondisi Produksi Higenis (2013)
Swakelola Analisa Rekomendasi Posisi Runding Dalam Bentuk Position Paper Mengenai Penyusunan Barang-Barang Lingkungan Indonesia (2013)
Technology deveopment for the biological production of dodecanedioic acid from the plantderived long-chain fatty acid (2013)
Pelatihan Filosofi dan Dasar Keilmuwan (2012)
Computational Fluid Dynamic for Belanak Existing Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger (2011)
Penerima Bantuan Beasiswa Santri Berprestasi Bagi Mahasiswa yang Belajar Di Perguruan Tinggi Umum Negeri Kementerian Agama RI Tahun Anggaran 2011 (2011)
Pengembangan Sistem dan Perlengkapan Keamanan Laboraturium Program Study Teknik Kimia dan Program Study Teknik Fisika FTI (2011)
Optimisasi Reverse Flow Reactor untuk Mengolah Emisi Gas Metana dan Membangkitkan Panas Termal (2009)
Implementasi Partial Combustion Tahap 3 (2007)
Jasa Konsultansi Review Term Of Reference & Technical Requirement Gasifikasi BatuBara untuk Pabrik Kapur PT. Krakatau Steel (Persero) (2007)
- Physical and Mechanical Properties of Bamboo Oriented Strand Board Under Various Post-Thermal Treatment Duration
Silvia Uthari Nuzaverra Mayang Mangurai, Sena Maulana, Rio Ardiansyah Murda, Soleh Muhamad, Wahyu Hidayat, Yazid BindarJurnal Sylva Lestari 10 (3), 310-320 (2022)
- Strategi Peningkatan Produktivitas Padi Melalui Sistem Salibu Padi
DSS Marpaung, N Anika, Y BindarJurnal Sumberdaya Lahan Vol 16 (1), 1-7 (2022)
- Digitalized turbulent behaviors of air and rice husk flow in a vertical suspension furnace from computational fluid dynamics simulation
S Steven, E Restiawaty, P Pasymi, IM Fajri, Y BindarAsia‐Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, e2805 (2022)
- Pyrolysis of Polyolefins into Chemicals using Low-cost Natural Zeolites
Anton Irawan, Teguh Kurniawan, N Nurkholifah, M Melina, Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto, Mochamad Adha Firdaus, Hafid Alwan, Yazid Bindar
- Water, Food, and Energy Nexus in Lampung Province, Indonesia
N Anika, DA Ramadhani, L Wijaya, IN Azizah, M Mahardika, AI Fauzi, Y BindarIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1038 (1), 012006 (2022)
- Effect of Production Technique on Corncob Biochar Quality
N Anika, M Mahardika, JRH Panjaitan, F Achmad, Y Bindar, IN Azizah, ...IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1038 (1), 012007 (2022)
- Study on Effectivity and Efficiency of Various Drying Methods of Nyamplung Fruits (Callophyllum inophyllum)
O Amelia, I Sailah, IA Kartika, O Suparno, Y BindarIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1034 (1), 012031 (2022)
- Large-scale pyrolysis of oil palm frond using two-box chamber pyrolyzer for cleaner biochar production
Y Bindar, S Steven, SW Kresno, P Hernowo, E Restiawaty, R Purwadi, ...Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 1-14 (2022)
- Operating Variables on Production of High Purity Biosilica from Rice Hull Ash by Extraction Process.
S Steven, E Restiawaty, Y BindarJournal of EnginThermodynamics simulation performance of rice husk combustion with a realistic decomposition approach on the devolatilization stageSoen Steven, Pandit Hernowo, Elvi Restiawaty, Anton Irawan, Carolus Borromeus Rasrendra, Abrar Riza, Yazid BindarWaste and Biomass Valorization 13 (5), 2735-2747 (2022)
- Simulation Study of Bamboo Leaves Valorization to Small-Scale Electricity and Bio-silica Using ASPEN PLUS
Y Ramli, S Steven, E Restiawaty, Y BindarBioEnergy Research, 1-9 (2022)
- Thermodynamics simulation performance of rice husk combustion with a realistic decomposition approach on the devolatilization stage
Soen Steven, Pandit Hernowo, Elvi Restiawaty, Anton Irawan, Carolus Borromeus Rasrendra, Abrar Riza, Yazid BindarWaste and Biomass Valorization, 1-13 (2022)
- Volatile State Mathematical Models for Predicting Components in Biomass Pyrolysis Products.
Pandit Hernowo, Carolus B Rasrendra, Yogi W Budhi, Jenny Rizkiana, Anton Irawan, Septhian Marno, Yana Meliana, Oki Muraza, Yazid BindarJournal of Engineering & Technological Sciences 54 (1) (2022)
- Simple mass transfer simulation using a single-particle heterogeneous reaction approach in rice husk combustion and rice husk ash extraction
S Steven, E Restiawaty, Y BindarIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 963 (1), 012050 (2022)
- Chemicals component yield prediction and kinetic parameters determination of oil palm shell pyrolysis through volatile state approach and experimental study
Pandit Hernowo, Soen Steven, Elvi Restiawaty, Anton Irawan, Carolus Borromeus Rasrendra, Septhian Marno, Yana Meliana, Yazid Bindar.Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 161, 105399 (2022)
- Understanding the Surface Characteristics of Biochar and Its Catalytic Activity for the Hydrodeoxygenation of Guaiacol
Indri Badria Adilina, Robert Ronal Widjaya, Luthfiana Nurul Hidayati, Edi Supriadi, Muhammad Safaat, Ferensa Oemry, Elvi Restiawaty, Yazid Bindar, Stewart F ParkerCatalysts 11 (12), 1434 (2021)
- Increasing the Yield of Powder and Bioactive Materials during Extraction and Spray Drying of Dragon Fruit Skin Extracts.
D Shofinita, Y Bindar, TW Samadhi, NS Choliq, AA JaelawijayaJournal of Engineering & Technological Sciences 53 (6) (2021)
- Routes for energy and bio-silica production from rice husk: A comprehensive review and emerging prospect
S Steven, E Restiawaty, Y BindarRenewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 149, 111329 (2021)
- Influence temperature and holding time of empty fruit bunch slow pyrolysis to phenolic in biocrude oil
A Irawan, T Kurniawan, H Alwan, D Darisman, D Pujianti, Y Bindar, ...Automotive Experiences 4 (3), 150-160 (2021)
- Wettability of Dendrocalmus asper under Various Heating Time during Composites Making Process
RN Baiti, S Maulana, SUNM Mangurai, RA Murda, Y BindarIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 830 (1), 012012 (2021)
- Effects of Heat Treatment on The Wettability and Color Properties of Betung Bamboo (Dendrocalamus Asper) Strand
WS Sipahutar, S Maulana, S Augustina, RA Murda, Y BindarIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 830 (1), 012071 (2021)
- Analysis of The Impact of Biochar Application on Soil Fertility and Productivity
N Anika, DSS Marpaung, Y BindarIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 830 (1), 012062 (2021)
- Wettability Properties of Heat-Treated Oil Palm Trunk Under Various Heating Times
RA Murda, S Maulana, SUNM Mangurai, S Augustina, Y BindarIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 830 (1), 012011 (2021)
- Influences of pretreatment, extraction variables, and post treatment on bench‐scale rice husk black ash (RHBA) processing to bio‐silica
S Steven, E Restiawaty, P Pasymi, Y BindarAsia‐Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering 16 (5), e2694 (2021)
- Catalytic pyrolysis of coconut oil soap using zeolites for bio-hydrocarbon production
T Kurniawan, A Setiawan, NA Putri, A Irawan, ABD Nandiyanto, Y BindarBiomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 1-12 (2021)
- Bayah Natural Zeolites to Upgrade the Quality of Bio Crude Oil from Empty Fruit Bunch Pyrolysis.
A Irawan, Y Bindar, T Kurniawan, H Alwan, NA FauziahJournal of Engineering & Technological Sciences 53 (3) (2021)
- An appropriate acid leaching sequence in rice husk ash extraction to enhance the produced green silica quality for sustainable industrial silica gel purpose
S Steven, E Restiawaty, P Pasymi, Y BindarJournal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 122, 51-57 (2021)
- Techno-economic Analysis: Antioxidant-Rich Natural Colorant Production from Dragon Fruit Peel
D Shofinita, Y Bindar, RU Dinnita, F RizqiIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1143 (1), 012041 (2021)
- Kinetic studies and performance analysis of Indonesian rice husk pyrolysis
LD Kasmiarno, S Steven, J Rizkiana, E Restiawaty, Y BindarIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1143 (1), 012067 (2021)
- Understanding the Surface Characteristics of Biochar and Its Catalytic Activity for the Hydrodeoxygenation of Guaiacol. Catalysts 2021, 11, 1434
IB Adilina, RR Widjaya, LN Hidayati, E Supriadi, M Safaat, F Oemry, E Restiawaty, Y Bindar, SF Parkers Note: MDPI stays neu-tral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and insti-tutional affiliations. (2021)
O Amelia, I Sailah, IA Kartika, O Suparno, Y BindarJurnal Rekayasa Proses 15 (1), 1-13 (2021)
- Kurniawan T., Irawan A., Alwan H., Hernanto R., Wahyudi W., Kodarif A.R., Bindar Y.
A kinetic model approach for predicting coke reactivity index from coal and coal blend properties(2020) - Mahidin, Saifullah, Erdiwansyah, Hamdani, Hisbullah, Hayati A.P., Zhafran M., Sidiq M.A., Rinaldi A., Fitria B., Tarisma R., Bindar Y.
Analysis of power from palm oil solid waste for biomass power plants: A case study in Aceh Province(2020) - Susanti A.D., Bindar Y.
Investigation on multi-channel types of primary reformer catalyst using computational fluid dynamic (2020) - Mahidin, Erdiwansyah, Husin H., Hisbullah, Hayati A.P., Zhafran M., Sidiq M.A., Rinaldi A., Fitria B., Tarisma R., Hamdani, Hani M.R., Mel M., Bindar Y.
Utilization of oil palm biomass as a renewable and sustainable energy source in aceh province(2020) - Sylvia N., Mutia R., Malasari, Dewi R., Bindar Y., Yunardi
A Computational Fluid Dynamic Comparative Study on CO2 Adsorption Performance using Activ(2019) - Alwan H., Bindar Y.
Flow pattern analysis on sticky regime and effectiveness of volume chamber for milk production using(2019) - Irawan A., Bindar Y., Kurniawan T., Alwan H., Hidayat A., Putri A.H.I.
Fuel oil production from thermal pyrolysis of packaging plastic(2019) - Purbasari A., Samadhi T.W., Bindar Y., Wulandari W.
Thermal Characteristics of Geopolymer from Co-combustion Residuals of Bamboo and Kaolin(2019) - Pasymi, Budhi Y.W., Bindar Y.
Axial inlet geometry effects on the flow structures in a cyclone burner related to the combustion pe(2018) - Pralisa Putri N., Susandy Sanjaya A., Kartika Sari N., Puspita Sari R., Bindar Y.
Carrageenan extracted from eucheuma cottonii through variant of drying time(2018) - Elwina, Yunardi, Bindar Y.
Computational fluid dynamic on the temperature simulation of air preheat effect combustion in propan(2018) - Kresnowati M.T.A.P., Bindar Y., Rahmina F.
Development of instant microbial starter for production of fermented cassava flour: Effect of vacuum(2018) - Pasymi, Budhi Y.W., Bindar Y.
Effects of tangential inlet shape and orientation angle on the fluid dynamics characteristics in a b(2018) - Sularno A., Soelami F., Bindar Y.
Experimental and numerical investigation of cooling performance of a cold storage in a pharmaceutica(2018) - Mardawati E., Kresnowati M.T.A.P., Purwadi R., Bindar Y., Setiadi T.
Fungal Production of Xylanase from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches via Solid State Cultivation(2018) - Wusnah, Bindar Y., Yunardi Y., Nur F.M., Syam A.M.
Numerical study of influences of crosswind and additional steam on the flow field and temperature of(2018) - Mardawati E., Andoyo R., Syukra K.A., Kresnowati M., Bindar Y.
Production of xylitol from corn cob hydrolysate through acid and enzymatic hydrolysis by yeast(2018) - Hadisoebroto R., Bindar Y., Notodarmojo S.
Simulation of effective volume increasement inside oxidation ditch reactor(2018) - Purbasari A., Samadhi T.W., Bindar Y.
Sulfuric acid resistance of geopolymer mortars from co-combustion residuals of bamboo and kaolin(2018) - Purbasari A., Samadhi T.W., Bindar Y.
The effect of alkaline activator types on strength and microstructural properties of geopolymer from(2018) - Pasymi, Budhi Y.W., Irawan A., Bindar Y.
Three dimensional cyclonic turbulent flow structures at various geometries, inlet-outlet orientation(2018) - Romadhon R., Rinata A.D., Suprijanto, Bindar Y., Soelami F.X.N.
Development of Thermoregulation Model of Surgical Patient and Heat Exchange with Air Condition in th(2017) - Pasymi, Wibisono Budhi Y., Bindar Y.
Effect of initial tangential intensity on the fluid dynamic characteristics in tangential burner(2017) - Hadisoebroto R., Notodarmojo S., Kamil I.M., Bindar Y., Santosa R.
Obtaining complete mixing using hydrodynamic analysis on batch reactor(2017) - Yunardi, Wusnah, Darmadi, Hisbullah, Bindar Y.
On the suitability of turbulence models for the prediction of velocity and temperature distributions(2017) - Purbasari A., Samadhi T.W., Bindar Y.
Synthesis and characterization of bamboo ash based geopolymer cement(2017) - Pasymi, Budhi Y.W., Bindar Y.
The effect of inlet aspect ratio (RIA) to the three dimensional mixing characteristics in(2017) - Meitha A., Bindar Y., Kresnowati M.T.A.P.
Effects of cassava chips fermentation conditions on the produced flour properties(2016) - Thermal and ash characterization of Indonesian bamboo and its potential for solid fuel and waste val(2016)
- Wikanswasto R.A., Bindar Y., Devianto H.
Maintaining higher efficiency of lpg butane boil-off gas re-liquefaction in LPG butane storage tanks(2015) - Budhi Y.W., Effendy M., Bindar Y., Subagjo
Dynamic behavior of reverse flow reactor for lean methane combustion(2014) - Kresnowati M.T.A.P., Bindar Y., Aliwarga L., Lestari D., Prasetya N., Tanujaya A.R.
Effects of retting media circulation and temperature on the fermentation process in soft-texture and(2014) - Subagjo, Budhi Y.W., Effendy M., Bindar Y.
Homogeneity of continuum model of an unsteady state fixed bed reactor for lean CH4 oxidation(2014) - Istadi I., Bindar Y.
Improved cooler design of electric arc furnace refractory in mining industry using thermal analysis (2014) - Hadisoebroto R., Kamil I.M., Notodarmojo S., Bindar Y.
Improving performance of water treatment on oxidation ditch using modification of reactor hydrodynam(2014) - Bindar Y.
New correlations for coal and biomass pyrolysis performances with coal-biomass type number and tempe(2014) - Elwina, Yunardi, Bindar Y., Syukran
Simulation of the influence of air preheat combustion on the temperature of propane turbulent flame (2014) - Aziz A.N., Nazaruddin Y.Y., Siregar P., Bindar Y.
Structured mathematical modeling of industrial boiler(2014) - Wonoputri V., Effendy M., Wibisono Budhi Y., Bindar Y., Subagjo
Determination of kinetic parameters for methane oxidation over pt/-Al2O3 in (2013) - Bindar Y., Efan A., Rahmi
Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) concentration and steeping time duration effects on starch production from d(2013) - Yunardi, Elwina, Sylvia N., Wusnah, Bindar Y.
A comparative performance study of soot formation models in methane elevated pressure non-premixed f(2012) - Bindar Y., Irawan A.
Characteristics of flame shapes and map for LPG and hydrogen inverse confined diffusion flames at hi(2012) - Senda S.P., Renanto R., Roesyadi A., Sumaryono W., Bindar Y.
The power consumption performance of an orbiting screw solid-solid mixer(2012) - Alamsari B., Torii S., Bindar Y., Trianto A.
Numerical analysis of the effect of reduction gas composition and temperature on the quality of spon(2010) - Latief F.D.E., Fauzi U., Bijaksana S., Bindar Y.
Pore structure characterization of 3D random pigeon hole rock models(2010) - Torii S., Alamsari B., Trianto A., Bindar Y.
Study of the effect of reduced iron temperature rising on total carbon formation in iron reactor iso(2010) - Bindar Y.
Geometry effect investigation on a conical chamber with porous media boundary condition using Comput(2009) - Bindar Y., Sutrisniningrum N.A., Santiani D.
Pressure drop correlation covering dilute to dense regimes of solid particle-gas flow in a vertical (2009)
Fermentor Untuk Produksi Tepung Singkong Terfermentasi
Kesehatan, Pangan, dan Ilmu Hayati
PATENT , Pemeriksaan Substantif oleh DJKI (2016) -
Proses Produksi Minyak Mentah Pirolisis Biomassa, Gas Tak Terkondensasi, Serta Arang dan Peralatan Yang digunakannya
Energi dan Lingkungan
PATENT , Pemeriksaan Substantif oleh DJKI (2016)