Kelompok Keahlian | KK Teknologi Pengolahan Biomassa dan Pangan |
Sekolah/Fakultas | Fakultas Teknologi Industri |
Jabatan Fungsional | ASISTEN AHLI |
- S1
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S2
ITB, Bandung – Indonesia
- S3
The University Of Sydney, Australia
- Google Scholar
- h-index : 6
- i10-index : 5
- Scopus
- h-index : 5
- Sinta
- SINTA Score Overall : 457
- SINTA Score 3 Years : 147
Produksi Perisa Alami Kopi dari Biji Kopi Berkualitas Rendah (2020)
Produksi Skala Bench Tepung Pangan Berindeks Glikemik Rendah Kaya Antioksidan dan Protein Fungsional dari Ubi Jalar Cilembu (Ipomoea Batatas L. Cv Cilembu) (2020)
Karakterisasi Bubuk Betasianin dari Limbah Kulit Buah Naga sebagai Bahan Aditif Pangan (2019)
Produksi Sporamin dan Beta-Amilase dan dari Ubi Jalar Cilembu (Ipomoea Batatas L. Cv Cilembu) untuk Pangan Fungsional dan Nutraseutikal (2019)
- Betalain extracts: Drying techniques, encapsulation, and application in food industry
D Shofinita, M Fawwaz, AB AchmadiFood Frontiers (2023)
- Drying Methods of Coffee Extracts and Their Effects on Physicochemical Properties: A Review
D Shofinita, D Lestari, L Aliwarga, GA Sumampouw, SA Ambarwati, ...Food and Bioprocess Technology, 1-26 (2023)
- Optimization of Defective Coffee Beans Decaffeination Using Palm Oil
D Shofinita, D Lestari, SA Ambarwati, KC Gunawan, AB AchmadiASEAN Journal of Chemical Engineering 23 (2), 142-153 (2023)
- Lipase activity, phenolics content and antioxidant activity of rice bran stabilized using natural versus forced convective drying
Z Mardiah, D Shofinita, JP SitompulAgriculture and Natural Resources 56 (2), 321–330-321–330 (2022)
- Edible coating development to extend shelf life of mangoes (Mangivera indica L.)
LA Handojo, D Shofinita, G Evelina, AN NasutionIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 980 (1), 012046 (2022)
- Increasing the Yield of Powder and Bioactive Materials during Extraction and Spray Drying of Dragon Fruit Skin Extracts.
D Shofinita, Y Bindar, TW Samadhi, NS Choliq, AA JaelawijayaJournal of Engineering & Technological Sciences 53 (6) (2021)
- Sabun Kalsium dari PFAD untuk Pakan Ruminansia: Kualitas PFAD Sebagai Sumber Asam Lemak Bebas
LA Handojo, A Indarto, D Shofinita, MR Saadi, D Yulistia, FI HasyyatiJurnal Teknik Kimia Indonesia 19 (1), 10-12 (2021)
- Pediocin and Grape Seed Extract as Antimicrobial Agents in Nanocellulose Biobased Food Packaging: A Review
T Weslie, V Felixius, Z Amala, D ShofinitaIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1143 (1), 012037 (2021)
- Techno-economic Analysis: Antioxidant-Rich Natural Colorant Production from Dragon Fruit Peel
D Shofinita, Y Bindar, RU Dinnita, F RizqiIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1143 (1), 012041 (2021)
- Effects of Operating Conditions on the Production of Sodium Stearoyl 2-Lactylate
L Handojo, D Shofinita, K YuventiaIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1143 (1), 012069 (2021)
- Produksi Ekstrak Bioaktif Untuk Aditif Pangan Dari Limbah Kulit Buah Naga: Pengaruh Metode Pre-Treatment Dan Ekstraksi
D Shofinita, Y Bindar, AA Jaelawijaya, A Harimawan, M FawwazIndonesian Journal of Chemical Research 8 (1), 43-50 (2020)
- Reducing the stickiness of dragon fruit skin extract powder as food colorant by addition of maltodextrin during freeze drying
D Shofinita, Y Bindar, TW Samadhi, AA Jaelawijaya, M FawwazAIP Conference Proceedings 2219 (1), 070011 (2020)
- Calcium soap from Palm Fatty Acid Distillate (PFAD) for ruminant feed: The effect of CaO quality on reaction temperature
LA Handojo, A Indarto, D Shofinita, NG Stanley, I DavidIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 823 (1), 012044 (2020)
- Indarto A., Handojo L.A., Shofinita D., Saadi M.R., Yulistia D., Hasyyati F.I.
In-vivo Test of Calcium Soap from Palm Fatty Acid Distillate (PFAD) in Three Cow Farms(2020) - Handojo L.A., Indarto A., Shofinita D., Saadi M.R., Yulistia D., Hasyyati F.I.
Calcium soap from palm fatty acid distillate for ruminant feed: Analysis of antioxidant(2019) - Handojo L.A., Indarto A., Shofinita D., Saadi M.R., Yulistia D., Hasyyati F.I.
Calcium Soap from Palm Fatty Acid Distillate for Ruminant Feed: The Influence of Initial Mixing Temp(2019) - Handojo L.A., Indarto A., Shofinita D., Meitha A., Nabila R., Triharyogi H.
Calcium soap from palm fatty acid distillate (PFAD) for ruminant feed: Quality of calcium source(2018) - Handojo L.A., Indarto A., Shofinita D., Meitha A., Nabila R., Triharyogi H., Hakim M.G.A., Saadi M.R.
Calcium soap from palm fatty acid distillate for ruminant feed: Ca(OH)2as calcium source(2018) - Handojo L.A., Indarto A., Shofinita D., Meitha A., Nabila R., Triharyogi H., Kevin L.
Calcium soap from palm fatty acid distillate for ruminant feed: The influence of water temperature(2018) - Harimawan A., Devianto H., Al-Aziz R.H.R.M.T., Shofinita D., Setiadi T.
Influence of electrode distance on electrical energy production of microbial fuel cell using tapioca(2018) - Redox (pro-oxidant/antioxidant) balance in the spray drying of orange peel extracts(2016)
- Comparing yields from the extraction of different citrus peels and spray drying of the extracts(2015)
- Spray drying of orange peel extracts: Yield, total phenolic content, and economic evaluation(2014)